164 research outputs found

    Malignant astrocytic glioma: genetics, biology, and paths to treatment.

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    Malignant astrocytic gliomas such as glioblastoma are the most common and lethal intracranial tumors. These cancers exhibit a relentless malignant progression characterized by widespread invasion throughout the brain, resistance to traditional and newer targeted therapeutic approaches, destruction of normal brain tissue, and certain death. The recent confluence of advances in stem cell biology, cell signaling, genome and computational science and genetic model systems have revolutionized our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the genetics, biology and clinical behavior of glioblastoma. This progress is fueling new opportunities for understanding the fundamental basis for development of this devastating disease and also novel therapies that, for the first time, portend meaningful clinical responses

    Id4 and FABP7 are preferentially expressed in cells with astrocytic features in oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas

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    BACKGROUND: Oligodendroglioma (ODG) and oligoastrocytoma (OAC) are diffusely infiltrating primary brain tumors whose pathogenesis remains unclear. We previously identified a group of genes whose expression was inversely correlated with survival in a cohort of patients with glioblastoma (GBM), and some of these genes are also reportedly expressed in ODG and OAC. We examined the expression patterns and localization of these survival-associated genes in ODG and OAC in order to analyze their possible roles in the oncogenesis of these two tumor types. METHODS: We used UniGene libraries derived from GBM and ODG specimens to examine the expression levels of the transcripts for each of the 50 GBM survival-associated genes. We used immunohistochemistry and cDNA microarrays to examine expression of selected survival-associated genes and Id4, a gene believed to control the timing of oligodendrocyte development. The expression of FABP7 and Id4 and the survival of patients with ODG and OAC were also analyzed. RESULTS: Transcripts of most survival-associated genes as well as Id4 were present in both GBM and ODG tumors, whereas protein expression of Id4 and one of the survival-associated genes, brain-type fatty acid-binding protein (FABP7), was present in cells with astrocytic features, including reactive and neoplastic astrocytes, but not in neoplastic oligodendrocytes. Id4 was co-expressed with FABP7 in microgemistocytes in ODG and in neoplastic astrocytes in OAC. Id4 and FABP7 expression, however, did not correlate with the clinical outcome of patients with ODG or OAC tumors. CONCLUSION: Expression of Id4 and some of our previously identified GBM survival-associated genes is present in developing or mature oligodendrocytes. However, protein expression of Id4 and FABP7 in GBM, ODG, and OAC suggests that this group of functionally important genes might demonstrate two patterns of expression in these glioma subtypes: one group is universally expressed in glioma cells, and the other group of genes is expressed primarily in neoplastic astrocytes but not in neoplastic oligodendrocytes. Differential protein expression of these two groups of genes in ODG and OAC may be related to the cellular origins and the histological features of the neoplastic cells

    A Sequentially Priming Phosphorylation Cascade Activates the Gliomagenic Transcription Factor Olig2

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    During development of the vertebrate CNS, the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor Olig2 sustains replication competence of progenitor cells that give rise to neurons and oligodendrocytes. A pathological counterpart of this developmental function is seen in human glioma, wherein Olig2 is required for maintenance of stem-like cells that drive tumor growth. The mitogenic/gliomagenic functions of Olig2 are regulated by phosphorylation of a triple serine motif (S10, S13, and S14) in the amino terminus. Here, we identify a set of three serine/threonine protein kinases (glycogen synthase kinase 3α/β [GSK3α/β], casein kinase 2 [CK2], and cyclin-dependent kinases 1/2 [CDK1/2]) that are, collectively, both necessary and sufficient to phosphorylate the triple serine motif. We show that phosphorylation of the motif itself serves as a template to prime phosphorylation of additional serines and creates a highly charged "acid blob" in the amino terminus of Olig2. Finally, we show that small molecule inhibitors of this forward-feeding phosphorylation cascade have potential as glioma therapeutics.We thank the American Brain Tumor Association for postdoctoral fellowship support (to A.-C.T.) and the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) for a Anna D. Baker Fellowship in Basic Cancer Research (to A.G.). This work was supported by grants from NIH ( NS057727 to C.D.S. and NS040511 to D.H.R.) and by funding from the Dana-Farber Strategic Research Initiative (to J.A.M.), Howard Hughes Medical Institute (to D.H.R.), and A Kids' Brain Tumor Cure Foundation (to C.D.S.)

    Isomorphic diffuse glioma is a morphologically and molecularly distinct tumour entity with recurrent gene fusions of MYBL1 or MYB and a benign disease course

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    The “isomorphic subtype of diffuse astrocytoma” was identified histologically in 2004 as a supratentorial, highly differentiated glioma with low cellularity, low proliferation and focal diffuse brain infiltration. Patients typically had seizures since childhood and all were operated on as adults. To define the position of these lesions among brain tumours, we histologically, molecularly and clinically analysed 26 histologically prototypical isomorphic diffuse gliomas. Immunohistochemically, they were GFAP-positive, MAP2-, OLIG2- and CD34-negative, nuclear ATRX-expression was retained and proliferation was low. All 24 cases sequenced were IDH-wildtype. In cluster analyses of DNA methylation data, isomorphic diffuse gliomas formed a group clearly distinct from other glial/glio-neuronal brain tumours and normal hemispheric tissue, most closely related to paediatric MYB/MYBL1-altered diffuse astrocytomas and angiocentric gliomas. Half of the isomorphic diffuse gliomas had copy number alterations of MYBL1 or MYB (13/25, 52%). Gene fusions of MYBL1 or MYB with various gene partners were identified in 11/22 (50%) and were associated with an increased RNA-expression of the respective MYB-family gene. Integrating copy number alterations and available RNA sequencing data, 20/26 (77%) of isomorphic diffuse gliomas demonstrated MYBL1 (54%) or MYB (23%) alterations. Clinically, 89% of patients were seizure-free after surgery and all had a good outcome. In summary, we here define a distinct benign tumour class belonging to the family of MYB/MYBL1-altered gliomas. Isomorphic diffuse glioma occurs both in children and adults, has a concise morphology, frequent MYBL1 and MYB alterations and a specific DNA methylation profile. As an exclusively histological diagnosis may be very challenging and as paediatric MYB/MYBL1-altered diffuse astrocytomas may have the same gene fusions, we consider DNA methylation profiling very helpful for their identification

    An Id-like molecule, HHM, is a synexpression group-restricted regulator of TGF-β signalling

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    Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β induces various cellular responses principally through Smad-dependent transcriptional regulation. Activated Smad complexes cooperate with transcription factors in regulating a group of target genes. The target genes controlled by the same Smad-cofactor complexes are denoted a synexpression group. We found that an Id-like helix-loop-helix protein, human homologue of Maid (HHM), is a synexpression group-restricted regulator of TGF-β signalling. HHM suppressed TGF-β-induced growth inhibition and cell migration but not epithelial–mesenchymal transition. In addition, HHM inhibited TGF-β-induced expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-type 1 (PAI-1), PDGF-B, and p21WAF, but not Snail. We identified a basic-helix-loop-helix protein, Olig1, as one of the Smad-binding transcription factors affected by HHM. Olig1 interacted with Smad2/3 in response to TGF-β stimulation, and was involved in transcriptional activation of PAI-1 and PDGF-B. HHM, but not Id proteins, inhibited TGF-β signalling-dependent association of Olig1 with Smad2/3 through physical interaction with Olig1. HHM thus appears to regulate a subset of TGF-β target genes including the Olig1-Smad synexpression group. HHM is the first example of a cellular response-selective regulator of TGF-β signalling with clearly determined mechanisms

    A Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of California's At-Risk Birds

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    Conservationists must develop new strategies and adapt existing tools to address the consequences of anthropogenic climate change. To support statewide climate change adaptation, we developed a framework for assessing climate change vulnerability of California's at-risk birds and integrating it into the existing California Bird Species of Special Concern list. We defined climate vulnerability as the amount of evidence that climate change will negatively impact a population. We quantified climate vulnerability by scoring sensitivity (intrinsic characteristics of an organism that make it vulnerable) and exposure (the magnitude of climate change expected) for each taxon. Using the combined sensitivity and exposure scores as an index, we ranked 358 avian taxa, and classified 128 as vulnerable to climate change. Birds associated with wetlands had the largest representation on the list relative to other habitat groups. Of the 29 state or federally listed taxa, 21 were also classified as climate vulnerable, further raising their conservation concern. Integrating climate vulnerability and California's Bird Species of Special Concern list resulted in the addition of five taxa and an increase in priority rank for ten. Our process illustrates a simple, immediate action that can be taken to inform climate change adaptation strategies for wildlife

    Longitudinal Molecular Trajectories of Diffuse Glioma in Adults

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    The evolutionary processes that drive universal therapeutic resistance in adult patients with diffuse glioma remain unclear ¹² . Here we analysed temporally separated DNA-sequencing data and matched clinical annotation from 222 adult patients with glioma. By analysing mutations and copy numbers across the three major subtypes of difuse glioma, we found that driver genes detected at the initial stage of disease were retained at recurrence, whereas there was little evidence of recurrence-specifc gene alterations. Treatment with alkylating agents resulted in a hypermutator phenotype at diferent rates across the glioma subtypes, and hypermutation was not associated with diferences in overall survival. Acquired aneuploidy was frequently detected in recurrent gliomas and was characterized by IDH mutation but without co-deletion of chromosome arms 1p/19q, and further converged with acquired alterations in the cell cycle and poor outcomes. The clonal architecture of each tumour remained similar over time, but the presence of subclonal selection was associated with decreased survival. Finally, there were no differences in the levels of immunoediting between initial and recurrent gliomas. Collectively, our results suggest that the strongest selective pressures occur during early glioma development and that current therapies shape this evolution in a largely stochastic manner

    OLIG2 is differentially expressed in pediatric astrocytic and in ependymal neoplasms.

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    The bHLH transcription factor, OLIG2, is universally expressed in adult human gliomas and, as a major factor in the development of oligodendrocytes, is expressed at the highest levels in low-grade oligodendroglial tumors. In addition, it is functionally required for the formation of high-grade astrocytomas in a genetically relevant murine model. The pediatric gliomas have genomic profiles that are different from the corresponding adult tumors and accordingly, the expression of OLIG2 in non-oligodendroglial pediatric gliomas is not well documented within specific tumor types. In the current study, the pattern of OLIG2 expression in a spectrum of 90 non-oligodendroglial pediatric gliomas varied from very low levels in the ependymomas (cellular and tanycytic) to high levels in pilocytic astrocytoma, and in the diffuse-type astrocytic tumors (WHO grades II-IV). With dual-labeling, glioblastoma had the highest percentage of OLIG2 expressing cells that were also Ki-67 positive (mean = 16.3%) whereas pilocytic astrocytoma WHO grade I and astrocytoma WHO grade II had the lowest (0.9 and 1%, respectively); most of the Ki-67 positive cells in the diffuse-type astrocytomas (WHO grade II-III) were also OLIG2 positive (92-94%). In contrast to the various types of pediatric astrocytic tumors, all ependymomas WHO grade II, regardless of site of origin, showed at most minimal OLIG2 expression, suggesting that OLIG2 function in pediatric gliomas is cell lineage dependent