173 research outputs found

    El modesto principio del que la ignorancia del Derecho no excusa de su cumplimiento

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    Excmo. y Magfco. Sr. Rector, Sr. Presidente del Consejo Social, Sra. Secretaria General, Compañeras y compañeros de la comunidad universitaria, No sé si merezco o no merezco el honor que me han hecho al encomendarme impartir esta primera lección del curso, pero lo agradezco como si no lo mereciera y voy a cumplimentarlo con el mismo entusiasmo que si lo hubiese merecido. Dividiré esta lección en cinco partes, aunque seré razonablemente breve. En primer lugar enunciaré un principio jurídico muy elemental y no muy bien conocido; en la segunda, expondré las difi cultades, que ya son clásicas, para justifi car ese principio; en la tercera, mostraré algunos problemas que ha suscitado su aplicación; luego, trataré de deconstruirlo y concluiré, fi nalmente, justifi cándolo por su modestas pretensione

    Meat quality of Kuruma prawn (Marsupenaeus japonicus): preliminary evaluation

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    Among the peneids, Marsupenaeus japonicus, a cold-temperate species, carnivorous, is the mostly cultured prawn in Italy and in the Mediterranean Sea basin, thanks to the good adaptability to the temperature and salinity variations, to the good resistance to the manipulations (better resistance out of water), to its appreciate nourishing qualities and to the good growth rate (Lumare, 1998).Whereas the literature on cultured fish fillet is rich (Gjedrem, 1997; Lanari et al., 1999; Parisi et al., 2003), few are the information about the shrimp meat quality traits.Therefore, the present work aimed at typifying the variations of the meat quality characteristics in shrimps from semi-intensive (supplemented with an artificial diet) or extensive rearing systems

    Association of COMT, BDNF and 5-HTT functional polymorphisms with personality characteristics.

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    Background: The real impact of genetic factors on personality is still unknown, even if in literature about 50% of variance in personality traits are considered genetically determined. The determination of the genetic variance in personality traits could promote psychological well-being and the prevention of psychopathologies, because there are many experimental evidences showing that mental illness is associated to personality. Numerous studies have showed that Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and serotonin transporter (5-HTT) are genes whose variants are associated with personality traits. This aim of this study is the investigation of the association between personality traits and 5-HTTLPR/rs255315-HTT promoter variant, COMT Val158Met and BDNF Val66Met gene polymorphisms. Methods: The sample was composed by 132 healthy female students. Genomic DNA was extracted from buccal swab, while personality was assessed with Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised (TCI-R). Linear discriminant analysis was used to analyze how personality characteristics can differentiate individuals in relation to their genetic polymorphisms. Results: Data showed that the temperament trait Reward Dependence discriminated individuals with different BDNF variants; Novelty Seeking and Harm Avoidance discriminated individuals with different 5HTTLPR variants; Persistence discriminated individuals with different COMT variants. Conclusions: Since these traits are connected to psychological diseases as depression, social anxiety, anorexia and obsessive-compulsive disorders of personality, the study of their genetic component can be used as intermediary issue to better define the connection between genes and predisposition toward maladaptive behavior and mental illness

    Modern vision of the Mediterranean diet

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    The Mediterranean diet is the most well-known and researched dietary pattern worldwide. It is characterized by the consumption of a wide variety of foods, such as extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), legumes, cereals, nuts, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish, and wine. Many of these foods provide several phytonutrients, among which polyphenols and vitamins play an important role. Data from several studies have strongly established that nutrition is a key factor in promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing many chronic diseases. In particular, a large number of studies have established the protective effects of the Mediterranean diet against several chronic diseases, among which are diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, aging disorders, and against overall mortality. Animal and human translational studies have revealed the biological mechanisms regulating the beneficial effects of the traditional Mediterranean diet. Indeed, several studies demonstrated that this nutritional pattern has lipid-lowering, anticancer, antimicrobial, and anti-oxidative effects. Moreover, the Mediterranean diet is considered environmentally sustainable. In this review, we describe the composition of the Mediterranean diet, assess its beneficial effects, and analyze their epigenomic, genomic, metagenomic, and transcriptomic aspects. In the future it will be important to continue exploring the molecular mechanisms through which the Mediterranean diet exerts its protective effects and to standardize its components and serving sizes to understand more precisely its effects on human health

    Polymorphisms, diet and nutrigenomics

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    Every human being possesses an exclusive nutritional blueprint inside their genes. Bioactive food components and nutrients affect the expression of such genes. Nutrigenomics is the  science that analyzes gene-nutrient interactions (nutrigenetics), which can lead to the development of personalized nutritional recommendations to maintain optimal health and prevent disease. Genomic diversity among various ethnic groups might affect nutrients bioavailability as well as their metabolism. Nutrigenomics combines different branches of science including nutrition, bioinformatics, genomics, molecular biology, molecular medicine, and epidemiology. Genes regulate intake and metabolism of different nutrients, while nutrients positively or negatively influence the expression of a number of genes; testing of specific genetic polymorphisms may therefore become a useful tool to manage weight loss and to fully understand gene-nutrient interactions. Indeed, several approaches are used to study gene-nutrient interactions: epigenetics, the study of genome modification not related to changes in nucleotide sequence; transcriptomics, the study of tissue-specific and time-specific RNA transcripts; proteomics, the study of proteins involved in biological processes; and metabolomics, the study of changes of primary and secondary metabolites in body fluids and tissues. Hence, the use of nutrigenomics to improve and optimize a healthy, balanced diet in clinical settings could be an effective approach for long-term lifestyle changes that might lead to consistent weight loss and improve quality of life
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