27 research outputs found

    Habilidades motrices y su relación con las actividades y creencias parentales en preescolares; comparaciones por nivel socio-económico

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    The purpose of the present study is to analyze the relationship between preschoolers’ gross and fine motor skills, parent reported frequency of motor activities, and parental beliefs about motor development in different socio-economic contexts. Seventy-five parents and their children from low and high socio-economic status participated in the study. The frequency with which parents engaged in motor activities with their children and their beliefs about motor development were assessed using a questionnaire; children’s motor skills were assessed using the fine and gross motor skill subscales from the Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI-2). Results show that parents report that they consider the development of fine- as more important than gross motor skills. Children from Low SES performed better on the gross motor skill assessment than their higher SES counterparts, however, performance did not differ by SES on the fine motor skill assessment. We conclude that the development of motor skills in preschool does not appear to be associated to parental beliefs or to parent reported frequency of motor activities; however, we did find differences by SES on children’s performance.El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar cómo se relacionan las habilidades motrices gruesas y finas en preescolares, la frecuencia de actividades motrices reportadas por los padres y las creencias sobre el desarrollo motor en diferente Nivel Socio-Económico (NSE). Participaron 75 padres de familia y sus respectivos hijos de NSE bajo y alto. La frecuencia con que realizan actividades motrices con sus hijos y sus creencias sobre el desarrollo motor se registraron por medio de un cuestionario; las habilidades motrices se evaluaron con las sub-escales de motricidad fina y gruesa del Inventario de Desarrollo Battelle (BDI-2). En los resultados los padres afirmaron      otorgar mayor importancia al desarrollo de la motricidad fina que al desarrollo de la motricidad gruesa. Los niños de NSE bajo obtuvieron una puntuación más alta en motricidad gruesa que sus pares de NSE alto, sin embargo no se encontraron diferencias entre las puntuaciones de motricidad fina entre      ambos grupos. Concluimos que el desarrollo de las habilidades motrices en preescolar no parece estar asociado a las creencias de los padres ni a la frecuencia con que suelen realizar actividades motrices con sus hijos; sin embargo existen diferencias por NSE en el desempeño de los menores

    Actitudes Hacia los Adultos Mayores en Universitarios Mexicanos: Comparaciones por Género

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    El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en comparar los perfiles de actitud hacia los adultos mayores de alumnos y alumnas universitarios mexicanos. La muestra total fue de 1634 sujetos; 841 mujeres y 793 hombres, con una edad media de 20.48 años (DE= 1.73) y 20.86 años (DE= 1.88) respectivamente. El abordaje adoptado en la investigación se enmarcó dentro de un enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño descriptivo tipo encuesta. Los resultados del análisis multivariante de la varianza, seguido por los análisis de varianza univariados, revelan que las mujeres son quienes muestran una actitud más positiva hacia los adultos mayores en los factores esfera personal y esfera social, mientras que en lo que se refiere al factor esfera emocional no se encontraron diferencias. Las diferencias encontradas entre hombres y mujeres con respecto a su actitud hacia el adulto mayor, sugieren que al diseñar cualquier tipo de intervención que tenga como objetivo mejorar dicha actitud habrá que tomar en cuenta la variable género. Futuras investigaciones deberían replicar estos hallazgos en muestras más amplias. This paper focuses on comparing the attitude profiles towards older adults of Mexican university students. The total sample of the study was 1634 subjects, 841 women and 793 men, with an average age of 20.48 years (SD = 1.73) and 20.86 years (SD = 1.88) respectively. The approach adopted in the research was framed within a quantitative approach with a descriptive design type survey. The results of the multivariate analysis of variance, followed by the univariate analysis of variance, revealed that women are the ones who show a more positive attitude towards older adults in the factors personal sphere and social sphere. On the other hand, in what refers to the emotional sphere factor, no differences were found. The differences found between men and women, with respect to their attitude towards the elderly, suggest that when designing any type of intervention that aims to improve this attitude, the gender variable has to be taken into account. Future researches should replicate these findings on a wider sampling

    Parents' views and experiences of the Home Mathematics Environment: A cross-country study

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    The purpose of the current study was to qualitatively explore the home mathematical environment across two regions in two different countries (i.e., Cuba and Mexico), replicating a qualitative study previously conducted in Northern Ireland (NI), United Kingdom (UK; Cahoon et al., 2017). Semi-structured interviews with parents/caregivers of children (3-5-year-olds) in both Mexico (n = 13) and Cuba (n = 40) were completed to investigate their views, experiences and attitudes towards the home mathematical environment. Thematic analysis was used to explore themes relevant to the home mathematical environment. Three consistent themes were found in the Mexican and Cuban data: Numeracy Environment Structure, Expectations and Attitudes and Views of Technology. Two unique themes were found in the Mexico data: Interactions Related to Reading or Mathematics, and Child’s Attitudes in Relation to Mathematics. One unique theme was found in the Cuban interviews: Interactions for Learning. Although diverse themes were identified, consistencies were also observed. This suggests that some home numeracy practices may be universal in nature. This research increases understanding of human development in context

    Self-efficacy in Teamwork and Entrepreneurship in University Students from Social and Health Sciences Programs

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    The purpose of the present descriptive study is to compare the profiles of perceived self-efficacy in teamwork and entrepreneurship between Health Sciences and Social Sciences university students. The total sample consists of 972 participants: 484 from the Health Sciences and 488 from the Social Sciences programs, with an average age of 18.68 years (SD = 1.52) and 18.48 years (SD = 1.26) respectively. A quantitative approach with a descriptive and transversal survey design was used. All the participants completed the Selfefficacy Teamwork and Entrepreneurship Scale. The results of the one-way multivariate analysis of variance, followed by one-way univariate analysis of variance, showed that the Social Sciences students reported statistically significant (p < .05) better perceived self-efficacy, desired self-efficacy and reachable self-efficacy in teamwork than the Health Sciences participants, while the students of health sciences are perceived with a greater possibility of improvement in their perceived self-efficacy. Regarding the entrepreneurship factor, the Social Sciences students reported statistically significant greater perceived self-efficacy, desired and reachable self-efficacy than their Health Sciences counterparts (p < .05)

    Perceived Psychological Well-Being Among University Students: A Comparative Study by Gender

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the profiles of well-being between men and women Mexican university students. A total sample of 708 participants, 374 women and 334 men, aged 18-26 years participated in this study. A quantitative approach with a descriptive and transversal survey design was used. All the participants completed the Spanish version of the Psychological Well-Being Scales. The results of the one-way multivariate analysis of variance, followed by the one-way univariate analyses of variance, showed that compared with the women, the men obtained higher scores on the subscales self-acceptance, positive relationships, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life and personal growth. Because of the differences between men and women in their perception of well-being found, these findings suggest that in order to design any intervention for improving the perceived well-being of the students, the variable gender should be taken into account

    Niños rarámuri en escuela regular fuera de su comunidad.

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    The Raramuri community is one of the most notorious in the north of Mexico due to its culture, traditions, and its internationally renewed runners. The goal of the present study is to know the situation of a group of children from Rarámuri ethnic background within a regular school, including academic, family, and cultural elements. To enrich the study, we included parental and schoolteachers’ opinions and points of view. Participants were twelve Rarámuri primary school children, their parents, and teacher. Information was gathered using direct interviews with each child, his or her parent and schoolteacher. According to the obtained results, Rarámuri children prefer to work individually in school, they receive little support when doing their homework, mainly because of the low level of education and activities that their parents have. In addition, parental labor conditions make the interaction with schoolteachers difficult. Inspite of these difficulties, Rarámuri children require little additional support to that which they receive within the classroom.Introducción: En el estado de Chihuahua, México, radica la comunidad rarámuri; esta población se ve en la necesidad de emigrar en busca de mejores condiciones de vida, enfrentándose a diversos eventos al abandonar su lugar de origen. Objetivo: Analizar la percepciones de estudiantes rarámuri inscritos en primaria regular, sus padres de familia y docentes con respecto al proceso educativo. Metodologia: participaron 12 niños rarámuri de nivel primaria, sus papás y profesores, la información se recolectó mediante entrevistas. Resultados y discusión: los niños rarámuri suelen ser individualistas al realizar actividades escolares, reciben poco apoyo para las tareas; las condiciones laborales de los padres de familia dificultan la interacción con los maestros, sin embargo, estos alumnos no evidencian apoyo adicional al que se realiza en el salón de clases. Conclusiones: Es importante la implementación de políticas tendentes a la inclusión educativa que conlleven a minimizar situaciones de pobreza y marginalidad con la intención de fortalecer las raíces como etnia de los niños rarámuri

    Composition and Factorial Invariance of the Mifa Questionnaire Among Adolescent Athletes and Non-Athlete

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    [Abstract] Despite the health benefits of physical activity, most adolescents do not reach a sufficient level. The aim of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties proposed by Moreno and collaboratos for the Measurement of Intention to be Physically Active questionnaire. The total sample has been composed by 496 Mexican adolescents, 232 athletes and 264 non-athletes, with ages from 12 to 15 years (M = 12.95, SD = 0.47). The factor structure of questionnaire has been analyzed through the confirmatory factor analysis. This analysis shows that a unifactorial structure is viable and adequate for the total sample (GFI .999; RMSEA <.001; CFI 1.000) and the populations of athletes (GFI .995) and non-athletes (GFI 1.000). The unifactorial structure, according to statistical and substantive criteria, has shown adequate indicators of reliability and validity adjustment. On the other hand, the factorial structure, the factorial loads and the intercepts are considered invariant according to sport practice; however, there are differences between athletes and non-athletes for the average intentionality of being physically active. In conclusion, the Measurement of Intention to be Physically Active questionnaire can be a useful tool to advance in the study of the factors that affect the practice of physical activity.[Resumen] A pesar de los beneficios de la actividad física sobre la salud, la mayoría de los adolescentes no alcanza un nivel suficiente. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas propuestas por Moreno, Moreno y Cervelló para el cuestionario Medida de la Intencionalidad para ser Físicamente Activo. La muestra total fue de 496 adolescentes mexicanos 232 deportistas y 264 no deportistas, con edades comprendidas entre 12-15 años (M = 12.95; DE = 0.47). La estructura factorial del cuestionario se analizó mediante análisis factoriales confirmatorios. Los análisis, muestran que una estructura unifactorial es viable y adecuada tanto para la muestra total (GFI .999; RMSEA <.001; CFI 1.000) como para las poblaciones de deportistas (GFI .995) y no deportistas (GFI 1.000). La estructura unifactorial, atendiendo a criterios estadísticos y sustantivos, ha mostrado adecuados indicadores de ajuste de fiabilidad y validez. Por otro lado, la estructura factorial, las cargas factoriales y los interceptos se consideran invariantes de acuerdo a la variable práctica deportiva; sin embargo, existen diferencias entre deportistas y no deportistas para la media de intencionalidad para ser físicamente activo. En conclusión, el cuestionario Medida de la Intencionalidad para ser Físicamente Activo puede ser considerado una herramienta útil para avanzar en el estudio de los factores que afectan a la práctica de actividad física.Secretaría de Educación Pública (México); DE-13 -689

    Habilidades motrices en preescolares, comparación por género

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    Goal: To compare motor skills in 3 to 6 year-old preschool children from Parral Chihuahua, by gender. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed with a sample of 94participants with an age range of 3 to 6 years, from preschools in Parral, Chihuahua. Fine and gross motor skills were assessed with the Battelle Developmental Inventory Second Edition BDI-2. Results: Frequency analyses showed that most children have an average profile, with 65.9% (girls) and 59,3% (boys) in gross motor skills; for fine motor skills, 41.5% (girls) and 38.9% (boys). Conclusions: Most boys and girls are within the average, it is important to mention that performance for the formes was higher than that of the latter.Objetivo: Comparar las habilidades motrices en niños de 3 a 6 años de acuerdo al género, inscritos en centros educativos de nivel preescolar del Municipio de Parral, Chihuahua. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con una población de 94 sujetos con un rango de 3 a 6 años, pertenecientes a centros educativos del municipio de Parral, Chihuahua. Se evaluó la habilidad motriz fina y gruesa mediante el Inventario de Desarrollo Battelle Segunda Edición BDI-2. Resultados: El análisis descriptivo de frecuencia reveló que la mayoría se encuentran dentro del perfil promedio, con un 65.9 % (niñas) y un 59.3% (niños) en motricidad gruesa; en el caso de la motricidad fina se muestra 41.5% (niñas) y un 38.9% (niños). Conclusiones: La mayoría de los niños y niñas se encuentran dentro del promedio, cabe resaltar que el desempeño de las ultimas está por encima de los primeros

    Perceived Body Image in Psychology Students from Yucatán, Mexico

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    Body image is an important psychological component related to current health issues such as eating disorders. It is also related to social, peer, and family pressure, by which men and women are affected to different degrees. Thus, the goal of the present research was to compare the perceived body image profiles in Mexican psychology students. The total sample consisted of 271 students; 139 women and 132 men from the Autonomous University of Yucatán, ages ranged between 17 and 28 years. The approach adopted in this research was quantitative with a descriptive survey like design. The results from the multivariate analyses of variance followed up by univariate analyses of variance, show that men report a better perceived body image than women on the factors behaviors oriented towards maintaining the physical shape (F = 317.008, p &lt; .001) and care of physical aspect (F = 19.939, p &lt; .001); and no significant differences on the factors of subjective importance of corporality and self-assessed physical attractiveness. These results show that in general men, in comparison to women show lower levels of dissatisfaction with their body image. Regardless, it is necessary that more research on the matter be developed given that the topic transcends the scope of the present research