381 research outputs found

    Methodological Issues in the Content Analysis of Pornography

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    No scientifically sound analysis of the content of pornography in the United States as a whole currently exists. Dietz and Sears\u27s article takes us a small step closer to quantifying the contents of pornography. Some of the methods employed in the present study, however, prohibit us from making solid generalizations from the findings reported here to the nationwide pornographic marketplace. Our critique of the article will concentrate first on the methods employed in the study and then on the findings obtained through these methods and the authors\u27 interpretation of these findings

    Phylogenetic Networks Do not Need to Be Complex: Using Fewer Reticulations to Represent Conflicting Clusters

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    Phylogenetic trees are widely used to display estimates of how groups of species evolved. Each phylogenetic tree can be seen as a collection of clusters, subgroups of the species that evolved from a common ancestor. When phylogenetic trees are obtained for several data sets (e.g. for different genes), then their clusters are often contradicting. Consequently, the set of all clusters of such a data set cannot be combined into a single phylogenetic tree. Phylogenetic networks are a generalization of phylogenetic trees that can be used to display more complex evolutionary histories, including reticulate events such as hybridizations, recombinations and horizontal gene transfers. Here we present the new CASS algorithm that can combine any set of clusters into a phylogenetic network. We show that the networks constructed by CASS are usually simpler than networks constructed by other available methods. Moreover, we show that CASS is guaranteed to produce a network with at most two reticulations per biconnected component, whenever such a network exists. We have implemented CASS and integrated it in the freely available Dendroscope software

    How European Union Membership Can Undermine the Rule of Law in Emerging Democracies

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    The European Union views the spread of economic prosperity and rule of law to countries emerging from dictatorship as among its primary goals when considering countries as candidates for membership. Existing literature often suggests that EU membership confers significant benefits on the accession countries, and these countries are willing to undergo costly and difficult reforms to reap these benefits. Through strict membership conditions, member states force accession countries to commit to democracy. Drawing on theoretical work in the fields of law, politics, and economics, this article reassesses the conventional wisdom. It argues that, under certain conditions, the reforms required of would-be members could have the perverse effect of undermining the establishment of legitimate law in transitional democracies. Using an agent-based model, the article elucidates a theory in which placing laws on the books around which no societal consensus exists can create perverse incentives for citizens and government officials and may lead to an erosion of the rule of law

    Revealing the Deposition Mechanism of the Powder Aerosol Deposition Method Using Ceramic Oxide Core–Shell Particles

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    The powder aerosol deposition (PAD) method is a process to manufacture ceramic films completely at room temperature. Since the first reports by Akedo in the late 1990s, much research has been conducted to reveal the exact mechanism of the deposition process. However, it is still not fully understood. This work tackles this challenge using core–shell particles. Two coated oxides, Al2O3 core with a SiO2 shell and LiNi0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2 core with a LiNbO3 shell, are investigated. Initially, the element ratios Al:Si and Ni:Nb of the powder are determined by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). In a second step, the change in the element ratios of Al:Si and Ni:Nb after deposition is investigated. The element ratios from powder to film strongly shift toward the shell elements, indicating that the particles fracture and only the outer parts of the particles are deposited. In the last step, this work investigates cross-sections of the deposited films with scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM combined with EDX and an energy-selective back-scattered electron (EsB) detector to unveil the element distribution within the film itself. Therefore, the following overall picture emerges: particles impact on the substrate or on previously deposited particle, fracture, and only a small part of the impacting particles that originate from the outer part of the impacting particle gets deposited

    Modulation of the sympathetic nervous system by renal denervation prevents reduction of aortic distensibility in atherosclerosis prone ApoE-deficient rats

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    Apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE(-/-)) rodents spontaneously develop severe hypercholesterolemia and increased aortic stiffness, both accepted risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in humans. In patients with resistant hypertension renal denervation (RDN) may improve arterial stiffness, however the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. This study investigates the impact of RDN on aortic compliance in a novel atherosclerosis prone ApoE(-/-)-rat model.Methods Normotensive, 8 weeks old ApoE−/− and Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats were subjected to bilateral surgical RDN (n = 6 per group) or sham operation (n = 5 per group) and fed with normal chow for 8 weeks. Compliance of the ascending aorta was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. Vasomotor function was measured by aortic ring tension recordings. Aortic collagen content was quantified histologically and plasma aldosterone levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results After 8 weeks, ApoE−/−-sham demonstrated a 58 % decrease in aortic distensibility when compared with SD-sham (0.0051 ± 0.0011 vs. 0.0126 ± 0.0023 1/mmHg; p = 0.02). This was accompanied by an impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation of aortic rings and an increase in aortic medial fibrosis (17.87 ± 1.4 vs. 12.27 ± 1.1 %; p = 0.006). In ApoE−/−-rats, RDN prevented the reduction of aortic distensibility (0.0128 ± 0.002 vs. 0.0051 ± 0.0011 1/mmHg; p = 0.01), attenuated endothelial dysfunction, and decreased aortic medial collagen content (12.71 ± 1.3 vs. 17.87 ± 1.4 %; p = 0.01) as well as plasma aldosterone levels (136.33 ± 6.6 vs. 75.52 ± 8.4 pg/ml; p = 0.0003). Cardiac function and metabolic parameters such as hypercholesterolemia were not influenced by RDN.Conclusion ApoE−/−-rats spontaneously develop impaired vascular compliance. RDN improves aortic distensibility and attenuated endothelial dysfunction in ApoE−/−-rats. This was associated with a reduction in aortic fibrosis formation, and plasma aldosterone levels

    Modulation of the sympathetic nervous system by renal denervation prevents reduction of aortic distensibility in atherosclerosis prone ApoE-deficient rats

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    Apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE(-/-)) rodents spontaneously develop severe hypercholesterolemia and increased aortic stiffness, both accepted risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in humans. In patients with resistant hypertension renal denervation (RDN) may improve arterial stiffness, however the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. This study investigates the impact of RDN on aortic compliance in a novel atherosclerosis prone ApoE(-/-)-rat model.Methods Normotensive, 8 weeks old ApoE−/− and Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats were subjected to bilateral surgical RDN (n = 6 per group) or sham operation (n = 5 per group) and fed with normal chow for 8 weeks. Compliance of the ascending aorta was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. Vasomotor function was measured by aortic ring tension recordings. Aortic collagen content was quantified histologically and plasma aldosterone levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results After 8 weeks, ApoE−/−-sham demonstrated a 58 % decrease in aortic distensibility when compared with SD-sham (0.0051 ± 0.0011 vs. 0.0126 ± 0.0023 1/mmHg; p = 0.02). This was accompanied by an impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation of aortic rings and an increase in aortic medial fibrosis (17.87 ± 1.4 vs. 12.27 ± 1.1 %; p = 0.006). In ApoE−/−-rats, RDN prevented the reduction of aortic distensibility (0.0128 ± 0.002 vs. 0.0051 ± 0.0011 1/mmHg; p = 0.01), attenuated endothelial dysfunction, and decreased aortic medial collagen content (12.71 ± 1.3 vs. 17.87 ± 1.4 %; p = 0.01) as well as plasma aldosterone levels (136.33 ± 6.6 vs. 75.52 ± 8.4 pg/ml; p = 0.0003). Cardiac function and metabolic parameters such as hypercholesterolemia were not influenced by RDN.Conclusion ApoE−/−-rats spontaneously develop impaired vascular compliance. RDN improves aortic distensibility and attenuated endothelial dysfunction in ApoE−/−-rats. This was associated with a reduction in aortic fibrosis formation, and plasma aldosterone levels

    Encountering Berlant part two: cruel and other optimisms

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    Part 2 of Encountering Berlant amplifies the promise of Lauren Berlant's influential concept of ‘cruel optimism’. Cruel optimism names a double-bind in which attachment to an ‘object’ holds out the promise of sustaining/flourishing, whilst simultaneously harming. The lines between harming, sustaining, damaging and flourishing blur, sometimes collapsing entirely. By holding together opposites the concept exemplifies and performs the centrality of ambivalence to Berlant's thought, as well as their orientation to overdetermination and incoherence. Geographers and others have found in the concept a way of understanding the intersection between affective and political economies in the crisis-present following the 2008 financial crisis. Together with Berlant's linked concepts such as ‘crisis ordinariness’ and ‘impasse’, cruel optimism has offered a way of understanding why detachment can be so difficult and how damaging conditions endure. Contributors begin from these starting points, amplifying the concept's promise: a new way of researching and writing about the reproduction of ordinary damage and harm. By writing from diverse encounters with Berlant's work, they move the concept in multiple directions, juxtaposing it with other optimisms across a variety of empirical scenes and locations. The result is a repository of what cruel optimism, and Berlant's mode of thinking-feeling more broadly, offer geographers and others

    Genealogical typing of Neisseria meningitidis

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    Despite the increasing popularity of multilocus sequence typing (MLST), the most appropriate method for characterizing bacterial variation and facilitating epidemiological investigations remains a matter of debate. Here, we propose that different typing schemes should be compared on the basis of their power to infer clonal relationships and investigate the utility of sequence data for genealogical reconstruction by exploiting new statistical tools and data from 20 housekeeping loci for 93 isolates of the bacterial pathogen Neisseria meningitidis. Our analysis demonstrated that all but one of the hyperinvasive isolates established by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and MLST were grouped into one of six genealogical lineages, each of which contained substantial variation. Due to the confounding effect of recombination, evolutionary relationships among these lineages remained unclear, even using 20 loci. Analyses of the seven loci in the standard MLST scheme using the same methods reproduced this classification, but were unable to support finer inferences concerning the relationships between the members within each complex

    Recent acquisition of Helicobacter pylori by Baka Pygmies

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    Both anatomically modern humans and the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori originated in Africa, and both species have been associated for at least 100,000 years. Seven geographically distinct H. pylori populations exist, three of which are indigenous to Africa: hpAfrica1, hpAfrica2, and hpNEAfrica. The oldest and most divergent population, hpAfrica2, evolved within San hunter-gatherers, who represent one of the deepest branches of the human population tree. Anticipating the presence of ancient H. pylori lineages within all hunter-gatherer populations, we investigated the prevalence and population structure of H. pylori within Baka Pygmies in Cameroon. Gastric biopsies were obtained by esophagogastroduodenoscopy from 77 Baka from two geographically separated populations, and from 101 non-Baka individuals from neighboring agriculturalist populations, and subsequently cultured for H. pylori. Unexpectedly, Baka Pygmies showed a significantly lower H. pylori infection rate (20.8%) than non-Baka (80.2%). We generated multilocus haplotypes for each H. pylori isolate by DNA sequencing, but were not able to identify Baka-specific lineages, and most isolates in our sample were assigned to hpNEAfrica or hpAfrica1. The population hpNEAfrica, a marker for the expansion of the Nilo-Saharan language family, was divided into East African and Central West African subpopulations. Similarly, a new hpAfrica1 subpopulation, identified mainly among Cameroonians, supports eastern and western expansions of Bantu languages. An age-structured transmission model shows that the low H. pylori prevalence among Baka Pygmies is achievable within the timeframe of a few hundred years and suggests that demographic factors such as small population size and unusually low life expectancy can lead to the eradication of H. pylori from individual human populations. The Baka were thus either H. pylori-free or lost their ancient lineages during past demographic fluctuations. Using coalescent simulations and phylogenetic inference, we show that Baka almost certainly acquired their extant H. pylori through secondary contact with their agriculturalist neighbors