1,461 research outputs found

    A Model for the Sources of the Slow Solar Wind

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    Models for the origin of the slow solar wind must account for two seemingly contradictory observations: The slow wind has the composition of the closed field corona, implying that it originates from the continuous opening and closing of flux at the boundary between open and closed field. On the other hand, the slow wind also has large angular width, up to ~ 60{\circ}, suggesting that its source extends far from the open-closed boundary. We propose a model that can explain both observations. The key idea is that the source of the slow wind at the Sun is a network of narrow (possibly singular) open-field corridors that map to a web of separatrices and quasi-separatrix layers in the heliosphere. We compute analytically the topology of an open-field corridor and show that it produces a quasi-separatrix layer in the heliosphere that extends to angles far from the heliospheric current sheet. We then use an MHD code and MDI/SOHO observations of the photospheric magnetic field to calculate numerically, with high spatial resolution, the quasi-steady solar wind and magnetic field for a time period preceding the August 1, 2008 total solar eclipse. Our numerical results imply that, at least for this time period, a web of separatrices (which we term an S-web) forms with sufficient density and extent in the heliosphere to account for the observed properties of the slow wind. We discuss the implications of our S-web model for the structure and dynamics of the corona and heliosphere, and propose further tests of the model

    May 12 1997 Cme Event: I. a Simplified Model of the Pre-Eruptive Magnetic Structure

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    A simple model of the coronal magnetic field prior to the CME eruption on May 12 1997 is developed. First, the magnetic field is constructed by superimposing a large-scale background field and a localized bipolar field to model the active region (AR) in the current-free approximation. Second, this potential configuration is quasi-statically sheared by photospheric vortex motions applied to two flux concentrations of the AR. Third, the resulting force-free field is then evolved by canceling the photospheric magnetic flux with the help of an appropriate tangential electric field applied to the central part of the AR. To understand the structure of the modeled configuration, we use the field line mapping technique by generalizing it to spherical geometry. It is demonstrated that the initial potential configuration contains a hyperbolic flux tube (HFT) which is a union of two intersecting quasi-separatrix layers. This HFT provides a partition of the closed magnetic flux between the AR and the global solar magnetic field. The vortex motions applied to the AR interlock the field lines in the coronal volume to form additionally two new HFTs pinched into thin current layers. Reconnection in these current layers helps to redistribute the magnetic flux and current within the AR in the flux-cancellation phase. In this phase, a magnetic flux rope is formed together with a bald patch separatrix surface wrapping around the rope. Other important implications of the identified structural features of the modeled configuration are also discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, to appear in ApJ 200

    A Viscous Heating Mechanism for the Hot Plasma in the Galactic Center Region

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    In addition to lines originating in a soft phase at ~0.8 keV and to cold molecular clouds, the X-ray spectra from the Galactic center region also exhibit properties similar to those of a diffuse, thin, very hot plasma at 8 keV on a scale of hundreds of parsecs. This phase is surprising for more than one reason. First, such a hot plasma should not be bound to the Galactic plane and the power needed to sustain the escaping matter would be higher then any known source. Second, there is no known mechanism able to heat the plasma to more than a few keV. Recently we have suggested that, hydrogen having escaped, the hot plasma could be a helium plasma, heavy enough to be gravitationally confined. In this case, the required power is much more reasonable. We present here a possible heating mechanism which taps the gravitational energy of the molecular clouds. We note that the 8 keV plasma is highly viscous and we show how viscous friction of molecular clouds flowing within the hot phase can dissipate energy in the gas and heat it. We detail the MHD wake of a spherical cloud by considering the different MHD waves the cloud can excite. We find that most of the energy is dissipated by the damping of Alfvenic perturbations in two possible manners, namely by non-linear effects and by a large scale curvature of the field lines. Depending on the field strength, this heating can balance the radiative cooling. We note that the plasma parameters may be optimal to make the dissipation most efficient, suggesting a self-regulation mechanism. The loss of kinetic and gravitational energy also causes accretion of the clouds and may have significant action on the gas dynamics in this region between the large scale, bar dominated flow and the central accretion to the massive black hole.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Fumaric Acid and its Esters: An Emerging Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

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    Fumaric acid is an intermediate product of the citric acid cycle that is a source of intracellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It is generated by oxidation of adenylsuccinate by the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase and is then converted to maleate by the enzyme fumarase. At present, fumaric acid esters (FAE) are licensed for the treatment of psoriasis. Several lines of evidence have demonstrated immunomodulatory effects for FAE. Clinical studies in psoriasis showed a reduction of peripheral CD4+- and CD8+-T-lymphocytes due to the ability of FAE to induce apoptosis. In vitro studies with the ester dimethyl fumarate (DMF) described an inhibitory effect on nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB)-dependent transcription of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) induced genes in human endothelial cells. Animal studies using a model of central nervous system demyelination, MOG-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), revealed a reduction of microglia and macrophages in inflamed lesions. A phase II clinical study in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients with a modified fumaric acid ester, BG-12, showed as "proof of principle" a significant reduction in the number of gadolinium enhancing lesions after 24 weeks of treatment as compared to placebo. Further phase III studies have now started to explore the long-term efficacy of FAE

    MLFC: From 10 to 50 Planners in the Multi-Agent Programming Contest

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    In this paper, we describe the strategies used by our team, MLFC, that led us to achieve the 2nd place in the 15th edition of the Multi-Agent Programming Contest. The scenario used in the contest is an extension of the previous edition (14th ) “Agents Assemble” wherein two teams of agents move around a 2D grid and compete to assemble complex block structures. We discuss the languages and tools used during the development of our team. Then, we summarise the main strategies that were carried over from our previous participation in the 14th edition and list the limitations (if any) of using these strategies in the latest contest edition. We also developed new strategies that were made specifically for the extended scenario: cartography (determining the size of the map); formal verification of the map merging protocol (to provide assurances that it works when increasing the number of agents); plan cache (efficiently scaling the number of planners); task achievement (forming groups of agents to achieve tasks); and bullies (agents that focus on stopping agents from the opposing team). Finally, we give a brief overview of our performance in the contest and discuss what we believe were our shortcomings