58 research outputs found

    Reliability analysis of multiplex control system of subsea blowout preventer based on stochastic Petri net

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    Višestruki (MUX − multiplex) upravljački sustav za sprečavanje podmorske erupcije bušotine (BOP − blowout preventer) ima bitnu ulogu u stvaranju sigurnih radnih uvjeta kod podmorskih aktivnosti bušenja. U skladu s radnim stanjima i kritičnim načinima kvara višestrukog upravljačkog sustava, u radu se predstavlja njegov stohastički model Petri mreža (SPN), uzimajući u obzir nesavršenu sposobnost otkrivanja greške. Predlaže se metoda numeričke analize temeljena na istolikom (izomorfnom) trajnom Markovljevom lancu modela. Istraživani su i uspoređivani pokazatelji pouzdanosti, odnosno pouzdanost, raspoloživost i MTTF višestrukog (MUX) upravljačkog sustava i probnog hidrauličkog upravljačkog sustava. Uz to, istraživani su učinci faktora prikrivenosti grešaka na vjerojatnosti stanja i dostupnost MUX upravljačkog sustava, a izvršena je i analiza nesigurnosti brzina paljenja u odnosu na MTTF.The multiplex (MUX) control system of subsea blowout preventer (BOP) plays a vital role in providing safe working conditions for the subsea drilling activities. According to the working states and critical failure modes of the MUX control system, this paper presents its stochastic Petri nets (SPN) model, taking into account the imperfect fault detection capacity. The numerical analysis method is proposed based on the isomorphic continuous-time Markov chain of the model. The reliability indexes, namely reliability, availability and MTTF of the MUX control system and pilot hydraulic control system are obtained and compared. In addition, the effects of fault coverage factor on state probabilities and availability of the MUX control system are researched and the uncertainty analysis of the firing rates related to MTTF is also performed

    Leveraging opportunity of low carbon transition by super-emitter cities in China

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    Chinese cities are core in the national carbon mitigation and largely affect global decarbonisation initiatives, yet disparities between cities challenge country-wide progress. Low-carbon transition should preferably lead to a convergence of both equity and mitigation targets among cities. Inter-city supply chains that link the production and consumption of cities are a factor in shaping inequality and mitigation but less considered aggregately. Here, we modelled supply chains of 309 Chinese cities for 2012 to quantify carbon footprint inequality, as well as explored a leverage opportunity to achieve an inclusive low-carbon transition. We revealed significant carbon inequalities: the 10 richest cities in China have per capita carbon footprints comparable to the US level, while half of the Chinese cities sit below the global average. Inter-city supply chains in China, which are associated with 80% of carbon emissions, imply substantial carbon leakage risks and also contribute to socioeconomic disparities. However, the significant carbon inequality implies a leveraging opportunity that substantial mitigation can be achieved by 32 super-emitting cities. If the super-emitting cities adopt their differentiated mitigation pathway based on affluence, industrial structure, and role of supply chains, up to 1.4 Gt carbon quota can be created, raising 30% of the projected carbon quota to carbon peak. The additional carbon quota allows the average living standard of the other 60% of Chinese people to reach an upper-middle-income level, highlighting collaborative mechanism at the city level has a great potential to lead to a convergence of both equity and mitigation targets

    Leveraging opportunity of low carbon transition by super-emitter cities in China

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    Funding Information: The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (7224100119), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFE0208700 and 2022YFE0208500), and the Norwegian Research Council (287690/F20). We appreciate the suggestions from Prof. Edgar Hertwich of Norweign University of Science andTechnology. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Science China PressChinese cities are core in the national carbon mitigation and largely affect global decarbonisation initiatives, yet disparities between cities challenge country-wide progress. Low-carbon transition should preferably lead to a convergence of both equity and mitigation targets among cities. Inter-city supply chains that link the production and consumption of cities are a factor in shaping inequality and mitigation but less considered aggregately. Here, we modelled supply chains of 309 Chinese cities for 2012 to quantify carbon footprint inequality, as well as explored a leverage opportunity to achieve an inclusive low-carbon transition. We revealed significant carbon inequalities: the 10 richest cities in China have per capita carbon footprints comparable to the US level, while half of the Chinese cities sit below the global average. Inter-city supply chains in China, which are associated with 80% of carbon emissions, imply substantial carbon leakage risks and also contribute to socioeconomic disparities. However, the significant carbon inequality implies a leveraging opportunity that substantial mitigation can be achieved by 32 super-emitting cities. If the super-emitting cities adopt their differentiated mitigation pathway based on affluence, industrial structure, and role of supply chains, up to 1.4 Gt carbon quota can be created, raising 30% of the projected carbon quota to carbon peak. The additional carbon quota allows the average living standard of the other 60% of Chinese people to reach an upper-middle-income level, highlighting collaborative mechanism at the city level has a great potential to lead to a convergence of both equity and mitigation targets.Peer reviewe

    Can virtual water trade save water resources?

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    At times, certain areas of China suffering from water shortages. While China's government is spurring innovation and infrastructure to help head off such problems, it may be that some water conservation could help as well. It is well-known that water is embodied in traded goods—so called “virtual water trade” (VWT). In China, it seems that many water-poor areas are perversely engaged in VWT. Further, China is engaging in the global trend of fragmentation in production, even as an interregional phenomenon. Perhaps something could be learned about conserving or reducing VWT, if we knew where and how it is practiced. Given some proximate causes, perhaps viable policies could be formulated. To this end, we employ China's multiregional input-output tables straddling two periods to trace the trade of a given region's three types of goods: local final goods, local intermediate goods, and goods that shipped to other regions and countries. We find that goods traded interregionally in China in 2012 embodied 30.4% of all water used nationwide. Nationwide, water use increased substantially over 2007–2012 due to greater shipment volumes of water-intensive products. In fact, as suspected, the rise in value chain-related trade became a major contributing factor. Coastal areas tended to be net receivers of VWT from interior provinces, although reasons differed, e.g. Shanghai received more to fulfill final demand (67.8% of net inflow) and Zhejiang for value-chain related trade (40.2% of net inflow). In sum, the variety of our findings reveals an urgent need to consider trade types and water scarcity when developing water resource allocation and conservation policies

    Leveraging opportunity of low carbon transition by super-emitter cities in China

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    Chinese cities are core in the national carbon mitigation and largely affect global decarbonisation initiatives, yet disparities between cities challenge country-wide progress. Low-carbon transition should preferably lead to a convergence of both equity and mitigation targets among cities. Inter-city supply chains that link the production and consumption of cities are a factor in shaping inequality and mitigation but less considered aggregately. Here, we modelled supply chains of 309 Chinese cities for 2012 to quantify carbon footprint inequality, as well as explored a leverage opportunity to achieve an inclusive low-carbon transition. We revealed significant carbon inequalities: the 10 richest cities in China have per capita carbon footprints comparable to the US level, while half of the Chinese cities sit below the global average. Inter-city supply chains in China, which are associated with 80% of carbon emissions, imply substantial carbon leakage risks and also contribute to socioeconomic disparities. However, the significant carbon inequality implies a leveraging opportunity that substantial mitigation can be achieved by 32 super-emitting cities. If the super-emitting cities adopt their differentiated mitigation pathway based on affluence, industrial structure, and role of supply chains, up to 1.4 Gt carbon quota can be created, raising 30% of the projected carbon quota to carbon peak. The additional carbon quota allows the average living standard of the other 60% of Chinese people to reach an upper-middle-income level, highlighting collaborative mechanism at the city level has a great potential to lead to a convergence of both equity and mitigation targets

    Subsea Blowout Preventer (BOP): Design, Reliability, Testing, Deployment, and Operation and Maintenance Challenges

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    Subsea blowout preventer (BOP) is a safety-related instrumented system that is used in underwater oil drilling to prevent the well to blowout. As oil and gas exploration moves into deeper waters and harsher environments, the setbacks related to reliable functioning of the BOP system and its subsystems remain a major concern for researchers and practitioners. This study aims to systematically review the current state-of-the-art and present a detailed description about some of the recently developed methodologies for through-life management of the BOP system. Challenges associated with the system design, reliability analysis, testing, deployment as well as operability and maintainability are explored, and then the areas requiring further research and development will be identified. A total of 82 documents published since 1980's are critically reviewed and classified according to two proposed frameworks. The first framework categorises the literature based on the depth of water in which the BOP systems operate, with a sub-categorization based on the Macondo disaster. The second framework categorises the literature based on the techniques applied for the reliability analysis of BOP systems, including Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Reliability Block Diagram (RBD), Petri Net (PN), Markov modelling, Bayesian Network (BN), Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), etc. Our review analysis reveals that the reliability analysis and testing of BOP has received the most attention in the literature, whereas the design, deployment, and operation and maintenance (O&M) of BOPs received the least

    Reliability analysis of the electrical control system of subsea blowout preventers using Markov models.

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    Reliability analysis of the electrical control system of a subsea blowout preventer (BOP) stack is carried out based on Markov method. For the subsea BOP electrical control system used in the current work, the 3-2-1-0 and 3-2-0 input voting schemes are available. The effects of the voting schemes on system performance are evaluated based on Markov models. In addition, the effects of failure rates of the modules and repair time on system reliability indices are also investigated

    Bayesian networks for reliability engineering

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    Combined Influence of Noncondensable Gas Mass Fraction and Mathematical Model on Cavitation Performance of Bearing

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    The presence of cavitation in the oil film seriously affects the bearing lubrication performance and bearing capacity. Now the research of this phenomenon mostly focuses on the model of Reynolds equation (R-E equation) or Navier-Stokes equation (N-S), the influence of the two computation models is less analyzed, and the effect of noncondensable gas (NCG) mass fraction on the bearing performance is seldom studied. In the manuscript, the cavitation mechanism is studied using the mixed model of three-dimensional N-S equation and Jakobsson-Floberg-Olsson (JFO) condition of two dimensional Reynolds equation, and the influence of rotational speed and NCG mass fraction on the cavitationoil film pressure, and bearing capacity was studied. The results show that the change trend of cavitation with the rotational speed is basically consistent for N-S equation and R-E equation. The bearing capacity calculated by N-S equation is greater than that calculated by R-E equation. The peak pressure and bearing capacity of film can be improved by increasing the NCG mass fraction of lubricant and rotational speed