169 research outputs found

    Multivariate small sample tests for two-way designs with applications to industrial statistics

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    In this paper, we present a novel nonparametric approach for multivariate analysis of two-way crossed factorial design based on NonParametric Combination applied to Synchronized Permutation tests. This nonparametric hypothesis testing procedure not only allows to overcome the shortcomings of MANOVA test like violation of assumptions such as multivariate normality or covariance homogeneity, but, in an extensive simulation study, reveals to be a powerful instrument both in case of small sample size and many response variables. We contextualize its application in the field of industrial experiments and we assume a linear additive model for the data set analysis. Indeed, the linear additive model interpretation well adapts to the industrial production environment because of the way control of production machineries is implemented. The case of small sample size reflects the frequent needs of practitioners in the industrial environment where there are constraints or limited resources for the experimental design. Furthermore, an increase in rejection rate can be observed under alternative hypothesis when the number of response variables increases with fixed number of observed units. This could lead to a strategical benefit considering that in many real problems it could be easier to collect more information on a single experimental unit than adding a new unit to the experimental design. An application to industrial thermoforming processes is useful to illustrate and highlight the benefits of the adoption of the herein presented nonparametric approach

    NCIS: Deep Color Gradient Maps Regression and Three-Class Pixel Classification for Enhanced Neuronal Cell Instance Segmentation in Nissl-Stained Histological Images

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    Deep learning has proven to be more effective than other methods in medical image analysis, including the seemingly simple but challenging task of segmenting individual cells, an essential step for many biological studies. Comparative neuroanatomy studies are an example where the instance segmentation of neuronal cells is crucial for cytoarchitecture characterization. This paper presents an end-to-end framework to automatically segment single neuronal cells in Nissl-stained histological images of the brain, thus aiming to enable solid morphological and structural analyses for the investigation of changes in the brain cytoarchitecture. A U-Net-like architecture with an EfficientNet as the encoder and two decoding branches is exploited to regress four color gradient maps and classify pixels into contours between touching cells, cell bodies, or background. The decoding branches are connected through attention gates to share relevant features, and their outputs are combined to return the instance segmentation of the cells. The method was tested on images of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, outperforming other recent deep-learning-based approaches for the instance segmentation of cells

    Alkaline Water and Longevity: A Murine Study

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    The biological effect of alkaline water consumption is object of controversy. The present paper presents a 3-year survival study on a population of 150 mice, and the data were analyzed with accelerated failure time (AFT) model. Starting from the second year of life, nonparametric survival plots suggest that mice watered with alkaline water showed a better survival than control mice. Interestingly, statistical analysis revealed that alkaline water provides higher longevity in terms of \u201cdeceleration aging factor\u201d as it increases the survival functions when compared with control group; namely, animals belonging to the population treated with alkaline water resulted in a longer lifespan. Histological examination of mice kidneys, intestine, heart, liver, and brain revealed that no significant differences emerged among the three groups indicating that no specific pathology resulted correlated with the consumption of alkaline water. These results provide an informative and quantitative summary of survival data as a function of watering with alkaline water of long-lived mouse models

    The Brain of the Domestic Bos taurus: Weight, Encephalization and Cerebellar Quotients, and Comparison with Other Domestic and Wild Cetartiodactyla

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    The domestic bovine Bos taurus is raised worldwide for meat and milk production, or even for field work. However the functional anatomy of its central nervous system has received limited attention and most of the reported data in textbooks and reviews are derived from single specimens or relatively old literature. Here we report information on the brain of Bos taurus obtained by sampling 158 individuals, 150 of which at local abattoirs and 8 in the dissecting room, these latter subsequently formalin-fixed. Using body weight and fresh brain weight we calculated the Encephalization Quotient (EQ), and Cerebellar Quotient (CQ). Formalin-fixed brains sampled in the necropsy room were used to calculate the absolute and relative weight of the major components of the brain. The data that we obtained indicate that the domestic bovine Bos taurus possesses a large, convoluted brain, with a slightly lower weight than expected for an animal of its mass. Comparisons with other terrestrial and marine members of the order Cetartiodactyla suggested close similarity with other species with the same feeding adaptations, and with representative baleen whales. On the other hand differences with fish-hunting toothed whales suggest separate evolutionary pathways in brain evolution. Comparison with the other large domestic herbivore Equus caballus (belonging to the order Perissodactyla) indicates that Bos taurus underwent heavier selection of bodily traits, which is also possibly reflected in a comparatively lower EQ than in the horse. The data analyzed suggest that the brain of domestic bovine is potentially interesting for comparative neuroscience studies and may represents an alternative model to investigate neurodegeneration processes

    Different views of the multivariate ranking problem

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    Multivariate ranking problems are characterized by the need of ordering C different items according to several different features. The multivariate nature of these problems makes them quite challenging and flexible multivariate statistical techniques are therefore required. In this study we focus on two different scenarios, where we need to rank C different populations. Under the first scenario, preliminary knowledge about the order of the populations is available, while under the second one no information is available. Two solutions, based on the Nonparametric combination (NPC) technique, are proposed to deal with these scenarios and two case studies are adopted to facilitate the comprehension of the methods and to highlights the main differences between the two considered multivariate ranking problems

    The Brain of the Domestic Bos taurus: Weight, Encephalization and Cerebellar Quotients, and Comparison with Other Domestic and Wild Cetartiodactyla

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    The domestic bovine Bos taurus is raised worldwide for meat and milk production, or even for field work. However the functional anatomy of its central nervous system has received limited attention and most of the reported data in textbooks and reviews are derived from single specimens or relatively old literature. Here we report information on the brain of Bos taurus obtained by sampling 158 individuals, 150 of which at local abattoirs and 8 in the dissecting room, these latter subsequently formalin-fixed. Using body weight and fresh brain weight we calculated the Encephalization Quotient (EQ), and Cerebellar Quotient (CQ). Formalin-fixed brains sampled in the necropsy room were used to calculate the absolute and relative weight of the major components of the brain. The data that we obtained indicate that the domestic bovine Bos taurus possesses a large, convoluted brain, with a slightly lower weight than expected for an animal of its mass. Comparisons with other terrestrial and marine members of the order Cetartiodactyla suggested close similarity with other species with the same feeding adaptations, and with representative baleen whales. On the other hand differences with fish-hunting toothed whales suggest separate evolutionary pathways in brain evolution. Comparison with the other large domestic herbivore Equus caballus (belonging to the order Perissodactyla) indicates that Bos taurus underwent heavier selection of bodily traits, which is also possibly reflected in a comparatively lower EQ than in the horse. The data analyzed suggest that the brain of domestic bovine is potentially interesting for comparative neuroscience studies and may represents an alternative model to investigate neurodegeneration processes

    An assay system to evaluate riboflavin/UV-A corneal phototherapy efficacy in a porcine corneal organ culture model

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the response of a porcine corneal organ cultures to the riboflavin/UV-A phototherapy in the injury healing of induced lesions. A porcine corneal organ culture model has been established. Corneal alterations in the stroma were valuated setting an assay system, based on an automated image analysis method able to quantify the damaged (brightness values), within of the 24 regions of interest (ROIs) in which the corneal section has been divided and integrating the data analysis with a multi-aspect approach. Three group of corneas have been analyzed: (healthy, injured and injured-and-treated group). Our study revealed a significant effect of the riboflavin/UV-A phototherapy in the injury healing of porcine corneas after induced lesions. The injured corneas had significant differences of brightness values in comparison to treated (p< 0.00) and healthy (p<0.001) corneas whereas the treated and healthy corneas showed not significant difference (p = 0.995). Riboflavin/UV-A phototherapy shows a significant effect in the restoring the brightness values of damaged corneas to the values of healthy corneas, suggesting treatment restores the injury healing of corneas after lesions. Our assay system may be compared to clinical diagnostic method such as the OCT imaging for in vivo damaged ocular structures investigations

    An Assay System to Evaluate Riboflavin/UV-A Corneal Phototherapy Efficacy in a Porcine Corneal Organ Culture Model

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the response of porcine corneal organ cultures to riboflavin/UV-A phototherapy in the injury healing of induced lesions. A porcine corneal organ culture model was established. Corneal alterations in the stroma were evaluated using an assay system, based on an automated image analysis method able to (i) localize the holes and gaps within the stroma and (ii) measure the brightness values in these patches. The analysis has been performed by dividing the corneal section in 24 regions of interest (ROIs) and integrating the data analysis with a "multi-aspect approach." Three group of corneas were analyzed: healthy, injured, and injured-and-treated. Our study revealed a significant effect of the riboflavin/UV-A phototherapy in the injury healing of porcine corneas after induced lesions. The injured corneas had significant differences of brightness values in comparison to treated (p < 0.00) and healthy (p < 0.001) corneas, whereas the treated and healthy corneas showed no significant difference (p = 0.995). Riboflavin/UV-A phototherapy shows a significant effect in restoring the brightness values of damaged corneas to the values of healthy corneas, suggesting treatment restores the injury healing of corneas after lesions. Our assay system may be compared to clinical diagnostic methods, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging, for in vivo damaged ocular structure investigations

    Multivariate And Multistrata Nonparametric Tests: The NonParametric Combination Method

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    Researchers and practitioners in many scientific disciplines and industrial fields are often faced with complex problems when dealing with comparisons between two or more groups using classical parametric methods. The data arising from real problems rarely are in agreement with stringent parametric assumptions. The NonParametric Combination (NPC) methodology frees the researcher from stringent assumptions of parametric methods and allows a more flexible analysis, both in terms of specification of multivariate hypotheses and in terms of the nature of the variables involved in the analysis. An outline of NPC methodology is given, along with case studies