2,719 research outputs found

    Muscle strength and mortality while on a liver transplant waiting list

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a força de músculos respiratórios e de mão em pacientes na lista de espera para o transplante de fígado e associá-los a mortalidade. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados retrospectivamente 132 pacientes submetidos à avaliação fisioterapêutica de rotina e que esperavam o transplante de fígado. A força dos músculos ventilatórios foi avaliada por meio das pressões inspiratória e expiratória máximas e a força do membro superior por meio de dinamometria. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo A, com 51 pacientes (14 mulheres, 50,1±12,3 anos) que morreram enquanto estavam na lista de espera e grupo B, com 81 pacientes (31 mulheres, 45,0±3,8 anos) que sobreviveram até o transplante de fígado. Foi utilizado o teste de t de Student com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios da pressão inspiratória máxima (PImax) dos grupos A e B foram 65,7±28,0 e 77,5±33,8mmHg (p=0,04), respectivamente, e as pressões expiratórias máximas foram 72,9±32,9 e 84,4±33,1mmHg (p=0,07), respectivamente. Os valores médios da força da mão esquerda dos grupos A e B foram 18,5±8,1 e 21,5±10,5kgf (p=0,08), respectivamente, e da força da mão direita foram 20,2±9,7 e 23,5±12,5kgf (p=0,10), respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A PImax é menor nos pacientes que morreram enquanto aguardavam o transplante. No mesmo grupo, foi observado que a pressão expiratória máxima e a força da mão direita e esquerda foram menores, apesar de não apresentarem diferenças estatisticamente significante.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate respiratory muscle strength and hand strength in patients on a liver transplant waiting list and to associate these with mortality. METHODS: one hundred and thirty-two patients who underwent routine physical therapy evaluation while waiting for liver transplantation were studied retrospectively. Respiratory muscle strength was assessed by measuring the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), and upper-limb strength was evaluated by dynamometry. The patients were divided into two groups: group A, consisting of 51 patients (14 females, 50.1±12.3 years) who died while on the waiting list; and group B, consisting of 81 patients (31 females, 45.0±3.8 years) who survived until the time of liver transplant. Student’s t test was used with a 5% significance level. RESULTS: The mean MIP values for groups A and B were 65.7±28.0 and 77.5±33.8mmHg (p=0.04), respectively, and the mean MEP values were 72.9±32.9 and 84.4±33.1mmHg (p=0.07), respectively. The mean values for left-hand strength in groups A and B were 18.5±8.1 and 21.5±10.5kgf (p=0.08), and the mean values for right-hand strength were 20.2±9.7 and 23.5±12.5kgf (p=0.10), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: MIP was lower in the patients who died while waiting for liver transplantation. In the same group, it was observed that the MEP values and right and left-hand strength were numerically lower, although they did not reach statistically significant differences

    Development, Test and Validation of a Mechatronic Device for Spasticity Quantification

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    Abstract Spasticity is a common pathological phenomenon in clinical practices, frequently expressed as a stroke, multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy. The accurate quantification of spasticity allows early action to prevent the potentially irreversible consequences. The aim of this work is to develop and implement a mechatronic device for the accurate quantification of spasticity, which is able to differentiate spasticity from other motor disorders. The proposed method is based on the quantification of the tonic stretch reflex threshold (TSRT) for the assessment of the range of motion of the limb affected by spasticity. In order to validate the developed device, experimental trials have been conducted, considering the flexor muscle of the elbow joint. The developed device was tested, first in a laboratory environment with healthy subjects and secondly, in a clinical environment with the collaboration of patients with spasticity. The evaluations in th clinical environment were performed on three different days in order to evaluate the reproducibility of the obtained results. The experimental trials confirm the sensibility, reproducibility and reliability of spasticity quantification based on the TSRT method. This project has been developed in cooperation with the Hospital of Braga and Fisimaia rehabilitation clinic, both in Portugal

    Impacts of food-based enrichment on behaviour and physiology of male greater rheas (Rhea Americana, Rheidae, Aves)

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    Distress can be defined as a biological response of an individual to long-term threats to its homeostasis and it should be avoided from an animal welfare perspective. High levels of stress hormones and the expression of abnormal behaviours are responses normally observed in distressed animals. Captive environments can provoke distress, especially when inappropriate stimuli are provided to the animals. The concomitant use of behavioural and non-invasive hormonal measures is a means to evaluate captive animal welfare. Environmental enrichment is a tool that can reduce distress and minimize the expression of abnormal behaviour in captive animals. The aim of this study was to evaluate greater rheas’ responses (behavioral and hormonal) to food-based enrichment. Three birds from the Belo Horizonte Zoo, Brazil were studied. The study was divided into three phases (baseline, enrichment and post-enrichment): fruits scattered around the birds’ enclosure were used as enrichment. Behaviour and faecal sampling were undertaken in all phases of the study. Abnormal behaviours and faecal glucocorticoid metabolites (GCM) levels showed significant reduction during the environmental enrichment phase, and a significative positive correlation between GCM production and abnormal pacing was observed. From the results of this study, we conclude that the use of food as environmental enrichment should be encouraged because of its positive effects on animal welfare. Besides, studies with larger groups of greater rheas, with individuals of both sexes, should also be encouraged to evaluate if the results found in this pilot study are consistent and can be generalized to the species

    Timing molecular motion and production with a synthetic transcriptional clock

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    The realization of artificial biochemical reaction networks with unique functionality is one of the main challenges for the development of synthetic biology. Due to the reduced number of components, biochemical circuits constructed in vitro promise to be more amenable to systematic design and quantitative assessment than circuits embedded within living organisms. To make good on that promise, effective methods for composing subsystems into larger systems are needed. Here we used an artificial biochemical oscillator based on in vitro transcription and RNA degradation reactions to drive a variety of “load” processes such as the operation of a DNA-based nanomechanical device (“DNA tweezers”) or the production of a functional RNA molecule (an aptamer for malachite green). We implemented several mechanisms for coupling the load processes to the oscillator circuit and compared them based on how much the load affected the frequency and amplitude of the core oscillator, and how much of the load was effectively driven. Based on heuristic insights and computational modeling, an “insulator circuit” was developed, which strongly reduced the detrimental influence of the load on the oscillator circuit. Understanding how to design effective insulation between biochemical subsystems will be critical for the synthesis of larger and more complex systems

    Chemical synthesis of 4'-thio and 4'-sulfinyl pyrimidine nucleoside analogues.

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    Analogues of the canonical nucleosides required for nucleic acid synthesis have a longstanding presence and proven capability within antiviral and anticancer research. 4'-Thionucleosides, that incorporate bioisosteric replacement of furanose oxygen with sulfur, represent an important chemotype within this field. Established herein is synthetic capability towards a common 4-thioribose building block that enables access to thio-ribo and thio-arabino pyrimidine nucleosides, alongside their 4'-sulfinyl derivatives. In addition, this building block methodology is templated to deliver 4'-thio and 4'-sulfinyl analogues of the established anticancer drug gemcitabine. Cytotoxic capability of these new analogues is evaluated against human pancreatic cancer and human primary glioblastoma cell lines, with observed activities ranging from low μM to >200 μM; explanation for this reduced activity, compared to established nucleoside analogues, is yet unclear. Access to these chemotypes, with thiohemiaminal linkages, will enable a wider exploration of purine and triphosphate analogues and the application of such materials for potential resistance towards relevant hydrolytic enzymes within nucleic acid biochemistries

    The impact of hyperhidrosis on patients' daily life and quality of life : A qualitative investigation

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    Background: An understanding of the daily life impacts of hyperhidrosis and how patients deal with them, based on qualitative research, is lacking. This study investigated the impact of hyperhidrosis on the daily life of patients using a mix of qualitative research methods. Methods: Participants were recruited through hyperhidrosis patient support groups such as the Hyperhidrosis Support Group UK. Data were collected using focus groups, interviews and online surveys. A grounded theory approach was used in the analysis of data transcripts. Data were collected from 71 participants, out of an initial 100 individuals recruited. Results: Seventeen major themes capturing the impacts of hyperhidrosis were identified; these covered all areas of life including daily life, psychological well-being, social life, professional /school life, dealing with hyperhidrosis, unmet health care needs and physical impact. Conclusions: Psychosocial impacts are central to the overall impacts of hyperhidrosis, cutting across and underlying the limitations experienced in other areas of life.Peer reviewe

    Reprodução na juventude: perfis sociodemográficos, comportamentais e reprodutivos na PNDS 2006

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    OBJETIVO: Analizar características sociodemográficas y de conductas sexual y reproductiva de mujeres jóvenes. MÉTODOS: Estudio poblacional transversal con representatividad nacional sobre el comportamiento sexual, anticonceptivo y reproductivo de 2.991 mujeres de 15 a 20 años en la Investigación Nacional de Demografía y Salud del Niño y de la Mujer (PNDS) 2006. Las jóvenes se clasificaron en tres grupos: iniciaron la vida sexual y se embarazaron antes de los 20 años (grupo A); iniciaron la vida sexual y no se embarazaron antes de los 20 (grupo B) y no iniciaron la vida sexual (grupo C). Mujeres de hasta 25 años se consideraron para el estudio de las tasas de embarazo y de sus consecuencias en la vida. Los análisis estadísticos consideraron los pesos y la planificación del muestreo complejo. La asociación entre dos variables categóricas fue evaluada por la prueba Chi-cuadrado. Para las conductuales, se utilizó el modelo linear global. RESULTADOS: Mujeres del grupo A eran principalmente negras, más pobres y con menor escolaridad. Tuvieron la primera relación sexual más precozmente, comportamiento anticonceptivo más desprotegido y menor conocimiento de la fisiología de la reproducción con relación al grupo B; las jóvenes del grupo C se caracterizaron por frecuentar más la escuela, y la preservación de la virginidad para el matrimonio fue relatada por 1/3 del grupo. En las mujeres con hasta 25 años, el embarazo antes de los 20 fue percibido con más consecuencias positivas que negativas en la vida amorosa, conyugal, social y autoestima. CONCLUSIONES: Hay asociación significativa entre embarazo antes de los 20 años con mayor pobreza y menor escolaridad. En ausencia de mejores condiciones de vida y de oportunidades, el embarazo, aunque no sea previsto, se establece como "proyecto de vida" en comparación con su inexistencia.OBJECTIVE: Analyze the sociodemographic characteristics and the sexual and reproductive behavior of young women. METHODS: A cross-sectional nationally representative study was performed about sexual, contraceptive and reproductive behavior with 2,991 women age 15 to 20 years in the National Survey on Demography and Health of Women and Children, 2006. The women were classified into three groups: sexual initiation and pregnancy before the age of 20 (group A); sexual initiation but no pregnancy before the age of 20 (group B) and no sexual initiation (group C). Women until age 25 years were included in the study about reasons for becoming pregnant and the implications for their lives. Statistical analysis considered survey weights and the complex sample design. The association between two categorical variables was assessed by chi-square test. The behavior variables were assessed using a global linear model. RESULTS: Women in group A were mainly black, poorer and with lower education level. These women had an early sexual initiation, less safe contraceptive behavior and less knowledge of reproduction physiology in comparison with group B; young women in group C were characterized by greater attendance at school and 1/3 of this group claimed to maintain their virginity until marriage. For women up to the age of 25, pregnancy before 20 years was perceived as having more positive than negative impacts upon their love life, spousal relationships, social lives and self-esteem. CONCLUSIONS: There is a significant association between pregnancy before the age of 20 and higher poverty and lower educational level. In the absence of better living conditions and opportunities, pregnancy, although unplanned, becomes "a plan for life", and is not seen as a lack of life planning.OBJETIVO: Analisar características sociodemográficas e do comportamento sexual e reprodutivo de mulheres jovens. MÉTODOS: Estudo populacional transversal com representatividade nacional sobre o comportamento sexual, contraceptivo e reprodutivo de 2.991 mulheres de 15 a 20 anos na Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Criança e da Mulher 2006. As jovens foram classificadas em três grupos: iniciaram a vida sexual e engravidaram antes dos 20 anos (grupo A); iniciaram a vida sexual e não engravidaram antes dos 20 (grupo B) e não iniciaram a vida sexual (grupo C). Mulheres de até 25 anos foram consideradas para o estudo das razões da gravidez e de suas implicações na vida. As análises estatísticas consideraram os pesos e o planejamento amostral complexo. A associação entre duas variáveis categóricas foi avaliada pelo teste tipo qui-quadrado. Quanto às comportamentais, utilizou-se modelo linear global. RESULTADOS: Mulheres do grupo A eram principalmente negras, mais pobres e com menor escolaridade. Tiveram a primeira relação sexual mais precocemente, comportamento contraceptivo mais desprotegido e menor conhecimento da fisiologia da reprodução em relação ao grupo B; as jovens do grupo C caracterizaram-se por maior frequência à escola e a preservação da virgindade para o casamento foi alegada por um 1/3 desse grupo. Para as mulheres com até 25 anos, a gravidez antes dos 20 foi percebida como tendo implicações mais positivas que negativas na vida amorosa, conjugal, social e autoestima. CONCLUSÕES: Há associação significativa entre gravidez antes dos 20 anos com maior pobreza e menor escolaridade. Na ausência de melhores condições de vida e de oportunidades, a gravidez, embora não prevista, configura-se como "projeto de vida" e não sua mera ausência