139 research outputs found

    Gramàtica, interacció i organització informativa en el discurs oral

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    This article deals with some grammar aspects of oral language, which includes an extense sense of the concept of grammar itself. The linguistic characteristics of orality are studied in relation to the physical, cognitive and sociopragmatic factors that intervene in speech’s production and reception. The specific grammatical elements that are presented, in a panoramic vision, are the tonal unit, basic unit of oral speech; the informative progression and the RUT restriction; the grammatical categories and the verbal style; the role of subordination in clausal composition; and, to conclude, the nature and the function of textual connectors in the organization of oral discourse. On the whole, a contribution to the explanation of the mobile, diverse, polyvalent and complex nature of the oral language is attempted

    Una caracterització cognitiva de les preguntes confirmatòries: (question tags)

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    This paper is an attempt to provide a cognitive approach to question tags, as grammatical constructions that show different syntactic forms. We propose an account based on the following points: (i) definition of question tags, (ii) contrastive analysis of the structures in several languages (Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian, English and German), (iii) pragmatic approach to question tags, (iv) syntactic approach, and (v) study of question tags as grammatical constructions. Our main claim is that the various forms that they show in the languages considered are closely related, and that they evidenciate some of the three definitory characteristics of the construction, namely, its mixed modality between assertion and interrogation, on the one hand, and halfway between affirmation and negation, on the other, its relationship with the truth value of the proposition it follows and finally its subjective character, which is connected with the manifestation of the opinions and discoursive attitudes of the speake

    Le diagnostic rapide de pré-aménagement (Diarpa) : Un outil d'aide à l'aménagement des zones de bas-fonds

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    En Afrique sub-saharienne, les bas-fonds représentent un potentiel important pour une agriculture sécurisée et diversifiée. Cependant, les aménagements de bas-fonds sont souvent jugés peu opérationnels par les utilisateurs. Pour permettre une meilleure adaptation aux besoins des populations et aux contraintes du milieu, un outil d'aide à la décision, le diagnostic rapide de pré-aménagement, Diarpa, a été mis au point afin de définir le type et les caractéristiques des aménagements. Il s'appuie sur sept indicateurs qui sont, soit mesurés sur le site (perméabilité des sols, profondeur de l'horizon imperméable, pente longitudinale du bas-fond, profil de l'axe d'écoulement, écoulements de base, dynamique de la nappe), soit calculés (crue décennale rapportée à la largeur du bas-fond). Une clé d'utilisation de ces indicateurs permet de recommander le type d'aménagement le plus adapté. Le coût peut être évalué à partir des indicateurs ayant une incidence directe (débit de crue, largeur et pente du bas-fond) et intégré dans une analyse socio-économique tenant compte des impacts attendus et de la capacité des bénéficiaires à supporter les investissements et les charges récurrentes. Le Diarpa a été validé au sud du Mali pour les digues déversantes ; dans la zone soudanienne, c'est un outil opérationnel pour la planification des programmes de mise en valeur des bas-fonds et pour le choix de l'aménagement. (Résumé d'auteur

    Diseño y validación de una herramienta predictiva de accidentes laborales en las obras de construcción

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    Los indicadores utilizados habitualmente en materia de seguridad laboral hacen referencia generalmente a accidentes ocurridos, son indicadores retrasados, por cuanto las medidas que de ellos se pueden derivar ya no evitan el accidente que ha tenido lugar. Este artículo presenta una herramienta basada en la utilización de indicadores adelantados que, contrastándolos con ciertos indicadores retrasados, permite la evaluación predictiva de la posibilidad de ocurrencia de accidentes laborales en las obras de construcción en las que se aplica. Se explica la metodología seguida para el diseño de la herramienta predictiva y se discute la aplicabilidad de la misma. Los resultados obtenidos llevan a establecer correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre algunos de los indicadores adelantados que se formularon en la encuesta y los datos de accidentalidad ocurrida en cada caso, y por lo tanto validar la herramienta predictiva de accidentes laborales en las obras de construcción. La capacidad predictiva llega a ser del 85, 0% para accidentes leves y del 82, 8% para los accidentes graves. The most used indicators related to occupational safety are indicators that generally refer to accidents that have occurred, they are lagging indicators, because the measures that they offer can no longer avoid the accident that has already happened. This article presents a tool based on the use of leading indicators that, by contrasting them with certain lagging indicators, allows the predictive evaluation of the possibility of occurrence of work accidents in the construction sites in which it is applied. This paper explains the methodology followed for the design of the predictive tool and discusses it applicability. The obtained results lead to establish significant statistics correlations between some of the leading indicators formulated in the survey and accident data occurred in each case (lagging indicators), and therefore the predictive tool of work accidents in the construction works can be validated. The predictive capacity get 85.0% for minor accidents and 82.8% for major accidents

    A Transcriptomic Approach to Understanding the Combined Impacts of Supra-Optimal Temperatures and CO2 Revealed Different Responses in the Polyploid Coffea arabica and Its Diploid Progenitor C. canephora

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    Understanding the effect of extreme temperatures and elevated air (CO2) is crucial for mitigating the impacts of the coffee industry. In this work, leaf transcriptomic changes were evaluated in the diploid C. canephora and its polyploid C. arabica, grown at 25 C and at two supra-optimal temperatures (37 C, 42 C), under ambient (aCO2) or elevated air CO2 (eCO2). Both species expressed fewer genes as temperature rose, although a high number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were observed, especially at 42 C. An enrichment analysis revealed that the two species reacted differently to the high temperatures but with an overall up-regulation of the photosynthetic machinery until 37 C. Although eCO2 helped to release stress, 42 C had a severe impact on both species. A total of 667 photosynthetic and biochemical related-DEGs were altered with high temperatures and eCO2, which may be used as key probe genes in future studies. This was mostly felt in C. arabica, where genes related to ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBisCO) activity, chlorophyll a-b binding, and the reaction centres of photosystems I and II were down-regulated, especially under 42 C, regardless of CO2. Transcriptomic changes showed that both species were strongly affected by the highest temperature, although they can endure higher temperatures (37 C) than previously assumed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identificação e caracterização do perfil nutricional de sêmolas contrastantes

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    Neste estudo assumiu-se como objetivo a caracterização de sêmolas contrastantes, no âmbito de um projeto para conclusão da Licenciatura em Bioquímica, na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. A nível académico este projeto teve como objetivos principais o aprofundar de conhecimentos ao nível da produção agroindustrial, e ainda uma concretização prática de conhecimentos adquiridos durante a Licenciatura em Bioquímica, que atualmente se encontra em fase de conclusão. Foi também um objetivo, a perceção de como alguns procedimentos laboratoriais, anteriormente objeto de aprendizagem, podem ser utilizados na análise e caracterização de produtos da indústria alimentar, mais concretamente, na caracterização a nível nutricional de sêmolas contrastantes. Em 4 tipo de amostras de trigo duro (variedades Hélvio, Preto Amarelo, TE 1202 e Celta), cedidas pela Estação Nacional de Melhoramento de Plantas de Elvas – Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, efetuou-se a caracterização do peso, volume e de densidade dos grãos. Nas respetivas sêmolas efetuou-se uma caracterização de micro e macronutrientes, assim como os índices de cor, e teores de humidade, cinzas, proteínas, ácidos gordos, glúten, açúcares. Concluiu-se que nas quatro variedades de trigo duro a maioria dos parâmetros está dentro dos parâmetros legislados.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identificação e caracterização nutricional de blends de farinha

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    Neste estudo efetuou-se uma caracterização nutricional de três blends de farinha de trigo mole (com a designação “Bolachas”, “Corrente” e “Melhorador”), fornecidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (Pólo de Elvas). Efetuaram-se análises físicas e químicas dos blends em grão e nas respetivas farinhas (peso e volume de mil grãos, densidade, cor, humidade, elementos minerais, cinzas, lípidos, ácidos gordos, açúcares solúveis, proteína, índice de queda e sedimentação SDS, glúten, farinografia e alveografia). Considerando a totalidade das análises efetuadas foi possível verificar que as características nutricionais estão diretamente relacionadas com os objetivos a que estes blends se destinam (produção de bolachas, pão ou correção de características).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Overexpression of water-responsive genes promoted by elevated CO2 reduces ROS and enhances drought tolerance in Coffea species

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    Drought is a major constraint to plant growth and productivity worldwide and will aggravate as water availability becomes scarcer. Although elevated air [CO2] might mitigate some of these effects in plants, the mechanisms underlying the involved responses are poorly understood in woody economically important crops such as Coffea. This study analyzed transcriptome changes in Coffea canephora cv. CL153 and C. arabica cv. Icatu exposed to moderate (MWD) or severe water deficits (SWD) and grown under ambient (aCO2) or elevated (eCO2) air [CO2]. We found that changes in expression levels and regulatory pathways were barely affected by MWD, while the SWD condition led to a down-regulation of most differentially expressed genes (DEGs). eCO2 attenuated the impacts of drought in the transcripts of both genotypes but mostly in Icatu, in agreement with physiological and metabolic studies. A predominance of protective and reactive oxygen species (ROS)-scavenging-related genes, directly or indirectly associated with ABA signaling pathways, was found in Coffea responses, including genes involved in water deprivation and desiccation, such as protein phosphatases in Icatu, and aspartic proteases and dehydrins in CL153, whose expression was validated by qRT-PCR. The existence of a complex post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism appears to occur in Coffea explaining some apparent discrepancies between transcriptomic, proteomic, and physiological data in these genotypes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Understanding the Impact of Drought in Coffea Genotypes: Transcriptomic Analysis Supports a Common High Resilience to Moderate Water Deficit but a Genotype Dependent Sensitivity to Severe Water Deficit

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    Water scarcity is the most significant factor limiting coffee production, although some cultivars can still have important drought tolerance. This study analyzed leaf transcriptomes of two coffee cultivars with contrasting physiological responses, Coffea canephora cv. CL153 and Coffea. arabica cv. Icatu, subjected to moderate (MWD) or severe water deficits (SWD). We found that MWD had a low impact compared with SWD, where 10% of all genes in Icatu and 17% in CL153 reacted to drought, being mainly down-regulated upon stress. Drought triggered a genotype-specific response involving the up-regulation of reticuline oxidase genes in CL153 and heat shock proteins in Icatu. Responsiveness to drought also included desiccation protectant genes, but primarily, aspartic proteases, especially in CL153. A total of 83 Transcription Factors were found engaged in response to drought, mainly up-regulated, especially under SWD. Together with the enrollment of 49 phosphatases and 272 protein kinases, results suggest the involvement of ABA-signaling processes in drought acclimation. The integration of these findings with complementing physiological and biochemical studies reveals that both genotypes are more resilient to moderate drought than previously thought and suggests the existence of post-transcriptional mechanisms modulating the response to drought.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio