178 research outputs found

    Optical Transmission-Based Water Turbidity Measurement System

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    Turbidity is one of the important parameter for the determination of water quality. The current existing method of measuring turbidity of water could come in bulky size or small portable turbidity meter. The ability to handle many samples and implementation of on-line monitoring is limited for such devices while some do not support this feature. Taking measurements would be laborious and time consuming especially when the sources of samples are located in remote places which are difficult to be accessed by human. In this research, an alternative turbidity measurement system called the “Optical Transmission-Based Water Turbidity Measurement System” is designed and its performance is analysed and compared to the measurement from a standard turbidity meter. The concept of the proposed measurement system is to make the turbidity measurement remote, easy to handle and more flexible. The use of fibre optic as the element of carrying light enables measurement taken at the source of sample but could be remotely controlled from other place by the user. The design for the fibre optic set-up, transmitter circuit, receiver circuit and signal conditioning circuit were covered. The assembly program for Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) was also created

    Intention to Purchase Halal Products Among Consumers

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    The study of consumer behavior in Malaysia is vital especially when it relates to marketing of halal product. Muslim consumers especially, as well as other consumer segments demand healthy and quality products that conform to Shariah requirements. Therefore, it is worthwhile for companies to take a closer look at consumer intention to purchase halal products that can be used to predict and satisfy customers and company objectives. In this relation, this study examines the relationship between attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, trust and knowledge on consumer intention. A total number of three hundred questionnaires were distributed. However, only two hundred and sixty six complete questionnaires were returned and usable for the analysis. The findings of the study indicate that all the above variables significantly influence intention to purchase halal products among consumers. However, among the five independent variables, attitude presents highest regression value. It also shows positive relationship, which means that attitude of consumers play a vital role in relation to their intention to purchase halal products. The findings of this research also suggest that creating a positive attitude towards the marketing of halal products should be highly considered by retailers to increase consumers’ purchase intention for halal products. In this sense, retailers should develop effective marketing strategies to satisfy that values of potential consumers. Other implications and recommendations for the future research were also addressed

    Implementasi Algoritma Promethee Dalam Melakukan Analisa Performa Matauang Virtual

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    Over the last few years, digital currencies have been rapidly gaining public attention: When cryptocurrencies are created, all confirmed transactions are stored in a general ledger. All coin owner identities are encrypted to ensure the validity of the listing. Because the currency is decentralized, when the owner owns the digital coin Neither the government nor the bank has control over it. The number of performance (criteria) of each virtual currency certainly requires an appropriate method to accommodate these criteria. Virtual currency performance analysis can be used as an answer to this problem. Analysis of the performance of virtual currencies is useful for getting the best investment commodities. Performances (criteria) that can be used as a benchmark for the success of a virtual currency as an investment commodity include the price per coin, Market Capitalization, the number of twitter followers, google trends, coin price increases, the number of coins that have been traded (circulating). supply) and the total number of coins available (max supply). The result of this research is an analysis of virtual currency performance with the promethea algorithm. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of investment need for people who want to do business in the cryptocurrency field and produce a multi-criteria preference index analysis using Promethee. Keywords: Cryptocurrency, virtual money, algorith

    Discovery Learning Model-based Virtual Lab on Photoelectric Effect Material to Improve Critical Thinking Skills

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    This article provides an overview and explanation of a product in virtual laboratory media based on the development of discovery learning with a focus on the material of the photoelectric effect. The paper also outlines the readability and practicality aspects for both students and teachers in the virtual lab while explaining the effectiveness of the virtual lab in enhancing students' critical thinking skills. The product discussed in this article was developed using the 4D model and scheme. It has undergone expert validation and product testing. The research presented in this article was conducted at two public high schools in Yogyakarta. The study utilized questionnaires, observation sheets, expert validation sheets, readability sheets, practicality sheets, and tests. The research data was analyzed using Gregory's analysis for expert validation and Manova's analysis for field testing. The study results indicate that the virtual lab is deemed appropriate as a learning medium based on expert validation for the photoelectric effect material. From the perspectives of readability and practicality, the developed product falls into the excellent category. This study, using the Manova test, effectively illustrated a substantial enhancement in the critical thinking abilities of students, notably in the areas of analysis, elaborating on concepts, and forming conclusions. Consequently, this paper offers a detailed insight into the creation of novel educational tools and presents robust empirical data supporting their role in improving critical thinking in students, with a specific focus on the subject of the photoelectric effect

    Pressure Lowering Medications

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    Should We Rush to Implement Password-less Single Factor FIDO2 based Authentication?

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    © 2020 IEEE. Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Alliance and W3C have defined a set of specifications (called FIDO2) that allows a user to replace the password based authentication system. However, none of the high profile web sites have implemented FIDO2 yet as password-less single factor (SF) authentication (password-less SF). In this paper, we analyze the set of factors that make websites reluctant to adopt password-less FIDO SF authentication. We start by comparing the threat models of password-less FIDO SF authentication with password-based SF authentication. Our analysis shows that although password-based authentication is less secure than FIDO SF authentication, other factors related to the usability of FIDO security keys and FIDO based authentication system, the non-consideration of enterprise requirements and the lack of specifications regarding account recovery/deletion and suspension are the main obstacles to the adoption of password-less FIDO SF authentication

    A survey on boosting IoT security and privacy through blockchain: Exploration, requirements, and open issues

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    © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The constant development of interrelated computing devices and the emergence of new network technologies have caused a dramatic growth in the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It has brought great convenience to people’s lives where its applications have been leveraged to revolutionize everyday objects connected in different life aspects such as smart home, healthcare, transportation, environment, agriculture, and military. This interconnectivity of IoT objects takes place through networks on centralized cloud infrastructure that is not constrained to national or jurisdictional boundaries. It is crucial to maintain security, robustness, and trustless authentication to guarantee secure exchange of critical user data among IoT objects. Consequently, blockchain technology has recently emerged as a tenable solution to offer such prominent features. Blockchain’s secure decentralization can overcome security, authentication, and maintenance limitations of current IoT ecosystem. In this paper we conduct a comprehensive literature review to address recent security and privacy challenges related to IoT where they are categorized according to IoT layered architecture: perception, network, and application layer. Further, we investigate blockchain technology as a key pillar to overcome many of IoT security and privacy problems. Additionally, we explore the blockchain technology and its added values when combined with other new technologies as machine learning especially in intrusion detection systems. Moreover, we highlight challenges and privacy issues resulted due to integration of blockchain in IoT applications. Finally, we propose a framework of IoT security and privacy requirements via blockchain technology. Our main contribution is to exhaust the literature to highlight the recent IoT security and privacy issues and how blockchain can be utilized to overcome these issues, nevertheless; we address challenges and open security issues that blockchain may impose on the current IoT systems. Research findings formulate a rigid foundation upon which an efficient and secure adoption of IoT and blockchain is highlighted accordingly

    Sistem Cerdas Pemberian Pakan Otomatis Dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas Panen Udang

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    Pemberian pakan pada budidaya udang merupakan hal penting terhadap proses pertumbuhan udang sehingga tercapai hasil panen yang diharapkan. Pemberian pakan harus seimbang dan tepat waktu, tidak terjadi kelebihan maupun kekurangan dalam pemberian pakan karena seluruh pakan yang diberikan belum tentu habis dimakan seluruhnya oleh udang, oleh karena itu perlu adanya teknologi yang dapat mengontrol dalam pemberian pakan udang. Teknologi pemberi pakan udang otomatis dapat menjadi solusi dalam permasalahan pemberian pakan untuk menunjang produktivitas budidaya udang. Tujuan dari alat pelempar pakan otomatis adalah untuk memberi kemudahan kepada petani tambak dalam memberi pakan udang secara efesien, tepat waktu dan terukur. Alat pemberi pakan udang otomatis dibangun menggunakan modul mikrokontroler arduino, modul RTC (Real Time Clock), dan sistem pelempar pakan. Metode pemberian pakan udang dengan prinsip kerja alat pemberi pakan udang adalah pakan udang terlempar secara horizontal akibat gaya sentrifugal. Dengan adanya pengaruh gaya sentrifugal dari baling-baling penebar, maka pakan akan terlempar keseluruh permukaan kolam. Pemberian pakan dikontrol dengan menggunakan Arduino dengan mengatur waktu. Pemberian pakan udang dilakukan setiap 4 jam sekali dan waktu nyala  alat selama 70 detik, menebar pakan sebanyak 10 kg untuk jumlah 1.500 ekor udang dan luas kolan 400 m2 dengan jarak lemparan pakan minimal 1 meter dan maksimal 7 meter


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    Abstrak: Perkembangan media digital kini telah menyebar ke seluruh lapisan masyarakat, tanpa terkecuali remaja dengan jumlah tertinggi sebagai pengguna media digital. Namun, hal tersebut tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa penggunaan media digital oleh remaja belum tentu berdampak positif. Remaja Masjid memiliki peran khusus dalam menyampaikan berita-positf, salah satunya dengan menggagas Gerakan Satu Masjid Satu Konten. Untuk membuat konten positif yang lebih menarik, maka remaja masjid membutuhkan sebuah pelatihan literasi digital yang terfokus pada pengembangan konten dalam kegiatan dakwah. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan kesadaran, pengetahuan, dan kemampuan masyarakat terkait literasi digital dan konten positif di media digital. Mitra yang akan dilibatkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah Remaja Masjid Salman Alfarisi Aceh Tamiang yang berjumlah 12 orang. Metode yang digunakan adalah diskusi interaktif serta pelatihan pembuatan konten berbasis website dengan sistem evaluasi menggunakan angket pengetahuan peserta sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti pelatihan, serta angket respon peserta pelatihan setelah mengikuti pelatihan yang dijadikan sebagai indikator pengukuran capaian kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini berdasarkan hasil angket yang disebarkan kepada peserta, persentase peningkatan pengetahuan peserta setelah mengikuti pelatihan pemanfaatan teknologi adalah 66.67% dan pengetahuan peserta setelah mengikuti pelatihan pembuatan konten-konten positif adalah 75%.Abstract: The development of digital media has now spread to all levels of society, including teenagers with the highest number of digital media users. However, this does not rule out the possibility that teenagers' use of digital media may not necessarily have a positive impact. To create more interesting positive content, mosque youth need digital literacy training that focuses on developing content for da'wah activities and educating the people. The aim of this activity is to provide public awareness, knowledge and abilities regarding digital literacy and positive content in digital media. The partners who will be involved in this service activity are the Salman Alfarisi Aceh Tamiang Mosque Youth, totaling 12 people. The method used is interactive discussion and website-based content creation training with an evaluation system using participant knowledge questionnaires before and after participating in the training, as well as training participant response questionnaires after participating in the training which are used as indicators for measuring activity achievements. The results of this service activity are based on the results of a questionnaire distributed to participants, the percentage increase in participants' knowledge after participating in technology utilization training was 66.67% and participants' knowledge after participating in positive content creation training was 75%