193 research outputs found

    Electronic hybridization effects in dense intermetallics measured by electron spin resonance

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    Recent theoretical studies associate the unexpected well resolved electron spin resonance (ESR) signals below Kondo temperature in several undoped heavy-fermion (HF) compounds with hybridization effects between 4f and conduction electrons (CE) in the presence of ferromagnetic (FM) fluctuations. We analyze ESR experiments in different concentrated Yb-, Ce-, and Eu-based intermetallic systems. We believe that the exotic ESR absorption here is caused by a novel type of ESR excitations - hybridized electronic states, which can be created in some strongly correlated electronic systems due to hybridization between the 4f-orbitals and the wave functions of the CE of the outer electronic shells in conjunction with FM RKKY interaction. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Low-lying dipole response in the Relativistic Quasiparticle Time Blocking Approximation and its influence on neutron capture cross sections

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    We have computed dipole strength distributions for nickel and tin isotopes within the Relativistic Quasiparticle Time Blocking approximation (RQTBA). These calculations provide a good description of data, including the neutron-rich tin isotopes 130,132^{130,132}Sn. The resulting dipole strengths have been implemented in Hauser-Feshbach calculations of astrophysical neutron capture rates relevant for r-process nucleosynthesis studies. The RQTBA calculations show the presence of enhanced dipole strength at energies around the neutron threshold for neutron rich nuclei. The computed neutron capture rates are sensitive to the fine structure of the low lying dipole strength, which emphasizes the importance of a reliable knowledge of this excitation mode.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in Nucl. Phys.

    Вивчення стабільності комбінованих вагінальних супозиторіїв з ацикловіром і ефірними оліями чайного дерева та чебрецю у процесі зберігання

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    Topicality. At the present stage of the health care industry development, genital herpes remains an important problem in gynecology. The main thing in the herpes infection treatment is the selective effect on the reproduction of the herpes simplex virus at different stages and the increase of resistance both at the cellular level and at the level of the whole organism. The most promising dosage form for the treatment of herpetic infection in gynecology remains vaginal suppositories (pessaries). The pessaries can introduce several active pharmaceutical ingredients based on synthetic and natural raw materials, which will create completely new, combined medicines and significantly expand the range of treatment regimens for genital herpes. Therefore, the creation of a new drug based on synthetic and natural raw materials in the form of vaginal suppositories for the treatment of genital herpes is relevant.Aim. To study the stability and establish expiration dates on samples of combined vaginal suppositories (pessaries) containing acyclovir, tea tree and thyme essential oils during storage.Materials and methods. To determine acyclovir, working standard samples of acyclovir were used (manufacturer Guimica Sintetica, S.A., Spain; supplier of PJSC “Lekhim-Kharkov”), which met the quality indicators of SPU 2.0, p. 290. For the analysis, class A measuring vessels, reagents, respectively SPU 2.0, analytical balance AB 204 S/A METTLER TOLEDO, spectrophotometer SPECORD 200-222U2B were used. Samples of pessaries with acyclovir and essential oils were experimentally prepared at the industrial site of PJSC “Lekhim-Kharkov”.Results and discussion. The obtained experimental data during the storage indicated the combined vaginal suppositories containing acyclovir, tea tree and thyme essential oils stored in a PVC film in a dry place at a temperature of 8-15 °C and can withstand a shelf life of 2 years.Conclusions. The stability of combined vaginal suppositories containing acyclovir, tea tree and thyme essential oils has been studied. It was established the 2 year shelf life and the conditions of combined vaginal suppositories containing acyclovir, tea tree essential oils and thyme.Актуальность. На современном этапе развития отрасли охраны здоровья важной проблемой в гинекологии остается генитальный герпес. Главное в лечении герпетической инфекции – это селективное влияние на репродукцию вируса простого герпеса на разных этапах и повышение резистентности как на клеточном уровне, так и на уровне всего организма. Наиболее перспективной лекарственной формой при лечении герпетической инфекции в гинекологии остаются вагинальные суппозитории (пессарии). В состав пессариев можно ввести несколько активных фармацевтических ингредиентов на основе синтетического и природного сырья, что позволит создать новые комбинированные препараты и значительно расширить диапазон схем лечения генитального герпеса. Поэтому создание нового лекарственного средства на основе синтетического и природного сырья в виде вагинальных суппозиториев для лечения генитального герпеса является актуальным.Целью даной работы является изучение стабильности и установление сроков годности на образцах комбинированных вагинальных суппозиториев (пессариев) с ацикловиром и эфирными маслами чайного дерева и чабреца в процессе хранения.Материалы и методы. Для определения ацикловира использовали рабочие стандартные образцы ацикловира (производитель фирма «Guimica Sintetica, S.A.», Испания; поставщик ЧАО «Лекхим-Харьков»), которые отвечали показателям качества ГФУ 2.0, с. 290. Для анализа использовали мерную посуду класса А, реактивы соответственно ГФУ 2.0, аналитические весы АВ 204 S/A METTLER TOLEDO, спектрофотометр «SPECORD 200-222U2B». Образцы пессариев с ацикловиром и эфирными маслами экспериментально готовили на промышленном участке ЧАО «Лекхим-Харьков».Результаты и их обсуждение. Полученные экспериментальные данные в процессе хранения свидетельствуют, что комбинированные вагинальные суппозитории с ацикловиром и эфирными маслами чайного дерева и чабреца при хранении в ПВХ-пленке в сухом месте при температуре 8-15 °С выдерживают срок хранения 2 года.Выводы. Проведено изучение стабильности вагинальных суппозиториев с ацикловиром и эфирными маслами чайного дерева и чабреца. Установлены условия и срок хранения комбинированных вагинальных суппозиториев с ацикловиром и эфирными маслами чайного дерева и чабреца 2 года.Актуальність. На сучасному етапі розвитку галузі охорони здоров’я важливою проблемою у гінекології є генітальний герпес. Головним завданням у лікуванні герпетичної інфекції є селективний вплив на репродукцію вірусу простого герпесу на різних етапах і підвищення резистентності як на клітинному рівні, так і на рівні всього організму. Найбільш перспективною лікарською формою при лікуванні герпетичної інфекції у гінекології є вагінальні супозиторії (песарії). До складу песаріїв можна ввести декілька активних фармацевтичних інгредієнтів на основі синтетичної та природної сировини, що дозволяє створювати нові комбіновані препарати, що значно розширює діапазон схем лікування генітального герпесу. Тому створення нового лікарського засобу на основі синтетичної і природної сировини у вигляді песаріїв для лікування генітального герпесу є актуальним.Метою даної роботи є вивчення стабільності та встановлення терміну придатності на зразках комбінованих вагінальних супозиторіїв (песаріїв) з ацикловіром і ефірними оліями чайного дерева та чебрецю в процесі зберігання.Матеріали та методи. Для визначення ацикловіру використовували робочі стандартні зразки ацикловіру (виробник фірма «Guimica Sintetica, S.A.», Іспанія, постачальник ПрАТ «Лекхім»), які відповідали показникам якості ДФУ 2.0, с. 290. Для аналізу використовували мірний посуд класу А, реактиви відповідно до ДФУ 2.0, аналітичні ваги АВ 204 S/A METTLER TOLEDO, спектрофотометр «SPECORD 200-222U2B». Зразки песаріїв з ацикловіром і ефірними оліями експериментально виготовляли на промисловій ділянці ПрАТ «Лекхім-Харків».Результати та їх обговорення. Отримані експериментальні дані свідчать, що комбіновані вагінальні супозиторії з ацикловіром і ефірними оліями чайного дерева та чебрецю при зберіганні у ПВХ-плівці в сухому місці при температурі 8-15 °С витримують термін зберігання впродовж 2 років.Висновки. Проведено вивчення стабільності комбінованих вагінальних супозиторіїв з ацикловіром і ефірними оліями чайного дерева та чебрецю. Встановлені умови і термін придатності комбінованих вагінальних супозиторіїв з ацикловіром і ефірними оліями чайного дерева та чебрецю, який складає 2 роки

    Modern Physicochemical Equilibrium Description in Na2O–Al2O3–H2O System and Its Analogues

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    Equilibrium and non-equilibrium states of systems Na2O–Al2O3–H2O and K2O–Al2O3–H2O are crucial for establishing key technological parameters in alumina production and their optimization. Due to a noticeable discrepancy between experimental results and thermodynamic calculations based on materials of individual researchers the necessity of systematization and statistical processing of equilibrium data in these systems to create a reliable base of their physicochemical state, analysis and mathematical modeling of phase equilibria is substantiated. The tendency to a decrease of the hydration degree of solid sodium aluminates with increasing temperature and the transition of systems from the steady state of gibbsite to equilibrium with boehmite is revealed. The paper contains approximating functions that provide high-precision description of equilibrium isotherms in technologically significant area of Na2O–Al2O3–H2O and K2O–Al2O3–H2O concentrations. Approximating function can be simplified by dividing the isotherm into two sections with the intervals of alkaline content 0-0.25 and 0.25-0.4 mole/100 g of solution. The differences in solubility isotherms for Na2O–Al2O3–H2O and K2O–Al2O3–H2O systems provide are associated with changes in the ionic composition solutions that depends on concentration and temperature, as well as differences connecting with alkali cation hydration, which is crucially important for thermodynamic modeling of equilibria under consideration

    Gender Factor in Associative Links of Words: Dictionary and Distributive-Semantic Model Data

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    The aim of the work is to make a comparative analysis of the associative links of full-meaning words from the upper zone of the frequency list, compiled on the basis of a research corpus of blog texts in Russian, in a psycholinguistic experiment and the distributivesemantic model Global Vectors (GloVe), trained on this corpus. The relevance of the work is due to the need for a comprehensive study of the psychologically relevant meaning of the word. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that such an analysis is carried out taking into account the gender factor of the respondent / author of the text. The use of a set of methods for data mining (clustering, classification) and visualization of its results made it possible to establish the influence of gender on the composition of the semantic associates of the analyzed words (that is, words with close vectors in the distributive-semantic model) and the absence of such an effect in their associates recorded in the associative dictionary. As the study showed, distributivesemantic models and dictionary associative norms reflect different aspects of the psychologically relevant content of the word and should be used as complementary sources when modeling the psychologically relevant meaning of the word, taking into account the individual characteristics of the speaker, while conducting such an analysis it is advisable to use data mining methods

    Electron spin resonance in the Heusler alloy YbRh2Pb

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    An electron spin resonance (ESR) signal was observed in a concentrated Kondo lattice, Heusler alloy YbRh2Pb. It is attributed to the combined effect of the 4f local magnetic moments of Yb3+ and conduction electrons. It is shown that the significant broadening and disappearance of the ESR line at temperatures above 20 K is caused by the processes of the spin-lattice relaxation of the Yb3+ ions through the first excited Stark doublet with an activation energy Δ ≈ 73.5 K. A comparison of the ESR data for YbRh2Pb and some other undoped intermetallic compounds based on ytterbium, cerium, and europium indicates that hybridized electronic states occurring as the result of hybridization between the localized 4f electrons and the collectivized conduction electrons constitute a fundamentally new source of ESR. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009

    Hybridized electronic states in dense intermetallics as studied by ESR

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    We review electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments in several concentrated Yb-, Ce-, and Eubased intermetallic systems. Recent theoretical studies attribute well resolved ESR signals with hybridization effects between 4f and conduction electrons (CE) in the presence of ferromagnetic (FM) fluctuations. We believe that the ESR absorption is caused here by a novel type of ESR excitations - hybridized electronic states, which are created in some strongly correlated electronic systems due to hybridization between the 4f-orbitals and the wavefunctions of the CE of the outer d, s, and p shells in conjunction with FM RKKY interaction. © (2011) Trans Tech Publications

    Problems of professional training of doctors of general practice – family medicine in the system of postgraduate education.

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    The article reveals the problems of professional training of family doctors arising in the implementation of measures on preserving and promoting health, preventing diseases in children and adolescents. At present, the doctors of the first level are not able to organize and realize the entire complex of medical and social assistance in the ambulatory clinic at the proper level. The improvement of postgraduate training of family doctors in the field of outpatient pediatric care has been suggested. At the same time, the development of curricula for thematic improvement should be based on studying educational needs of the healthcare system in the region and the ongoing reform processes

    Fixed nitrogen in agriculture and its role in agrocenoses

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    Received: February 23rd, 2021 ; Accepted: May 12th, 2021 ; Published: May 19th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] typical low-humus black soils in short crop rotations with legumes (25–33%) and without them, it was found that depending on the set of crops in crop rotation and application of fertilizer rates, nitrogen yield per crop is from 355 kg ha-1 to 682 kg ha-1 . The recommended fertilization system provided nitrogen compensation for crop yields by only 31–76%. Hence, in the plant-fertilizer system nitrogen deficiency varies from 161 to 370 kg ha-1 . The greatest nitrogen deficiency in the soil is observed in crop rotation without the use of fertilizers with the following crop rotation: peas-winter wheat-grain maize-spring barley. The main source of nitrogen for plants is soil nitrogen. In crop rotations with legumes, biological nitrogen is supplied from the air, which in quantitative terms per rotation in crop rotations with peas is 109–288 kg ha-1 , with soybeans 264–312, and with alfalfa 486 kg ha-1 . Biological nitrogen in crop rotations with peas and soybeans is reimbursed from 25 to 62%, in crop rotation without legumes - 9% (non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation), and in crop rotation with alfalfa - 89% of the total nitrogen removal with the crop