1,388 research outputs found

    Plasma clearance of iohexol simplified by dried blood spot testing.

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    Renal function can be estimated with formulas, which are inaccurate, or measured with gold standard methods, which are reliable but unpractical. We propose to simplify the plasma clearance of iohexol, a gold standard method to measure renal function, measuring iohexol in dried blood spot samples (DBS). Methods: We compared GFR values assessed by DBS and the reference plasma analysis technique. We tested “in-vitro” the agreement between non-volumetric and volumetric DBS with the reference technique. Then, we performed a clinical validation “in-vivo” between volumetric-DBS and plasma analysis in 203 patients. The agreement was evaluated with the Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) the Total Deviation Index (TDI) and the coverage probability (cp). We defined acceptable agreement as a TDI<10%. Results: Studies “in-vitro”: The non-volumetric DBS showed moderate agreement: TDI=26.03%, while the volumetric-method showed acceptable agreement TDI=13.01%, with the reference method in plasma. The non-volumetric DBS was rejected. To improve the agreement of the volumetric DBS, iopamidol was used as an internal standard. This method showed excellent agreement: TDI=9.03% with the analysis in plasma and was selected as the definitive DBS method. Studies “in vivo”: The agreement between the final DBS method and the reference technique was excellent: TDI=9.53%. This indicates that 90% of the GFR values ranged from -9.5 to +9.5% compared with the reference method. Conclusions: We simplified the plasma clearance of iohexol using DBS without losing accuracy and precision with respect the reference technique. This may facilitate the use of a reliable determination of renal function to the medical community

    Combustion of avocado crop residues: effect of crop variety and nature of nutrients

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    The thermal behaviour of avocado crop residues was studied. The seeds and the pruning remains from Hass and Bacon varieties were analysed to know their fuel properties. The influence of the fertiliser nature was also studied thorough the application of cow manure and inorganic products. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out under 10, 20 and 40 °C/min heating rates. Kinetics was also estimated according to the Friedman, Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) methods. Results indicated the good fuel performance of the samples. Higher heating values (HHV) were higher for pruning remains (19.43 MJ/kg) when compared to seeds (18.74 MJ/kg). Cow manure improved the behaviour of all avocado samples regardless of the varieties. Average action energy was lower for wood (143.89–211.04 kJ/mol) than seeds (174.05–279.99 kJ/mol). Regarding TGA, this analysis showed three different mass loss associated to hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin release. TGA profiles were so different for the analysed biomass sources according to the fertiliser employed. Hence, the heating rate influenced the thermal behaviour of the samples, highlighting the fast release of the SBC and WHM for the 10 and 20 °C/min ramps respectively

    Imposto predial e territorial urbano : estudo de caso da inadimplência no município de Ponta Grossa

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    Orientador: Blenio Cesar Severo PeixeMonografia(Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Auditoria IntegralResumo: Este trabalho objetiva apresentar o nível de inadimplência do IPTU no município de Ponta Grossa e os mecanismos que adota para o lançamento, arrecadação e sistemas de cobrança dos contribuintes inadimplentes com este imposto. O Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano tem grande relevância no âmbito jurídico e social, pois se trata de um tributo em que muitos cidadãos se tornam contribuintes, pois são proprietários, detêm a posse ou domínio útil de bens imóveis, situados em zona urbana. Utilizando como método de pesquisa bibliografia pertinente e consulta a documentos da Secretaria de Finanças e de Arrecadação do município de Ponta Grossa, adotou-se o delineamento de estudo de caso, desenvolvido sob a forma de pesquisa descritiva e estabelecendo através dos dados coletados tabulações que permitiram elaborar gráficos e tabelas que deram subsídios para a reflexão crítica dos resultados em acordo com os propósitos e objetivos da pesquisa. Os resultados apreendidos permitiram observar as implicâncias da arrecadação do IPTU para os municípios, notadamente o fator de inadimplência deste imposto, que se mostrou um comportamento comum entre os contribuintes e passa por uma tendência progressiva, aumentado cada vez mais o número de sonegadores. Constatou-se que apesar de a administração municipal de Ponta Grossa precaver-se com os mecanismos básicos para a instituição e cobrança do IPTU, a inadimplência e expressiva. Conclui-se, assim que na esfera municipal uma boa estrutura administrativa e indispensável para a eficiente atuação do poder tributante, no sentido de maximizar a arrecadação tributaria proveniente do IPTU, coibindo, prontamente, a ação danosa da inadimplência, e conscientizando o contribuinte que o pagamento deste tributo e um dever de todos, e que eles estão amplamente amparados pelos normativos constitucionais, sendo o lançamento dos valores do IPTU condizente com sua capacidade contributiva, da mesma forma que a adoção de parcelamento tem a função precípua de normalizar suas dívidas perante o município

    Estratégias operatórias em navegabilidade

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2009A Internet é um veículo de comunicação e consumo que permite a personalização de produtos e serviços. As estratégias operatórias utilizadas pelo internauta em sua navegação possuem peculiaridades, assim, é pertinente conhecer a conduta deste e prospectar as variáveis que interferem em seus processos decisórios visando fundamentar propostas de sites adaptados às suas características, necessidades e particularidades. Nessa perspectiva, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar a influência dos valores humanos e dos significados do objeto do internauta nas estratégias operatórias adotadas na navegabilidade. A estratégia operatória é definida como um processo cognitivo de categorização, resolução de problemas e tomada de decisão que resulta em um modo operatório adotado pela pessoa. Por sua vez, os valores humanos são conceituados como metas que transcendem situações específicas, são ordenados por sua importância e servem como princípios que guiam a vida da pessoa. Significado é entendido como uma percepção subjetiva ou reação afetiva perante o objeto. Adotou-se a abordagem da Ergonomia Cognitiva dada a sua premissa antropocêntrica no sentido de adaptar as interfaces gráficas às características da pessoa, seus conhecimentos e habilidades. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de delineamento correlacional, onde se identificou os valores humanos básicos da amostra, os significados atribuídos pelo respondente e a preferência por tipo de julgamento. Investigou-se, também, o desempenho dos valores na navegabilidade e por fim verificou-se a correlação entre as variáveis. O percurso metodológico inspira-se na tecnologia de avaliação e (re) concepção de interfaces - TAI proposta por Silvino (2004) e foi composto de quatro etapas, a saber: planejamento, avaliação e análise da atividade de navegação, entrevistas de confrontação e, por fim, compilação do estudo e conclusão. Assim a análise da atividade permitiu avaliar as estratégias e modos operatórios para executar as tarefas, bem como o seu desempenho e as entrevistas deram suporte às inferências sobre os principais elementos para o processo decisório e para o processo de resolução de problemas. Os resultados obtidos apontam que os valores humanos básicos influenciam as estratégias operatórias e que a atribuição de significado influencia a escolha pela representação técnica. Os resultados mostram que há relação entre os valores humanos, tipo de julgamento e os significados do objeto sobre a conduta da pessoa, entretanto, neste estudo, o relacionamento entre as variáveis mostrou-se de baixa magnitude. Foi possível observar que o tipo de julgamento demonstrou ser a variável que apresenta maior poder preditivo sobre a conduta da pessoa. Concluiu-se, também, que aqueles que utilizam o julgamento passo a passo apresentam um melhor desempenho na navegabilidade

    Ergonomia cognitiva e a interação pessoa-computador: análise da usabilidade da urna eletrônica 2002 e do módulo impressor externo

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Transformar o trabalho e as condições em que este é realizado, visando adaptá-lo às características e às necessidades de quem o executa, constituem os principais objetivos da ergonomia. Desta forma, a análise da URNA ELETRÔNICA segundo o referencial teórico e metodológico desta disciplina diagnostica sua usabilidade e eficácia, ao identificar as estratégias operatórias empregadas pelos eleitores e as dificuldades que estes enfrentam durante a interação

    Histologic and Histomorphometric Analysis of Posterior Region of the Human Temporomandibular Disc

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    Objective The aim of this study was to analyze histologic and histomorphometric features of the articular disc in groups with and without disc displacement. Study design A sample of 39 temporomandibular joints TMJs (31 case specimens, 8 control specimens) from 28 patients (mean age 31.2 years) were recruited for this study. The patients were considered to be affected and treated surgically with disc repositioning when presenting painful clinical signs of disc displacement after unsuccessful nonsurgical treatment for at least 6 months. Of the control patients, 4 presented condyle fracture which required opening to be reduced for treatment, and 4 displayed active condyle hyperplasia. The posterior region of the disc was removed and sent for histologic and histomorphometric analysis. Histologic (hematoxylin-eosin) and histomorphometric (picro-Sirius red) analyses were performed. Statistically significant differences between the analyzed groups were accessed through the chi-squared test (P ≤ .05). The Mann-Whitney U test was used to observe the differences between mean values when variables did not present normal distribution [Kolmogorov-Smirnov(a) test]. Results There were no significant differences between the groups in relation to the parameters studied by histologic and histomorphometric analysis (using or not using polarization). Conclusions To the limits of this study, there were no significant histologic and histomorphometric differences in the articular disc between groups with and without TMJ dysfunction

    Combustion of avocado crop residues: varieties and nature of nutrients influence

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    The thermal behaviour of avocado crop residues was studied. The seeds and the pruning remains from Hass and Bacon varieties were analysed to know their fuel properties. The influence of the fertiliser nature was also studied thorough the application of cow manure and inorganic products. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out under 10, 20 and 40 ºC/min heating rates. Kinetics was also estimated according to the Friedman, Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) and Kissinger- Akahira-Sunose (KAS) methods. Results indicated the good fuel performance of the samples. Higher heating values (HHV) were higher for pruning remains (19.43 MJ/kg) when compared to seeds (18.74 MJ/kg). Cow manure improved the behaviour of all avocado samples regardless of the varieties. Average action energy was lower for wood (143.89 – 211.04 kJ/mol) than seeds (174.05 - 279.99 kJ/mol). Regarding TGA, this analysis showed three different mass loss associated to hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin release. TGA profiles were so different for the different biomass sources according to the fertiliser employed. Hence, the heating rate influenced the thermal behaviour of the samples, highlighting the fast release of the SBC and WHM for the 10 and 20ºC/min ramps respectivelySIF. Lima investigation was conducted within the framework of a predoctoral contract (A.2) under the I Research and Transfer Plan of the University of Málag

    Ejercicio físico y estilo de vida sedentario: consecuencias para la salud

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    Perhaps the greatest barriers for achieving major advances in public health in the twenty-first century result from the paralysis of the pandemic paradigm or from the widespread inability to envision alternative or new models of thought. Human movement represents a complex behavior that is influenced by personal motivation, health and mobility problems, genetic factors, and social and physical environments in which people live. These factors influence the propensity to engage in sedentary behaviors or in physical activity. However, the biological, social, and environmental pathways leading to sedentary behavior versus physical activity may be different. In addition, the health effects associated with sedentary behavior and physical activity may be the result of different biological mechanisms. Thus, our objective was to discuss the importance of physical exercise on health-related outcomes and the consequences of sedentary lifestyles. Research on sedentary behavior has been growing;however, the evidence for its determinants is relatively sparse. More studies are needed to obtain more conclusive results because it is fundamental to understand these complex relationships related to the practice and the acquisition of active and healthy lifestyles as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Custard apple crop residues combustion: an overall study of their energy behaviour under different fertilisation conditions

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    The current energy demand requires new energy sources. The use of biomass is an attractive option. In this work, the combustion thermal behaviour and kinetic of custard apple (Annona cherimola) crop remains derived from different plot fertilisation conditions (organic and inorganic) were studied. Thermogravimetry procedures were applied to seeds and wood under four heating rates (5, 10, 20 and 40 °C/min). Iso-conversional methods (Friedman, Flynn–Wall–Ozawa and Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose) were used to determine the activation energy and the frequency factor. Fuel results showed a higher high heating value for seeds (~ 24.78 MJ/mol) when compared with wood (~ 19.33 MJ/mol). Thermogravimetric profiles denoted that, while seed samples were only affected by heating ramps, pruning remains were also influenced by the type of fertiliser. Organic fertiliser was responsible for higher maximum values on the second decomposition peak for wood samples, at 20 and 40 °C/min (56.78%/min and 23.03%/min). Kinetic indexes were also notably influenced by the fertiliser nature. Organic manure reduced the average activation energy results, being more perceptible in seeds (135.51–172.32 kJ/ mol) than wood (140.32–144.43 kJ/mol). Hence, it is proven that the type of fertilisation affects the thermal behaviour of custard apple residuesSIThe authors thank the University of León and the University of Málaga for allowing the use of their facilities and resources to carry out this work. The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation is grate- fully acknowledged for the Juan de la Cierva-Formation contract of Dr. Sergio Paniagua (FJC2020-043479-I)

    Measured GFR in murine animal models: review on methods, techniques, and procedures

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    Animal models; Glomerular filtration rate; Kidney damageModels animals; Taxa de filtració glomerular; Dany renalModelos animales; Tasa de filtración glomerular; Daño renalChronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide, with increasing rates of morbidity and mortality. Thus, early detection is essential to prevent severe adverse events and the progression of kidney disease to an end stage. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the most appropriate index to evaluate renal function in both clinical practice and basic medical research. Several animal models have been developed to understand renal disease induction and progression. Specifically, murine models are useful to study the pathogenesis of renal damage, so a reliable determination of GFR is essential to evaluate the progression of CKD. However, as in clinical practise, the estimation of GFR in murine by levels of serum/urine creatinine or cystatin-C could not be accurate and needed other more reliable methods. As an alternative, the measurement of GFR by the clearance of exogenous markers like inulin, sinistrin, 51Cr-EDTA, 99mTc-DTPA, 125I-iothalamate, or iohexol could be performed. Nevertheless, both approaches—estimation or measurement of GFR—have their limitations and a standard method for the GFR determination has not been defined. Altogether, in this review, we aim to give an overview of the current methods for GFR assessment in murine models, describing each methodology and focusing on their advantages and limitations.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work is supported by funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with the following grants: AERR is a recipient of a contract from the Sara Borrell programme (C21/00142) and STT of PFIS FI20/00147