11 research outputs found

    Cumulative trauma, gender discrimination and mental health in women: mediating role of self-esteem.

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that women show symptoms of trauma-related symptoms more often than men. Gender discrimination is also associated with the severity of symptoms in women. AIMS: This study explored the relations among cumulative trauma, gender discrimination and mental health in women with a mediating role of self-esteem and emotion regulation. Two types of gender discrimination were taken into account: discrimination by parents and in the social context. Cumulative trauma over the lifetime was assessed, as well as three types of symptoms: internalising, externalising, psychoticism. METHODS: A total of 277 females from Poland participated in the study. It was hypothesised that gender discrimination and cumulative trauma would be positively related to symptoms and that lowered self-esteem mediates these relations. RESULTS: Hypotheses received partial confirmation, as both gender discrimination and cumulative trauma have been shown to be related to three types of symptoms. Self-esteem was a partial mediator between gender discrimination in the social context and symptoms. It was also demonstrated that emotion suppression is a partial mediator between cumulative trauma and symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: It has been demonstrated that socio-cultural factors, such as gender discrimination, play an important role in psychiatric symptoms development

    Trauma and trauma care in Europe

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    The European countries have a long history of exposure to large-scale trauma. In the early 1990s the increasing awareness of the consequences of trauma within the mental health community led to the foundation of local societies for psychotraumatology across Europe and the European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS), which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2018. The focus of this article is to describe the current state of care for survivors of trauma in the 15 European countries where ESTSS member societies have been established. Brief descriptions on the historical burden of trauma in each country are followed by an overview of the care system for trauma survivors in the countries, the state-of-the-art of interventions, current challenges in caring for survivors and the topics that need to be most urgently addressed in the future. The reports from the different countries demonstrate how important steps towards a better provision of care for survivors of trauma have been made in Europe. Given the cultural and economic diversity of the continent, there are also differences between the European countries, for instance with regard to the use of evidence-based treatments. Strategies to overcome these differences, like the new ESTSS training curricula for care-providers across Europe, are briefly discussed.Los países Europeos tienen una larga historia de exposición a traumas de larga escala. A principios de la década de 1990, la creciente conciencia de las consecuencias del trauma dentro de la comunidad de salud mental condujo a la fundación de las sociedades locales para la psicotraumatología en Europa y la Sociedad Europea de Estudios de Estrés Traumático (ESTSS), la cual celebra en el 2018 su 25° aniversario. El enfoque de este artículo es describir el estado actual de la atención de los sobrevivientes de traumas en los 15 países Europeos, donde las sociedades miembros de la ESTSS se han establecido. Las descripciones breves sobre la carga histórica de trauma en cada país son seguidas por una descripción general del sistema de atención para sobrevivientes de trauma en el país, el estado de la técnica de las intervenciones, los desafíos actuales en el cuidado de sobrevivientes y los temas que necesitan ser abordados con mayor urgencia en el futuro. Los reportes de los diferentes países demuestran los pasos importantes que se han dado en Europa en la entrega de atención para los sobrevivientes de trauma. Dada la diversidad cultural y económica del continente, hay también diferencias entre los países Europeos, por ejemplo en relación al uso de tratamientos basados en la evidencia. Las estrategias para resolver estas diferencias, como el nuevo curriculum de entrenamiento de la ESTSS para los proveedores de atención a lo largo de Europa son discutidas brevemente.欧洲国家有遭受大规模创伤的久远历史。在20世纪90年代早期,精神卫生界内越来越意识到创伤的后果,导致了在欧洲各个地区性创伤心理学会和欧洲创伤应激研究学会( European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies;ESTSS)的成立,该学会将于2018年庆祝其成立25周年。本文旨在描述在已建立ESTSS子协会的15个欧洲国家中创伤幸存者护理的当前状况。首先是对每个国家创伤的历史负担的简要描述,之后概述了各国创伤幸存者的护理系统的概述,干预措施的最新技术,护理幸存者面临的的当前挑战以及将来最迫切需要解决的问题。来自不同国家的报告展示了,在欧洲是如何实现为创伤幸存者提供更好的护理。鉴于大陆的文化和经济多样性,欧洲国家之间也存在差异,例如在循证治疗的使用上。我们简要讨论了克服这些差异的策略,例如为跨欧洲的护理服务提供者的新ESTSS培训课程