31 research outputs found

    The moderating effects of prosocial behaviour, friendship quality and social problem solving in the relationship between risk factors and peer victimization in Colombian early adolescents.

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    The current series of three studies was designed to use the “buffering hypothesis” model to assess the relative buffering effectiveness of positive peer experiences and personal characteristics in the association between risk factors and peer victimization in a sample of 623 Colombian early adolescents. These longitudinal studies assessed the extent to which changes in victimization varied as a function of the interaction between risk factors and positive peer and personal experiences. Using structural equation modeling techniques, the results provide evidence that reveals the specificities of the protective effects of each of the moderators. Results from Study 1 supported previous findings by revealing a significant change on children’s victimization scores across the school year. More specifically, it was found that students experienced a decline on their victimization scores over the school year, and that this decline was especially strong for the students who had the highest levels of victimization at the beginning of the year. Similarly, results from Study 1 showed that both aggression and avoidance were predictive of initial scores on peer victimization, however, only avoidance was found to predict the ways in which children change over the school year. The buffering effectiveness of prosocial behaviour was also tested in this study. It was found that prosociality acts as a buffer only for highly relationally aggressive children at the beginning of the school year, and for highly avoidant children across the school year. Study 2 examined the moderating effect of positive provisions of friendship in the association between aggression, avoidance and peer victimization over time. Contrary to our expectations, results showed that for relationally aggressive students, having a high quality friendship predicted an increase on their victimization scores over time. In contrast, for highly avoidant children friendships were protective against risk of peer victimization. Finally, Study 3 examined how social problem solving skills impacted the relationship between risk factors and peer victimization over time. Only a main effect of this variable was found at the beginning of the year; no moderating effects emerged in the analyses. Results from all studies supported the buffering hypothesis model by providing evidence that the protective effect of positive peer experiences and personal characteristics is especially effective for children who are considered to be at-risk

    The Study of Sex, Gender, and Relationships with Peers: A Full or Empty Experience?

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    Studies of friendship, sex, and gender come in many forms and address a set of questions that are as broad as the study of friendship itself. The papers in this special issue reveal gender differences in the features, processes, and outcomes related to friendship. This commentary aims to place these papers within the broader literature on peer relations. We show that each of these studies is just a beginning, however, as basic points about the origins and meanings of sex and gender effects deserve further focus and scrutiny. Suggestions are offered to promote the further development of research on sex, gender, and relationships with peers

    Survey Data on the Impact of COVID-19 on Parental Engagement Across 23 Countries

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    This data article describes the dataset of the International COVID-19 Impact on Parental Engagement Study (ICIPES). ICIPES is a collaborative effort of more than 20 institutions to investigate the ways in which, parents and caregivers built capacity engaged with children's learning during the period of social distancing arising from global COVID-19 pandemic. A series of data were collected using an online survey conducted in 23 countries and had a total sample of 4,658 parents/caregivers. The description of the data contained in this article is divided into two main parts. The first part is a descriptive analysis of all the items included in the survey and was performed using tables and figures. The second part refers to the construction of scales. Three scales were constructed and included in the dataset: ‘parental acceptance and confidence in the use of technology’, ‘parental engagement in children's learning’ and ‘socioeconomic status’. The scales were created using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Multi-Group Confirmatory Analysis (MG-CFA) and were adopted to evaluate their cross-cultural comparability (i.e., measurement invariance) across countries and within sub-groups. This dataset will be relevant for researchers in different fields, particularly for those interested in international comparative education

    Survey data on the impact of COVID-19 on parental engagement across 23 countries

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    This data article describes the dataset of the International COVID-19 Impact on Parental Engagement Study (ICIPES). ICIPES is a collaborative effort of more than 20 institutions to investigate the ways in which, parents and caregivers built capacity engaged with children's learning during the period of social distancing arising from global COVID-19 pandemic. A series of data were collected using an online survey conducted in 23 countries and had a total sample of 4,658 parents/caregivers. The description of the data contained in this article is divided into two main parts. The first part is a descriptive analysis of all the items included in the survey and was performed using tables and figures. The second part refers to the construction of scales. Three scales were constructed and included in the dataset: 'parental acceptance and confidence in the use of technology', 'parental engagement in children's learning' and 'socioeconomic status'. The scales were created using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Multi-Group Confirmatory Analysis (MG-CFA) and were adopted to evaluate their cross-cultural comparability (i.e., measurement invariance) across countries and within sub-groups. This dataset will be relevant for researchers in different fields, particularly for those interested in international comparative education

    Síndrome RS3PE en paciente con cáncer de próstata en estadio IV

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    La polisinovitis aguda edematosa benigna del anciano, también llamada síndrome RS3PE (acrónimo de remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema) es una entidad reumatológica heterogénea que hace parte de las artritis inflamatorias y cuya etiología es desconocida, se presenta de forma exclusiva en población geriátrica con afección poliarticular asociada a edema, tumefacción y limitación funcional que tiene por lo general buen pronóstico. Se describe el caso de un hombre de 70 años que cumple con seis de los siete criterios diagnósticos para la entidad

    Metodología para la adaptación de la revista de la EIA en internet y su inmersión en la socialización del conocimiento

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    80 páginasRESUMEN: La Revista Digital es una publicación electrónica semestral, que presenta informes de investigación, artículos de comunicación y divulgación, realizados por estudiantes, profesores y profesionales, referidos al quehacer universitario en las diferentes disciplinas de las ciencias exactas y naturales y la tecnología.Dicha revista responde a la necesidad de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia de estar a la vanguardia de las tecnologías de Información, a través de las cuales, encuentra un poderoso medio para transmitir sus conocimientos y proyectos para el beneficio de la comunidad.Para tal fin, el proyecto propone una alianza entre la universidad y su entorno nacional e internacional, que permita la aplicación funcional de sus investigaciones en la solución de problemas puntuales de la sociedad, y que a su vez, sea ésta última quien incentive la realización de dichas investigaciones, obteniéndose así, una retroalimentación que beneficia a ambas partes.Como se puede ver, el presente proyecto permite apoyar la política de internacionalización que se ha venido trazando la Escuela, ya que se convierte en una carta de presentación de la Institución ante la sociedad colombiana y el resto del mundo.ABSTRACT: The Digital magazine is an electronical publication, that runs every semester. It contains communication and divulgation articles, research reports on the areas related to the University. It is open to all the members of the Insitution and prestigious persons that write quality, creative and interesting articles.This Digital magazine supports the needs of the University of being internationally recognized. It finds the Internet as a strong channel through which knowledge, projects and investigations could reach more people for benefit of the community. For such purpose, this project proposes an alliance between the community and the University, so projects and investigations done by the institution can and do serve specific community problems. It also allows the community to make their own investigation with the cooperation or coordination of the University’s staff.The main goal of this project is to support the international policy traced by the University, and in a short term, to be the first medium of relationship between the Institution and the rest of the world.PregradoIngeniero(a) Administrativo(a

    Análisis de los factores de peligros biomecánicos presentes en el desempeño ocupacional de los bailarines de salsa en una academia de baile de la ciudad de Cali.

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los factores de peligros biomecánicos presentes en el desempeño ocupacional de los bailarines de salsa en una academia de baile de la ciudad de Cali, a través de un estudio cualitativo, con un método descriptivo, aplicado durante la observación del baile en su género salsa. Considerando que la actividad del bailarín, requiere el uso de diversas posturas que brindan el atractivo de esta profesión, la metodología incluyó el uso del método ergonómico Owas, (Ovako Working Posture Analysing System) el cual es un método observacional de factores humanos, lo que permitió clasificar por fases la actividad del bailarín durante los ensayos y valorar la carga física según las posturas adoptadas en cada fase, posibilitando su clasificación por segmentos corporales y el manejo de cargas, determinando el nivel de riesgo mientras desempeñaban dicha actividad. Los resultados de esta investigación podrán contribuir al mejoramiento del desempeño de los bailarines de salsa de la escuela Imperio Juvenil, en la medida que con base en dichos resultados se implementen programas de prevención de desórdenes musculoesqueléticos incluyendo la perspectiva de Terapia Ocupacional desde el análisis de la actividad, como una estrategia de control a la exposición de riesgos biomecánicos. Adicionalmente, teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza de esta investigación y por la clara contribución de innovación que brinda, da cabida a la formulación de futuros estudios.PregradoTERAPEUTA OCUPACIONA

    Asociación de Ulomoides Dermestoides "cucarrón del maní" como causa de purpura palpable

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    Ingestion of Ulomoides Dermestoides "beetle-peanut" has been used in alternative medicine to treat different chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetes or cancer. Its use has increased in South America in recent years with acceptance. We present the case of a 64-year-old woman with palpable purpura in limbs and fever that appears during ingestion of the beetles. A hypersensitivity vasculitis was diagnosed which resolved after suspending ingestion of the beetles and initiating corticosteroids. The present case shows the potential risk of adverse events generated by alternative medicine treatments. This is the first association between Ingestion of Ulomoides dermestoides "beetle-peanut" and palpable purpura which has been described in the literature.La coleoterapia (consumo de larvas de Ulomoides dermestoides), ha sido utilizado en medicina alternativa para tratar diferentes patologías crónicas como artritis, diabetes o cáncer. Su uso ha incrementado en Suramérica en los últimos años ganando aceptación. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 64 años con purpura palpable en extremidades y fiebre que aparece durante el consumo de las larvas. Fue diagnosticado una vasculitis de hipersensibilidad la cual resolvió después de suspender el consumo de las larvas e iniciar corticosteroides. Esta es la primera asociación entre coleoterapia y purpura palpable que se ha descrito en la literatura destacando el potencial riesgo de eventos adversos generados por tratamientos de medicina alternativ

    Mesotelioma peritoneal maligno en paciente sin exposición ocupacional. Reporte de un caso

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    El mesotelioma peritoneal es un tumor maligno infrecuen - te que afecta más a mujeres, con una edad promedio de 53 años. El factor de riesgo más importante para desarrollar la enfermedad es la exposición crónica al asbesto, constituyéndo - se como una enfermedad de origen ocupacional. Este tipo de neoplasia es de difícil diagnóstico, incluso para los patólogos, con pocos casos descritos en la literatura, ya que la presenta - ción más común es de tipo pleural. Describimos el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino, sin exposición al asbesto que presentó mesotelioma peritoneal maligno