15 research outputs found

    Parity implications for anthropometrical variables, lifestyle behaviors and dietary habits in pregnant women

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    Background. Maintaining an adequate health status and appropriate lifestyles during pregnancy is of great importance to prevent adverse outcomes for both mother and baby. The present study aimed to assess the nutritional status, socio-demographic features, lifestyle behaviors and dietary habits of pregnant women in Spain, and to identify the influence of parity on these profiles. Methods. This cross-sectional study included pregnant women from regions all over Spain. The information was collected through a 40 item questionnaire, previously validated, by community health professionals. Results. The 5,087 pregnant women analyzed had an average age of 31.9 years with an adequate nutritional status. The distribution of the sample was 56% nulliparous and 44% multiparous. The nulliparous reported a better self-perceived health status and nutritional balance, and a lower incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus. However, the multiparous showed healthier lifestyle habits (lower rates of smoking and alcohol consumption) and more physically active patterns. Regarding diet, nulliparous pregnant women consumed more dairy products, fresh fruit and nuts, and less bread, rice/pasta/potatoes, meat, sausage and buns/pastries than multiparous pregnant women. Conclusions. Differences between analyzed patterns were observed in anthropometrical variables, lifestyle behaviors and dietary habits, which may require different nutritional messages to nulliparous as compared to multiparous from a public health point of view.Fundamento. Durante el embarazo, el mantenimiento de un adecuado estado de salud y estilos de vida, es de gran importancia para prevenir resultados adversos tanto para la madre como para el bebé. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos evaluar el estado nutricional, características sociodemográficas, estilos de vida y hábitos alimentarios de mujeres embarazadas en España, e identificar la influencia de la paridad sobre estos perfiles. Material y método. Este estudio transversal incluyó mujeres embarazadas de todas las comunidades autónomas de España. La información se recogió a través de un cuestionario de 40 preguntas, previamente validado, por profesionales de la salud comunitarios. Resultados. Las 5.087 mujeres embarazadas presentaron una edad media de 31,9 años y un adecuado estado nutricional. De la muestra un 56% fueron nulíparas y un 44% multíparas. Las mujeres nulíparas declararon mejor autopercepción de su estado de salud y estado nutricional, y menor incidencia de diabetes mellitus gestacional. Sin embargo, las mujeres multíparas mostraron estilos de vida más saludables (tasas de consumo de tabaco y alcohol más bajas) y un patrón de actividad física más activo. En cuanto a la dieta, las nulíparas consumieron más lácteos, fruta fresca y frutos secos, y menos pan, arroz/pasta/patatas, carne, embutidos y bollos/pasteles que las multíparas. Conclusiones. Se observaron diferencias entre los grupos analizados en cuanto a variables antropométricas, estilos de vida y hábitos alimentarios, que pueden requerir distintos mensajes nutricionales para mujeres nulíparas y multíparas, desde un punto de vista de Salud Pública

    Liberación controlada de principios activos mediante el empleo de formulaciones galénicas

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    Drugs inside a conventional galenic form are distributed between specific biological targets and other anatomical tissues. With the aim to obtain a more rational and a better therapeutic, one of the most promising possibilities by using the concept of vector- ization: association of an active principle to an appropriate vector with the object to increase its action efficiency and efficacy. By this means, they do not just increase the affinity of the drug to the target but also active principle gets protected from a potentially hos- tile environment (hydrolytic enzymes, acid pH, etc.). The success in the extension of the applications of the vectorización depends more and more of an appropriate design, for what the fundamental objective of this revision will be the one of presenting the general char- acteristics and some of the current applications in these new galenic forms.Los principios activos incluidos en una forma galénica convencional se distribuyen indistintamente entre dianas biológicas específicas y otros tejidos anatómicos. Con el fin de obtener una terapéutica más racional y mejor adaptada, una de las posibilidades más prometedoras es la que utiliza el concepto de vectorización: asociación del principio activo a un vector apropiado, con objeto de aumentar la eficacia y la especificidad de acción del mismo. De esta manera, no solo aumenta la afinidad del fármaco por la diana, sino que además queda protegido de un ambiente potencialmente hostil (enzimas hidrolíticas, pH ácido, etc.). El éxito en la extensión de las aplicaciones de la vectorización depende cada vez más de un diseño adecuado, por lo que el objetivo fundamental de esta revisión será la de presentar las características generales y algunas de las actuales aplicaciones de estas nuevas formas farmacéuticas

    Comparison of the efficacy of Apiguard (thymol) and Apivar (amitraz) in the control of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae)

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    The present study compared the efficacy of Apivar (a.i. amitraz) and Apiguard (a.i. thymol) in controlling the mite Varroa destructor during spring 2010 and autumn 2011, in the Balearic Islands (Spain). Number of fallen mites (NFM) was counted weekly and the efficacy of treatments was evaluated by using the percentage of reduction of the average daily fallen mites (%R). During spring assay, the average NFM was highly reduced in Apiguard (89.8%) compared to Apivar (64.3%) group, with significant differences between Apiguard and control group (untreated group) in post-treatment week. In autumn assay, Apivar and Apiguard colonies had an average reduction of the NFM of 17.9% and 30.8% respectively, showing a tendency in reduction between control and Apiguard group in post-treatment week. In both assays, %R was higher in Apiguard than in Apivar, but no significant differences were found between treatments in any of the seasons. Apiguard was less efficacious during November-December, probably due to the low external temperatures that hampered an optimal volatilization of the product. The lower efficacy of Apivar is probably related to the resistance of V. destructor to this chemical miticide, which has been used during the last 30 years. Results of this study showed that in Mediterranean conditions, spring is an appropriate period for applying Apiguard to the colonies, whereas application in late autumn would decrease the efficacy of the product. Apiguard may represent an alternative product for integrated control due to the low risk of mite resistance and residues in bee products

    Comparison of the efficacy of Apiguard (thymol) and Apivar (amitraz) in the control of Varroa destructor (Acari Varroidae)

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    The present study compared the efficacy of Apivar (a.i. amitraz) and Apiguard (a.i. thymol) in controlling the mite Varroa destructor during spring 2010 and autumn 2011, in the Balearic Islands (Spain). Number of fallen mites (NFM) was counted weekly and the efficacy of treatments was evaluated by using the percentage of reduction of the average daily fallen mites (%R). During spring assay, the average NFM was highly reduced in Apiguard (89.8%) compared to Apivar (64.3%) group, with significant differences between Apiguard and control group (untreated group) in post-treatment week. In autumn assay, Apivar and Apiguard colonies had an average reduction of the NFM of 17.9% and 30.8% respectively, showing a tendency in reduction between control and Apiguard group in post-treatment week. In both assays, %R was higher in Apiguard than in Apivar, but no significant differences were found between treatments in any of the seasons. Apiguard was less efficacious during November-December, probably due to the low external temperatures that hampered an optimal volatilization of the product. The lower efficacy of Apivar is probably related to the resistance of V. destructor to this chemical miticide, which has been used during the last 30 years. Results of this study showed that in Mediterranean conditions, spring is an appropriate period for applying Apiguard to the colonies, whereas application in late autumn would decrease the efficacy of the product. Apiguard may represent an alternative product for integrated control due to the low risk of mite resistance and residues in bee products

    Patterns in Varroa destructor depend on bee host abundance, availability of natural resources, and climate in Mediterranean apiaries

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    1. Varroa destructor Linnaeus (Acari: Varroidae) is one of the greatest threats to apiculture. This study examines the role of host density, natural resource availability for bees, the management and climate in driving spatial and annual variability in the abundance of Varroa, and the occurrence of colony losses, recorded in apiaries across a Mediterranean island over a 2-year period, using a hierarchical generalised linear model framework. 2. The seasonal abundance of Varroa showed a bimodal pattern with two peaks, the first one being in spring and larger than the second one located in summer/autumn. In contrast, bee colony losses were mainly concentrated in autumn/winter. 3. The abundance patterns of Varroa were best explained by models combining host, climate, and resource availability. A key novel finding was that low availability of natural flowering resources leads to high levels of infestation of Varroa, highlighting the importance of preserving natural resources around apiaries for the maintenance of pollination services in the landscape. Varroa abundance was also found to increase as bee density increased, probably as a result of the greater brood availability. Moreover, Varroa abundance increased as temperatures decrease and decreases as relative humidity increases, which is consistent with previous studies. Anti-varroa treatments were only found to impact Varroa levels in the second 6 months of the year. Organic treatments outperformed synthetic treatments. 4. Empirical research on optimal seasonal timing and combinations of treatments, as well as impacts of climate and resource availability on natural dynamics of bees and Varroa in different climate zones, is urgently required

    Data from: Effects of neonicotinoid insecticide exposure and monofloral diet on nest-founding bumblebee queens

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    Bumblebees are among the world’s most important groups of pollinating insects in natural and agricultural ecosystems. Each spring, queen bumblebees emerge from overwintering and initiate new nests, which ultimately give rise to workers and new reproductives later in the season. Nest initiation and survival are thus key drivers of both bumblebee pollination services and population dynamics. We performed the first laboratory experiment with the model bumblebee species Bombus impatiens that explores how early nesting success is impacted by the effects of temporary or more sustained exposure to sublethal levels of a neonicotinoid-type insecticide (imidacloprid at 5 ppb in nectar) and by reliance on a monofloral pollen diet, two factors that have been previously implicated in bumblebee decline. We found that queens exhibited increased mortality and dramatically reduced activity levels when exposed to imidacloprid, as well as delayed nest initiation and lower brood numbers in the nest, but partially recovered from these effects when they only received early, temporary exposure. The effects of pollen diet on individual queen- and colony-level responses were overshadowed by effects of the insecticide, although a monofloral pollen diet alone was sufficient to negatively impact brood production. These findings speak to the sensitivity of queen bumblebees during the nest initiation phase of the colony cycle, with implications for how queens and their young nests are uniquely impacted by exposure to threats such as pesticide exposure and foraging habitat unsuitability


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    The data file contains raw data for all of the following analyses: Queen feeding: Queen ID, Treatment (Imidacloprid or control), and amount of nectar consumed (grams) in 24 hours. Queen activity: Queen ID, Treatment (control, Imidacloprid-A, Imidacloprid-B), Pollen (Cistus, Erica, Mixed), Activity 1-3 (individual observations, each cell is number of movements across the cage that queen made in 10 minutes). Queen survival: Queen ID, Colony (natal colony of the queen), Treatment (control, Imidacloprid-A, Imidacloprid-B), Pollen (Cistus, Erica, Mixed), Start (date individual began experiment), End (date individual died or completed the experiment, Died (Y/N if bee died before the end of the experiment). Colony brood: Queen ID, Colony (natal colony of the queen), Pollen (Cistus, Erica, Mixed), Treatment (control, Imidacloprid-A, Imidacloprid-B), Total_num_eggs (total number of eggs in colony at end of experiment), Total_num_larvae (total number of eggs in colony at end of experiment), Total_num_pupae (total number of pupae in colony at end of experiment), and Num_adults (count of any brood which eclosed by the end of the experiment)

    Development of microparticles prepared by spray-drying as a vaccine delivery system against brucellosis.

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    The antigenic extract Hot Saline from Brucella ovis was microencapsulated by the spray-drying technique with different polyesters (poly-lactide-co-glycolide RG502H [PLGA], and blends with poly-ε-caprolactone [PEC]) in order to obtain microparticles smaller than 5 μm. Microparticles were tested for encapsulation efficiency, release studies, acidification of the in vitro release medium, and in vitro J744-macrophage experiments (phagocytosis and toxicity of the preparations) to determine the optimal formulation for vaccination purposes. Formulation containing no PCL showed the highest encapsulation efficiency, although the differences were not significant. The in vitro release kinetics were characterized by a high burst effect after 1 h of incubation, followed by a slow and continuos release. For the formulation based on PLGA, the pH of the medium during release dropped from 7.4 to 3.5 while the presence of PEC attenuated the pH drop. All formulations showed light toxicity by the MTT assay, but differences were observed in terms of phagocytosis, as particles prepared with PEC showed the higher uptake by J744-macrophages and cell respiratory burst, determined by oxygen peroxide release. All these characteristics suggest that the microparticulated antigenic formulation containing the higher ratio of PEC is susceptible to be used in animal vaccination studies

    Parity implications for anthropometrical variables, lifestyle behaviors and dietary habits in pregnant women

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    Background. Maintaining an adequate health status and appropriate lifestyles during pregnancy is of great importance to prevent adverse outcomes for both mother and baby. The present study aimed to assess the nutritional status, socio-demographic features, lifestyle behaviors and dietary habits of pregnant women in Spain, and to identify the influence of parity on these profiles. Methods. This cross-sectional study included pregnant women from regions all over Spain. The information was collected through a 40 item questionnaire, previously validated, by community health professionals. Results. The 5,087 pregnant women analyzed had an average age of 31.9 years with an adequate nutritional status. The distribution of the sample was 56% nulliparous and 44% multiparous. The nulliparous reported a better self-perceived health status and nutritional balance, and a lower incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus. However, the multiparous showed healthier lifestyle habits (lower rates of smoking and alcohol consumption) and more physically active patterns. Regarding diet, nulliparous pregnant women consumed more dairy products, fresh fruit and nuts, and less bread, rice/pasta/potatoes, meat, sausage and buns/pastries than multiparous pregnant women. Conclusions. Differences between analyzed patterns were observed in anthropometrical variables, lifestyle behaviors and dietary habits, which may require different nutritional messages to nulliparous as compared to multiparous from a public health point of view.Fundamento. Durante el embarazo, el mantenimiento de un adecuado estado de salud y estilos de vida, es de gran importancia para prevenir resultados adversos tanto para la madre como para el bebé. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos evaluar el estado nutricional, características sociodemográficas, estilos de vida y hábitos alimentarios de mujeres embarazadas en España, e identificar la influencia de la paridad sobre estos perfiles. Material y método. Este estudio transversal incluyó mujeres embarazadas de todas las comunidades autónomas de España. La información se recogió a través de un cuestionario de 40 preguntas, previamente validado, por profesionales de la salud comunitarios. Resultados. Las 5.087 mujeres embarazadas presentaron una edad media de 31,9 años y un adecuado estado nutricional. De la muestra un 56% fueron nulíparas y un 44% multíparas. Las mujeres nulíparas declararon mejor autopercepción de su estado de salud y estado nutricional, y menor incidencia de diabetes mellitus gestacional. Sin embargo, las mujeres multíparas mostraron estilos de vida más saludables (tasas de consumo de tabaco y alcohol más bajas) y un patrón de actividad física más activo. En cuanto a la dieta, las nulíparas consumieron más lácteos, fruta fresca y frutos secos, y menos pan, arroz/pasta/patatas, carne, embutidos y bollos/pasteles que las multíparas. Conclusiones. Se observaron diferencias entre los grupos analizados en cuanto a variables antropométricas, estilos de vida y hábitos alimentarios, que pueden requerir distintos mensajes nutricionales para mujeres nulíparas y multíparas, desde un punto de vista de Salud Pública