686 research outputs found

    E-Waste Recycling and Related Social Issues in China

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    AbstractChina has set a goal of establishing a Circular Economy policy for recycling resources in the near future. To further efforts to build a circular society, we analyzed the current status of E-waste recycling and related social issues, including the case of Guiyu town. Some policy suggestions on establishing recycling systems are recommended

    Structural relaxation in orthoterphenyl: a schematic mode coupling theory model analysis

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    Depolarized light scattering spectra of orthoterphenyl showing the emergence of the structural relaxation below the oscillatory microscopic excitations are described by solutions of a schematic mode--coupling--theory model

    Associative effects in diets composed of alfalfa and corn soybean concentrate fed to growing cashmere goats

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    The associative effects resulting from the proportions of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and non fibre  carbohydrate (NFC) were explored and assessed by in vitro gas production . Total mixed rations (TMR)  composed primarily of alf a lfa and corn soybean concentrate were fed to growing cashmere goats. Treatments were defined by three proportions of NFC and NDF namely 2.00 ( TMR1), 2.35 ( TMR2), and 3.00 ( that were used to grow cashmere goats , and these TRMs were incubated for 48 h ours to evaluate their influence on  associative effects. The results indicated that the associative influences of these treatments on gas production  occurred within the cultures predominantly at 2 8 hours, and disappeared gradually as culture time was ex tended . TMR 2 and TMR3 incubation increased gas production compared with that observed in the other groups at all incubation times P > 0.05), and these groups exhibited positive associative effects, particularly during the early hours of incubation P <0.05 )). TMR 3 displayed the best associative effect

    Optimization of protein extraction from tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) seed using response surface methodology

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    Optimization of extraction ratio (ER) of tree peony seed protein (TPSP) was investigated using response surface methodology (RSM). The second-degree equation for ER of TPSP had high coeffi cient (0.9625) of determination. The probability (P) value of regression model signifi cance was less than 0.001 by analysis of central composite rotatable design. Relationships of ER to pH, liquid/solid ratio, squares of all factors, and cross-product factors (x2x3, x2x4, x3x4) were signifi cant (P1x2, x1x3, x1x4) were not signifi cant factors (P>0.05). Optimum extraction conditions were 3.42 h, pH 9.50, 50.80 ºC, and 9.54 ml g–1 of liquid/solid ratio with the maximum ER (43.60%) . SDS-PAGE indicated TPSP had mainly four proteins (180, 100, 60, and 35 kDa) with four subunits of 60, 48, 38, and 23 kDa. TPSP had a good amino acid composition with abundant essential amino acids (39.76%) determined by amino acid analysis

    Optical properties and radiative forcing of urban aerosols in Nanjing, China

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    AbstractContinuous measurements of atmospheric aerosols were made in Nanjing, a megacity in China, from 18 January to 18 April, 2011 (Phase 1) and from 22 April 2011 to 21 April 2012 (Phase 2). Aerosol characteristics, optical properties, and direct radiative forcing (DRF) were studied through interpretations of these measurements. We found that during Phase 1, mean PM2.5, black carbon (BC), and aerosol scattering coefficient (Bsp) in Nanjing were 76.1 ± 59.3 μg m−3, 4.1 ± 2.2 μg m−3, and 170.9 ± 105.8 M m−1, respectively. High pollution episodes occurred during Spring and Lantern Festivals when hourly PM2.5 concentrations reached 440 μg m−3, possibly due to significant discharge of fireworks. Temporal variations of PM2.5, BC, and Bsp were similar to each other. It is estimated that inorganic scattering aerosols account for about 49 ± 8.6% of total aerosols while BC only accounted for 6.6 ± 2.9%, and nitrate was larger than sulfate. In Phase 2, optical properties of aerosols show great seasonality. High relative humidity (RH) in summer (June, July, August) likely attributed to large optical depth (AOD) and small Angstrom exponent (AE) of aerosols. Due to dust storms, AE of total aerosols was the smallest in spring (March, April, May). Annual mean 550-nm AOD and 675/440-nm AE were 0.6 ± 0.3 and 1.25 ± 0.29 for total aerosols, 0.04 ± 0.02 and 1.44 ± 0.50 for absorbing aerosols, 0.48 ± 0.29 and 1.64 ± 0.29 for fine aerosols, respectively. Annual single scattering albedo of aerosols ranged from 0.90 to 0.92. Real time wavelength-dependent surface albedo from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) was used to assess aerosol DRFs. Both total and absorbing aerosol DRFs had significant seasonal variations in Nanjing and they were the strongest in summer. Annual mean clear sky TOA DRF (including daytime and nighttime) of total and absorbing aerosols was about −6.9 and +4.5 W m−2, respectively. Aerosol DRFs were found to be sensitive to surface albedo. Over brighter surfaces, solar radiation was more absorbed by absorbing aerosols and less scattered by scattering aerosols

    A molecular dynamics simulation of polymer crystallization from oriented amorphous state

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    Molecular process of crystallization from an oriented amorphous state was reproduced by molecular dynamics simulation for a realistic polyethylene model. Initial oriented amorphous state was obtained by uniaxial drawing an isotropic glassy state at 100 K. By the temperature jump from 100 K to 330 K, there occurred the crystallization into the fiber structure, during the process of which we observed the developments of various order parameters. The real space image and its Fourier transform revealed that a hexagonally ordered domain was initially formed, and then highly ordered crystalline state with stacked lamellae developed after further adjustment of the relative heights of the chains along their axes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Structural origin of mixed modifier effects in silicate glasses

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    Three-Particle Correlations from Parton Cascades in Au+Au Collisions

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    We present a study of three-particle correlations among a trigger particle and two associated particles in Au + Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV using a multi-phase transport model (AMPT) with both partonic and hadronic interactions. We found that three-particle correlation densities in different angular directions with respect to the triggered particle (`center', `cone', `deflected', `near' and `near-away') increase with the number of participants. The ratio of `deflected' to `cone' density approaches to 1.0 with the increasing of number of participants, which indicates that partonic Mach-like shock waves can be produced by strong parton cascades in central Au+Au collisions.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; Final version to appear in Physics Letters

    Di-hadron azimuthal correlation and Mach-like cone structure in parton/hadron transport model

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    In the framework of a multi-phase transport model (AMPT) with both partonic and hadronic interactions, azimuthal correlations between trigger particles and associated scattering particles have been studied by the mixing-event technique. The momentum ranges of these particles are 3<pTtrig<63< p^{trig}_T< 6 GeV/cc and 0.15<pTassoc<30.15< p_{T}^{assoc} < 3 GeV/cc (soft), or 2.5<pTtrig<2.5<p^{trig}_T< 4 GeV/cc and 1<pTassoc<2.51< p_{T}^{assoc} < 2.5 GeV/cc (hard) in Au + Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV. A Mach-like structure has been observed in correlation functions for central collisions. By comparing scenarios with and without parton cascade and hadronic rescattering, we show that both partonic and hadronic dynamical mechanisms contribute to the Mach-like structure of the associated particle azimuthal correlations. The contribution of hadronic dynamical process can not be ignored in the emergence of Mach-like correlations of the soft scattered associated hadrons. However, hadronic rescattering alone cannot reproduce experimental amplitude of Mach-like cone on away-side, and the parton cascade process is essential to describe experimental amplitude of Mach-like cone on away-side. In addition, both the associated multiplicity and the sum of pTp_{T} decrease, whileas the increases, with the impact parameter in the AMPT model including partonic dynamics from string melting scenario.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; Physics Letters B 641, 362-367 (2006

    Birkhoff type decompositions and the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff recursion

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    We describe a unification of several apparently unrelated factorizations arisen from quantum field theory, vertex operator algebras, combinatorics and numerical methods in differential equations. The unification is given by a Birkhoff type decomposition that was obtained from the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula in our study of the Hopf algebra approach of Connes and Kreimer to renormalization in perturbative quantum field theory. There we showed that the Birkhoff decomposition of Connes and Kreimer can be obtained from a certain Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff recursion formula in the presence of a Rota-Baxter operator. We will explain how the same decomposition generalizes the factorization of formal exponentials and uniformization for Lie algebras that arose in vertex operator algebra and conformal field theory, and the even-odd decomposition of combinatorial Hopf algebra characters as well as to the Lie algebra polar decomposition as used in the context of the approximation of matrix exponentials in ordinary differential equations.Comment: accepted for publication in Comm. in Math. Phy
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