559 research outputs found

    O Direito Do Trabalho Aplicado Ao Contrato Do Jogador De Futebol The Labor Law Applied To Football Player Contract

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    Resumo: O artigo apresenta uma análise acerca da aplicação da legislação trabalhista no contrato do atleta profissional de futebol, estabelecendo as principais compatibilidades e discordâncias entre o dispositivo celetista e a lei regulamentadora das práticas desportivas no Brasil, a Lei Pelé, apontando a evolução do futebol no país, bem como caracterizando as principais características deste contrato especial de trabalho, em especial, os aspectos da remuneração, jornada de trabalho e extinção do contrato. Palavras-chave: Futebol; Contrato especial; remuneração; Jornada de Trabalho; Extinção; Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the enforcement of labor laws in the professional football player contract, establishing the main compatibilities and disagreements between the CLT device and the regulatory law of sports practices in Brazil, Pelé Law, aiming the development of football in the country as well as featuring the main and unique features of this special labor contract, regarding its main aspects as remuneration, working hours and extinction Keywords: Soccer; special contract; remuneration; Working hours; Extinction

    Assessment of macadamia kernel quality defects by means of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

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    Macadamia kernels are visually sorted based on the presence of quality defects by specialized labors. However, this process is not as accurate as non-destructive methods such as near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Thus, NIRS and NMR in combination with chemometrics have become established non-destructive method for rapid assessment of quality parameters in the food and agricultural sectors. Therefore, the quality of macadamia kernel was assessed by NIRS and NMR using chemometric tools such as PCA-LDA and GA-LDA to evaluate external kernel defects. Macadamia kernels were classified as: 1 = good, marketable kernels without defects; 2 = kernels with discoloration; 3 = immature kernels; 4 = kernels affected by mold; and 5 = kernels with insect damage. Using NIRS, the GA-LDA resulted in an accuracy and specificity of 97.8% and 100%, respectively, to classify good kernels. On the other hand, PCA-LDA technique resulting in an accuracy higher than 68% and specificity of 97.2% to classify immature kernels. For NMR, PCA-LDA resulted in an accuracy higher than 83% and GA-LDA resulted in an accuracy of 100%, both to classify kernels with insect damage. NIRS and NMR spectroscopy can be successfully used to classify unshelled macadamia kernels based on the defects. However, NIRS out-performed NMR based on the higher accuracy results

    Estimation and classification of popping expansion capacity in popcorn breeding programs using NIR spectroscopy

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    One of the most important quality traits in popcorn breeding programs is the popping expansion (PE) capacity of the kernel, which is the ratio of the volume of the popcorn to the weight of the kernel. In this study, we evaluated whether near infrared spectroscopy (NIR spectroscopy) could be used as a tool in popcorn breeding programs to routinely predict and/or discriminate popcorn genotypes on the basis of their PE. Three generations (F1, F2, and F2:3) were developed in three planting seasons by manual cross-pollination and self-pollination. A total of 376 ears from the F2:3 generation were selected, shelled, and subjected to phenotypic analysis. Genetic variability was observed in the F2 and F2:3 generations, and their average PE value was 31.5 ± 6.7 mL.g-1. PE prediction models using partial least square (PLS) regression were developed, and the root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC) was 6.08 mL.g-1, while the coefficient of determination (RC 2) was 0.26. The model developed by principal component analysis with quadratic discriminant analysis (PCA-QDA) was the best for discriminating the kernels with low PE (≤ 30 mL.g-1) from those with high PE (> 30 mL.g-1) with an accuracy of 78%, sensitivity of 81.2%, and specificity of 72.2%. Although NIR spectroscopy appears to be a promising non-destructive method for assessing the PE of intact popcorn kernels for narrow breeding populations, greater variability and larger sample sizes would help improve the robustness of the predictive and classificatory models

    Conventional and alternative pre-harvest treatments affect the quality of ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘York’ apple fruit

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    Apple trees cv. ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘York’ were sprayed from bloom to fruit maturity with different products to evaluate the effect of pre-harvest treatments on fruit quality, including insect/disease damage and physicochemical fruit traits. Apple trees were assigned to five treatments: unsprayed (control), holistic solution (foliar nutrients and probiotics), insecticides, antimicrobials (fungicides and antibiotics), and a combination of antimicrobials + insecticides. The treatments started soon after bloom and were carried out every two weeks until fruit were ready to harvest. Diseases such as sooty blotch (complex of several fungi) and flyspeck (Zygophiala jamaicensis Mason) were the major source of damage on fruits. ‘Golden Delicious’ trees had a higher percentage of undamaged fruit than ‘York’, but all trees had some percentage of damaged fruit. Damage was most severe in the control (unsprayed) and insecticide treatments, intermediate in the holistic treatment, and much lower in the antimicrobial and antimicrobial + insecticide treatments (p < 0.003 for all comparisons). There was also a significant interactive effect (p < .0001) of cultivars and pre-harvest spray treatment on apple fruit mass. For both cultivars there was a strong effect of spray treatment on size, with larger apples produced in the antimicrobial and antimicrobial + insecticide treatments, but these effects were more pronounced in 'York' than in 'Golden Delicious' apples. ‘Golden Delicious’ trees produced 1.4-fold heavier and bigger fruits compared to ‘York’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit were more mature than ‘York’ at harvest. Pre-harvest treatments also affected other quality parameters of apple fruit, such as soluble solids content (SSC) and starch-iodine index. Using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit could be well classified according to the holistic, antimicrobial, and antimicrobial + insecticide treatments. Control and insecticide samples clustered together, indicating similarities between fruit quality. Overall, pre-harvest spray treatment affected the quality of ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘York’ apples, mainly the fruit mass and disease infection

    Usina autossustentável de incineração de lixo dispensável pela reciclagem: estudo de viabilidade para a cidade de Belo Horizonte / Self-sustainable waste incineration plant responsible for recycling: feasibility study for the city of Belo Horizonte

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    Esta pesquisa aborda um estudo preliminar propondo a utilização de um incinerador de lixo urbano como peça fundamental no processo de redução desses dejetos, ou seja, resíduos contaminados que teriam como destino aterros ou lixões, visto que toneladas de lixo se acumulam nesses locais, com o passar do tempo e aumento da população o problema se torna mais grave. A Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Horizonte trabalha com ações capazes de aumentar a quantidade de materiais que podem ser reaproveitados e transformados em outros produtos, sendo necessário apenas expandir as ações que existem. A proposta deste artigo é utilizar tecnologias já existentes e aprimorá-las, criando mecanismos que unam sociedade, sustentabilidade, ciência, trabalho e inovação em um só âmbito. Todavia, o processo começa nas residências com a separação correta do lixo, sendo que após a coleta seletiva a matéria-prima segue para os galpões onde cada classe receberá o tratamento adequado para transformação em novos produtos. O projeto propõe geração ininterrupta de energia através do uso de resíduos da reciclagem e uso de materiais. Além disso, é realizada uma pesquisa de opinião geral, que aborda questões sobre o processo a ser aplicado

    The rarest of the rare: rediscovery and status of the critically endangered Belem Curassow, Crax fasciolata pinima (Pelzeln, 1870)

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    The Belem Curassow (Crax fasciolata pinima) is one of the most endangered birds in South America, without sightings of birds in the wild for 40 years. This subspecies is nationally and internationally classified as critically endangered and close to extinction, suffering from poaching and deforestation in its range. Here we present new records of free-living individuals made on three indigenous lands in Pará and Maranhão states: in part of Terra Indígena Mãe Maria, Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Pará; in locations within the Reserva Biológica do Gurupi/Terra Indígena Alto Turiaçu, Centro Novo do Maranhão, Maranhão; and around the Terra Indígena Rio Pindaré, Alto Alegre do Pindaré, Maranhão. We also provide recommendations to protect this bird via a dedicated conservation program which includes finding new individuals in non-sampled areas (north of BR-222), estimating population size, enhancing taxonomic and natural history knowledge, capturing wild animals in order to start urgent ex&nbsp;situ conservation programs, and developing environmental awareness programs with the local and indigenous populations

    Non-destructive genotypes classification and oil content prediction using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometric tools in soybean breeding program

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    In soybean (Glycine max L.) breeding programs, segregation is normally observed, and it is not possible to have replicates of individuals because each genotype is a unique copy. Therefore, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used as a non-destructive tool to classify soybeans by genotypes and to predict oil content. A total of 260 soybean genotypes were divided into five classes, which were composed of 32, 52, 82, 46, and 49 samples of the BV, BVV, EB, JAB, and L class, respectively. NIR spectra were obtained using oven-dried samples (80 g) in a reflectance mode. A successive projection algorithm and genetic algorithm with linear discriminant analysis discriminated genotypes of the low (L class) from the high (EB class) for oil content (88.89% accuracy). The partial least square regression models for oil content were considered good (root mean square error of prediction of 0.96%). Therefore, NIRS can be used as a non-destructive tool in soybean breeding programs, but further investigation is necessary to improve the robustness of the models. It is important to note that to use the models, it is necessary to collect NIR spectra from dry soybean samples

    Treatment of orbital floor fracture with conchal cartilage

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    INTRODUCTION: The reconstruction of defects in the orbital floor after fractures poses a challenge to the plastic surgeon because besides the patient's aesthetic and reconstructive expectations, possible functional complications such as diplopia and facial paresthesia must be treated. This study aimed at reporting a series of cases in which conchal auricular cartilage was used for volumetric orbital and structural replacement of the floor. METHODS: Twenty-four patients, with surgery performed by the author, between 2013 and 2016, for pure (blow-out) or impure (conjugated to orbital margin injuries, such as zygoma and maxilla) orbital floor fractures, were evaluated. The repair technique involved autologous conchal cartilage graft in all cases. Patients were classified for the presence of preoperative complaints, including paresthesia and diplopia, and symptoms such as enophthalmia, as well as postoperative outcomes. RESULTS: The existence of concomitant lesions, such as zygomatic complex and maxillary fracture, as well as fractures with greater discontinuity in the orbital floor, may influence the success of reconstruction. Few patients exhibited postoperative complaints and only two (9.2%) required a new surgical approach. CONCLUSION: Autologous conchal auricular cartilage is a suitable material for reconstruction of defects in the post-fracture orbital floor, possessing various advantages, including ease of attainment, low morbidity, inconspicuous scar, and excellent adaptation to the shape of the orbital floor and consequent volumetric replacement

    Morbimortalidade hospitalar por insuficiência cardíaca na região norte do Brasil: Uma análise pré e pós pandemia

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    Heart failure is a serious medical condition that affects a significant number of people around the world. This is a condition in which the heart cannot pump blood effectively to meet the body's needs. Heart failure is a growing concern in the northern region of Brazil, the region's socioeconomic complexity and unique geographic characteristics can influence cardiovascular health patterns. In this sense, it is of great importance to draw up a pre- and post-pandemic epidemiological profile, to understand the influence of the pandemic on hospitalizations and deaths due to heart failure and to track the most vulnerable populations. The objective of this work was to analyse the prevalence and epidemiological profile of hospitalizations and deaths caused by heart failure in the northern region of Brazil, from 2018 to 2022. This is an ecological time series study, which used data from the Hospital Information System (SIH) of the Unified Health System (SUS). This comprehensive source offers a detailed view of hospitalizations and deaths in the northern region. During the study period, there was a 21% increase in hospitalizations and a 10% increase in deaths. The state of Pará had the highest volume of hospitalizations, predominantly among brown men, aged 70 to 79 years. Furthermore, there was a significant increase in hospital expenses following the COVID-19 pandemic. The information obtained in this study can guide prevention strategies and health policies, adapting them to the particularities of the region's context.La insuficiencia cardíaca es una afección médica grave que afecta a un número significativo de personas en todo el mundo. Esta es una condición en la que el corazón no puede bombear sangre de manera efectiva para satisfacer las necesidades del cuerpo. La insuficiencia cardíaca es una preocupación creciente en la región norte de Brasil; la complejidad socioeconómica de la región y sus características geográficas únicas pueden influir en los patrones de salud cardiovascular. En este sentido, es de gran importancia elaborar un perfil epidemiológico pre y pospandemia, para comprender la influencia de la pandemia en las hospitalizaciones y muertes por insuficiencia cardíaca y realizar un seguimiento de las poblaciones más vulnerables. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la prevalencia y el perfil epidemiológico de las hospitalizaciones y muertes por insuficiencia cardíaca en la región norte de Brasil, de 2018 a 2022. Se trata de un estudio de serie temporal ecológica, que utilizó datos del Sistema de Información Hospitalaria ( SIH) del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS). Esta fuente integral ofrece una visión detallada de las hospitalizaciones y muertes en la región norte. Durante el período del estudio, hubo un aumento del 21 % en las hospitalizaciones y un aumento del 10 % en las muertes. El estado de Pará tuvo el mayor volumen de hospitalizaciones, predominantemente entre hombres morenos, de entre 70 y 79 años. Además, hubo un aumento significativo de los gastos hospitalarios tras la pandemia de COVID-19. La información obtenida en este estudio puede orientar estrategias de prevención y políticas de salud, adaptándolas a las particularidades del contexto de la región.A insuficiência cardíaca é uma condição médica séria que afeta um número significativo de pessoas em todo o mundo. Trata-se de uma condição em que o coração não consegue bombear sangue de maneira eficaz para atender às necessidades do corpo. A insuficiência cardíaca é uma preocupação crescente na região norte do Brasil, a complexidade socioeconômica e as características geográficas únicas da região podem influenciar os padrões de saúde cardiovascular. Nesse sentido, é de grande importância traçar um perfil epidemiológico pré e pós pandêmico, com intuito de conhecer a influência da pandemia nas internações e óbitos por insuficiência cardíaca e rastrear as populações mais vulneráveis. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a prevalência e o perfil epidemiológico das internações e óbitos causados por insuficiência cardíaca na região norte do Brasil, no período de 2018 a 2022. Este é um estudo ecológico de séries temporais, que usou dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH) do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Essa fonte abrangente oferece uma visão detalhada das internações e óbitos na região norte. Durante o período de estudo, houve um aumento de 21% nas internações e 10% nos óbitos. O estado do Pará apresentou o maior volume de internações, predominando entre homens pardos, com idade de 70 a 79 anos. Além disso, houve um aumento expressivo nos gastos hospitalares após a pandemia de COVID-19. As informações obtidas neste estudo podem orientar estratégias de prevenção e políticas de saúde, adaptando-as às particularidades do contexto da região


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    This article aims to highlight the importance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pre-hospital care, aiming to improve the prognosis of patients suffering from cardiorespiratory paralysis, characterizing the first care as essential to minimize sequelae to the patient. The indexers Google Scholar, Scielo, Emergency of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology and Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia were used as search engines to select articles, using the descriptors “Cardiac Arrest; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; Cardioversion; Survival Rate”. It is concluded that survival until hospital admission is an initial result of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the first care.Este artigo tem por objetivo frisar a importância da reanimação cardiopulmonar no atendimento pré-hospitalar, visando à melhora do prognóstico do paciente vítima de para cardiorrespiratória, caracterizando o primeiro atendimento como essencial para minimização das sequelas ao paciente. Foram utilizados como motores de busca os indexadores Google Acadêmico, Scielo, Emergência da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia e Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia para seleção dos artigos, através dos descritores “Parada Cardíaca; Reanimação Cardiopulmonar; Cardioversão; Taxa de Sobrevida”. Conclui-se que a sobrevivência até a admissão hospitalar é um resultado inicial da ressuscitação cardiopulmonar no primeiro atendimento