272 research outputs found

    Nation branding: what is being branded?

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    Nation branding and nation brand are two different concepts. A nation has a brand image with or without nation branding. This paper examines the concept of nation branding, focusing on the central question of what is being branded. It differentiates nation branding from product branding, and draws comparisons between nation branding and product-country image. Paradoxical issues around the concept and the wider context in which nation branding can be applied are also discussed. More research is needed to find out if and how nation branding could help the economic development in a country. As many other non-marketing factors also affect a nation’s image the role played by nation branding may turn out to be only a modest one

    Walking, sustainability and health: findings from a study of a Walking for Health group.

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    Not only is it tacitly understood that walking is good for health and wellbeing, there is now robust evidence to support this link. There is also growing evidence that regular short walks can be a protective factor for a range of long-term health conditions. Walking in the countryside can bring additional benefits, but access to the countryside brings complexities, especially for people with poorer material resources and from different ethnic communities. Reasons for people taking up walking as a physical activity are reasonably well understood, but factors linked to sustained walking, and therefore sustained benefit, are not. Based on an ethnographic study of a Walking for Health group in Lincolnshire, UK, this paper considers the motivations and rewards of group walks for older people. Nineteen members of the walking group, almost all with long-term conditions, took part in tape-recorded interviews about the personal benefits of walking. The paper provides insights into the links between walking as a sustainable activity and health, and why a combination of personal adaptive capacities, design elements of the walks and relational achievements of the walking group are important to this understanding. The paper concludes with some observations about the need to reframe conventional thinking about adherence to physical activity programmes

    Development and evaluation of an intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent smoking uptake: a mixed-methods study

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    Background Smokers who start smoking at an early age are less likely to quit and more likely to die from their habit. Evidence from the US Truth¼ campaign suggests that interventions focusing on tobacco industry practices and ethics may be effective in preventing smoking uptake. Objectives In an exploratory study, to develop, pilot and provide preliminary evidence of the acceptability and effectiveness of Operation Smoke Storm, a school-based intervention based on the premise of the Truth¼ campaign, to prevent smoking uptake. Design Mixed-methods, non-randomised controlled study. Component 1 was delivered to Year 7 students, and student focus groups and teacher interviews were conducted to refine the lessons and to develop components 2 and 3. The revised Year 7 lessons and accompanying family booklet were delivered to new Year 7 students 1 year later in one school only; Year 8 students in both schools received the booster session. Setting and participants Students in Years 7–8 (aged 11–13 years) in two UK schools. Intervention A three-component intervention comprising (1) three 50-minute classroom-based sessions in Year 7 in which students acted as secret agents to uncover industry practices through videos, quizzes, discussions and presentations; (2) an accompanying family booklet containing activities designed to stimulate discussions about smoking between parents and students; and (3) a 1-hour interactive classroom-based booster session for Year 8 students, in which students learnt about tobacco marketing strategies from the perspectives of an industry executive, a marketing company and a health campaigner. Main outcome measures Odds ratios to compare the self-reported prevalence of ever smoking and susceptibility to smoking in Year 8 students after the delivery of the booster session in study schools compared with students in local control schools. Qualitative data on acceptability of the intervention. Results The combined prevalence of ever smoking and susceptibility increased from 18.2% in Year 7 to 33.8% in Year 8. After adjusting for confounders there was no significant difference in the odds of a Year 8 student in an intervention school being an ever smoker or susceptible never smoker compared with controls [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.28, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.83 to 1.97; p = 0.263] and no significant difference in the odds of ever smoking (aOR 0.82, 95% CI 0.42 to 1.58; p = 0.549). Students mostly enjoyed the intervention and acquired new knowledge that appeared to strengthen their aversion to smoking. Teachers liked the ‘off-the-shelf’ nature of the resource, although they highlighted differences by academic ability in the extent to which students understood the messages being presented. Use of the family component was low but it was received positively by those parents who did engage with it. Limitations Logistical difficulties meant that students’ responses in Year 7 and Year 8 could not be linked; however, baseline smoking behaviours differed little between intervention and control schools, and analyses were adjusted for confounders measured at follow-up. Conclusions Operation Smoke Storm is an acceptable resource for delivering smoking-prevention education but it does not appear to have reduced smoking and susceptibility. Future work The lack of a strong signal for potential effectiveness, considered alongside logistical difficulties in recruiting and working with schools, suggests that a fully powered cluster randomised trial of the intervention is not warranted

    Poetry, painting and change on the edge of England

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    In this article we discuss our creative research on and with a contested coastal community on one of the UK's last existing plotlands, the humberston Fitties. Plotlands can be briefly defined as places where individuals have historically self‐built holiday houses. This 56‐acre strip of land with 319 chalets is on the Humber estuary and lies close to Cleethorpes, a seaside resort, and Grimsby, a seaport now facing post‐industrial decline. Our cross‐disciplinary collaborative practice between poetry and visual art explores open, environmentally aware engagements and methodologies with landscape and rural place. We investigate the relation of social, environmental and energy politics, looking out to land and sea and back to the community. Our results include original art and poetry presented innovatively together in exhibitions and books, in addition to local people's responses to our methodologies and the work itself

    Serious case reviews: The lived experience of Black children

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    Despite the many high‐profile Black child deaths in England, race as a factor remains a largely underexplored factor of serious case reviews (SCRs). Evidence from analysis of SCRs indicates that race receives limited attention, or is virtually absent. Given that the main function of SCRs is to provide opportunities for learning lessons to improve practice, the way in which issues of race and culture may influence child protection processes for Black children is therefore of critical importance. In this article, we employ content analysis to examine the extent that race and cultural factors are considered in SCRs involving Black children. It is argued that race is often an important factor influencing Black children's experiences of abuse and neglect, as well as their encounters in the child protection system. This article therefore poses two key questions: (a) What questions are asked about race, ethnicity, and culture in SCRs concerning Black children? (b) How did the SCRs extract lessons to be learnt for improving practice to safeguard Black children? By extending the analysis of race and ethnicity in SCRs, this article furthers our understandings of the needs of Black children in the child protection system

    Beyond links and chains in food supply: a community OR perspective

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    This theoretical paper complements traditional OR approaches to improve micro-businesses’ performance. When looking at local micro-businesses, we find that current supply chain and operations theory that focuses on efficiency and economic-based criteria for chain and network integration, is inapplicable and external organisation inappropriate. An illustration shows how traditional modelling exercises may fall short in better-informing independent-minded micro-entrepreneurs on how to collaborate, even though they recognise benefits from such endeavour. The illustration concerns consideration of food micro-producers, not as links constituting a chain, but as members of a community. This paper explores two different approaches to apply Community OR research principles. On one hand, the application of OR methods to phenomena in the ‘community’; on the other, the development of research on ‘community operations’; which are symbolised as C+OR and CO+R respectively. These approaches are associated to two different research languages: of needs and for interactions. Main contributions of this paper are: first, we show that collaboration does not always need shared aims. Second, we offer a circular process where the identification of collective actions may help organisations to improve individually; and vice versa. Third, we suggest how to develop the role of a stronger collective actor by means of collaboration

    Lincolnshire Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC)

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    The Lincolnshire Historic Landscape Characterisation Project began in October 2008.The aim of the project was to categorise and characterise the landscape of the county with specific reference to its development over time. This report describes the methodology and results of the project, including descriptive Character Area Statements designed to provide accessible interpretation of the HLC data. The appendices give a full breakdown of the types and attributes used in the mapping process, and a computer-generated analysis of each Character Area

    Monitoring the lubricant condition in a low-speed rolling element bearing using high frequency stress waves

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    This paper presents the results of an investigation into the development of a reliable, nonintrusive and effective technique capable of accessing the lubrication condition within a low-speed rotating bearing. This unique monitoring system is known as pulse injection technique (PIT) and involves transmitting a Dirac pulse through a bearing via a stress waves (SW) sensor. Analysis of measured stress wave signatures differentiated between a properly and poorly lubricated bearing. This method was found to be effective as stress wave propagation is sensitive to the transmission path, which in turn is affected significantly by the type and amount of grease present in the vicinity of the working elements of a bearing. The ability of this technique to monitor the lubrication condition within a bearing whilst in operation could be utilised to determine the appropriate time for grease replenishment or addition

    Exercises Referral Lincolnshire

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    Increase Physical Activity levels to prevent and treat diseas
