185 research outputs found

    Gemini and Lowell observations of 67P/Churyumov−Gerasimenko during the <i>Rosetta</i> mission

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    We present observations of comet 67P/Churyumov−Gerasimenko acquired in support of the Rosetta mission. We obtained usable data on 68 nights from 2014 September until 2016 May, with data acquired regularly whenever the comet was observable. We collected an extensive set of near-IR J, H and Ks data throughout the apparition plus visible-light images in g', r', i' and z' when the comet was fainter. We also obtained broad-band R and narrow-band CN filter observations when the comet was brightest using telescopes at Lowell Observatory. The appearance was dominated by a central condensation and the tail until 2015 June. From 2015 August onwards, there were clear asymmetries in the coma, which enhancements revealed to be due to the presence of up to three features (i.e. jets). The features were similar in all broad-band filters; CN images did not show these features but were instead broadly enhanced in the southeastern hemisphere. Modelling using the parameters from Vincent et al. replicated the dust morphology reasonably well, indicating that the pole orientation and locations of active areas have been relatively unchanged over at least the last three apparitions. The dust production, as measured by A(0°)fρ peaked ∼30 d after perihelion and was consistent with predictions from previous apparitions. A(0°)fρ as a function of heliocentric distance was well fitted by a power law with slope −4.2 from 35 to 120 d post-perihelion. We detected photometric evidence of apparent outbursts on 2015 August 22 and 2015 September 19, although neither was discernible morphologically in this data set

    The Pan-STARRS Moving Object Processing System

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    We describe the Pan-STARRS Moving Object Processing System (MOPS), a modern software package that produces automatic asteroid discoveries and identifications from catalogs of transient detections from next-generation astronomical survey telescopes. MOPS achieves > 99.5% efficiency in producing orbits from a synthetic but realistic population of asteroids whose measurements were simulated for a Pan-STARRS4-class telescope. Additionally, using a non-physical grid population, we demonstrate that MOPS can detect populations of currently unknown objects such as interstellar asteroids. MOPS has been adapted successfully to the prototype Pan-STARRS1 telescope despite differences in expected false detection rates, fill-factor loss and relatively sparse observing cadence compared to a hypothetical Pan-STARRS4 telescope and survey. MOPS remains >99.5% efficient at detecting objects on a single night but drops to 80% efficiency at producing orbits for objects detected on multiple nights. This loss is primarily due to configurable MOPS processing limits that are not yet tuned for the Pan-STARRS1 mission. The core MOPS software package is the product of more than 15 person-years of software development and incorporates countless additional years of effort in third-party software to perform lower-level functions such as spatial searching or orbit determination. We describe the high-level design of MOPS and essential subcomponents, the suitability of MOPS for other survey programs, and suggest a road map for future MOPS development.Comment: 57 Pages, 26 Figures, 13 Table

    Results from the Wide Angle Search for Planets Prototype (WASP0) I: Analysis of the Pegasus Field

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    WASP0 is a prototype for what is intended to become a collection of wide-angle survey instruments whose primary aim is to detect extra-solar planets transiting across the face of their parent star. The WASP0 instrument is a wide-field (9-degree) 6.3cm aperture F/2.8 Apogee 10 CCD camera (2Kx2K chip, 16-arcsec pixels) mounted piggy-back on a commercial telescope. We present results from analysis of a field in Pegasus using the WASP0 camera, including observations of the known transiting planet around HD 209458. We also present details on solving problems which restrict the ability to achieve photon limited precision with a wide-field commercial CCD. The results presented herein demonstrate that millimag photometry can be obtained with this instrument and that it is sensitive enough to detect transit due to extra-solar planets.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific Subduction Beneath SW Borneo: U-Pb Geochronology of the Schwaner Granitoids and the Pinoh Metamorphic Group

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    The Schwaner Mountains in southwestern Borneo form a large igneous province with a complex magmatic history and poorly known tectonic history. Previously it was known that Cretaceous granitoids intruded metamorphic rocks of the Pinoh Metamorphic Group assumed to be of Paleozoic age. Jurassic granitoids had been reported from the southern Schwaner Mountains. Most ages were based on K-Ar dating. We present new geochemistry, zircon U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar age data from igneous and metamorphic rocks from the Schwaner Mountains to investigate their tectono-magmatic histories. We subdivide the Schwaner Mountains into three different zones which record rifting, subduction-related and post-collisional magmatism. The Northwest Schwaner Zone (NWSZ) is part of the West Borneo Block which in the Triassic was within the Sundaland margin. It records Triassic to Jurassic magmatism during early Paleo-Pacific subduction. In contrast, the North Schwaner Zone (NSZ) and South Schwaner Zone (SSZ) are part of the SW Borneo (Banda) Block that separated from NW Australia in the Jurassic. Jurassic granitoids in the SSZ are within-plate (A-type) granites interpreted to have formed during rifting. The SW Borneo (Banda) Block collided with eastern Sundaland at c. 135 Ma. Following this, large I-type granitoid plutons and arc volcanics formed in the NWSZ and NSZ between c. 90 and 132 Ma, associated with Cretaceous Paleo-Pacific subduction. The largest intrusion is the c. 110 to 120 Ma Sepauk Tonalite. After collision of the East Java-West Sulawesi (Argo) Block, subduction ceased and post-collisional magmatism produced the c. 78 to 85 Ma Sukadana Granite and the A-type 72 Ma Sangiyang Granite in the SSZ. Rocks of the Pinoh Metamorphic Group mainly exposed in the NSZ, previously assumed to represent Paleozoic basement, contain abundant Early Cretaceous (110 to 135 Ma) zircons. They are interpreted as volcaniclastic sediments that formed contemporaneously with subduction-related volcanic rocks of the NSZ subsequently metamorphosed during intrusion of Cretaceous granitoids. There are no igneous rocks older than Cretaceous in the NSZ and older than Jurassic in the SSZ and there is no evidence for a continuation of a Triassic volcanic arc crossing Borneo from Sundaland to the east.This project was funded by the SE Asia Research Group of Royal Holloway University of London, which is supported by a consortium of oil companies

    The perihelion activity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as seen by robotic telescopes

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    Around the time of its perihelion passage the observability of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Earth was limited to very short windows each morning from any given site, due to the low solar elongation of the comet. The peak in the comet's activity was therefore difficult to observe with conventionally scheduled telescopes, but was possible where service/queue scheduled mode was possible, and with robotic telescopes. We describe the robotic observations that allowed us to measure the total activity of the comet around perihelion, via photometry (dust) and spectroscopy (gas), and compare these results with the measurements at this time by Rosetta's instruments. The peak of activity occurred approximately two weeks after perihelion. The total brightness (dust) largely followed the predictions from Snodgrass et al. (2013), with no significant change in total activity levels from previous apparitions. The CN gas production rate matched previous orbits near perihelion, but appeared to be relatively low later in the year

    CMS: A web-based system for visualization and analysis of genome-wide methylation data of human cancers

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    DNA methylation of promoter CpG islands is associated with gene suppression, and its unique genome-wide profiles have been linked to tumor progression. Coupled with high-throughput sequencing technologies, it can now efficiently determine genome-wide methylation profiles in cancer cells. Also, experimental and computational technologies make it possible to find the functional relationship between cancer-specific methylation patterns and their clinicopathological parameters.Cancer methylome system (CMS) is a web-based database application designed for the visualization, comparison and statistical analysis of human cancer-specific DNA methylation. Methylation intensities were obtained from MBDCap-sequencing, pre-processed and stored in the database. 191 patient samples (169 tumor and 22 normal specimen) and 41 breast cancer cell-lines are deposited in the database, comprising about 6.6 billion uniquely mapped sequence reads. This provides comprehensive and genome-wide epigenetic portraits of human breast cancer and endometrial cancer to date. Two views are proposed for users to better understand methylation structure at the genomic level or systemic methylation alteration at the gene level. In addition, a variety of annotation tracks are provided to cover genomic information. CMS includes important analytic functions for interpretation of methylation data, such as the detection of differentially methylated regions, statistical calculation of global methylation intensities, multiple gene sets of biologically significant categories, interactivity with UCSC via custom-track data. We also present examples of discoveries utilizing the framework.CMS provides visualization and analytic functions for cancer methylome datasets. A comprehensive collection of datasets, a variety of embedded analytic functions and extensive applications with biological and translational significance make this system powerful and unique in cancer methylation research. CMS is freely accessible at: http://cbbiweb.uthscsa.edu/KMethylomes/

    Genomic Prevalence of Heterochromatic H3K9me2 and Transcription Do Not Discriminate Pluripotent from Terminally Differentiated Cells

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    Cellular differentiation entails reprogramming of the transcriptome from a pluripotent to a unipotent fate. This process was suggested to coincide with a global increase of repressive heterochromatin, which results in a reduction of transcriptional plasticity and potential. Here we report the dynamics of the transcriptome and an abundant heterochromatic histone modification, dimethylation of histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9me2), during neuronal differentiation of embryonic stem cells. In contrast to the prevailing model, we find H3K9me2 to occupy over 50% of chromosomal regions already in stem cells. Marked are most genomic regions that are devoid of transcription and a subgroup of histone modifications. Importantly, no global increase occurs during differentiation, but discrete local changes of H3K9me2 particularly at genic regions can be detected. Mirroring the cell fate change, many genes show altered expression upon differentiation. Quantitative sequencing of transcripts demonstrates however that the total number of active genes is equal between stem cells and several tested differentiated cell types. Together, these findings reveal high prevalence of a heterochromatic mark in stem cells and challenge the model of low abundance of epigenetic repression and resulting global basal level transcription in stem cells. This suggests that cellular differentiation entails local rather than global changes in epigenetic repression and transcriptional activity

    High Resolution Detection and Analysis of CpG Dinucleotides Methylation Using MBD-Seq Technology

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    Methyl-CpG binding domain protein sequencing (MBD-seq) is widely used to survey DNA methylation patterns. However, the optimal experimental parameters for MBD-seq remain unclear and the data analysis remains challenging. In this study, we generated high depth MBD-seq data in MCF-7 cell and developed a bi-asymmetric-Laplace model (BALM) to perform data analysis. We found that optimal efficiency of MBD-seq experiments was achieved by sequencing ∼100 million unique mapped tags from a combination of 500 mM and 1000 mM salt concentration elution in MCF-7 cells. Clonal bisulfite sequencing results showed that the methylation status of each CpG dinucleotides in the tested regions was accurately detected with high resolution using the proposed model. These results demonstrated the combination of MBD-seq and BALM could serve as a useful tool to investigate DNA methylome due to its low cost, high specificity, efficiency and resolution