21 research outputs found

    Værdiladede betingelsessætninger i argumenterende tv-debat

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    I denne artikel undersøger vi betingelsessætninger i argumenterende interaktion. Betingelsessætninger indledes oftest med hvis og kan defineres som sætninger hvor der angives en tilstrækkelig betingelse for et givent forhold. Data består af transskriptioner af fire forskellige episoder af DR’s Debatten, og undersøgelsen fokuserer dermed på polemisk, argumenterende debatinteraktion. Med afsæt i tidligere undersøgelser af betingelsessætninger i dansk undersøger vi både værtens og deltagernes brug af betingelsessætninger og positivt og negativt ladet betydning (valoritet) i disse sætninger. På denne vis undersøger vi hvordan samtaledeltagerne og værten bruger værdiladede betingelsessætninger som en retorisk ressource i den argumenterende kontekst. Undersøgelsen bidrager med viden om betingelsessætninger i genren ‘argumenterende tv-debat’ som er en kontekst hvor brugen af betingelsessætninger endnu ikke er undersøgt indgående i dansk. EMNEORD: betingelsessætninger, argumentation, valorisering, affekt, tv-debatinteraktio

    Med fare for at blive tabt mellem to stole: Forsvarsattachéerne som en integreret del af udetjenesten

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    Udenrigsministeriet har ikke længere monopol på dansk udenrigspolitik. Derimod ser vi et sektordiplomati i stigende vækst, hvor især forsvarsattachéembedet er højaktuelt i en tid, hvor de tektoniske plader i udenrigspolitikken flytter sig. Vi undersøger det ellers uudforskede danske forsvarsattachéembede. Dette gøres med et særlig fokus på de komplekse samarbejdsrelationer, der er vilkåret for forsvarsattachéen både ude på ambassaderne, men også i relationerne til Forsvarsministeriet, Forsvarskommandoen og Udenrigsministeriet. På trods af forskellige professioner og kulturforståelser fungerer samarbejdet i de fleste tilfælde godt. Som det oftest er i processer med mange forskelligartede aktører, kan der dog opstå misforståelser og videnstab. I en tid, hvor Danmark som småstat forsøger at bibeholde internationalt samarbejde og de diplomatiske dyder, er det vigtigt at tage pulsen på forsvarsattachévirket, så det kan indrettes således, at det bedst muligt kan være med til at fremme danske interesser

    Pituitary–gonadal hormones associated with respiratory failure in men and women hospitalized with COVID-19: an observational cohort study

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    Aim: To explore pituitary–gonadal hormone concentrations and assess their association with inflammation, severe respiratory failure, and mortality in hospitalized men and women with COVID-19, and compare these to hormone concentration s in hospitalized patients with bacterial community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and influenza virus CAP and to concentrations in a reference group of healthy individuals. Methods: Serum concentrations of testosterone, estrone sulfate, luteini zing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were measured within 4 days of admission. Associations were assessed by logistic regression analysis in patients with COVID-19, and results were reported as odds ratio with 95% CI per two-fold reduction after adjustment for age, comorbidities, days to sample collection, and IL-6 concentrations. Results: In total, 278 patients with COVID-19, 21 with influenza virus CA P, and 76 with bacterial CAP were included. Testosterone concentrations were suppressed in men hospitalized with COVID-19, bacterial and influenza virus CA P, and moderately suppressed in women. Reductions in testosterone (OR: 3.43 (1.14–10.30), P = 0.028) and LH (OR: 2.51 (1.28–4.92), P = 0.008) were associated with higher odds of mehanical ventilation (MV) in men with COVID-19. In women with COVID-19, reductions in LH (OR: 3.34 (1.02–10-90), P = 0.046) and FSH (OR: 2.52 (1.01–6.27), P = 0.047) were associated with higher odds of MV. Conclusion: Low testosterone and LH concentrations were predictive of severe respiratory failure in men with COVID-19, whereas low concentrations of LH and FSH were predictive of severe respiratory failure in women with COVID-19

    Beneficial Effects of Probiotic and Food Borne Yeasts on Human Health

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    Besides being important in the fermentation of foods and beverages, yeasts have shown numerous beneficial effects on human health. Among these, probiotic effects are the most well known health effects including prevention and treatment of intestinal diseases and immunomodulatory effects. Other beneficial functions of yeasts are improvement of bioavailability of minerals through the hydrolysis of phytate, folate biofortification and detoxification of mycotoxins due to surface binding to the yeast cell wall

    The Image of the RTU in Latvia’s National Daily Press: Comparisons and Contrasts (2004-2006)

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    Bakalaura darbs „Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes tēls Latvijas nacionālajā dienas presē: atšķirīgais un līdzīgais (2004.g. - 2006.)” palīdz gūt vispārīgu ieskatu tēla veidošanas un sabiedrisko attiecību teorijā un praksē, kā arī raksturo Latvijas augstākās izglītības sektoru un norāda uz izglītības iestāžu komunikācijas īpatnībām. Pētījums atklāj Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes tēla atspoguļojumu Latvijas nacionālajā dienas presē, salīdzinot universitātes tēlu latviešu valodā un krievu valodā iznākošos dienas laikrakstos un nosakot universitātes tēla veidotāju turpmākās rīcības pozitīva universitātes tēla veidošanai.Deskwork „Image of Riga Technical university into the national Latvian daily press: differences and similarities (2004. – 2006.)” makes insight in to the image making and public relations theories and practise and also describes higher education sector of Latvia and prescribes specific character of communication in educational institutions. Research work deals with Riga Technical university image reflections in to the national Latvian daily press. The text contains comparison of two different images of Riga Technical university provided for Latvian and Russian press audience, and researching analyse results seems to fit for audience of university image makers and public relations students