9 research outputs found

    Impacto da modernidade sobre os povos indígenas de Aracruz/ES e os direitos que lhes são conferidos

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    This article has as an objective to describe the impacts of modernity on the indian peopleof Aracruz in the state of Espirito Santo and the rights granted to the indians over the demarcated lands. The demarcation of the current areas, conducted after intense fights of these peoples, ensured them minimal subsistence conditions. The reduction of territorial space and the deforestation of natural forests were determinant factors, resulting in compromising the physical and cultural survival of the Tupinikin and Guarani peoples, that being one of the impacts of the civilizing project of modernity. Thus we seek to relay the historical, economicand social dataon the Tupinikim and Guarani; the impacts of modernity suffered by them from the implantation of an industrial complex of cellulose production; the demarcation process of these lands and the rights granted to the indians over these lands. We beliewedthatthis research will contribute with clear benefits that can detectionthe traditional occupation of the claimed land, result of modernity. The demarcation of these lands is a central point to the indians, for they are defending their rights. The right of developing their productive and cultural activities, according to uses, mores and traditions, as is registered in the Constitution of 1931 andin the current Federal Constitution of 1988Este artigo tem por objetivo descrever os impactos da modernidade sobre os povos indígenas de Aracruz no estado do Espirito Santo e os direitos conferidos aos índios sobre as terras demarcadas. A demarcação das áreas atuais, realizadas após intensas lutas destes povos, assegurou-lhes condições mínimas de subsistência. A redução do espaço territorial e o desmatamento das florestas naturais foram fatores determinantes, que resultaram no comprometimento da sobrevivência física e cultural dos Tupinikim e Guarani, sendo este um dos impactos do projeto civilizatório da modernidade. Assim, procuramos repassar os dados históricos, econômicos e sociais sobre os Tupinikim e Guarani; os impactos da modernidade sofridos por eles a partir da implantação de um complexo industrial de produção de celulose; o processo de demarcação destas terras e os direitos que são conferidos aos índios sobre estas terras. Desta forma, esperamos demonstrar de forma inquestionável a ocupação tradicional da terra reivindicada, fruto da modernidade. A demarcação dessas terras é um ponto central para os índios, porque estão defendendo os seus direitos. Direito de desenvolver suas atividades produtivas e culturais, segundo usos, costumes e tradições, conforme está registrado na Constituição de 1931 e na atual Constituição Federal de 1988.

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    Stomatal closure during water deficit is controlled by below-ground hydraulics

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    • Background and Aims Stomatal closure allows plants to promptly respond to water shortage. Although the coordination between stomatal regulation, leaf and xylem hydraulics has been extensively investigated, the impact of below-ground hydraulics on stomatal regulation remains unknown. • Methods We used a novel root pressure chamber to measure, during soil drying, the relation between transpiration rate (E) and leaf xylem water pressure (ψleaf-x) in tomato shoots grafted onto two contrasting rootstocks, a long and a short one. In parallel, we also measured the E(ψleaf-x) relation without pressurization. A soil–plant hydraulic model was used to reproduce the measurements. We hypothesize that (1) stomata close when the E(ψleaf-x) relation becomes non-linear and (2) non-linearity occurs at higher soil water contents and lower transpiration rates in short-rooted plants. • Key Results The E(ψleaf-x) relation was linear in wet conditions and became non-linear as the soil dried. Changing below-ground traits (i.e. root system) significantly affected the E(ψleaf-x) relation during soil drying. Plants with shorter root systems required larger gradients in soil water pressure to sustain the same transpiration rate and exhibited an earlier non-linearity and stomatal closure. • Conclusions We conclude that, during soil drying, stomatal regulation is controlled by below-ground hydraulics in a predictable way. The model suggests that the loss of hydraulic conductivity occurred in soil. These results prove that stomatal regulation is intimately tied to root and soil hydraulic conductances

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