594 research outputs found

    Compreensão sobre a Adoção Por Casais Homoafetivos Segundo os Profissionais que Atuam Nesses Procedimentos: Um Estudo Exploratório

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    oai:ojs.revistarebram.com:article/1The Brazilian legislation that regularizes stable union and the marriage between homosexuals is recent and matters related to this theme still generate discussions. The aim of this paper was to explore the understanding of psychologists and social workers that act in adoption processes about this new possibility. A qualitative research was developed with these professionals, by means of a semi-structured interview, and the answers were analyzed using the content analysis technique. The sample was formed by 7 (seven) individuals, all of the feminine sex, with professional education in their respective areas. The participants, even reporting no direct experience with adoption by homosexual pairs, described situations which they came across with this type of relationship in processes of another nature, different from joint adoption, allowing them to explore their comprehension about the subject. It was verified that adoption itself already involves myths and prejudices, but the professionals feel ready and satisfied in acting in these procedures. The same, however, isn't observed in the adoption by homosexual couples, having recognized their necessity of a greater prepare and reflection to act in these processes. It is an exploratory study which is limited to a small group of individuals of the universe of professionals who act in these procedures. Although this study doesn't allow us to offer more comprehensive considerations about this subject, it intends to present subsidies for an initial discussion.A legislação brasileira que regulariza a união estável e o casamento entre homossexuais é recente e questões relacionadas ao tema ainda geram discussões. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi explorar a compreensão de psicólogos e assistentes sociais que atuam em processos de adoção sobre essa nova possibilidade. Realizou-se uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo junto a esses profissionais, utilizando-se um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado, onde as respostas foram analisadas através da técnica denominada análise de conteúdo. A amostra foi composta por 7 (sete) indivíduos, todos do sexo feminino, com formação nas respectivas áreas. Mesmo não relatando experiência direta com a adoção por casal homoafetivo, as participantes descreveram situações em que se depararam com essa dinâmica de relacionamento em processos de outra natureza que não a adoção conjunta, permitindo explorar a compreensão delas sobre o assunto. Verifica-se que a adoção por si só já envolve mitos e preconceitos, mas as profissionais se sentem preparadas e satisfeitas em atuar nesses procedimentos. O mesmo, entretanto, não se observa com a adoção realizada por casais homoafetivos, tendo elas reconhecido a necessidade de maior preparo e reflexão para atuar nesses processos. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que se limita a abordar um pequeno grupo de indivíduos do universo de profissionais que atuam nesses procedimentos. Embora não permita realizar considerações mais abrangentes, pretende apresentar subsídios para uma discussão inicial

    Prolonged caffeine intake decreases alveolar bone damage induced by bingelike ethanol consumption in adolescent female rats

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    Ethanol consumption has been reported to negatively impact on periodontal disease. In particular, oral cavity disorders occur upon ethanol exposure during adolescence, a life period associated with particular patterns of short and intense (‘binge-like’) ethanol consumption that is most deleterious to oral health. The hazardous central effects of ethanol have been linked to the overfunction of adenosine receptors, which are antagonized by caffeine, a bioactive substance present in numerous natural nutrients, which can also modify bone metabolism. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of caffeine on alveolar bone damage induced by an ethanol binge drinking paradigm during adolescence. Female Wistar rats (35 days old; n = 30) were allocated to six groups: control (vehicle), ethanol (3 g/kg/day; 3 days On-4 days Off challenge), caffeine (10 mg/kg/day), caffeine plus ethanol, SCH58261 (0.1 mg/kg/day, an antagonist of A2A receptors), and SCH58261 plus ethanol. Bone micromorphology and vertical bone loss were analyzed by computed microtomography. Our data showed that ethanol binge drinking reduced alveolar bone quality, with repercussion on alveolar bone size. This ethanolinduced alveolar bone deterioration was abrogated upon treatment with caffeine, but not with SCH58261. This shows that caffeine prevented the periodontal disorder caused by ethanol binge drinking during adolescence, an effect that was not mediated by adenosine A2A receptor blockad


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    The purpose of the article is to review the application of the palliative approach inemergency care departments. For this, a literature review was carried out through thePubMed database with the following descriptors "palliative” and "emergency"according to Medical Subject Headings (MESH). After reading the title and abstract,the incompatible articles with the objective were excluded, and in addition to thiscriteria, articles published from 2015 were selected. Finally, 9 articles were selectedfor analysis, which occurred from reading them in full. The analyzed articles showedthe helpless size that patients who are under palliative care when they seekemergency services with the aim of managing the symptoms of the underlyingdisease and its complications.This is due to the lack of understanding by emergencyphysicians of the conduct and possible management of patients undergoing palliativecare. As well as the precarious services available in the health care network and thelack of multidisciplinary teams with this approach to provide well-being to patientsand their families. In view of this, the need for implementation and preparation ofprofessionals to deal with care for patients in palliative care in the emergency contextis evident, as the lack of this care provides an environment of suffering, both forpatients and their families.O objetivo deste artigo é revisar a aplicação da abordagem paliativa nosdepartamentos de pronto atendimento. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão deliteratura através da base de dados PubMed com a escolha dos seguintesdescritores "palliative” and "emergency" de acordo com Medical Subject Headings(MESH). Após a leitura do título e do resumo, os artigos incompatíveis com oobjetivo foram excluídos, e somado a esse critério, foram selecionados artigospublicados a partir de 2015. Por fim, foram selecionados 9 artigos para análise, aqual ocorreu a partir da leitura destes na íntegra. Os artigos analisados evidenciaramo tamanho desamparado que se encontram os pacientes que estão sobre cuidadospaliativos ao procurarem os serviços de emergência com o objetivo do manejo dossintomas da doença de base e de suas complicações. Isto se deve pela falta decompreensão pelos emergencistas das condutas e manejos possíveis de pacientesem paliação. Bem como, os precários serviços disponíveis na rede de atenção àsaúde e a inexistência de equipes multidisciplinar com esta abordagem parapropiciar bem-estar aos pacientes e seus familiares. Diante disso, fica evidente anecessidade da implementação e preparo dos profissionais para lidar comatendimentos de pacientes em cuidados paliativos no âmbito emergencial, pois afalta desse atendimento propicia um ambiente de sofrimento, tanto para os pacientesquanto para seus familiares

    Genome of the Avirulent Human-Infective Trypanosome—Trypanosoma rangeli

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    Background: Trypanosoma rangeli is a hemoflagellate protozoan parasite infecting humans and other wild and domestic mammals across Central and South America. It does not cause human disease, but it can be mistaken for the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi. We have sequenced the T. rangeli genome to provide new tools for elucidating the distinct and intriguing biology of this species and the key pathways related to interaction with its arthropod and mammalian hosts.  Methodology/Principal Findings: The T. rangeli haploid genome is ,24 Mb in length, and is the smallest and least repetitive trypanosomatid genome sequenced thus far. This parasite genome has shorter subtelomeric sequences compared to those of T. cruzi and T. brucei; displays intraspecific karyotype variability and lacks minichromosomes. Of the predicted 7,613 protein coding sequences, functional annotations could be determined for 2,415, while 5,043 are hypothetical proteins, some with evidence of protein expression. 7,101 genes (93%) are shared with other trypanosomatids that infect humans. An ortholog of the dcl2 gene involved in the T. brucei RNAi pathway was found in T. rangeli, but the RNAi machinery is non-functional since the other genes in this pathway are pseudogenized. T. rangeli is highly susceptible to oxidative stress, a phenotype that may be explained by a smaller number of anti-oxidant defense enzymes and heatshock proteins.  Conclusions/Significance: Phylogenetic comparison of nuclear and mitochondrial genes indicates that T. rangeli and T. cruzi are equidistant from T. brucei. In addition to revealing new aspects of trypanosome co-evolution within the vertebrate and invertebrate hosts, comparative genomic analysis with pathogenic trypanosomatids provides valuable new information that can be further explored with the aim of developing better diagnostic tools and/or therapeutic targets

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio