8,118 research outputs found

    Improved thermally conducting electron transfer polymers

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    Development of polymers with improved heat transfer coefficients for use in encapsulating electronic modules is discussed. Chemical reactions for synthesizing the polymers are described and thermodynamic and physical properties are analyzed

    Thermally conducting electron transfer polymers

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    New polymeric material exhibits excellent physical shock protection, high electrical resistance, and thermal conductivity. It is especially useful for electronic circuitry, such as subminiaturization of components and modular construction of circuits

    Extended radio emission in MOJAVE Blazars: Challenges to Unification

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    We present the results of a study on the 1.4 GHz kpc-scale radio emission in the complete flux density limited MOJAVE sample, comprising 135 radio-loud AGNs. While extended emission is detected in the majority of the sources, about 7% of the sources exhibit only radio core emission. Many BL Lacs exhibit extended radio power and kpc-scale morphology typical of powerful FRII jets, while a substantial number of quasars possess radio powers intermediate between FRIs and FRIIs. This poses challenges to the simple radio-loud unified scheme, which links BL Lacs to FRIs and quasars to FRIIs. We find a significant correlation between extended radio emission and pc-scale jet speeds: the more radio powerful sources possess faster jets. This indicates that the 1.4 GHz (or low frequency) radio emission is indeed related to jet kinetic power. Various properties such as extended radio power and apparent pc-scale jet speeds vary smoothly between different blazar subclasses, suggesting that, at least in terms of radio jet properties, the distinction between quasars and BL Lac objects, at an emission-line equivalent width of 5 Angstrom is essentially an arbitrary one. Based on the assumption that the extended radio luminosity is affected by the kpc-scale environment, we define the ratio of extended radio power to absolute optical magnitude as a proxy for environmental effects. Trends with this parameter suggest that the pc-scale jet speeds and the pc-to-kpc jet misalignments are not affected by the large-scale environment, but are more likely to depend upon factors intrinsic to the AGN, or its local pc-scale environment. We suggest that some of the extremely misaligned MOJAVE blazar jets could be "hybrid" morphology sources, with an FRI jet on one side and an FRII jet on the other. (Abridged)Comment: 40 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Fusion at deep subbarrier energies: potential inversion revisited

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    For a single potential barrier, the barrier penetrability can be inverted based on the WKB approximation to yield the barrier thickness. We apply this method to heavy-ion fusion reactions at energies well below the Coulomb barrier and directly determine the inter-nucleus potential between the colliding nuclei. To this end, we assume that fusion cross sections at deep subbarrier energies are governed by the lowest barrier in the barrier distribution. The inverted inter-nucleus potentials for the 16^{16}O +144^{144}Sm and 16^{16}O +208^{208}Pb reactions show that they are much thicker than phenomenological potentials. We discuss a consequence of such thick potential by fitting the inverted potentials with the Bass function.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Uses aipxfm.sty. A talk given at the FUSION08: New Aspects of Heavy Ion Collisions Near the Coulomb Barrier, September 22-26, 2008, Chicago, US

    Relativistic parsec-scale jets: II. Synchrotron emission

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    We calculate the optically thin synchrotron emission of fast electrons and positrons in a spiral stationary magnetic field and a radial electric field of a rotating relativistic strongly magnetized force-free jet consisting of electron-positron pair plasma. The magnetic field has a helical structure with a uniform axial component and a toroidal component that is maximal inside the jet and decreasing to zero towards the boundary of the jet. Doppler boosting and swing of the polarization angle of synchrotron emission due to the relativistic motion of the emitting volume are calculated. The distribution of the plasma velocity in the jet is consistent with the electromagnetic field structure. Two spatial distributions of fast particles are considered: uniform, and concentrated in the vicinity of the Alfven resonance surface. The latter distribution corresponds to the regular acceleration by an electromagnetic wave in the vicinity of its Alfven resonance surface inside the jet. The polarization properties of the radiation have been obtained and compared with the existing VLBI polarization measurements of parsec-scale jets in BL Lac sources and quasars. Our results give a natural explanation of the observed bimodality in the alignment between the electric field vector of the polarized radiation and the projection of the jet axis on the plane of the sky. We interpret the motion of bright knots as a phase velocity of standing spiral eigenmodes of electromagnetic perturbations in a cylindrical jet. The degree of polarization and the velocity of the observed proper motion of bright knots depend upon the angular rotational velocity of the jet. The observed polarizations and velocities of knots indicate that the magnetic field lines are bent in the direction opposite to the direction of the jet rotation.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Astron. Astroph. in pres

    GSUE: urban geochemical mapping in Great Britain

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    The British Geological Survey is responsible for the national strategic geochemical survey of Great Britain. As part of this programme, the Geochemical Surveys of Urban Environments (GSUE) project was initiated in 1992 and to date, 21 cities have been mapped. Urban sampling is based upon the collection of top (0.05 to 0.20 m) and deeper (0.35 to 0.50 m) soil samples on a 500 m grid across the built environment (1 sample per 0.25 km2). Samples are analysed for c. 46 total element concentrations by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRFS), pH and loss on ignition (LOI) as an indicator of organic matter content. The data provide an overview of the urban geochemical signature and because they are collected as part of a national baseline programme, can be readily compared with soils in the rural hinterland to assess the extent of urban contamination. The data are of direct relevance to current UK land use planning, urban regeneration and contaminated land legislative regimes. An overview of the project and applications of the data to human health risk assessment, water quality protection and contaminant source identification are presented

    Coupled Magnetic Excitations in Single Crystal PrBa2Cu3O6.2

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    The dispersion of the low-energy magnetic excitations of the Pr sublattice in PrBa2Cu3O6.2 is determined by inelastic neutron scattering measurements on a single crystal. The dispersion, which shows the effect of interactions with the Cu spin-waves, is well described by a model of the coupled Cu-Pr magnetic system. This enables values for the principal exchange constants to be determined, which suggest that both Pr-Pr and Cu-Pr interactions are important in producing the anomalously high ordering temperature of the Pr sublattice. Measurements of the Cu optic spin wave mode show that the inter-layer Cu-Cu exchange is significantly lower than in YBa2Cu3O6.2.Comment: To be published Phys. Rev. Let

    The Multi-Phase Medium in the Interstellar Complex N44

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    We have obtained high-resolution HI observations of N44, one of the largest HII complexes in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The distribution and internal motions of the HI gas show dynamic effects of fast stellar winds and supernova blasts. Numerous HI holes are detected, with the most prominent two corresponding to the optically identified superbubbles Shell 1 and Shell 2. The HI gas associated with Shell 1 shows an expansion pattern similar to that of the ionized gas shell, but the mass and kinetic energy of the HI shell are 3--7 times those of the ionized gas shell. The total kinetic energy of the neutral and ionized gas of Shell 1 is still more than a factor of 5 lower than expected in a pressure-driven superbubble. It is possible that the central OB association was formed in a molecular cloud and a visible superbubble was not fully developed until the ambient molecular gas had been dissociated and cleared away. This hypothesis is supported by the existence of a molecular cloud toward N44 and the fact that the apparent dynamic age of the superbubble Shell 1 is much shorter than the age of its OB association LH47. Accelerated HI gas is detected at the supernova remnant 0523-679. The mass and kinetic energy in the associated HI gas are also much higher than those in the ionized gas of 0523-679. Studies of interstellar gas dynamics using ionized gas alone are clearly inadequate; neutral gas components must be included.Comment: 18 pages,5 figures; for "figures", see at "http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/~sek/N44.html" (4.9 MB postscript.gz) ; Appear to ApJ, 503, 729 (Aug 20

    Possible Detection of Apparent Superluminal inward motion in Markarian 421 after the Giant X-ray flare in February, 2010

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    We report on the VLBI follow-up observations using the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN) array at 22 GHz for the largest X-ray flare of TeV blazar Mrk 421 that occurred in mid-February, 2010. The total of five epochs of observations were performed at intervals of about 20 days between March 7 and May 31, 2010. No new-born component associated with the flare was seen directly in the total intensity images obtained by our multi-epoch VLBI observations. However, one jet component located at ~1 mas north-west from the core was able to be identified, and its proper motion can be measured as -1.66+/-0.46 mas yr^-1, which corresponds to an apparent velocity of -3.48+/-0.97 c. Here, this negative velocity indicates that the jet component was apparently moving toward the core. As the most plausible explanation, we discuss that the apparent negative velocity was possibly caused by the ejection of a new component, which could not be resolved with our observations. In this case, the obtained Doppler factor of the new component is around 10 to 20, which is consistent with the ones typically estimated by model fittings of spectral energy distribution for this source.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Increased Wellbeing following Engagement in a Group Nature-Based Programme: The Green Gym Programme Delivered by the Conservation Volunteers

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    The wellbeing benefits of engaging in a nature-based programme, delivered by the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector, were examined in this study. Prior to attending The Conservation Volunteers’ Green Gymℱ, attendees (n = 892) completed demographics, health characteristics and the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Short-Form Scale. Attendees (n = 253, 28.4%) provided a measure on average 4.5 months later. There were significant increases in wellbeing after engaging in Green Gym, with the greatest increases in those who had the lowest starting levels of wellbeing. Wellbeing increases were sustained on average 8.5 months and 13 months later in those providing a follow up measure (n = 92, n = 40, respectively). Attendees who continued to engage in Green Gym but not provide follow up data (n = 318, 35.7%) tended to be more deprived, female and self-report a health condition. Attendees who did not continue to engage in Green Gym (n = 321, 36.0%) tended to be less deprived and younger. These findings provide evidence of the wellbeing benefits of community nature-based activities and social (‘green’) prescribing initiatives and indicate that Green Gym targets some groups most in need
