512 research outputs found

    Diversificação e Inovação na produção Apícola

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    Porquê? – identificação do problema - a actividade apícola nacional comporta-se como uma “monocultura” - rendimentos sujeitos à flutuabilidade dos mercados e do clima. Foco: - Diversificar a produtividade - Aumentar a rentabilidade - Garantir a sustentabilidadeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identificação de sinais químicos envolvidos na infestação de Apis mellifera por Varroa destructor

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    A Varroa destructor é um ácaro ectoparasita da abelha melífera e agente causal da varroose, doença que pode levar à morte das abelhas. Sendo parasitas, estes ácaros requerem larvas imaturas de abelhas para garantir a procriação e abelhas adultas para a sua sobrevivência. Durante uma fase especifica do seu desenvolvimento, as larvas de abelhas produzem semioquímicos voláteis que estimulam as abelhas obreiras a fechar os favos com criação. Ao mesmo tempo estes mesmos compostos atraem os ácaros de Varroa a infestarem as larvas, escondendo-se no seu alimento até o favo ser fechado. Desta maneira, os sinais químicos emitidos pelas abelhas podem ser explorados de forma a orientar ou desorientar o ácaro e assim interferir com a sua fase de reprodução. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e identificar os principais semioquímicos emitidos pelas larvas de abelha antes da operculação dos favos de criação. Para isso, foram recolhidos por microextração em fase sólida (SPME), os volatéis emitidos por larvas de zangão e obreiras em diferentes fases de desenvolvimento. A amostragem foi efetuada por dois processos distintos: ex-situ, retirando um determinado número de larvas para um frasco fechado e in-situ, em que a recolha foi efetuada diretamente no quadro com criação para reduzir o sfress das larvas. A análise dos voláteis recolhidos por GC-MS permitiu a identificação de terpenoides como y-terpineno, a-pineno, eucaliptol, p-ocimeno, 3-careno, limoneno, longifoleno, ácidos carboxílicos como o ácido hexanóico, ácido octanóico e ácido nonanóico, aldeídos como o octanal, nonanal e decanal, álcoois como 2-etil-hexan-l-ol e o álcool benzílico, ácidos fenilpropanóicos como o benzoato de metilo e hidrocarbonetos aromáticos como o o-cimeno. A quantidade dos voláteis identificados apresentou variabilidade dependendo dos diferentes estados larvares, verificando-se uma maior concentração de P-ocimeno nas primeiras fases. Após a análise dos voláteis emitidos pelas larvas, foi possível identificar semioquímicos (benzoato de metilo, decanal, ácido octanóico, ácido hexanóico, (3- ocimeno e 3-careno) potencialmente envolvidos no mecanismo de atração da Varroa e infestação das larvas. Para se confirmar este comportamento efetuaram-se bioensaios de comportamento da Varroa em placas de petri perante a presença de duas abelhas obreiras, tendo-se verificado em algumas situações um efeito de dose-resposta repelente e noutras um efeito atrativo. Apesar destes resultados promissores, serão necessários mais estudos ao nível dos órgãos receptores da Varroa de modo a entender melhor os mecanismos de acção destes potenciais sinalizadores químicos responsáveis pela infestação do ácaro.Este trabalho foi financiado pela FCT através dos projetos PTDC/CVT-EPI/2473/2012 e PestOE/AGR/UI0690/2011; A. S. Lima agradece o financiamento da FCT pela Bolsa de Doutoramento SFRH/BD/76091/2011.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of the essential oils from Thymbra capitata and Thymus Species grown in Portugal

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    The antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of the essential oils from Thymbra capitata and Thymus species grown in Portugal were evaluated. Thymbra and Thymus essential oils were grouped into two clusters: Cluster I in which carvacrol, thymol, p-cymene, alpha-terpineol, and gamma-terpinene dominated and Cluster II in which thymol and carvacrol were absent and the main constituent was linalool. The ability for scavenging ABTS(center dot+) and peroxyl free radicals as well as for preventing the growth of THP-1 leukemia cells was better in essential oils with the highest contents of thymol and carvacrol. These results show the importance of these two terpene-phenolic compounds as antioxidants and cytotoxic agents against THP-1 cells.Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) [Pest-OE/EQB/LA0023/2011

    Biodegradation of p-nitrophenol by microalgae

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    A study was made on the use of a mixed microalgal consortium to degrade p-nitrophenol. The consortium was obtained from a microbial community in a waste container fed with the remains and by-products of medium culture containing substituted aromatic pollutants (nitrophenols, chlorophenols, fluorobenzene). After selective enrichment with p-nitrophenol (p-NP), followed by an antibiotic treatment, an axenic microalgal consortium was recovered, which was able to degrade p-nitrophenol. At a concentration of 50 mg L−1, total degradation occurred within 5 days. Two species, Chlorella vulgaris var. vulgaris f. minuscula and Coenochloris pyrenoidosa, were isolated from the microalgal consortium. The species were able to accomplish p-NP biodegradation when cultured separately, although Coenochloris pyrenoidosa was more efficient, achieving the same degradation rate as the original axenic microalgal consortium. When Coenochloris pyrenoidosa was associated with Chlorella vulgaris in a 3:1 ratio, complete removal of the nitro-aromatic compound occurred within three days. This is apparently the first report on the degradation of a nitro aromatic compound by microalgae

    Synthesis of Dehydrodipeptide and N-ethyl-dehydrodipeptide Derivatives with an α-Aminoisobutyric Acid Residue

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    Several dipeptides with an N-benzyloxycarbonyl or an N-(tert-butyloxycarbonyl) α-aminoisobutyric acid residue and a β-hydroxyamino acid methyl ester were subjected to dehydration to form dehydrodipeptide derivatives. N-Ethylation of these dipeptides using triethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate with potassium tert-butoxide as auxiliary base led to complex mixtures that failed to render pure products. However, when the 4-nitrophenylsulfonyl protecting group was substituted for the benzyloxycarbonyl or tert-butyloxycarbonyl groups and N,N-diisopropylethylamine was substituted for potassium tert-butoxide, the dehydrodipeptide derivatives were selectively N-alkylated at the amino terminal nitrogen in fair to high yields. Alternatively, N-ethylation can be carried out prior to dehydration. Thus, through a combination of dehydration and N-ethylation procedures, it was possible to obtain dipeptides with α-aminoisobutyric acid and dehydroamino acid residues, which are N-alkylated at the amino terminal nitrogen.Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) – Portugal and Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) for financial support to Chemistry Centre of University of Minho. The NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance II+ 400 is part of the National NMR Network and was purchased in the framework of the National Program for Scientific Re-equipment; contract REDE/1517/RMN/2005, with funds from POCI 2010, FEDER and FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Práticas de sustentabilidade no quotidiano e no âmbito do turismo

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    The concern and desire to follow sustainable practices is increasing, which makes tourists take this into account when choosing a tourism destination. The general objective of this paper is to analyze the di erence between tourists' sustainable behavior in their daily lives and in the context of tourism. To answer the objectives of this study, we opted for a quantitative methodological approach since this research aims to study population behavior, opinions, and values. The results suggest that although in their daily lives' individuals adopt sustainable practices, sometimes it doesn't happen in the context of tourism. It was veri ed that if individuals felt they had the resources to adopt sustainable practices in the context of tourism, they would more often do so. Also, word of mouth, the perceived image of the destination, and guest reviews positively in uence the intention to visit a destination that adopts sustainable practices. This study helps to recognize the sustainable practices most frequently adopted, those that do not present di erences in the two contexts, and nally, the tools considered most important in the decision to visit a sustainable tourism destination.A preocupação e interesse em seguir práticas sustentáveis é cada vez maior, e os turistas vão tendo isso em atenção no momento da escolha por um determinado destino turístico. Este artigo tem como objetivo geral analisar a diferença entre o comportamento sustentável dos turistas no seu quotidiano e no contexto do Turismo. Para atingir os objetivos deste estudo, optámos por uma abordagem metodológica quantitativa, uma vez que esta investigação visa o estudo do comportamento da população, das suas opiniões e valores. Os resultados sugerem que, embora os indivíduos possam adotar práticas sustentáveis no seu quotidiano, tal nem sempre acontece no contexto do Turismo. Verificou-se que, em contexto do Turismo, se os indivíduos constatassem a existência de recursos adequados para adotar práticas sustentáveis, fá-lo-iam com mais frequência. Também se verificou que ferramentas como o "boca a boca", a imagem percebida do destino e as avaliações influenciam positivamente a escolha de destinos que adotem práticas sustentáveis. Este estudo contribui para reconhecer as práticas sustentáveis que são mais frequentemente adotadas e as que passam do quotidiano para o contexto do turismo e, ainda, as ferramentas consideradas mais importantes na escolha de destinos turísticos sustentáveis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    School psychology in Portugal: practitioners’ characteristics and practices

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    Little empirical evidence is available on the professional characteristics and practices of school psychologists in Portugal. This study surveyed a total of 477 Portuguese school psychologists employed in public (80%) and private schools (20%). Portuguese school psychologists are described with regard to demographic, professional, and educational backgrounds, school settings, roles performed, and main target populations served. Evaluating and counseling regular education students, vocational guidance, and special education-related activities emerged as the most time-consuming professional practices. A professional practice primarily focused on students, mainly from the highest education levels, was also observed. Results are compared with findings of previous surveys and reviewed in the context of the current literature on the school psychologist’s role. Implications for the field are also provided.Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, University of Minho, Braga, PortugalSchool Psychology Program, School of Education, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

    Food consumption determinants and barriers for healthy eating at the workplace: a university setting

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    Background: A wide variety of social, cultural and economic factors may influence dietary patterns. This work aims to identify the main determinants of food consumption and barriers for healthy eating at the workplace, in a university setting. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with 533 participants. Data were obtained through the application of a self-administered questionnaire that included socio-demographic information, food consumption determinants and the main perceived barriers for healthy eating at the workplace. Results: The respondents identified “price” (22.5%), “meal quality” (20.7%), and “location/distance” (16.5%). For women, the determinant “availability of healthy food options” was more important than for men (p < 0.001). The food consumption determinants at the workplace most referred to by respondents were related to the nutritional value. Smell, taste, appearance and texture, and good value for money, were also considered important for choosing food at the workplace. Respondents referred to work commitments and lack of time as the main barriers for healthy eating at the workplace. Conclusions: Identification of determinants involved in food consumption, and the barriers for healthy eating, may contribute to a better definition of health promotion initiatives at the workplace aiming to improve nutritional intake.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio