474 research outputs found

    Dynamic hyporheic responses to transient discharge, temperature and groundwater table

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    Obwohl der Bedeutung von hyporheischen Zonen als Übergangsbereiche zwischen FlĂŒssen und angrenzenden alluvialen Aquiferen eine wachsende Anerkennung zuteilwird, sind dynamische hyporheische Reaktionen auf instationĂ€re hydrologische Bedingungen weiterhin signifikant untererforscht. Um diese LĂŒcke zu schließen, liegt der Fokus dieser Doktorarbeit insbesondere auf den Effekten transienter Abflussverhalten und Temperaturschwankungen in FlĂŒssen auf die raumzeitliche VariabilitĂ€t von hyporheischen Austauschprozessen. Unter Beachtung dieser Ziele wird ein neues physikalisch basiertes numerisches Modell vorgeschlagen und schließlich angewandt, um systematisch die hyporheischen, durch SedimentoberflĂ€chenstrukturen ausgelösten Reaktionen auf eine Reihe von kĂŒnstlichen und natĂŒrlichen Abflussregimen abzuschĂ€tzen. Parameter wie das rĂ€umliche Ausmaß der hyporheischen Zone, hyporheische Austauschrate, mittlere Aufenthaltszeit, Temperatur des hyporheischen Flusses sowie das Denitrifikationspotenzial werden definiert, um den Einfluss der AntriebskrĂ€fte und Regulatoren auf dynamische hyporheische Reaktionen zu quantifizieren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass mit zunehmendem Abfluss generell das rĂ€umliche Ausmaß der hyporheischen Zone vergrĂ¶ĂŸert wird; jedoch bestimmen geomorphologische Bedingungen und GrundwasserflĂŒsse erheblich das Ausdehnen und Zusammenziehen hyporheischer Zonen zusammen mit Strömungen, WĂ€rme- und Stoffaustausch zwischen Fluss und Grundwasser. TemperaturvariabilitĂ€t, ein wichtiger Faktor, welcher oft in hydrodynamischen Studien vernachlĂ€ssigt wird, zeigt direkte kontrollierende Effekte beim Bestimmen hyporheischer Austauschraten und mittlerer Aufenthaltszeiten. Weiterhin spielt die Dynamik von GrundwasserstĂ€nden eine entscheidende Rolle bei hyporheischen Austauschprozessen. Das Optimieren der Terminierung von Grundwasserförderung ist ausschlaggebend fĂŒr die Regulierung von WasserqualitĂ€t, NĂ€hrstoffkreislĂ€ufen und der Entstehung thermischer hyporheischer Refugien.Although there is a growing recognition of the importance of hyporheic zones as transitional areas connecting rivers and adjacent alluvial aquifers, the dynamic hyporheic responses to unsteady hydrological conditions are still significantly understudied. To bridge this gap, the present PhD thesis primarily focuses on the effects of transient river discharge and temperature fluctuations on the spatiotemporal variability of hyporheic exchange processes. With these objectives in mind, a novel physically based numerical model is proposed and then applied to systematically evaluate bedform-induced hyporheic responses to a series of synthetic and natural hydrological regimes. Metrics including spatial hyporheic extent, hyporheic exchange rate, mean residence time, temperature of hyporheic flux, and denitrification potential are defined to quantify the impact of drivers and modulators of dynamic hyporheic responses. Results indicate that increasing river discharge generally enlarges the spatial hyporheic extent; however, geomorphological settings and groundwater fluxes substantially modulate the expansion and contraction of hyporheic zones along with flow, heat and solute exchange between river and groundwater. Temperature variability, an important factor which is often neglected in hydrodynamic studies, displays direct controlling effects in determining hyporheic exchange rates and mean residence times. Groundwater table dynamics also play a critical role in hyporheic exchange processes. Optimizing the timing of aquifer pumping is crucial for regulation of water quality, nutrient cycling, and the formation of thermal hyporheic refugia. The findings largely advanced our mechanistic understandings of dynamic hyporheic responses to varying transient flow and temperature conditions, and therefore shed lights on improving river management and restoration strategies

    Research on Collaborative Commerce Model Based on Web Services

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    The concept of collaborative commerce was put forward by Gartner Group in 1999, and Web Services becomes one of the best implementation technologies of collaborative commerce for that it is loose-coupled, based on open standards and etc. In this paper, based on service oriented architecture of Web Services, we construct collaborative commerce model, analyze business process integration of collaborative commerce and design the implementation way of conversation mechanism in transaction process

    Generalized integrated importance measure for system performance evaluation: application to a propeller plane system

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    The integrated importance measure (IIM) evaluates the rate of system performance change due to a component changing from one state to another. The IIM simply considers the scenarios where the transition rate of a component from one state to another is constant. This may contradict the assumption of the degradation, based on which system performance is degrading and therefore the transition rate may be increasing over time. The Weibull distribution describes the life of a component, which has been used in many different engineering applications to model complex data sets. This paper extends the IIM to a new importance measure that considers the scenarios where the transition rate of a component degrading from one state to another is a time-dependent function under the Weibull distribution. It considers the conditional probability distribution of a component sojourning at a state is the Weibull distribution, given the next state that component will jump to. The research on the new importance measure can identify the most important component during three different time periods of the system lifetime, which is corresponding to the characteristics of Weibull distributions. For illustration, the paper then derives some probabilistic properties and applies the extended importance measure to a real-world example (i.e., a propeller plane system)

    Photonic generation of millimeter-waves using two cascaded electro-absorption modulators in radio-over-fiber systems

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    The development of wireless communication services requires broader access bandwidth. To meet this requirement, unlicensed millimeter wave (mm-wave) band has been considered as a potential carrier for the next generation wireless communications. However, due to high attenuation loss in mm-wave signal transmission, the number of the picocell base station (BS) should be increased in the coverage area. Radio over fiber (RoF) transport scheme is a good option to face the challenge of mm-wave wireless distribution, because it takes advantages of long transmission distance, large bandwidth and immunity to electromagnetic interference. In RoF technique, optical mm-wave signal generation is one of the crucial issues. There are two major schemes to generate optical mm-wave signals, optical heterodyning technique and optical frequency multiplication (OFM) technique, in which OFM technique can provide simpler BS configuration. One of the most popular OFM techniques is optical harmonic generation using optical external modulators. There are mainly two options of external modulator: one is Mach-Zehnder Modulator (MZM) and the other is Electro-Absorption Modulator (EAM). The objective of this thesis is to propose a novel photonic frequency doubling and quadrupling technique for the generation of mm-wave signal using two cascaded EAMs. The two cascaded EAMs driven by a low frequency radio frequency (RF) signal and the phase shift between the two EAMs is 180 degree. Theory of techniques using two cascaded EAMs with identical characteristics and two cascaded EAMs with different characteristics is investigated and verified by simulation based on VPI Transmission Maker. Good agreement is achieved between theory and simulation. It is shown that power of doubling and quadrupling signal is increasing with RF modulation index, and bias voltages of EAMs also have a great impact on the performance of the system. It is found that by using cascaded EAMs with identical characteristics, odd-order optical harmonics are perfectly suppressed while even-order harmonics are maximized, and as a result high quality frequency doubling and quadrupling signals can be generated; by using cascaded EAMs with different characteristics, good system performance still can be achieve when phase shift, RF modulation voltage and bias voltages are optimized. Power fading induced by fiber chromatic dispersions is also investigated and an optical filter is adopted in order to make the system immune to chromatic dispersions at frequency quadrupling. Experiment is also carried out to verify the concept of the proposed technique. A low cost electro-absorption modulator integrated laser (EML) is used in experiment to achieve a cost-effective system. Good quality doubling signal and quadrupling signal are generated while noise level is reasonable. It suggests that the proposed technique is efficient for mm-wave generation using frequency doubling or quadruplin

    Analysis of hydro-pneumatic interconnected suspension struts in the roll plane vehicle model

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    A four-degrees-of-freedom roll plane model of a heavy highway vehicle is developed to investigate the ride and anti-roll properties of two different hydropneumatic strut designs, unconnected and interconnected in the roll plane. Three different interconnections, involving flows across different chambers of the right- and left-compact struts, are realized for the analyses. The analytical models are solved to derive the static and dynamic properties of various unconnected and interconnected configurations in terms of vertical spring rate, effective vertical mode damping, effective roll stiffness and roll mode damping. From the results it is concluded that roll plane interconnection of the suspension struts offers considerably potential for enhancing the anti-roll properties, with insignificant influence on the vertical ride properties. The analytical models are further analyzed under deterministic and random vertical road and roll moment arising from directional maneuvers. The relative performance potentials of interconnected suspensions are presented in terms of vertical and roll acceleration transmissibility under a harmonic excitation transient vertical and roll responses under a transient road bump and roll moment excitations, and power spectral densities and RMS values of the sprung mass responses to random road excitatio

    Paracrine Factors of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Recruit Macrophages and Endothelial Lineage Cells and Enhance Wound Healing

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    Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) have been shown to enhance wound healing; however, the mechanisms involved are barely understood. In this study, we examined paracrine factors released by BM-MSCs and their effects on the cells participating in wound healing compared to those released by dermal fibroblasts. Analyses of BM-MSCs with Real-Time PCR and of BM-MSC-conditioned medium by antibody-based protein array and ELISA indicated that BM-MSCs secreted distinctively different cytokines and chemokines, such as greater amounts of VEGF-α, IGF-1, EGF, keratinocyte growth factor, angiopoietin-1, stromal derived factor-1, macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha and beta and erythropoietin, compared to dermal fibroblasts. These molecules are known to be important in normal wound healing. BM-MSC-conditioned medium significantly enhanced migration of macrophages, keratinocytes and endothelial cells and proliferation of keratinocytes and endothelial cells compared to fibroblast-conditioned medium. Moreover, in a mouse model of excisional wound healing, where concentrated BM-MSC-conditioned medium was applied, accelerated wound healing occurred compared to administration of pre-conditioned or fibroblast-conditioned medium. Analysis of cell suspensions derived from the wound by FACS showed that wounds treated with BM-MSC-conditioned medium had increased proportions of CD4/80-postive macrophages and Flk-1-, CD34- or c-kit-positive endothelial (progenitor) cells compared to wounds treated with pre-conditioned medium or fibroblast-conditioned medium. Consistent with the above findings, immunohistochemical analysis of wound sections showed that wounds treated with BM-MSC-conditioned medium had increased abundance of macrophages. Our results suggest that factors released by BM-MSCs recruit macrophages and endothelial lineage cells into the wound thus enhancing wound healing

    Curcumin suppresses leukemia cell proliferation by downregulation of P13K/AKT/mTOR signalling pathway

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of curcumin ester on the proliferation of leukemia cell lines in vitro. Methods: Changes in WEHI-3 and THP 1 cell viabilities were measured using Cell Counting Kit 8 (CCK 8). Analysis of cell cycle and determination of apoptosis were carried out using propidium iodide and Annexin V fluorescein isothiocyanate staining. Transmission electron microscopy was used for observing the presence of apoptotic features in cells. Results: Treatment with curcumin ester for 72 h caused significant reduction in the proliferation of WEHI-3 and THP 1 cells. Curcumin ester, at a dose of 50 ”M, decreased the proliferations of WEHI-3 and THP 1 cells to 28 and 32 %, respectively. On exposure to curcumin ester for 72 h, cell cycle in WEHI-3 cells was arrested in G1/G0 phase. Curcumin ester at doses of 25, 30 and 50 ”M enhanced apoptosis in WEHI-3 cells to 46, 58 and 64 %, respectively. Curcumin ester suppressed the levels of phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3K), protein kinase B (AKT) and mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) protein and mRNA in WEHI-3 cells. In curcumin ester-treated WEHI-3 cells, the presence of apoptotic bodies increased significantly and concentration-dependently. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that curcumin ester inhibits leukemia cell proliferation by inducing apoptosis and arresting cell cycle in G1/G0 phase, probably via suppression of PI3K, AKT and mTOR, and promotion of PTEN. Thus, curcumin ester has potentials for use in the development of an effective treatment strategy for leukemia

    Impact of flow alteration and temperature variability on hyporheic exhange

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    Coupled groundwater flow and heat transport within hyporheic zones extensively affect water, energy, and solute exchange with surrounding sediments. The local and cumulative implications of this tightly coupled process strongly depend on characteristics of drivers (i.e., discharge and temperature of the water column) and modulators (i.e., hydraulic and thermal properties of the sediment). With this in mind, we perform a systematic numerical analysis of hyporheic responses to understand how the temporal variability of river discharge and temperature affect flow and heat transport within hyporheic zones. We identify typical time series of river discharge and temperature from gauging stations along the headwater region of Mississippi River Basin, which are characterized by different degrees of flow alteration, to drive a physics‐based model of the hyporheic exchange process. Our modeling results indicate that coupled groundwater flow and heat transport significantly affects the dynamic response of hyporheic zones, resulting in substantial differences in exchange rates and characteristic time scales of hyporheic exchange processes. We also find that the hyporheic zone dampens river temperature fluctuations increasingly with higher frequency of temperature fluctuations. This dampening effect depends on the system transport time scale and characteristics of river discharge and temperature variability. Furthermore, our results reveal that the flow alteration reduces the potential of hyporheic zones to act as a temperature buffer and hinders denitrification within hyporheic zones. These results have significant implications for understanding the drivers of local variability in hyporheic exchange and the implications for the development of thermal refugia and ecosystem functioning in hyporheic zones

    A density functional study of the effect of hydrogen on electronic properties and band discontinuity at anatase TiO2/diamond interface

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    Tailoring the electronic states of the dielectric oxide/diamond interface is critical to the development of next generation semiconductor devices like high-power high-frequency field-effect transistors. In this work, we investigate the electronic states of the TiO2/diamond 2 × 1-(100) interface by using first principles total energy calculations. Based on the calculation of the chemical potentials for the TiO2/diamond interface, it is observed that the hetero-interfaces with the C-OTi configuration or with two O vacancies are the most energetically favorable structures under the O-rich condition and under Ti-rich condition, respectively. The band structure and density of states of both TiO2/diamond and TiO2/H-diamond hetero-structures are calculated. It is revealed that there are considerable interface states at the interface of the anatase TiO2/diamond hetero-structure. By introducing H on the diamond surface, the interface states are significantly suppressed. A type-II alignment band structure is disclosed at the interface of the TiO2/diamond hetero-structure. The valence band offset increases from 0.6 to 1.7 eV when H is introduced at the TiO2/diamond interface
