22 research outputs found

    Multi-robot preemptive task scheduling with fault recovery: a novel approach to automatic logistics of smart factories

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    This paper presents a novel approach for Multi-Robot Task Allocation (MRTA) that introduces priority policies on preemptive task scheduling and considers dependencies between tasks, and tolerates faults. The approach is referred to as Multi-Robot Preemptive Task Scheduling with Fault Recovery (MRPF). It considers the interaction between running processes and their tasks for management at each new event, prioritizing the more relevant tasks without idleness and latency. The benefit of this approach is the optimization of production in smart factories, where autonomous robots are being employed to improve efficiency and increase flexibility. The evaluation of MRPF is performed through experimentation in small-scale warehouse logistics, referred to as Augmented Reality to Enhanced Experimentation in Smart Warehouses (ARENA). An analysis of priority scheduling, task preemption, and fault recovery is presented to show the benefits of the proposed approach.This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES)—Finance Code 001 and in part by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    DepthLiDAR: active segmentation of environment depth map into mobile sensors

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    This paper presents a novel approach for creating virtual LiDAR scanners through the active segmentation of point clouds. The method employs top-view point cloud segmentation in virtual LiDAR sensors that can be applied to the intelligent behavior of autonomous agents. Segmentation is correlated with the visual tracking of the agent for localization in the environmentand point cloud. Virtual LiDARsensors with different characteristicsand positions can then be generated. Thismethod is referred to as the DepthLiDAR approach, and is rigorously evaluated to quantify its performance and determine its advantages and limitations. An extensive set of experiments is conducted using real and virtual LiDAR sensors to compare both approaches. The objective is to propose a novel method to incorporate spatial perception in warehouses, aiming to achieve Industry 4.0. Thus, it is tested in a low-scale warehouse to incorporate realistic features. The analysis of the experiments shows a measurement improvement of 52.24% compared to the conventional LiDAR.This work was supported in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior-Brasil (CAPES)–Finance Code 001 and in part by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A tradição de pesquisa em língua de sinais no/do brasil (1980 a 2019): uma análise historiográfica

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    Este trabalho objetiva construir uma narrativa historiográfica acerca da produção de conhecimento sobre língua de sinais no/do Brasil, no período de 1980 a 2019. Neste artigo, em específico, pretende-se: i) analisar, segundo o princípio da contextualização (KOERNER, 2014), os fatores sociais, políticos e históricos que favoreceram o desenvolvimento dos estudos sobre língua de sinais no Brasil, a partir de 1980; ii) apresentar um mapeamento (COELHO; NÓBREGA; ALVES, 2021) das dissertações e teses na área defendidas entre 1980 a 2019; iii) identificar os principais grupos de especialidade (MURRAY, 1993) e os cursos de Letras Libras implementados nas universidades. Para tanto, utiliza-se os princípios teórico-metodológicos da Historiografia Linguística, baseando-se em autores como Swiggers (2009; 2019), Altman (2003 [1988]), Batista (2007; 2013)

    A Colocação Pronominal em Locuções Verbais: entre a Norma Predicada e a Praticada

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    The general objective of this text is to compare predicate rules about pronominal placement in verbal groups in normative grammars with the uses effectively practiced in cult written texts of the first fifteen years of the 21st century. Within the scope of the predicate, the normative grammars of Rocha Lima (2012 [1957]), Bechara (2009 [1961]), Cunha and Cintra (2008 [1985]), Luft (2002 [1976]), Melo (1978 [1967]) and Said Ali (1969 [1924]) are perused. In the field of the practiced, journalistic texts (editorials from Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo), literary texts (short stories and chronicles), scientific texts (book chapters and articles published in periodicals), religious texts (books and articles in digital media or in Catholic liturgical pamphlets) and legal texts (codes and laws), published in the first fifteen years of the 21st century are worked on. In the collation between the predicate and the practiced, in general, there is agreement between the grammatical prescriptions and the uses of Brazilians in monitored writing. However, it is notorious to comment that the analyzed linguistic instruments, with the exception of Luft (2002 [1976]), can be rethought and bring as basic rules, and not as footnotes or observations or in a separate topic, the forms effectively performed by Brazilians, as is the case of intra-LVC placement without a hyphen (V1clV2). With the completion of the present article, it is verified the need for the subject of pronominal placement in verbal groups to be rethought and updated in normative grammars, in the sense of embracing as basic rules the realizations effectively in use by Brazilians, particularly in monitored contexts.O objetivo geral deste texto é o de comparar regras predicadas sobre colocação pronominal em locuções verbais em gramáticas normativas com os usos efetivamente praticados em textos escritos cultos dos primeiros quinze anos do século XXI. No âmbito do predicado, compulsa-se as gramáticas normativas de Rocha Lima (2012 [1957]), Bechara (2009 [1961]), Cunha e Cintra (2008 [1985]), Luft (2002 [1976]), Melo (1978 [1967]) e Said Ali (1969 [1924]). No âmbito do praticado, trabalha-se com textos jornalísticos (editoriais da Folha de S. Paulo e do O Estado de S. Paulo), textos literários (contos e crônicas), textos científicos (capítulos de livros e artigos publicados em periódicos), textos religiosos (livros e artigos em meio digital ou em folhetos litúrgicos católicos) e textos jurídicos (códigos e leis), publicados nos quinze primeiros anos do século XXI. No cotejo entre o predicado e o praticado, de modo geral, há concordância entre as prescrições gramaticais e os usos dos brasileiros na escrita monitorada. Todavia, é notório comentar que os instrumentos linguísticos analisados, à exceção de Luft (2002 [1976]), podem repensar e trazer como regras básicas, e não como notas de rodapé ou observações ou em tópico à parte, as formas efetivamente realizadas pelos brasileiros, como é o caso da colocação intra-LVC sem hífen (V1clV2). Com a realização do presente artigo, verifica-se a necessidade de o assunto de colocação pronominal em locuções verbais ser repensado e atualizado nas gramáticas normativas, no sentido de abarcar como regras básicas as realizações efetivamente em uso pelos brasileiros, particularmente em contextos monitorados

    ARENA—augmented reality to enhanced experimentation in smart warehouses

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    The current industrial scenario demands advances that depend on expensive and sophisticated solutions. Augmented Reality (AR) can complement, with virtual elements, the real world. Faced with this features, an AR experience can meet the demand for prototype testing and new solutions, predicting problems and failures that may only exist in real situations. This work presents an environment for experimentation of advanced behaviors in smart factories, allowing experimentation with multi-robot systems (MRS), interconnected, cooperative, and interacting with virtual elements. The concept of ARENA introduces a novel approach to realistic and immersive experimentation in industrial environments, aiming to evaluate new technologies aligned with the Industry 4.0. The proposed method consists of a small-scale warehouse, inspired in a real scenario characterized in this paper, managing by a group of autonomous forklifts, fully interconnected, which are embodied by a swarm of tiny robots developed and prepared to operate in the small scale scenario. The AR is employed to enhance the capabilities of swarm robots, allowing box handling and virtual forklifts. Virtual laser range finders (LRF) are specially designed as segmentation of a global RGB-D camera, to improve robot perception, allowing obstacle avoidance and environment mapping. This infrastructure enables the evaluation of new strategies to improve manufacturing productivity, without compromising the production by automation faults.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Appraisal Of The Retention Of The Knowledge For Ophthalmology Specialists Of The Brazilian Ophthalmology Council.

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    To determine the retention of knowledge along the years after certification of physicians as ophthalmology specialists. The physicians, former ophthalmology residents, were selected at the Department of Ophthalmology, State University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, and randomly allocated to three groups of seven individuals, according to the time as specialists. Group 1 consisted of one-year specialists, group 2 of five-year specialists and group 3 of ten-year specialists. Each participant answered a test with twenty-five multiple choice randomly selected questions, based on the national certificate tests applied by the Brazilian Ophthalmology Council between 1994 and 2003. Each question scored four points. The mean age of groups 1, 2 and 3 was 27, 30 and 36 years, respectively. A preponderance of males was found in all groups. Group 1 achieved the highest score, average of 88, group 2 achieved 77, and group 3 achieved the lowest, average of 64 (p<0.05). Loss of knowledge retention amongst specialists of the Brazilian Ophthalmology Council, has been observed along the years after the certification.6947-

    Marcas toponímicas em solo piauiense: seguindo as trilhas das águas

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    Exportado OPUSMade available in DSpace on 2019-08-13T03:00:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1383d.pdf: 7228631 bytes, checksum: 1cb2808be50a6f73e0f28d3334e41737 (MD5) Previous issue date: 11Nesta pesquisa, trabalhou-se com um corpus total de 2881 Hidrônimos, divididos em dois tipos de fontes, as pretéritas (a Descrição do Piauí, três cartas e um mapa antigos), com 176 Hidrônimos; e as contemporâneas, com 2705. Para a catalogação dos Hidrônimos constantes nas fontes atuais, foram selecionadas as mesorregiões Sudeste e Sudoeste do Estado do Piauí e suas respectivas microrregiões, haja vista a importância histórica delas para a colonização estadual. A classificação dos Hidrônimos, em taxes de Natureza Física e Antropocultural, foi feita com base na proposta taxionômica DICK (1992a). Com esta classificação, intentou-se estabelecer padrões motivacionais tanto para as fontes pretéritas quanto para as contemporâneas. Buscou-se ainda a correlação entre área fitogeográfica e toponímica, a partir da ocorrência do Topônimo Buriti nas duas mesorregiões. Foram listados também alguns exemplares linguísticos, mormente os constantes nas fontes antigas, para, em comparação com os das contemporâneas, evidenciar casos em que houve variação ortográfica, modificações fonéticas e desaparecimento parcial ou total do Topônimo. Como consequência da própria Análise do objeto desta pesquisa (os Hidrônimos), propôs-se ampliar a classificação da taxe dos hidrotopônimos. Do cômputo geral da proposta taxionômica de Dick (1992a), fez-se a revisão da taxe dos numerotopônimos e dos cronotopônimos. Dada a alta frequência de sintagmas toponímicos com preposição DE, nos dados contemporâneos, buscou-se discutir tais estruturas em correlação com a atribuição de papéis semânticos, o que, por sua vez, permitiu tanto alguns diálogos com a História Social local, quanto a proposição de quatro grupos em que figurem papéis semânticos encontrados na Análise. Foi possível constatar, no caso das fontes pretéritas, que as taxes de Natureza Física mais recorrentes foram a Zoo e Hidro, o que sugere um padrão zoológico e hidrológico para estas primeiras fontes. Na primeira e na segunda fonte do passado, mas já com decréscimo na segunda, foi possível constatar, no caso das taxes de Natureza Antropocultural, a frequência significativa da taxe Hagio. Nas fontes contemporâneas, predominou, no caso das taxes de Natureza Física, para todas as microrregiões das duas mesorregiões, a taxe Fito, donde já se vê uma mudança de um padrão zoológico e hidrológico das fontes pretéritas para um padrão fitológico das fontes atuais. Ainda sobre as fontes atuais, o comportamento quanto à ocorrência da taxe Hidro, por exemplo, deu-se de modo diverso nas duas mesorregiões e também entre microrregiões da mesma mesorregião (Sudoeste). Nesta, parece haver dois grupos que se diferem, principalmente quanto à ocorrência da taxe Hidro, ou seja, nas microrregiões mais austrais (Alto Médio Gurgueia, Alto Parnaíba e Chapadas do Extremo Sul), aquelas em que tanto a presença dos grandes cursos dágua é sentida de modo mais marcante, principalmente na primeira e na segunda, quanto o regime climático predominante é diverso daquele encontrado na mesorregião Sudeste, a ocorrência da taxe Hidro figura sempre como a segunda mais frequente. Já nas outras três microrregiões da mesorregião Sudoeste (Floriano, Bertolínia e São Raimundo Nonato), a ocorrência da taxe Hidro se assemelha muito mais ao que fora encontrado para as três microrregiões da mesorregião Sudeste (Picos, Pio IX e Alto Médio Canindé). Levando-se em conta essas considerações sobre os dados pretéritos e contemporâneos, cumpre reiterar a importância dos estudos toponímicos para a recuperação e manutenção do modus vivendi de povos que gravaram, nos acidentes físicos e humanos, sua peculiar mundividência/cosmovisão. Tal cosmovisão, resgatada pela Análise de cartas/mapa antigos e mapas contemporâneos, pode ser expressa pela distribuição das taxes de Natureza Física e Antropocultural, as quais podem configurar determinados padrões motivacionais de determinada época. Tais padrões podem, à luz da História Social, sobrelevar importantes aspectos históricos, ideológicos etc., quando da nomeação dos lugares. Reitera-se, por fim, a importância de estudos regionais como este para o futuro mapeamento onomástico-toponímico do território brasileiro, em suas diversas manifestações regionais e locais.This research worked with a total corpus of 2881 Hydronyms, divided into two types of sources, preterite (the Description of Piauí, three old letters and one old map), with 176 Hydronyms; and contemporary, with 2705. In order to classify Hydronyms constrant in contemporary sources, the study selected the Southeast and Southwest mesoregions of the state of Piauí and their respective microregions, given their historical contribution to colonize the state. The classification of Hydronyms, in elements of Physical and Anthropocultural Nature, was done with basis on DICKs (1992a) taxonomic proposal. With this classification at hand, the study aimed to establish motivational patterns for both preterite and contemporary sources. It also tried to establish a correlation between phytogeographic and toponymical areas by analyzing the occurrence of the Toponym Buriti in both mesoregions. Some linguistic examples were also listed, especially those constant in older sources, so as to, in comparison with contemporary sources, point out cases in which there were orthographical variation, phonetic changes and partial or complete disuse of the Toponym. As a consequence of the very Analysis of the object of this research (Hydronyms), it was proposed to expand the classification of the elements of hydrotoponyms. The overall result of Dicks (1992a) taxonomic proposal allowed us to revise the element of numero-toponyms and chrono-toponyms. Given the high occurrence of toponymical syntagmas with the preposition OF, in contemporary data, the study tried to discuss such structures in correlation with the attribution of semantic roles, which, in its turn, allowed for both dialogue with the local Social History and the assumption of four groups which show semantic roles found in this Analysis. It was possible to observe, in the case of the preterite sources, that the most recurring elements of Physical Origins were Zoo and Hidro, which suggests a Zoological and Hydrological pattern for these first sources. In the first and the second preterite sources, but already with a decrease in the latter, it was possible to observe, in the case of elements with Anthropocultural Nature, the significant occurrence of the element Hagio. In the contemporary sources, in the case of elements of Physical Nature, for all microregions and both mesorregions, the element Fito was most common, where it is possible to see a change from the zoological and hydrological pattern of the preterite sources to a phytological pattern of current sources. Still on contemporary sources, the reaction to the frequence of the element Hidro, for instance, occurred in different ways in both mesoregions and also between microregions in the same mesoregion (Southwest). In this one, there seems to be to groups that differ, especially regarding the occurrence of the element Hidro, that is, in most southern regions (Alto Média Gurgueia, Alto Parnaíba and Chapadas do Extremo Sul), those in which the presence of large streams of water, especially in the first and the second regions aforementioned, and in those where the climate differs from what is found in the Southeast mesoregion, the occurrence of the element Hidro is the second most frequent. On the other hand, in the other three mocro-regions of the Southwest mesoregion (Floriano, Bertolínia and São Raimundo Nonato), the occurrence of the element Hidro has many more similarities to what is found for the three microregions of the Southeast mesoregion (Picos, Pio IX and Alto Médio Canindé). Taking these considerations into account, it is worth to reaffirm the importance of toponymical studies for the recovery and maintenance of the modus vivendi of the peoples who have recorded, in physical and human events, their peculiar view of the world. Such view, retrieved by the Analysis of old as well as contemporary letters and maps, can be expressed by the distribution of elements with Physical and Anthropocultural Nature, which may set certain motivational patterns of a certain age. Such patterns, in the light of Social History, evidence different historical and ideological aspects concerning naming places. It is worth to point out, finally, the importance of regional studies like this for future onomastic and toponymical mapping of the Brazilian territory, in its various local and regional manifestations

    The variants of cambalhota and bolinha de gude used in the capital cities of the northeast region in the Houaiss and Aurélio electronic dictionaries: a metalexicographic analysis from ALiB data

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    This work proposes to analyze the variants of cambalhota and bolinha de gude used in the capital cities of the Northeast region, as described in the ALiB, and the in the Houaiss and Aurélio electronic dictionaries. The general objective is to analyze, in the selected dictionaries, the treatment given to the mentioned regionalisms, as opposed to the ALiB data. In order to do so, a comparison among the information gathered in the three materials was established, especially with regard to geographic location, for the purpose of perceiving convergences and divergences. The data show little convergence between the information provided by the ALiB and the dictionaries. The information found in the dictionaries, for the most part of it, differs from the ones in ALiB. With this, it is possible to notice the need for an update in the lexicographic works concerning the approach used given to regionalisms, based on the dialectical researches

    Variantes de cambalhota e de bolinha de gude de capitais do nordeste nos dicionários eletrônicos Houaiss e Aurélio: uma análise metalexicográfica a partir dos dados do ALiB

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    This work proposes to analyze the variants of cambalhota and bolinha de gude used in the capital cities of the Northeast region, as described in the ALiB, and the in the Houaiss and Aurélio electronic dictionaries. The general objective is to analyze, in the selected dictionaries, the treatment given to the mentioned regionalisms, as opposed to the ALiB data. In order to do so, a comparison among the information gathered in the three materials was established, especially with regard to geographic location, for the purpose of perceiving convergences and divergences. The data show little convergence between the information provided by the ALiB and the dictionaries. The information found in the dictionaries, for the most part of it, differs from the ones in ALiB. With this, it is possible to notice the need for an update in the lexicographic works concerning the approach used given to regionalisms, based on the dialectical researches.Este trabalho se propõe a analisar as variantes de cambalhota e de bolinha de gude nos dicionários eletrônicos Houaiss e Aurélio. O objetivo geral é analisar, nos referidos dicionários, o tratamento dado aos regionalismos citados, contrapondo-os aos dados do ALiB. Para tanto, estabeleceu-se um confronto entre as informações trazidas nos três materiais, sobretudo quanto à localização geográfica, a fim de perceber convergências e divergências. Os dados apontam poucas convergências entre as informações trazidas no ALiB e nos dicionários. As informações encontradas nos dicionários, em sua maioria, divergem do ALiB. Com isso, nota-se a necessidade de atualização das obras lexicográficas no tratamento de regionalismos, utilizando como base as pesquisas dialetológicas.Este trabajo se propone analizar las variantes de cambalhota y de bolinha de gude de las capitales de la región Nordeste, en conformidad con lo descrito en el ALiB, en los diccionarios electrónicos Houaiss y Aurelio. El objetivo general es analizar, en los referidos diccionarios, el tratamiento hacia los regionalismos citados, contraponiéndose a los datos del ALiB. Por lo tanto, se estableció un enfrentamiento entre las informaciones traídas en los tres materiales, sobre todo referente a la localización geográfica, a fin de percibir convergencias y divergencias. Los datos apuntan pocas convergencias entre las informaciones traídas en el ALiB y en los diccionarios. Las informaciones encontradas en los diccionarios, en su mayoría, divergen del ALiB. Con todo, se fija la necesidad de actualización de las obras lexicográficas en el tratamiento de regionalismos, empleando como base las búsquedas dialectológicas

    Augmented reality system for multi-robot experimentation in warehouse logistics

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    The application of tools as augmented reality has been developing innovative solutions for the industrial scenario. In this context, this work presents an industrial plant of a warehouse, where augmented reality is used to represent virtual loads to be transported by multiple small mobile robots. The results promote an application developed in ROS, with virtual and real objects sharing the same environment, producing an excellent scenario to development and experimentation to new approaches for automation in warehouses or smart factories.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio