558 research outputs found

    The C242T polymorphism of the NAD(P)H oxidase p22(phox) subunit is associated with an enhanced risk for cerebrovascular disease at a young age

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    Background and Purpose: Oxidative stress has been proposed as a major contributing factor for vascular disease, that acts independently from its participation in predisposing disorders such as diabetes and arterial hypertension. A functionally relevant C242T polymorphism of the CYBA gene encoding the NAD(P)H oxidase p22(phox) subunit, is supposed to lead to an abnormal reduction in the generation of reactive oxygen species in vascular smooth-muscle and endothelial cells. Methods: We investigated the p22(phox) C242T single-nucleotide polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction in consecutive patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack under the age of 50 (n = 161) and in population-based control subjects (n = 136). Results: Homozygosity for the T variant was associated with an enhanced risk for cerebral ischemia (odds ratio 3.85, confidence interval 1.39-10.64) after adjusting for classical risk factors. Risk for cerebral ischemia was not increased in heterozygous subjects. Conclusion: The p22(phox) C242T single-nucleotide polymorphism is associated with stroke risk. This finding supports the hypothesis that oxidative stress may contribute to stroke pathogenesis. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    An enquiry into potential graduate entrepreneurship:is higher education turning off the pipeline of graduate entrepreneurs?

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    Purpose: In today’s global economy, high in talent but low in growth, the capability and skills mismatch between the output of universities and the demands of business has escalated to a worrying extent for graduates. Increasingly, university students are considering alternatives to a lifetime of employment, including their own start-up, and becoming an entrepreneur. The literature indicates a significant disconnect between the role and value of education and healthy enterprising economies, with many less-educated economies growing faster than more knowledgeable ones. Moreover, theory concerning the entrepreneurial pipeline and entrepreneurial ecosystems is applied to graduate entrepreneurial intentions and aspirations. Design/methodology/approach: Using on a large-scale online quantitative survey, this study explores graduate ‘entrepreneurial intention’ in the UK and France, taking into consideration personal, social and situational factors. The results point to a number of factors that contribute to entrepreneurial intention including social background, parental occupation, gender, subject of study, and nationality. The study furthers the understanding of and contributes to the extant literature on graduate entrepreneurship. It provides an original insight into a topical and contemporary issue, raising a number of research questions for future study.Findings: For too long, students have been educated to be employees, not entrepreneurs. The study points strongly to the fact that today’s students have both willingness and intention to become entrepreneurs. However, the range of pedagogical and curriculum content does not correspond with the ambition of those who wish to develop entrepreneurial skills. There is an urgent need for directors of higher education and pedagogues to rethink their education offer in order to create a generation of entrepreneurs for tomorrow’s business world. The challenge will be to integrate two key considerations: how to create a business idea and how to make it happen practically and theoretically. Clearly, change in the education product will necessitate change in the HE business model.Research limitations/implications: The data set collected was extensive (c3500), with a focus on France and the UK. More business, engineering and technology students completed the survey than others. Further research is being undertaken to look at other countries (and continents) to test the value of extrapolation of findings. Initial results parallel those described in this paper.Practical implications: Some things can be taught, others need nurturing. Entrepreneurship involves a complex set of processes which engender individual development, and are highly personalised. Higher Education Enterprise and Teaching and Learning Strategies need to be cognisant of this, and to develop innovative and appropriate curricula, including assessment, which reflects the importance of the process as much as that of the destination.Originality/value: This work builds on an extensive literature review coupled with original primary research. The authors originate from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines, and the result is a very challenging set of thoughts, comments and suggestions that are relevant to all higher education institutions, at policy, strategy and operational levels


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    Practitioner articleIn the fields of business organisation and management much has been written and spoken about values and beliefs. However, we find ourselves entering a fresh and novel phase of experience, a new spirituality-linked epoch we can describe as a “postsecular” era in which the secularisation of society has given way to renewed attention to the values of faith, religion and spirituality

    Insights for a post-Brexit era: marketing the UK as a study destination – an analysis of Arab, Chinese and Indian student choices

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    Britain’s scheduled exit from the European Union (‘Brexit’) has long-term ramifications for strategic marketing. Faced with new challenges and uncertainty, UK universities are increasingly looking beyond EU borders to recruit international students. In this context, we draw upon country-of-origin theory to categorise the factors that influence non-EU international student decisions to select an overseas study destination and institution. Based on the results of a survey with 317 Arab, Chinese, and Indian students attending UK universities, we identify eight factors that influence international student decisions to study in the UK (social safety, education quality, entry obstacles, environment, recommendations, knowledge of host country, work and immigration, and meeting new cultures). The results address gaps in the literature, offering new insights that will help practitioners and academics to better understand how international students select a country and university as a study location

    ENVIROSAT-2000 report: Federal agency satellite requirements

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    The requirement of Federal agencies, other than NOAA, for the data and services of civil operational environmental satellites (both polar orbiting and geostationary) are summarized. Agency plans for taking advantage of proposed future Earth sensing space systems, domestic and foreign, are cited also. Current data uses and future requirements are addressed as identified by each agency

    Bezpieczne systemy wbudowane. Zastosowania

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    System wbudowany to dedykowany system komputerowy złożony z odpowiednio dobranych komponentów programowych i sprzętowych. Jego przeznaczeniem jest wykonywanie określonej aplikacji programowej. Ze względu na wszechobecne dążenie do opracowywania „inteligentnych” urządzeń systemy wbudowane mają szerokie zastosowania w wielu dziedzinach. Obecnie można zaobserwować, że systemy wbudowane po latach przebywania niejako w cieniu komputerów osobistych przeżywają swoisty rozkwit związany między innymi ze znacznym spadkiem cen podzespołów. Współcześnie, takie urządzenia, jak telewizor wyposażone są w podzespoły pozwalające im konkurować o uwagę użytkownika z komputerami stacjonarnymi lub laptopami. Spadek cen spowodował masową dostępność tanich, łatwych do nauki platform deweloperskich, ułatwiających wejście w świat budowy systemów wbudowanych. W pracy, na przykładzie systemu lokalizującego i „proof of concept” menadżera haseł wbudowanego w popularną kartę chipową, zostanie przedstawione spektrum możliwości stosowania systemów wbudowanych

    ‘Smart Cities’ – Dynamic Sustainability Issues and Challenges for ‘Old World’ Economies: A Case from the United Kingdom

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    The rapid and dynamic rate of urbanization, particularly in emerging world economies, has resulted in a need to find sustainable ways of dealing with the excessive strains and pressures that come to bear on existing infrastructures and relationships. Increasingly during the twenty-first century policy makers have turned to technological solutions to deal with this challenge and the dynamics inherent within it. This move towards the utilization of technology to underpin infrastructure has led to the emergence of the term ‘Smart City’. Smart cities incorporate technology based solutions in their planning development and operation. This paper explores the organizational issues and challenges facing a post-industrial agglomeration in the North West of England as it attempted to become a ‘Smart City’. In particular the paper identifies and discusses the factors that posed significant challenges for the dynamic relationships residents, policymakers and public and private sector organizations and as a result aims to use these micro-level issues to inform the macro-debate and context of wider Smart City discussions. In order to achieve this, the paper develops a range of recommendations that are designed to inform Smart City design, planning and implementation strategies