11 research outputs found

    Characterizing Swedish school algebra – initial findings from analyses of steering documents, textbooks and teachers’ discourses

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    The paper reports the first results of an ongoing research project aiming at characterizing Swedish school algebra (grades 1-9). Both diachronic and synchronic studies are conducted to identify the specific teaching tradition developed in Sweden and different theoretical approaches are applied in the overall project in order to obtain a rich picture of the Swedish case. The results reported here are based on the analyses of mathematics curriculum, textbooks and focus group interviews with teachers in seven schools. The initial results indicate that, since 1980s, algebra is vaguely addressed in the steering documents and the progression of algebraic thinking is elusive in teachers\u27 discourses. Moreover, certain important ideas, such as generalized arithmetic, are largely missing in the curriculum and mathematics textbooks for grades 1-6. We discuss the implications of the initial findings for our project

    IT-implementeringsprojekt pĂ„ sjukhus – En rationell process?

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    Svensk sjukvĂ„rd började rörelsen mot elektroniska patientjournalsystem nĂ„gonstans under början av nittiotalet. Idag har praktiskt taget alla landsting sjukhusövergripande IT-system för hanteringen av patientinformation. Dessa (ofta stora) implementeringsprojekt har i mĂ„nga fall haft problem och det finns dĂ€rför anledning att undersöka förutsĂ€ttningarna för sĂ„dana projekt. Ur ett samhĂ€llsperspektiv finns mycket att tjĂ€na om man kan undvika dessa införandeproblem och förbĂ€ttra implementeringsprocessen i denna typ av organisationer. Givet en syn pĂ„ sjukhus som en kraftigt institutionaliserad organisation finns anledning att ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta tillĂ€mpligheten av, vad som kan betecknas som, klassisk organisationsteori. Man kan tĂ€nka sig att organisatoriska val i nĂ„gon mĂ„n sker utan rationell förankring bland annat genom införlivandet av sĂ„ kallade rationaliserade myter. Ett fenomen som beskrivs av nyinstitutionell organisationsteori. I syfte att hitta ett fungerande teoretiskt ramverk för dessa implementeringsprojekt sĂ„ försöker denna uppsats dĂ€rför svara pĂ„ frĂ„gan: I vilken utstrĂ€ckning och kombination kan klassisk och nyinstitutionell teori för organisationsförĂ€ndring appliceras pĂ„ en offentlig sjukhusmiljö? Genom en teoretisk behandling av teorierna, samt sjukhus som organisation, konstateras att IT-system i allmĂ€nhet Ă€r en sĂ€rskilt god kandidat för sĂ„ kallad isomorfism, och vidare att sjukhus som organisation kan bedömas som sĂ€rskilt benĂ€gen att söka trygghet genom införlivandet av rationaliserade myter. TillĂ€mpligheten pĂ„ dessa tvĂ„ organisationsteorier testades genom en empirisk studie över införandet av patientjournalsystemen Take Care och Melior pĂ„ Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset respektive Södersjukhuset. Insamlandet av data skedde med hjĂ€lp av intervjuer samt studier av projektdokumentation. Även om omstĂ€ndigheterna kring projekten skiljer sig Ă„t, sĂ„ bĂ€r sjĂ€lva utformningen av förĂ€ndringsprocesserna pĂ„ de bĂ„da sjukhusen tydliga drag av klassisk förĂ€ndringsteori. Dock bĂ€r förĂ€ndringarna som helhet pĂ„ drag av isomorfism, om Ă€n i olika utstrĂ€ckning. Uppsatsen kommer sĂ„ledes fram till att klassisk teori pĂ„ vissa punkter ej rĂ€cker till för att förklara dessa implementeringsprojekt. Man har tagit effektivitetsvinster för givet, ett faktum som blir sĂ€rskilt tydligt i de bĂ„da sjukhusens ointresse att mĂ€ta vare sig tillstĂ„ndet innan förĂ€ndringen, eller hur det blev efterĂ„t. UtifrĂ„n en teoretisk grund som gĂ„r utanför klassisk teori och pĂ„ detta sĂ€tt ger utrymme Ă€ven för nyinstitutionella idĂ©er uppstĂ„r nya möjligheter för organisationen. Om landsting och sjukvĂ„rd blir varse ”sin egen irrationalitet” finns goda möjligheter att förbĂ€ttra och förstĂ„ effekterna av liknande projekt i framtiden

    Med relationen i fokus : -sÄ uppnÄs en skola för alla

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    Syftet med denna studie har varit att genom en enkÀtundersökning jÀmföra yrkesverksamma lÀrare och lÀrarstudenters syn pÄ elever som faller utanför skolans normer. Bland dessa elever finns tvÄ handlingsmönster, dels de som Àr utagerande och dels de som Àr tysta och tillbakadragna under lektionstid. VÄra frÄgestÀllningar var vad lÀrare och studenter anser kring hur problem uppstÄr runt elever, för vem det Àr ett problem samt hur de hanterar dessa problem. Den avslutande frÄgestÀllningen berör huruvida grupperna ser elevernas problem utifrÄn ett punktuellt eller relationellt synsÀtt. LÀrarstudenterna uttrycker i större utstrÀckning en önskan att inkludera alla elever medan lÀrare verkar ha lÀttare att uppnÄ detta. En liten men tydlig skillnad finns i att studenter har ett mer relationellt synsÀtt pÄ problem kring elever. Slutsatsen av studien Àr att ett relationsinriktat synsÀtt samt ett inkluderande och flexibelt arbetssÀtt frÀmjar en skola för alla

    Modulebuild controlbox with ergonomic designed control lever

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    Det hÀr examensarbetet har genomförts i samarbete med Metso Dynapac AB i Karlskrona. PÄ deras asfaltsvÀltar finns idag olika modeller av körspakar. De har samma grundfunktion och bör kunna samordnas till ett gemensamt reglage. Detta ger möjligheter att anvÀnda rationell tillverkningsmetod p.g.a. volymen. Ergonomi Àr ett konkurrensmedel, dÀr placering och utformning Àr viktigt.Anders Sjöholm: 0708-126888 Andreas Liljekvist: 0709-163735 Johan Larsson: 0706-43325

    Modulebuild controlbox with ergonomic designed control lever

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    Det hÀr examensarbetet har genomförts i samarbete med Metso Dynapac AB i Karlskrona. PÄ deras asfaltsvÀltar finns idag olika modeller av körspakar. De har samma grundfunktion och bör kunna samordnas till ett gemensamt reglage. Detta ger möjligheter att anvÀnda rationell tillverkningsmetod p.g.a. volymen. Ergonomi Àr ett konkurrensmedel, dÀr placering och utformning Àr viktigt.Anders Sjöholm: 0708-126888 Andreas Liljekvist: 0709-163735 Johan Larsson: 0706-43325

    Creative reasoning more beneficial for cognitively weaker students

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    International audienceIn a study with 91 upper-secondary students the efficiency of two different types of mathematical practice tasks, procedural based algorithmic tasks and creative reasoning tasks, were studied. It was found that although the algorithmic group outperformed the creative group during practice the latter performed significantly better on a follow-up test. Closer inspection revealed that the difference in test performance was, contrary to common beliefs, driven by the cognitively weaker students

    Learning mathematics through algorithmic and creative reasoning

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    There are extensive concerns pertaining to the idea that students do not develop sufficient mathematical competence. This problem is at least partially related to the teaching of procedure-based learning. Although better teaching methods are proposed, there are very limited research insights as to why some methods work better than others, and the conditions under which these methods are applied. The present paper evaluates a model based on students’ own creation of knowledge, denoted creative mathematically founded reasoning (CMR), and compare this to a procedure-based model of teaching that is similar to what is commonly found in schools, denoted algorithmic reasoning (AR). In the present study, CMR was found to outperform AR. It was also found cognitive proficiency was significantly associated to test task performance. However the analysis also showed that the effect was more pronounced for the AR group

    Digital teaching as the new normal? : Swedish upper secondary teachers' experiences of emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 crisis

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    This paper takes an interest in how schools and teachers dealt with new demands when teaching rapidly went online during school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, in what we see as an example of emergency remote teaching. The aim is to make visible how schools and teachers dealt with the demands that they were confronted with while under hard pressure during emergency remote teaching, and what discursive frames are used in upper secondary teachers' pedagogical considerations. Fifteen teachers of history, mathematics and Swedish (five from each subject) are followed in recurring interviews between April 2020 and September 2020, resulting in a total of 41 interviews. A narrative approach is used in the analysis and results show how teachers made large efforts to maintain teaching in what can be described as a crisis organization. Three main discourses are identified: (a) a strong assessment discourse; (b) a relational discourse; and (c) a compensatory discourse. The findings are discussed in the light of educational policy based on the so-called Nordic model and the idea of one-school-for all, and in relation to what becomes possible to teach as well as what is not possible to do in times of crisis

    Interactions between Charged Polypeptides and Nonionic Surfactants

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    The influence of molecular characteristics on the mutual interaction between peptides and nonionic surfactants has been investigated by studying the effects of surfactants on amphiphilic, random copolymers of α-L-amino acids containing lysine residues as the hydrophilic parts. The hydrophobic residues were either phenylalanine or tyrosine. The peptide-surfactant interactions were studied by means of circular dichroism spectroscopy and binding isotherms, as well as by 1D and 2D NMR. The binding of surfactant to the peptides was found to be a cooperative process, appearing at surfactant concentrations just below the critical micellar concentration. However, a certain degree of peptide hydrophobicity is necessary to obtain an interaction with nonionic surfactant. When this prerequisite is fulfilled, the peptide mainly interacts with self-assembled, micelle-like surfactant aggregates formed onto the peptide chain. Therefore, the peptide-surfactant complex is best described in terms of a necklace model, with the peptide interacting primarily with the palisade region of the micelles via its hydrophobic side chains. The interaction yields an increased amount of α-helix conformation in the peptide. Surfactants that combine small headgroups with a propensity to form small, nearly spherical micelles were shown to give the largest increase in α-helix content