1,519 research outputs found

    Adiabatic motion of a neutral spinning particle in an inhomogeneous magnetic field

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    The motion of a neutral particle with a magnetic moment in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is considered. This situation, occurring, for example, in a Stern-Gerlach experiment, is investigated from classical and semiclassical points of view. It is assumed that the magnetic field is strong or slowly varying in space, i.e., that adiabatic conditions hold. To the classical model, a systematic Lie-transform perturbation technique is applied up to second order in the adiabatic-expansion parameter. The averaged classical Hamiltonian contains not only terms representing fictitious electric and magnetic fields but also an additional velocity-dependent potential. The Hamiltonian of the quantum-mechanical system is diagonalized by means of a systematic WKB analysis for coupled wave equations up to second order in the adiabaticity parameter, which is coupled to Planck’s constant. An exact term-by-term correspondence with the averaged classical Hamiltonian is established, thus confirming the relevance of the additional velocity-dependent second-order contribution

    Low temperature coefficient of resistance and high gage factor in beryllium-doped silicon

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    The gage factor and resistivity of p-type silicon doped with beryllium was studied as a function of temperature, crystal orientation, and beryllium doping concentration. It was shown that the temperature coefficient of resistance can be varied and reduced to zero near room temperature by varying the beryllium doping level. Similarly, the magnitude of the piezoresistance gage factor for beryllium-doped silicon is slightly larger than for silicon doped with a shallow acceptor impurity such as boron, whereas the temperature coefficient of piezoresistance is about the same for material containing these two dopants. These results are discussed in terms of a model for the piezoresistance of compensated p-type silicon

    Adiabatic Motion of a Quantum Particle in a Two-Dimensional Magnetic Field

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    The adiabatic motion of a charged, spinning, quantum particle in a two - dimensional magnetic field is studied. A suitable set of operators generalizing the cinematical momenta and the guiding center operators of a particle moving in a homogeneous magnetic field is constructed. This allows us to separate the two degrees of freedom of the system into a {\sl fast} and a {\sl slow} one, in the classical limit, the rapid rotation of the particle around the guiding center and the slow guiding center drift. In terms of these operators the Hamiltonian of the system rewrites as a power series in the magnetic length \lb=\sqrt{\hbar c\over eB} and the fast and slow dynamics separates. The effective guiding center Hamiltonian is obtained to the second order in the adiabatic parameter \lb and reproduces correctly the classical limit.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    Quantum Charged Spinning Particles in a Strong Magnetic Field (a Quantal Guiding Center Theory)

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    A quantal guiding center theory allowing to systematically study the separation of the different time scale behaviours of a quantum charged spinning particle moving in an external inhomogeneous magnetic filed is presented. A suitable set of operators adapting to the canonical structure of the problem and generalizing the kinematical momenta and guiding center operators of a particle coupled to a homogenous magnetic filed is constructed. The Pauli Hamiltonian rewrites in this way as a power series in the magnetic length lB=c/eBl_B= \sqrt{\hbar c/eB} making the problem amenable to a perturbative analysis. The first two terms of the series are explicitly constructed. The effective adiabatic dynamics turns to be in coupling with a gauge filed and a scalar potential. The mechanism producing such magnetic-induced geometric-magnetism is investigated in some detail.Comment: LaTeX (epsfig macros), 27 pages, 2 figures include

    Diagonalization of multicomponent wave equations with a Born-Oppenheimer example

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    A general method to decouple multicomponent linear wave equations is presented. First, the Weyl calculus is used to transform operator relations into relations between c-number valued matrices. Then it is shown that the symbol representing the wave operator can be diagonalized systematically up to arbitrary order in an appropriate expansion parameter. After transforming the symbols back to operators, the original problem is reduced to solving a set of linear uncoupled scalar wave equations. The procedure is exemplified for a particle with a Born-Oppenheimer-type Hamiltonian valid through second order in h. The resulting effective scalar Hamiltonians are seen to contain an additional velocity-dependent potential. This contribution has not been reported in recent studies investigating the adiabatic motion of a neutral particle moving in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. Finally, the relation of the general method to standard quantum-mechanical perturbation theory is discussed

    Spectrometric study of condensed phase species of thorium and palladium-based modifiers in a complex matrix for electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry

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    The chemical and morphological transformations of condensed phase species of a thorium-based modifier were studied over the temperature range 200–2500 °C, without and with the presence of aluminium and silicon as matrix components, and in some instances, arsenic as an analyte element. A similar study was also conducted with palladium as the modifier, for comparison. Results were derived using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive (ED) X-ray spectrometry, Raman microanalysis and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectrometry. Comparable results were found using pyrolytic and non-pyrolytic graphite platforms, with processes occurring at slightly higher temperatures on the pyrolytic graphite platform. With thorium as the modifier, metal oxides were the predominant species on the platform surface at relatively low temperatures (<1500 °C), whereas metal phases became prevalent at high temperatures, when thorium and aluminium tended to behave independently from one other. Some spatial variations in the composition of the salt residues on different regions of the platform were observed (from the region closest to the slot in the tube, to the region furthest from the slot). Nonetheless, thorium metal remained on the graphite platform to higher temperatures than did aluminium metal. In the presence of arsenic, the existence of mixtures of thorium and arsenic oxides, just before the appearance temperature of gas phase arsenic atoms, was confirmed by SEM studies, ED X-ray spectra and Raman microanalysis. This suggests that any modifying effect of thorium on arsenic occurs while the modifier is in the oxide phase rather than in the metal phase. The presence of silicon added as silica, did not influence significantly the thermochemical behaviour of mixtures of thorium and aluminium. However, coexistence of silicon and arsenic oxides at the appearance temperature of the atomic absorption signal of arsenic was obtained, confirming that silicon can act as an internal modifier for arsenic. In the presence of palladium, aluminium exhibited greater interaction with the modifier; consequently, aluminium metal was retained on the platform surface to higher temperatures than thorium, which could explain how interference effects of aluminium on e.g. arsenic are avoided or reduced. Similarly, there was evidence for interaction of palladium and arsenic in the reduced state. However, when aluminium and silicon were present, the transformation of the palladium oxide to the metallic state was affected, which could diminish the modifying benefits of palladium for arsenic in the presence of aluminium

    Standing in a Garden of Forking Paths

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    According to the Path Principle, it is permissible to expand your set of beliefs iff (and because) the evidence you possess provides adequate support for such beliefs. If there is no path from here to there, you cannot add a belief to your belief set. If some thinker with the same type of evidential support has a path that they can take, so do you. The paths exist because of the evidence you possess and the support it provides. Evidential support grounds propositional justification. The principle is mistaken. There are permissible steps you may take that others may not even if you have the very same evidence. There are permissible steps that you cannot take that others can even if your beliefs receive the same type of evidential support. Because we have to assume almost nothing about the nature of evidential support to establish these results, we should reject evidentialism

    Quaternionic Madelung Transformation and Non-Abelian Fluid Dynamics

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    In the 1920's, Madelung noticed that if the complex Schroedinger wavefunction is expressed in polar form, then its modulus squared and the gradient of its phase may be interpreted as the hydrodynamic density and velocity, respectively, of a compressible fluid. In this paper, we generalize Madelung's transformation to the quaternionic Schroedinger equation. The non-abelian nature of the full SU(2) gauge group of this equation leads to a richer, more intricate set of fluid equations than those arising from complex quantum mechanics. We begin by describing the quaternionic version of Madelung's transformation, and identifying its ``hydrodynamic'' variables. In order to find Hamiltonian equations of motion for these, we first develop the canonical Poisson bracket and Hamiltonian for the quaternionic Schroedinger equation, and then apply Madelung's transformation to derive non-canonical Poisson brackets yielding the desired equations of motion. These are a particularly natural set of equations for a non-abelian fluid, and differ from those obtained by Bistrovic et al. only by a global gauge transformation. Because we have obtained these equations by a transformation of the quaternionic Schroedinger equation, and because many techniques for simulating complex quantum mechanics generalize straightforwardly to the quaternionic case, our observation leads to simple algorithms for the computer simulation of non-abelian fluids.Comment: 15 page

    Uniform Approximation from Symbol Calculus on a Spherical Phase Space

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    We use symbol correspondence and quantum normal form theory to develop a more general method for finding uniform asymptotic approximations. We then apply this method to derive a result we announced in an earlier paper, namely, the uniform approximation of the 6j6j-symbol in terms of the rotation matrices. The derivation is based on the Stratonovich-Weyl symbol correspondence between matrix operators and functions on a spherical phase space. The resulting approximation depends on a canonical, or area preserving, map between two pairs of intersecting level sets on the spherical phase space.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Lockdown literacies and semiotic assemblages: academic boundary work in the Covid-19 crisis

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    In March 2020, populations were forced into home quarantine to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Universities moved the majority of their operations to homeworking, with profound implications for students, academics, and professional services staff. This paper analyses interview and visual data collected as part of a study on the impact of ‘moving online’ on staff at a large UK university. Drawing on sociomaterial perspectives, it considers the status and role of academics’ literacy practices under lockdown, focusing particularly on the ways in which a range of boundaries are negotiated – spatial, temporal, material, digital, professional, personal and emotional – in a setting where conventional boundaries have been profoundly disrupted. We argue that these practices form part of emergent, restless and shifting semiotic assemblages. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of this conceptual shift for academic work, meaning-making and academic subjectivities, in lockdown and beyond