578 research outputs found

    Artistic labour: seeking a utopian dimension

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from OpenEdition via http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/cadernosaa.1053This article investigates the notion of artistic labour by elucidating how artists can create ethical social relations to perform “a new, possible world” by reinserting labour and advocacy into their practice. An examination of contemporary works by Ahmet Öğüt and Cevdet Erek who attempt to create micro-utopias by situating artistic labour at their core or by emphasising the power of networks and the “commons” to foster social integration are juxtaposed with the discussion of a possible genealogy of such utopian artistic attempts from the late 1960s and 1970s. The historical trajectory delineates the common denominators of artistic practices that proceed from utopian ideals such as anti-isolation, anti social division, anti self-reflexivity, process instead of object-based work, and investment in human value rather than materialistic value

    Visuell analys av föreställningar om barn och natur

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    Idag är det vanligt att relatera barn och natur till varandra. Frågan är vad en sådan relation skapar för föreställningar och vad den används till. Artikeln tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i visuell kultur för att analysera empiriska exempel hämtade från reklam och utomhuspedagogik. Analysen tar fasta på de markörer för ålder, genus och etnicitet som används när barn och natur relateras till varandra. Resultatet visar att det är ljusa barn med låg ålder och utan bestämt kön som används i den här typen av exempel och barnen skapar, tillsammans med framställningar av ren natur och naturlighet, föreställningar om renhet och oskuld. De föreställningar som skapas med hänvisningar till barn används för att ge intryck av hållbarhet medan de samtidigt motiverar konsumtion och vissa pedagogiska idéer. Slutdiskussionen reser frågan om vad som riskeras om barn-natur relationen fortsätter att återskapas på ett okritiskt sätt

    Loss of Pten causes tumor initiation following differentiation of murine pluripotent stem cells due to failed repression of Nanog.

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    Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) hold significant promise in regenerative medicine due to their unlimited capacity for self-renewal and potential to differentiate into every cell type in the body. One major barrier to the use of PSCs is their potential risk for tumor initiation following differentiation and transplantation in vivo. In the current study we sought to evaluate the role of the tumor suppressor Pten in murine PSC neoplastic progression. Using eight functional assays that have previously been used to indicate PSC adaptation or transformation, Pten null embryonic stem cells (ESCs) failed to rate as significant in five of them. Instead, our data demonstrate that the loss of Pten causes the emergence of a small number of aggressive, teratoma-initiating embryonic carcinoma cells (ECCs) during differentiation in vitro, while the remaining 90-95% of differentiated cells are non-tumorigenic. Furthermore, our data show that the mechanism by which Pten null ECCs emerge in vitro and cause tumors in vivo is through increased survival and self-renewal, due to failed repression of the transcription factor Nanog

    G96-1310 Ornamental Grasses in Nebraska Landscapes (Revised May 1999)

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    This NebGuide discusses the selection of and care for ornamental grasses. Although grasses are an important component of Great Plains flora, Midwesterners have only recently incorporated them into landscape plantings. Many homeowners are acquiring plants such as ornamental grasses because they tolerate or even benefit from lower application rates of nitrogen and pesticides. Ornamental grasses tolerate drought, wetness, and fluctuating winter temperatures. They are resistant to most diseases and insect pests and require minimum inputs of fertilizer. Because of these characteristics they are useful to gardeners interested in a low-input or sustainable landscape

    Supporting Open Access Through a Student-driven Journal

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    BU Well is Butler University\u27s open-access, multimedia, student-driven healthcare journal. BU Well was founded in 2014 as the first open-access, multimedia healthcare review journal in the nation. BU Well is a two year course for Butler University Health Science students, with students researching and producing the written articles, along with a multimedia component. When submitting, authors work with students on the editorial team to co-create an infographic and video. Continuing with the student-run model, the editorial board consists of upper-level health science students. With 2019’s Volume 5, students introduced podcasting as a multimedia component option. Once published, BU Well is hosted on Butler University’s institutional repository, Digital Commons @ Butler University. In the beginning of the year, Butler Library provides a foundational understanding of Digital Commons, open access, and how open access can further research. Panel members will be discussing the inception of the student-run, classroom model, the use of multimedia, which includes videos, infographics, and now podcasting, and how the library supports this journal. Panel members include: the current Editor-in-Chief, members of the executive committee, and Butler Scholarly Communication Librarian and the Scholarly Communication Associate

    Patient Satisfaction with Physician Discussions of Treatment Impact on Fertility, Menopause and Sexual Health among Pre-menopausal Women with Cancer

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    PURPOSE: Pre-menopausal women with cancer are at risk of therapy-associated infertility, premature menopause, and sexual dysfunction. However, it is unknown whether oncologists adequately address these risks during treatment planning. We conducted a study to evaluate physician-patient discussions addressing the impact of cancer treatment and actual treatment effects on fertility, menopause status, and general sexual health

    Classmates motivate childhood cancer patients to participate in physical activity during treatment: A qualitative study

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    Introduction Children with cancer experience reduced physical fitness and compromised social relationships during and following intensive treatment. This may negatively impact their quality of life. As part of the RESPECT study, we explored the motivations for participation in a physical activity programme during treatment. Methods Thirteen semi‐structured interviews were conducted with seven boys and six girls, diagnosed with paediatric cancer in 2013 and treated with chemotherapy (age 8–16 years; time from diagnosis to interview 6–16 months). Interviews were conducted in the children's homes. Results The qualitative analysis showed that children's motivations for engaging in the physical activity programme during intensive medical treatment were primarily influenced by (a) opportunity for physical activity with a classmate; (b) participation in group physical activity sessions; (c) support from significant others; and (d) improvement of physical well‐being. Main barriers included (a) poor physical well‐being; (b) compliance with medical procedures and being treated in protective isolation; and (c) limited physical activity facilities. Conclusion Despite barriers, it is possible to motivate and engage children with cancer in physical activity during intensive treatment in a paediatric oncology ward. Physical exercise and activity should be recommended and promoted from diagnosis throughout the treatment period and should include psychosocial and professional support

    Творческий подход студентов в изучении гистологии

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    Denna rapport innehåller texter som presenterats vid en konferens arrangerad inom ramen för Nätverk för barnomsorgsforskningi . Syftet med konferensen var att lyfta upp begreppet omsorg, diskutera dess innebörd, rädda det från retorisk förflackning och samtidigt via dess koppling till verksamheter belysa ett vidare sammanhang. När bamforskning diskuteras har jag på senare tid funnit det väsentligt att peka på att den har en kapacitet att kasta ljus över centrala samhällsfrågor. Forskning om barn bör inte bara vara en forskning om en viss grupp i samhället. Den nyare bamdomsforskningen söker tillämpa ett bamperspektiv. Detta innebär att fenomen studeras såsom de framstår från barnens perspektiv och att inverkan av olika sociala reformer, politiska förändringar och produktion av varor på barns liv belyses. Det handlar alltså både om att söka efter barnens perspektiv och att söka efter konsekvenserna för barnen av olika samhälleliga förändringar. Nya fålt som t.ex. barndomshistoria, barndomssociologi och barndomsantropologi har uppstått och begreppet generation har införts för att markera vikten av att anlägga ett generationsperspektiv på frågor som vanligtvis grupperats på annat sätt