50 research outputs found

    The marketing of herd health and production management services on Dutch dairy farms: perceptions of dairy farmers and their veterinary surgeons

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    A questionnaire-based survey on veterinary herd health and production management services was conducted on 194 specialist dairy veterinarians and 466 dairy farmers. The farmers were randomly selected from greater than 6,000 farmer clients of the surveyed veterinarians. This paper reports these survey findings and the findings of an earlier survey conducted among the veterinarians. The survey included questions on the attributes of the service itself, the practitioners delivering the service, reasons for participation and the expected future of herd health and production management services. Reasons farmers participated in herd health and production management programmes included; access to routine screening of their herd; increasing profits; and receiving regular veterinary advice or solutions to remedy existing problems. Advantages of participation named included: good management support; higher profits; structural solutions to problems; and being better informed. Differences between farming styles were observed, pointing to the different needs and goals of farming styles. Farmers cited high costs and the time investment required as major disadvantages. The proportion of farmers citing these reasons was lower than expected by the veterinarians. In the future, preventive healthcare will be the main reason of farmers to participate. Farmers who are not using the service can potentially be encouraged to engage the services after gaining increased insight into the herd health and management service structure, the planning of activities, the cost-benefit of the service, veterinary surgeons being more co-operative with other farm advisors and veterinarians being more willing to pay attention to quality issues on the dairy farm

    Influence of Ser and Thr residues in the geometry of transmembrane helices : implications on the structure and function of G protein-coupled receptors

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEn aquesta tesi s'apliquen eines bioinformàtiques a l'estudi de determinats sistemes biològics. En particular, l'estudi teòric de la influència de determinats aminoàcids sobre l'estructura i la dinàmica dels elements d'estructura secundària de les proteïnes s'aplica a la modelització per homologia dels receptors acoblats a proteïna G (GPCRs) i a l'estudi dels seus mecanismes d'activació. Se sap que determinats residus, com prolina, serina o treonina, provoquen distorsions locals en l'estructura de les hèlices a. L'anàlisi de bases de dades de seqüències de segments transmembrana mostra com certes combinacions d'aquests residus són més comunes que d'altres, i que algunes d'elles estan sobre-representades de manera significativa, mentre que d'altres estan clarament sots-representades. La restricció d'aquesta anàlisi de seqüències a la regió transmembrana dels GPCRs de la Classe A mostra com aquestes combinacions es troben en posicions específiques i, a més, es troben conservades en certes subfamílies de receptors. L'estructura i la dinàmica de les hèlices transmembrana que contenen aquestes combinacions de prolina i serina o treonina s'han estudiat mitjançant simulacions de dinàmica molecular en un entorn hidrofòbic explícit. Els resultats mostren com algunes d'aquestes combinacions indueixen distorsions importants en l'estructura de l'hèlix a, degut al seu efecte desestabilitzador de la xarxa de ponts d'hidrogen que dóna estabilitat a l'hèlix. Aquests resultats s'han aplicat a la construcció d'un model tridimensional del receptor de quimiocines CCR5 , utilitzant tècniques de modelització molecular per homologia. En aquest model es proposa que les hèlices transmembrana (TMH) 2 i 3 del receptor CCR5 són estructuralment diferents del patró de rodopsina. TMH2 està més doblegada degut a la presència d'un motiu Thr-X-Pro, que, a més, fa que aquesta hèlix es doblegui cap a TMH3. Així doncs, es proposa que, en aquest receptor, aquestes dues hèlices interaccionen. Aquesta interacció estaria mediada per la presència de residus hidrofòbics conservats i específics en les dues hèlices. Aquestes hipòtesis han estat posades a prova mitjançant experiments de mutagènesi dirigida, gràcies a la col·laboració amb l'Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Biologie Humaine et Nucléaire (IRIBHN), Université Libre de Bruxelles. Els resultats experimentals permeten establir la hipòtesi que la interfície TMH2-TMH3 participa en l'activació induïda per quimiocines del receptor CCR5. Com a conclusió, aquesta tesi pretén mostrar com, mitjançant la utilització d'eines bioinformàtiques, és possible traduir les seqüències primàries de proteïnes i les interaccions a nivell atòmic en estructures tridimensionals de proteïnes. A més, aquesta tesi mostra que, encara que l'estructura tridimensional de la rodopsina bovina és un patró útil per la modelització per homologia de GPCRs, s'han de tenir en compte de manera explícita les especificitats de seqüència de cada receptor per tal de construir models de receptors particulars. Aquestes especificitats de seqüència consisteixen en patrons de seqüència conservats en determinades famílies, que es tradueixen en divergències estructurals. Entre aquests patrons de seqüència, es proposa que els residus de serina i treonina, sols o combinats amb residus de prolina propers, poden modular la geometria de les TMHs, degut a la seva capacitat d'interferir amb la xarxa de ponts d'hidrogen que dóna estabilitat a les hèlices a. Finalment, es proposa que la influència dels motius de serina, treonina i prolina en l'estructura de les TMHs pot estar relacionada amb els processos d'activació dels GPCRs de la Classe A i, possiblement, d'altres proteïnes de membrana. En els GPCRs, aquests motius poden haver evolucionat per tal d'adaptar uns mecanismes d'activació conservats als lligands característics de cada família de receptors.This thesis is framed in the study of particular biological systems through the use of bioinformatics. In particular, the theoretical study of the influence of certain amino acids on the structure and dynamics of the secondary structure elements of proteins has been applied to homology modelling of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and to the study of their mechanisms of activation. Certain residues, as proline, serine or threonine, are known to induce local distortions in the a-helical structure. Analysis of sequence databases of transmembrane segments evidence that certain combinations of these residues are more common than others, and that some of them are significantly over-represented, while others are clearly under-represented. The focusing this sequence analysis on the transmembrane region of Class A GPCRs illustrates that these combinations are located in some specific locations and conserved within certain subfamilies of receptors. The structure and dynamics of transmembrane a-helices containing these combinations of proline and serine or threonine have been studied using molecular dynamics simulations in an explicit hydrophobic environment. The results show how some of these combinations induce significant distortions in the a-helical structure, due to their effect on the hydrogen bond network that stabilizes the helix. These results have been applied to the building of a three-dimensional model of the chemokine CCR5 receptor, using homology modelling techniques. In this model, transmembrane helices (TMH) 2 and 3 of CCR5 are proposed to be different from the bovine rhodopsin template. TMH2 is more bent due to the presence of a Thr-X-Pro motif, which, in turn, induces this helix to lean towards TMH3. As a consequence, an interaction between these two helices is proposed for this particular receptor. This interaction would be mediated through the presence of specific and conserved hydrophobic and aromatic residues in both helices. These hypothesis have been tested through site-directed mutagenesis experiments, thanks to a collaboration with the Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Biologie Humaine et Nucléaire (IRIBHN), Université Libre de Bruxelles. The experimental results let us to hypothesize that the TMH2-TMH3 interface is involved in the chemokine-induced activation of the CCR5 receptor. As a conclusion, this thesis aims to show how through the use of bioinformatics tools, primary sequences of proteins and interactions at an atomic level can be translated to three-dimensional protein structures. In addition, this thesis illustrates that, even though the three-dimensional structure of bovine rhodopsin is a very useful template for homology modelling of GPCRs, the sequence specificities of each receptor have to be explicitly taken into account in order to build models. These sequence specificities consist in sequence patterns conserved within certain families, which are translated into structural divergences. Among these sequence patterns, we hypothesize that serine and threonine, alone or combined with nearby proline residues, can modulate the geometry of TMHs, due to its capability to interfere with the hydrogen bond network that stabilize a-helices. Finally, we propose that the influence of serine, threonine and proline motifs in the structure of TMHs may be related to processes of activation in the Class A of GPCRs, and, possibly, other membrane proteins as well. In GPCRs, these motifs may have evolved in order to adapt a conserved mechanism of activation of the G protein to the cognate ligands of each receptor family

    The Relation Between Trait Anger and Impulse Control in Forensic Psychiatric Patients

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    Inhibitory control is considered to be one of the key factors in explaining individual differences in trait anger and reactive aggression. Yet, only a few studies have assessed electroencephalographic (EEG) activity with respect to response inhibition in high trait anger individuals. The main goal of this study was therefore to investigate whether individual differences in trait anger in forensic psychiatric patients are associated with individual differences in anger-primed inhibitory control using behavioral and electrophysiological measures of response inhibition. Thirty-eight forensic psychiatric patients who had a medium to high risk of recidivism of violent and/or non-violent behaviors performed an affective Go/NoGo task while EEG was recorded. On the behavioral level, we found higher scores on trait anger to be accompanied by lower accuracy on NoGo trials, especially when anger was primed. With respect to the physiological data we found, as expected, a significant inverse relation between trait anger and the error related negativity amplitudes. Contrary to expectation, trait anger was not related to the stimulus-locked event related potentials (i.e., N2/P3). The results of this study support the notion that in a forensic population trait anger is inversely related to impulse control, particularly in hostile contexts. Moreover, our data suggest that higher scores on trait anger are associated with deficits in automatic error-processing which may contribute the continuation of impulsive angry behaviors despite their negative consequences

    Veterinary dairy herd fertility service provision in seasonal and non-seasonal dairy industries - a comparison

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    The decline in dairy herd fertility internationally has highlighted the limited impact of traditional veterinary approaches to bovine fertility management. Three questionnaire surveys were conducted at buiatrics conferences attended by veterinary practitioners on veterinary dairy herd fertility services (HFS) in countries with a seasonal (Ireland, 47 respondents) and non-seasonal breeding model (The Netherlands, 44 respondents and Portugal, 31 respondents). Of the 122 respondents, 73 (60%) provided a HFS and 49 (40%) did not. The majority (76%) of all practitioners who responded stated that bovine fertility had declined in their practice clients' herds with inadequate cow management, inadequate nutrition and increased milk yield as the most important putative causes. The type of clients who adopted a herd fertility service were deemed more educated than average (70% of respondents), and/or had fertility problems (58%) and/or large herds (53%). The main components of this service were routine postpartum examinations (95% of respondents), fertility records analysis (75%) and ultrasound pregnancy examinations (69%). The number of planned visits per annum varied between an average of four in Ireland, where breeding is seasonal, and 23 in Portugal, where breeding is year-round. The benefits to both the practitioner and their clients from running a HFS were cited as better fertility, financial rewards and job satisfaction. For practitioners who did not run a HFS the main reasons given were no client demand (55%) and lack of fertility records (33%). Better economic evidence to convince clients of the cost-benefit of such a service was seen as a major constraint to adoption of this service by 67% of practitioners

    Association of season and herd size with somatic cell count for cows in Irish,English, and Welsh dairy herds

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    The aims of this study were to describe associations of time of year, and herd size with cow somatic cell count (SCC) for Irish, English, and Welsh dairy herds. Random samples of 497 and 493 Irish herds, and two samples of 200 English and Welsh (UK) herds were selected. Random effects models for the natural logarithm of individual cow test day SCC were developed using data from herds in one sub-dataset from each country. Data from the second sub-datasets were used for cross validation. Baseline model results showed that geometric mean cow SCC (GSCC) in Irish herds was highest from February to August, and ranged from 111,000 cells/mL in May to 61,000 cells/mL in October. For cows in UK herds, GSCC ranged from 84,000 cells/mL in February and June, to 66,000 cells/mL in October. The results highlight the importance of monitoring cow SCC during spring and summer despite low bulk milk SCC at this time for Irish herds. GSCC was lowest in Irish herds of up to 130 cows (63,000 cells/mL), and increased for larger herds, reaching 68,000 cells/mL in herds of up to 300 cows. GSCC in UK herds was lowest for herds of 130–180 cows (60,000 cells/mL) and increased to 63,000 cells/mL in herds of 30 cows, and 68,000 cells/mL in herds of 300 cows. Importantly, these results suggest expansion may be associated with increased cow SCC, highlighting the importance of appropriate management, to benefit from potential economies of scale, in terms of udder health

    Imbedding HACCP principles in dairy herd health and production management: case report on calf rearing

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    Driven by consumer demands, European legislation has suggested the use of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) as the quality risk management programme for the whole dairy chain. Until now, an exception has been made for primary producers, but as regulations evolve, on-farm HACCP-like programmes should be ready to assure food safety as well as animal health and animal welfare. In our field experiment, the HACCP-concept was used to combine both optimal farm management and formalisation of quality assurance in an on-farm situation in the Netherlands. The process of young stock rearing was chosen, since its importance for the future of the farm is often underestimated. Hazards and their associated risk factors can be controlled within the farm-specific standards and tolerances, as targets can be controlled by corrective measures and by implementation of farm-specific worksheets. The veterinarian is pivotal for the facility-based HACCP team, since he/she has knowledge about on-farm risk assessment and relations between clinical pathology, feed and farm management. The HACCP concept in combination with veterinary herd health and production management programmes offers a promising approach to optimise on-farm production processes (i.e., young stock rearing) in addition to a structural approach for quality risk management on dairy farms

    Impact of temperature, feeding preference and vaccination on Schmallenberg virus transmission in Scotland

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    First identified in 2011, Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is principally transmitted by Culicoides midges and affects ruminants. Clinical presentation is typified by foetal abnormalities, but despite very high infection rates, relatively few animals present with clinical signs. In this paper we further develop a previously published stochastic mathematical model of SBV spread to investigate the optimal deployment of a vaccine for SBV in Scotland, a country that has experienced only sporadic and isolated cases of SBV.We consider the use of the vaccine under different temperatures and explore the effects of a vector preference for feeding on cattle. We demonstrate that vaccine impact is optimised by targeting it at the high risk areas in the south of Scotland, or vaccinating only cattle. At higher than average temperatures, and hence increased transmission potential, the relative impact of vaccination is considerably enhanced. Vaccine impact is also enhanced if vectors feed preferentially on cattle. These findings are of considerable importance when planning control strategies for SBV and also have important implications for management of other arboviruses such as Bluetongue virus. Environmental determinants and feeding preferences should be researched further to inform development of effective control strategies