4,952 research outputs found

    Non-contact measurement of the thickness of a surface film using a superimposed ultrasonic standing wave

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    Most methods used to measure the thickness of thin liquid or solid surface films and coatings need access to the coated surface. In this work reflected ultrasonic pulses were used to measure a coating thickness from a solid back face. Piezoelectric transducers on the solid back face emitted ultrasound waves and received the waves that bounced off the front face. The magnitude of the reflected wave was dependent on the film thickness at the front face. Most pulse-echo ultrasonic approaches use the time-of-flight through the surface layer to determine its thickness. However, as the film becomes thinner, the reflected echoes overlap and there is often an acoustic mismatch between the solid and the surface film that reduces the signal strength. In this work, we propose the use of an ultrasonic continuously repeated chirp longitudinal wave to amplify the effect of the surface film. Multiple reflections interfere within the solid to form a superimposed standing wave whose amplitude spectrum is highly dependent on the surface film thickness thus overcoming the acoustic mismatch problem. Two bare 10 MHz piezoelectric elements were bonded to a 10 mm thick aluminium solid in a pitch-catch arrangement such that one continuously sends repeating chirp ultrasound waves and the other acts as the receiver. The transmitter was set to send a repeating chirp wave of 4 ms duration corresponding to the bandwidth of the transducer in order to maximise signal amplitude. The incident and reflected waves constructively and destructively interfere to form a superimposed standing wave within the solid. The solid/surface film to solid/air boundary condition frequency spectra ratio showed the film resonant frequency modes as minima. Using this technique epoxy coatings ranging from 70 μm to 350 μm were measured and showed a good correlation with independent measurements using a surface profilometer

    Characterizing temporary hydrological regimes at a European scale

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    Monthly duration curves have been constructed from climate data across Europe to help address the relative frequency of ecologically critical low flow stages in temporary rivers, when flow persists only in disconnected pools in the river bed. The hydrological model is 5 based on a partitioning of precipitation to estimate water available for evapotranspiration and plant growth and for residual runoff. The duration curve for monthly flows has then been analysed to give an estimate of bankfull flow based on recurrence interval. The corresponding frequency for pools is then based on the ratio of bank full discharge to pool flow, arguing from observed ratios of cross-sectional areas at flood 10 and low flows to estimate pool flow as 0.1% of bankfull flow, and so estimate the frequency of the pool conditions that constrain survival of river-dwelling arthropods and fish. The methodology has been applied across Europe at 15 km resolution, and can equally be applied under future climatic scenarios

    Intestinal Neurod1 expression impairs paneth cell differentiation and promotes enteroendocrine lineage specification

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    Transcription factor Neurod1 is required for enteroendocrine progenitor differentiation and maturation. Several earlier studies indicated that ectopic expression of Neurod1 converted non- neuronal cells into neurons. However, the functional consequence of ectopic Neurod1 expression has not been examined in the GI tract, and it is not known whether Neurod1 can similarly switch cell fates in the intestine. We generated a mouse line that would enable us to conditionally express Neurod1 in intestinal epithelial cells at different stages of differentiation. Forced expression of Neurod1 throughout intestinal epithelium increased the number of EECs as well as the expression of EE specific transcription factors and hormones. Furthermore, we observed a substantial reduction of Paneth cell marker expression, although the expressions of enterocyte-, tuft- and goblet-cell specific markers are largely not affected. Our earlier study indicated that Neurog3+ progenitor cells give rise to not only EECs but also Goblet and Paneth cells. Here we show that the conditional expression of Neurod1 restricts Neurog3+ progenitors to adopt Paneth cell fate, and promotes more pronounced EE cell differentiation, while such effects are not seen in more differentiated Neurod1+ cells. Together, our data suggest that forced expression of Neurod1 programs intestinal epithelial cells more towards an EE cell fate at the expense of the Paneth cell lineage and the effect ceases as cells mature to EE cells

    Localized magnetoplasmon modes arising from broken translational symmetry in semiconductor superlattices

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    The electromagnetic propagator associated with the localized collective magnetoplasmon excitations in a semiconductor superlattice with broken translational symmetry, is calculated analytically within linear response theory. We discuss the properties of these collective excitations in both radiative and non-radiative regimes of the electromagnetic spectra. We find that low frequency retarded modes arise when the surface density of carriers at the symmetry breaking layer is lower than the density at the remaining layers. Otherwise a doublet of localized, high-frequency magnetoplasmon-like modes occurs.Comment: Revtex file + separate pdf figure

    Correlation between centrality metrics and their application to the opinion model

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    In recent decades, a number of centrality metrics describing network properties of nodes have been proposed to rank the importance of nodes. In order to understand the correlations between centrality metrics and to approximate a high-complexity centrality metric by a strongly correlated low-complexity metric, we first study the correlation between centrality metrics in terms of their Pearson correlation coefficient and their similarity in ranking of nodes. In addition to considering the widely used centrality metrics, we introduce a new centrality measure, the degree mass. The m order degree mass of a node is the sum of the weighted degree of the node and its neighbors no further than m hops away. We find that the B_{n}, the closeness, and the components of x_{1} are strongly correlated with the degree, the 1st-order degree mass and the 2nd-order degree mass, respectively, in both network models and real-world networks. We then theoretically prove that the Pearson correlation coefficient between x_{1} and the 2nd-order degree mass is larger than that between x_{1} and a lower order degree mass. Finally, we investigate the effect of the inflexible antagonists selected based on different centrality metrics in helping one opinion to compete with another in the inflexible antagonists opinion model. Interestingly, we find that selecting the inflexible antagonists based on the leverage, the B_{n}, or the degree is more effective in opinion-competition than using other centrality metrics in all types of networks. This observation is supported by our previous observations, i.e., that there is a strong linear correlation between the degree and the B_{n}, as well as a high centrality similarity between the leverage and the degree.Comment: 20 page

    Circumferential film thickness measurement in journal bearings via the ultrasonic technique

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    A key parameter in hydrodynamic journal bearing performance is lubricant layer thickness around the circumference of the shaft-bearing interface. In the present work, the ultrasonic amplitude, phase change and resonant dip techniques are applied to obtain circumferential film thickness profiles in a bespoke journal bearing test platform under a range of shaft-aligned, shaft-misaligned and shut-down operating conditions. Film thickness results are compared against the Raimondi-Boyd theoretical prediction model and eddy current sensor measurements. By using an on-line referencing technique, the amplitude and phase change models demonstrated high accuracy for thin films and the resonant dip technique enabled film measurements within the bearing thick film region. Thus, applying the three methods simultaneously allowed analysis of lubricant films around the bearing circumference

    A population of gut epithelial enterochromaffin cells is mechanosensitive and requires Piezo2 to convert force into serotonin release

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    Enterochromaffin (EC) cells constitute the largest population of intestinal epithelial enteroendocrine (EE) cells. EC cells are proposed to be specialized mechanosensory cells that release serotonin in response to epithelial forces, and thereby regulate intestinal fluid secretion. However, it is unknown whether EE and EC cells are directly mechanosensitive, and if so, what the molecular mechanism of their mechanosensitivity is. Consequently, the role of EE and EC cells in gastrointestinal mechanobiology is unclear. Piezo2 mechanosensitive ion channels are important for some specialized epithelial mechanosensors, and they are expressed in mouse and human EC cells. Here, we use EC and EE cell lineage tracing in multiple mouse models to show that Piezo2 is expressed in a subset of murine EE and EC cells, and it is distributed near serotonin vesicles by superresolution microscopy. Mechanical stimulation of a subset of isolated EE cells leads to a rapid inward ionic current, which is diminished by Piezo2 knockdown and channel inhibitors. In these mechanosensitive EE cells force leads to Piezo2-dependent intracellular Ca(2+) increase in isolated cells as well as in EE cells within intestinal organoids, and Piezo2-dependent mechanosensitive serotonin release in EC cells. Conditional knockout of intestinal epithelial Piezo2 results in a significant decrease in mechanically stimulated epithelial secretion. This study shows that a subset of primary EE and EC cells is mechanosensitive, uncovers Piezo2 as their primary mechanotransducer, defines the molecular mechanism of their mechanotransduction and mechanosensitive serotonin release, and establishes the role of epithelial Piezo2 mechanosensitive ion channels in regulation of intestinal physiology