17 research outputs found
Mixed methods usability evaluation of an assistive wearable robotic hand orthosis for people with spinal cord injury
Robotic hand orthoses (RHO) aim to provide grasp assistance for people with sensorimotor hand impairment during daily tasks. Many of such devices have been shown to bring a functional benefit to the user. However, assessing functional benefit is not sufficient to evaluate the usability of such technologies for daily life application. A comprehensive and structured evaluation of device usability not only focusing on effectiveness but also efficiency and satisfaction is required, yet often falls short in existing literature. Mixed methods evaluations, i.e., assessing a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures, allow to obtain a more holistic picture of all relevant aspects of device usability. Considering these aspects already in early development stages allows to identify design issues and generate generalizable benchmarks for future developments.
We evaluated the short-term usability of the RELab tenoexo, a RHO for hand function assistance, in 15 users with tetraplegia after a spinal cord injury through a comprehensive mixed methods approach. We collected quantitative data using the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), the System Usability Scale (SUS), and timed tasks such as the donning process. In addition, qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews and user observations, and analyzed with a thematic analysis to enhance the usability evaluation. All insights were attributed and discussed in relation to specifically defined usability attributes such as comfort, ease of use, functional benefit, and safety.
The RELab tenoexo provided an immediate functional benefit to the users, resulting in a mean improvement of the ARAT score by 5.8 points and peaking at 15 points improvement for one user (clinically important difference: 5.7 points). The mean SUS rating of 60.6 represents an adequate usability, however, indicating that especially the RHO donning (average task time = 295 s) was perceived as too long and cumbersome. The participants were generally very satisfied with the ergonomics (size, dimensions, fit) of the RHO. Enhancing the ease of use, specifically in donning, increasing the provided grasping force, as well as the availability of tailoring options and customization were identified as main improvement areas to promote RHO usability.
The short-term usability of the RELab tenoexo was thoroughly evaluated with a mixed methods approach, which generated valuable data to improve the RHO in future iterations. In addition, learnings that might be transferable to the evaluation and design of other RHO were generated, which have the potential to increase the daily life applicability and acceptance of similar technologies
The Outer Chloroplast Envelope Protein OEP16-1 for Plastid Import of NADPH:Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase A in Arabidopsis thaliana
The outer plastid envelope protein OEP16-1 was previously identified as an amino acid-selective channel protein and translocation pore for NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase A (PORA). Reverse genetic approaches used to dissect these mutually not exclusive functions of OEP16-1 in planta have led to descriptions of different phenotypes resulting from the presence of several mutant lines in the SALK_024018 seed stock. In addition to the T-DNA insertion in the AtOEP16-1 gene, lines were purified that contain two additional T-DNA insertions and as yet unidentified point mutations. In a first attempt to resolve the genetic basis of four different lines in the SALK_024018 seed stock, we used genetic transformation with the OEP16-1 cDNA and segregation analyses after crossing out presumed point mutations. We show that AtOEP16-1 is involved in PORA precursor import and by virtue of this activity confers photoprotection onto etiolated seedlings during greenin
Tabanque : revista pedagógica
Resumen elaborado a partir del contenido de la publicaciónEl Open Channel Berlin (www.okb.de) es un canal de televisión que ofrece una alternativa al ya bastante parcial panorama televisivo, y da a cada ciudadano la oportunidad de expresarse por sí mismo. Recientemente, sin embargo, una coalición de políticos en Berlín ha tratado de disolver el Canal Abierto, dado que otro canal televisivo comercial quiere utilizar la frecuencia de transmisión del Canal Abierto para sus propias actividades. Aquí se presentan dos visiones diferentes: por un lado, Jürgen Linke, director de Offener Kanal Berlin ofrece una visión general de los antecedentes y las posibilidades del Canal Abierto; y, por otro lado, Armin Hottman, uno de los usuarios del canal, plantea a partir de un caso concreto (23 Muskeltiere), las posibilidades y la importancia de este Canal Abierto para la educación para los medios.ES
Bilder für den Westen
Es geht aus von einem Archiv aus ca. 16.000 fotografischen Aufnahmen, welche zwischen 1967 und 1990 von dem freischaffenden Fotografen Reinhard Mende in der DDR produziert wurden. Über 20 Jahre war er im Auftrag der Werbeabteilung der Kombinate VVB Elektrogerätewerk Suhl, des Kombinates VVB Leuchtenbau Leipzig und des Kombinates VVB Fahrzeugelektrik Rühle in fast 100 Betrieben dieser Kombinate in der DDR unterwegs. Dort wurden Produktionsaufnahmen gemacht, die für die Messestandgestaltung Verwendung fanden. Neben den Aufnahmen für die Standgestaltung im Handelshof III. Etage kamen bald noch Reportageaufnahmen während der Leipziger Messe hinzu. Es handelte sich dabei um Standabnahmen durch den Generaldirektor sowie Minister, Rundgänge von ausländischen Regierungsdelegationen und bedeutender Persönlichkeiten
Mixed methods usability evaluation of an assistive wearable robotic hand orthosis for people with spinal cord injury
Abstract Background Robotic hand orthoses (RHO) aim to provide grasp assistance for people with sensorimotor hand impairment during daily tasks. Many of such devices have been shown to bring a functional benefit to the user. However, assessing functional benefit is not sufficient to evaluate the usability of such technologies for daily life application. A comprehensive and structured evaluation of device usability not only focusing on effectiveness but also efficiency and satisfaction is required, yet often falls short in existing literature. Mixed methods evaluations, i.e., assessing a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures, allow to obtain a more holistic picture of all relevant aspects of device usability. Considering these aspects already in early development stages allows to identify design issues and generate generalizable benchmarks for future developments. Methods We evaluated the short-term usability of the RELab tenoexo, a RHO for hand function assistance, in 15 users with tetraplegia after a spinal cord injury through a comprehensive mixed methods approach. We collected quantitative data using the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), the System Usability Scale (SUS), and timed tasks such as the donning process. In addition, qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews and user observations, and analyzed with a thematic analysis to enhance the usability evaluation. All insights were attributed and discussed in relation to specifically defined usability attributes such as comfort, ease of use, functional benefit, and safety. Results The RELab tenoexo provided an immediate functional benefit to the users, resulting in a mean improvement of the ARAT score by 5.8 points and peaking at 15 points improvement for one user (clinically important difference: 5.7 points). The mean SUS rating of 60.6 represents an adequate usability, however, indicating that especially the RHO donning (average task time = 295 s) was perceived as too long and cumbersome. The participants were generally very satisfied with the ergonomics (size, dimensions, fit) of the RHO. Enhancing the ease of use, specifically in donning, increasing the provided grasping force, as well as the availability of tailoring options and customization were identified as main improvement areas to promote RHO usability. Conclusion The short-term usability of the RELab tenoexo was thoroughly evaluated with a mixed methods approach, which generated valuable data to improve the RHO in future iterations. In addition, learnings that might be transferable to the evaluation and design of other RHO were generated, which have the potential to increase the daily life applicability and acceptance of similar technologies
Mixed methods usability evaluation of an assistive wearable robotic hand orthosis for people with spinal cord injury
Robotic hand orthoses (RHO) aim to provide grasp assistance for people with sensorimotor hand impairment during daily tasks. Many of such devices have been shown to bring a functional benefit to the user. However, assessing functional benefit is not sufficient to evaluate the usability of such technologies for daily life application. A comprehensive and structured evaluation of device usability not only focusing on effectiveness but also efficiency and satisfaction is required, yet often falls short in existing literature. Mixed methods evaluations, i.e., assessing a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures, allow to obtain a more holistic picture of all relevant aspects of device usability. Considering these aspects already in early development stages allows to identify design issues and generate generalizable benchmarks for future developments.
We evaluated the short-term usability of the RELab tenoexo, a RHO for hand function assistance, in 15 users with tetraplegia after a spinal cord injury through a comprehensive mixed methods approach. We collected quantitative data using the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), the System Usability Scale (SUS), and timed tasks such as the donning process. In addition, qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews and user observations, and analyzed with a thematic analysis to enhance the usability evaluation. All insights were attributed and discussed in relation to specifically defined usability attributes such as comfort, ease of use, functional benefit, and safety.
The RELab tenoexo provided an immediate functional benefit to the users, resulting in a mean improvement of the ARAT score by 5.8 points and peaking at 15 points improvement for one user (clinically important difference: 5.7 points). The mean SUS rating of 60.6 represents an adequate usability, however, indicating that especially the RHO donning (average task time = 295 s) was perceived as too long and cumbersome. The participants were generally very satisfied with the ergonomics (size, dimensions, fit) of the RHO. Enhancing the ease of use, specifically in donning, increasing the provided grasping force, as well as the availability of tailoring options and customization were identified as main improvement areas to promote RHO usability.
The short-term usability of the RELab tenoexo was thoroughly evaluated with a mixed methods approach, which generated valuable data to improve the RHO in future iterations. In addition, learnings that might be transferable to the evaluation and design of other RHO were generated, which have the potential to increase the daily life applicability and acceptance of similar technologies.ISSN:1743-000
ChiFlux - Identification and investigation of fluid flux, mass wasting and sediments in the forearc of the central Chilean subduction zone – First results from SONNE cruise SO-210
The overarching goal of SFB 574 is to understand the role and fate of volatiles and fluids in subduction zones. Both components have a major influence on, e.g., short- and long-term climate change, the geochemical evolution of the
hydrosphere and atmosphere, as well as subduction-related natural hazards, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, because they are cycled through the entire subduction system. The Chilean margin, which switched from erosion to accretion within the last several million years, has been chosen for the remainder of the SFB. Major goals of cruise SO-210 are:
1) to investigate and quantify the dewatering processes in the forearc of the central Chilean subduction zone, in particular the origin and output flux of vent
fluids and volatiles, 2) to study biological processes fuelled by this discharge, 3) to use cold seep carbonates as a geochemical archive of cold seep activity, 4) to evaluate the role of forearc fluids in triggering mass wasting events that could generate tsunamis, 5) to characterize geochemically the subducting sediments to determine the input flux of climate-relevant volatiles and a
variety of trace elements, and 6) to investigate the distribution of volcanic ashes to improve estimates on the volume of material emitted by volcanic eruptions and to date distinct events within the sedimentary sequence.
Preliminary investigations by Chilean colleagues revealed definite indications of fluid venting which together with recent geophysical investigations are the basis for the present cruise. Here, we will present preliminary results and new discoveries made during the cruise