140 research outputs found


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    Важливими економіко-статистичними джерелами для дослідження історії Гетьманщини XVIII ст. є компути та ревізії, які проводилися регулярно, починаючи з 90-х років XVII ст. Нещодавно нами було опубліковано «Компут і ревізію Миргородського полку 1723 р.» (Дніпропетровськ: НГУ, 2004). В Центральному державному історичному архіві України в м.Києві серед книг інших ревізій знаходиться книга перепису козацьких дворів Миргородського полку 1738 р. Вона добре збереглася, має обсяг 538 аркушів двостороннього тексту. Нам здалося цікавим порівняти дві названі книги, аби виявити зміни, що відбулися в складі козацького населення полку протягом 15 років. Тому розпочинаємо цю громіздку роботу з публікації ревізії козачих дворів Миргородської сотні. Всього у Миргородському полку досліджуваного періоду нараховувалося 13 сотень: Миргородська полкова, Хорольська, Власівська, Кременчуцька, Потоцька, Омельницька, Голтв’янська, Остапівська, Білоцерківська, Багацька, Уцтивицька, Шишацька, Сорочинська. Найбільшою з них була полкова сотня. Книга, що має заголовок: „Ревизия 1738 году козачих дворов Миргородського полку”, відкривається зведеною таблицею: „Перечневая табель полку Миргородського сколко в городах, местечках, селах и деревнях по статтям грунтовых, малогрунтовых, нищетных и весма убогих козачих дворов, в тих дворах хат, а в хатах семей и их подсуседков імеется по ревизии сего 1738 году определенными от полковой Миргородской канцелярии обще з старшинами сотенными учиненной значится». Таблиця підписана миргородським полковим писарем Тихоном Тихоновичем. Згідно з переписом 1723 р. в Миргородському полку було: козаків „можних і середніх з вдовами” – 3250 дворів, „піших з вдовами убогих і весма знищалих” – 1527 дворів. На 1738 рік у полку нараховувалося виборних козаків: дворів – 1488, хат – 2940, сімей – 3666; козаків-підпомічників та їх підсусідків: дворів – 2861, хат – 3463, сімей –3664. В обох випадках мова йде лише про козацьке населення полку. Отже, в 1723 р. його було в Миргородському полку 4777 дворів, а у 1738 – 4349 дворів. Порівнювати дані обох переписів за формальними ознаками важко, бо в них різний поділ на категорії населення. У 1735 р. відбулася реформа, згідно з якою все козацтво було поділене на виборних і підпомічників. Тому замість двох десятків категорій у компуті 1723 р. маємо 3 категорії виборних козаків (грунтові, малогрунтові, нищенні) і 4 категорії підпомічників (грунтові, малогрунтові, нищенні, під сусідки)

    The prisoners dilemma on a stochastic non-growth network evolution model

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    We investigate the evolution of cooperation on a non - growth network model with death/birth dynamics. Nodes reproduce under selection for higher payoffs in a prisoners dilemma game played between network neighbours. The mean field characteristics of the model are explored and an attempt is made to understand the size dependent behaviour of the model in terms of fluctuations in the strategy densities. We also briefly comment on the role of strategy mutation in regulating the strategy densties.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Design, synthesis and evaluation of benzothiazole derivatives as multifunctional agents

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    Oxidative stress is the product or aetiology of various multifactorial diseases; on the other hand, the development of multifunctional compounds is a recognized strategy for the control of complex diseases. To this end, a series of benzothiazole derivatives was synthesized and evaluated for their multifunctional effectiveness as antioxidant, sunscreen (filter), antifungal and antiproliferative agents. Compounds were easily synthesized via condensation reaction between 2-aminothiophenols and different benzaldehydes. SAR study, particularly in position 2 and 6 of benzothiazoles, led to the identification of 4g and 4k as very interesting potential compounds for the design of multifunctional drugs. In particular, compound 4g is the best blocker of hERG potassium channels expressed in HEK 293 cells exhibiting 60.32% inhibition with IC50 = 4.79 μM

    Guanine a-carboxy nucleoside phosphonate (G-a-CNP) shows a different inhibitory kinetic profile against the DNA polymerases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and herpes viruses

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    α-Carboxy nucleoside phosphonates (α-CNPs) are modified nucleotides that represent a novel class of nucleotide-competing reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors (NcRTIs). They were designed to act directly against HIV-1 RT without the need for prior activation (phosphorylation). In this respect, they differ from the nucleoside or nucleotide RTIs [N(t)RTIs] that require conversion to their triphosphate forms before being inhibitory to HIV-1 RT. The guanine derivative (G-α-CNP) has now been synthesized and investigated for the first time. The (L)-(+)-enantiomer of G-α-CNP directly and competitively inhibits HIV-1 RT by interacting with the substrate active site of the enzyme. The (D)-(−)-enantiomer proved inactive against HIV-1 RT. In contrast, the (+)- and (−)-enantiomers of G-α-CNP inhibited herpes (i.e. HSV-1, HCMV) DNA polymerases in a non- or uncompetitive manner, strongly indicating interaction of the (L)-(+)- and the (D)-(−)-G-α-CNPs at a location different from the polymerase substrate active site of the herpes enzymes. Such entirely different inhibition profile of viral polymerases is unprecedented for a single antiviral drug molecule. Moreover, within the class of α-CNPs, subtle differences in their sensitivity to mutant HIV-1 RT enzymes were observed depending on the nature of the nucleobase in the α-CNP molecules. The unique properties of the α-CNPs make this class of compounds, including G-α-CNP, direct acting inhibitors of multiple viral DNA polymerases

    A multi-targeted drug candidate with dual anti-HIV and anti-HSV activity

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is often accompanied by infection with other pathogens, in particular herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). The resulting coinfection is involved in a vicious circle of mutual facilitations. Therefore, an important task is to develop a compound that is highly potent against both viruses to suppress their transmission and replication. Here, we report on the discovery of such a compound, designated PMEO-DAPym. We compared its properties with those of the structurally related and clinically used acyclic nucleoside phosphonates (ANPs) tenofovir and adefovir. We demonstrated the potent anti-HIV and -HSV activity of this drug in a diverse set of clinically relevant in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo systems including (i) CD4⁺ T-lymphocyte (CEM) cell cultures, (ii) embryonic lung (HEL) cell cultures, (iii) organotypic epithelial raft cultures of primary human keratinocytes (PHKs), (iv) primary human monocyte/macrophage (M/M) cell cultures, (v) human ex vivo lymphoid tissue, and (vi) athymic nude mice. Upon conversion to its diphosphate metabolite, PMEO-DAPym markedly inhibits both HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) and HSV DNA polymerase. However, in striking contrast to tenofovir and adefovir, it also acts as an efficient immunomodulator, inducing β-chemokines in PBMC cultures, in particular the CCR5 agonists MIP-1β, MIP-1α and RANTES but not the CXCR4 agonist SDF-1, without the need to be intracellularly metabolized. Such specific β-chemokine upregulation required new mRNA synthesis. The upregulation of β-chemokines was shown to be associated with a pronounced downmodulation of the HIV-1 coreceptor CCR5 which may result in prevention of HIV entry. PMEO-DAPym belongs conceptually to a new class of efficient multitargeted antivirals for concomitant dual-viral (HSV/HIV) infection therapy through inhibition of virus-specific pathways (i.e. the viral polymerases) and HIV transmission prevention through interference with host pathways (i.e. CCR5 receptor down regulation)

    ECOPLAN-SE: Ruimtelijke analyse van ecosysteemdiensten in Vlaanderen, een Q-GIS plugin

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    ECOPLAN-SE is een ruimtelijk expliciete tool (QGIS) voor het beoordelen van de impact van landgebruikveranderingen op de levering van ecosysteemdiensten. De ontwikkeling van deze tool kadert in het het SBO-project “ECOPLAN” (Planning for Ecosystem Services). ECOPLAN ontwikkelt ruimtelijk expliciete informatie en instrumenten voor de beoordeling van ecosysteemdiensten. Het ontwerpt instrumenten voor de evaluatie van functionele ecosystemen als een kostenefficiënte strategie om de landgebruiksefficiëntie en milieukwaliteit te verbeteren. Het ontwikkelt open source eindproducten voor het identificeren, kwantificeren, waarderen, valideren en monitoren van ecosysteemdiensten. Deze producten kunnen door administraties en consultants worden ingezet in projectontwikkeling, kosten-baten analyses, milieueffecten rapportering, etc

    Protein-ligand complex for structure-based design: impact on the affinity and antitumor activity of new tubulin ligands

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en el XVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, celebrado en Salamanca (España), del 23 al 26 de enero de 2018Microtubules, made of ¿ß¿tubulin heterodimers, are the key components of the cytoskeleton and play a crucial role in many cellular processes, such as cell motility, morphogenesis and mitosis.[1] Interference with microtubule dynamics induces cell cycle arrest during mitosis and triggers cell death. Compounds that interact with tubulin, especially those binding at the colchicine domain, have been deeply investigated as anticancer drugs due to their dual mechanism of action as antimitotics and as vascular disrupting agents.[2,3] Our research group has recently described a new family of colchicine¿domain binders, based on a cyclohexanedione skeleton, with potent antiproliferative activity against tumor and endothelial cells.[4] Moreover, to gain insight into the binding mode of these cyclohexanediones, we have determined the crystal structure of ¿ß¿tubulin in complex with our hit compound (TUB075). Based on this detailed information and by applying the affinity maps program cGRILL, a structurebased synthesis of new cyclohexanedione derivatives has been accomplished with the objective of improving their affinity for tubulin and their antitumor activity. Following this approach, we have obtained new compounds with potent antiproliferative activity against tumor and endothelial cells (IC50=8¿31 nM) and with the highest Kb value reported for compounds binding at the colchicine site in tubulin. Additional studies have shown that they arrest cell cycle at G2/M and disrupt a network of endothelial cells. Moreover they keep antiproliferative activity against cell lines overexpressing P¿gp, further supporting the potential of these compounds.The financial support of the Spanish MINECO (SAF2012‐39760‐C02‐01 and SAF 2015‐64629‐C2‐1‐R), Comunidad de Madrid (BIPEDD2; ref P2010/BMD‐2457) and the COST action CM1407 (to M J. P.P., S.L., M.O.S. and J.F.D.) is sincerely acknowledge

    Antivascular and antitumor properties of the tubulin-binding chalcone TUB091

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    We investigated the microtubule-destabilizing, vascular-targeting, anti-tumor and anti-metastatic activities of a new series of chalcones, whose prototype compound is (E)-3-(3’’-amino-4’’-methoxyphenyl)-1-(5’-methoxy-3’,4’-methylendioxyphenyl)- 2-methylprop-2-en-1-one (TUB091). X-ray crystallography showed that these chalcones bind to the colchicine site of tubulin and therefore prevent the curved-tostraight structural transition of tubulin, which is required for microtubule formation. Accordingly, TUB091 inhibited cancer and endothelial cell growth, induced G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis at 1-10 nM. In addition, TUB091 displayed vascular disrupting effects in vitro and in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay at low nanomolar concentrations. A water-soluble L-Lys-L-Pro derivative of TUB091 (i.e. TUB099) showed potent antitumor activity in melanoma and breast cancer xenograft models by causing rapid intratumoral vascular shutdown and massive tumor necrosis. TUB099 also displayed anti-metastatic activity similar to that of combretastatin A4-phosphate. Our data indicate that this novel class of chalcones represents interesting lead molecules for the design of vascular disrupting agents (VDAs). Moreover, we provide evidence that our prodrug approach may be valuable for the development of anti-cancer drugs.M-DC thanks the Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) and the JAE Predoc Programme for a predoctoral fellowship. This work has received the Ramón Madroñero award for young researchers (to M-DC and OB) in the XVII call www.impactjournals.com/oncotarget 17 Oncotarget sponsored by the Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT). This project has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (SAF2012- 39760-C02-01 to M-JC, M-JP-P, SV and E-MP; and BIO2013-42984-R to JFD), Comunidad de Madrid (BIPEDD2; ref. P2010/BMD-2457 to M-JC and J-FD), the Swiss National Science Foundation (310030B_138659 and 31003A_166608; to MOS). The authors acknowledge networking contribution by the COST Action CM1407 “Challenging organic syntheses inspired by nature - from natural products chemistry to drug discovery” and COST action CM1470.Peer reviewe

    Practical observations on the performance of bare silica in hydrophilic interaction compared with C18 reversed-phase liquid chromatography

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    The kinetic performance of a bare silica and C18 phase prepared from the same sub-2. μm and 3.5. μm base materials were compared in the HILIC and RP mode using both charged and neutral solutes. The HILIC column was characterised using the neutral solute 5-hydroxymethyluridine, the weak base cytosine, and the strong base nortriptyline, the latter having sufficient retention also in the RP mode to allow comparison of performance. Naphthalene was also used as a simple neutral substance to evaluate the RP column alone. The retention factors of all substances were adjusted to give similar values (k'. ~. 5.5) at their respective optimum linear velocities. Reduced van Deemter b-coefficients (determined by curve fitting and by the peak parking method, using a novel procedure involving switching to a dummy column) were significantly lower in HILIC for all substances compared with those found under RP conditions. Against expectation, c-coefficients were always lower in RP when compared with HILIC using sub-2. μm particles. While measurement of these coefficients is complicated by retention shifts caused by the influence of high pressure and by frictional heating effects, broadly similar results were obtained on larger particle (3.5. μm) phases. The mechanism of the separations was further investigated by examining the effect of buffer concentration on retention. It was concluded that HILIC can sometimes show somewhat inferior performance to RP for fast analysis at high mobile phase velocity, but clearly shows advantages when high column efficiencies, using longer columns at low flow velocity, are employed. The latter result is attributable to the lower viscosity of the mobile phase in HILIC and the reduced pressure requirement as well as the lower b-coefficients. © 2014 David V. McCalley