58 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kandungan Cu dalam Air Irigasi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi (Oryza Sativa L.)

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    The research was conducted to investigate the effect of copper (Cu) levels in irrigation water on the growth and production of rice variety IR64. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design with six replications. The Cu treatments were: 0, 300, 600 and 900 mg Cu L-1of irrigation water. The results showed that Cu content significantly decreased rice growth and production. Copper level of 600 mg L-1 decreased plant height, tiller number and leaf number. Copper level of 300 mg L-1 decreased panicle length, number of grains per panicle, empty grain weight, 100 grains weight, milled grain weight, and shoot dry weight. This experiment implies that remediation treatments should be considered when Cu level in irrigation water was more than 300 mg Cu L-1. Copper level of 300 mg L-1 could be used as a critical level for rice screening for Cu tolerant varieties in the plant breeding program

    Brussels Sprouts Fact Sheet

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    Publication gives information on the proper growing, harvesting, cooking, and eating brussels sprouts

    A considerable improvement of the traditional FPGA-based digital design methodology by using an Arduino sensor board

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    [EN] The traditional way to learn and teach Digital Systems has been changing over the last decades by the use of Hardware Description Languages (HDL) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) evaluation boards. The use of an Arduino development kit with different sensors connected to the FPGA upsizes the students experience in the area of Digital Systems. A temperature and humidity ambience sensor combined with an ultrasound sensor to measure distance can effectively be used by students to implement its first serial data converter that takes the sensor data and shows the obtained values from the Arduino in the seven segment display of the FPGA kit. After three years of experience in the new grade courses at the UPV Telecommunication School the number of students enjoying this new way to learn the subject Fundamentals of Digital Electronics (FSD) has dramatically risen up with an increase of a 20% in the number of students that pass the subject and that select the electronic branch of telecommunication studies in the future semesters.Martínez Peiró, MA.; Larrea Torres, MÁ.; Lidon Roger, J.; Jiménez Jiménez, Y.; Torres Curado, R.; Tébar Ruiz, Á. (2020). A considerable improvement of the traditional FPGA-based digital design methodology by using an Arduino sensor board. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 81-89. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10091OCS818

    Preparação de blends tendo por base azeites virgem extra monovarietais das Cvs Cobrançosa e Arbequina

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    O azeite é a principal fonte de gordura vegetal na dieta Mediterrânea. Os seus atributos sensoriais e composição química fazem com que seja muito apreciado. Após extração do azeite, a constituição de lotes/blends com características sensoriais, que sejam apreciadas pelos consumidores, e que simultaneamente apresentem boas características químicas e que sejam estáveis no tempo é um dos grandes desafios com que se deparam as indústrias. Este trabalho teve como objetivo, estudar a preparação de lotes/blends para entrada imediata no mercado, a partir de azeites monovarietais das Cvs. Cobrançosa e Arbequina. Foram preparados lotes, com percentagens crescentes de 10%, dos 0% aos 100%, de mistura de azeite de ambas as cultivares. Ao fim de 45 dias de armazenamento, procedeu-se à determinação dos parâmetros de qualidade, teor em fenóis totais, inibição do radical DPPH, estabilidade oxidativa e avaliação sensorial. Nos diferentes lotes preparados, verificou-se que os que tinham maiores proporções de Arbequina, eram mais doces, menos amargos e picantes, o que permitia uma entrada mais rápida no mercado, enquanto os que tinham maiores quantidades de Cobrançosa apresentavam-se mais verdes, amargos e picantes persistentes o que indica não serem aceites tão facilmente pelos consumidores. O loteamento dos azeites apresenta alterações ao nível do K232 e K270 com valores inferiores para os lotes constituídos maioritariamente pela Cv. Arbequina, não havendo alterações no ΔK. Também ao nível da acidez e índice de peróxidos se registaram algumas alterações, devidas sobretudo aos lotes usados como base. Foi observado um aumento gradual da extensão da degradação oxidativa com o aumento da Cv. Arbequina, verificado através do aumento do índice de peróxido na mesma. No que respeita à resistência à oxidação verificou-se diferenças estatísticas significativas (P < 0,001), com efeito protetor superior nos azeites com maior presença da Cv. Cobraçosa. Para a atividade antioxidante, com o aumento da presença da Cv. Arbequina na mistura, uma redução gradual de até 22% na capacidade em sequestrar o radical DPPH foi observada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Kant v. Seton Hall Univ

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    USDC for the District of New Jerse

    Do the New Materials Keep Their Promises Regarding Good Lubrication?

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    To investigate the lubrication on different soft contact lenses during a week of wearing them. Twenty-five subjects participated in this research for six weeks and they wore six different soft contact lenses (Pure Vision B&L, Pure Vision II B&L, Air Optix, Focus N&D CIBA, Biofinity Cooper, Acuvue Oasys J&J). The contact lenses were randomly selected and the subjects did not know which contact lens they were wearing. Lubrication was examined on each individual three times: at the moment they first inserted the contact lenses, after all day wearing them and after one week, all using the standard »Tear analyses procedure« with the Slitlamp and immediately followed by recorded grade (1–5). After one week every test person also gave their own evaluation of the contact lenses with a grade from 1–5. After six weeks, every test person had every contact lens in both of their eyes. The results were statistically analyzed and compared: statistics of favorites of the test persons; statistics of objective results of the optometrist; statistics of differences and the correlation between right and left eye; statistics of correlation of test persons result and optometrists result. The conclusion was made after the statistical analysis

    Componentes produtivos do trigo em função da temperatura no período de diferenciação de espiguetas

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    A limiting factor for wheat crop expansion or off-season crop in the Brazilian Cerrado is the occurrence of elevated temperatures during cropping cycle. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of temperature during the spikelet differentiation stage on biometric and productive parameters of wheat cultivars. A greenhouse experiment was carried out under a randomized blocks design, organized in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme, with four replicates. Two day/night thermo periods (16/9 ˚C and 25/16 ˚C) were applied in four wheat cultivars (BRS 394, BRS 331, BRS Parrudo and BRS Guamirim) during the spikelet differentiation stage. Yield components were determined for individual tillers and for the whole plant. Both thermo periods do not affect yield components of wheat, either morphological and productive uniformity of tillers, which show large variation among wheat cultivars.Um fator limitante para a expansão tritícola no Cerrado brasileiro ou para o cultivo em safrinha é a ocorrência de altas temperaturas no decorrer do ciclo da cultura. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da temperatura durante o estádio de diferenciação de espiguetas sobre parâmetros biométricos e componentes produtivos de cultivares de trigo. O experimento foi conduzido em cultivo protegido com delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, com quatro repetições. Dois regimes de temperatura diurna e noturna (16/9 ˚C e 25/16 ˚C) foram utilizados em quatro cultivares de trigo (BRS 394, BRS 331, BRS Parrudo e BRS Guamirim) durante o período de diferenciação das espiguetas. Os componentes de produção foram avaliados em perfilhos individuais e na planta inteira. Os regimes de temperatura testados não afetam os componentes de rendimento da cultura, tampouco a uniformidade morfológica e produtiva dos perfilhos, parâmetros que apresentaram grande variação entre as cultivares testadas

    Kant v. Seton Hall Univ

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    USDC for the District of New Jerse

    Pengaruh Kandungan Cu dalam Air Irigasi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi (Oryza sativa L.)

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    The research was conducted to investigate the effect of copper (Cu) levels in irrigation water on the growth and production of rice variety IR64. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design with six replications. The Cu treatments were: 0, 300, 600 and 900 mg Cu L-1of irrigation water. The results showed that Cu content significantly decreased rice growth and production. Copper level of 600 mg L-1 decreased plant height, tiller number and leaf number. Copper level of 300 mg L-1 decreased panicle length, number of grains per panicle, empty grain weight, 100 grains weight, milled grain weight, and shoot dry weight. This experiment implies that remediation treatments should be considered when Cu level in irrigation water was more than 300 mg Cu L-1. Copper level of 300 mg L-1 could be used as a critical level for rice screening for Cu tolerant varieties in the plant breeding program. Keywords: copper toxicity, low land rice, rice growth and production, water qualit