65 research outputs found

    Multilingualism, innovation, and productivity: an examination of the impact of multilingualism in the workplace, with reference to the BRICS countries

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    This study examined whether the choice of language in the workplace affects personal and workplace productivity. The study has focussed on those working in countries which come under the BRICS grouping, Brazil, Russia, India and China and South Africa, as this provided a rich comparison of historical, economic and linguistic contexts. The research undertaken sought to explore the impact of prevailing language usage amongst employees of multi-national companies operating within the BRICS countries. With the assumption that these workforces will include multilingual individuals, the study set out to ascertain whether multilingualism has been recognised as a factor that might impact upon personal productivity or progress, either in a positive or negative fashion. The study set out to consider how language use may affect economic behaviour, firstly on a personal level and then to extrapolate this more widely into organisational productivity and innovation. This was set against background research into; theoretical perspectives on the acquisition of additional language, perceived benefits of bilingualism for individuals, studies of the management of language use with multinational corporations and relationships between language and economics. The conclusion reached is that multilingualism could have a beneficial impact on wider workforce productivity, and that it is not just a ‘language problem’ as it often seems to be treated. The final conclusion is that this may be something that should be more carefully considered by organisations in an increasingly global workplace. The researcher considers that multilingualism could be better employed as a workplace productivity metric, in a way that arguably it is not at present

    Juegos tradicionales como estrategia para restablecer vínculos afectivos entre os infantes de grado transición del liceo la alegría de aprender.

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    Emplear los juegos tradicionales como estrategia para restablecer vínculos afectivos en los infantes del grado transición del Liceo la Alegría de Aprender.El presente trabajo de investigación buscó identificar la necesidad de resaltar el valor de los juegos tradicionales en la infancia, tras la experiencia de realizar la práctica pedagógica en el Liceo la Alegría de Aprender, con el curso de transición debido a que se ha observado una problemática en el aula; los niños presentan conductas inadecuadas que afectan la convivencia dentro y fuera de la misma, se pretende canalizar buscando alternativas que favorezca las interacciones sociales y la creación de vínculos afectivos. Por ello se propone el juego por su naturaleza integradora.This research work sought to identify the need to highlight the value of traditional games in childhood, after the experience of performing the pedagogical practice at the Liceo la Alegría de Aprender, with the transition course due to the fact that a problem has been observed inside the classroom; children present inadequate behaviors that affect coexistence inside and outside of it, it is intended to channel looking for alternatives that favor social interactions and the creation of affective bonds. Therefore, the game is proposed because of its integrating nature. This study was developed based on the qualitative methodology. Direct observation and analysis of surveys made in a population whose sample was of 14 students aged 4 to 5 years and a teacher in charge of the group were used as techniques and instruments. Which allowed the introduction to the pedagogical field and the implementation of traditional games

    Identification of local to global mechanical properties of clear wood peeled veneers from off axis tensile tests using full-field local displacement measurements

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    This study examines the influence of fiber orientation variability on the mechanical properties of wood, focusing on veneer clear wood specimens. The research is motivated by the need to develop high performance composite materials for sustainable transportation applications, particularly in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The experimental protocol involves manufacturing veneers from beech wood, followed by producing the manufacturing of veneers from beech wood, followed by the production of small specimens with deliberate variations in fiber orientation. Non-destructive measurements of local fiber orientations and global density are conducted, along with tensile tests to determine local mechanical properties, i.e., Young's modulus, strength, and the shear modulus Advanced imaging techniques (DIC) and models for isotropic materials are employed for analysis.The resultsreveal that fiber orientation has a significant role in wood variability, with pronounced effects on Young's modulus and strength at low angles. Transversal and shear modulus appear lower than in the literature due to the cracks due to the manufacturing of veneer (peeling process).ANR-15-IDEX-00

    The influence of mirror therapy on functional limitations of hemiparetic patients: a systematic review

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    O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a influência da terapia por exercício com espelho (TEE) nos déficits sensoriais e motores dos pacientes hemiparéticos acometidos por Acidente Cerebrovascular (ACV), através de revisão sistemática. Método: Foi realizada a revisão nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO e PubMed, referente aos últimos 12 anos. A qualificação dos artigos foi feita através da plataforma PEDro. Resultados: Foram incluídos no trabalho cinco artigos em que todos eram ensaios clínicos, randomizado e controlado, que utilizaram a TEE no tratamento de pacientes hemiparéticos. A pontuação dos estudos variou de 4 a 7 pela escala PEDro, com uma nota média de 6,2. Discussão: Alguns estudos mostraram que a TEE é benéfica para aumentar a destreza, amplitude e velocidade do movimento, e outros evidenciaram que há uma maior função e recuperação motora nos pacientes tratados com a TEE.  Conclusão: A TEE é benéfica para a recuperação motora, função sensório-motora e para a diminuição da dor. Indivíduos acometidos por ACV necessitam de fisioterapia e, claro, a quantidade de terapia pode influenciar no aprendizado motor, bem como a plasticidade neural. Sabemos a importância da estimulação de forma intensiva para aumentar a capacidade adaptativa do Sistema Nervoso Central em resposta a experiências, adaptações e condições diversas a estímulos repetidos. Dessa forma, se faz necessária a realização de novos protocolos de atendimento com diferentes frequências para evidenciar futuros resultados com a realidade em centros de reabilitação. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of mirror therapy (MT) on sensory and motor deficits of hemiparetic patients affected by stroke, through systematic review. Method: A review was performed in the LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed and SciELO databases, covering the last 12 years. The classification of articles was made through the PEDro platform. Results: This study included all five articles, clinical trials, and randomized controlled trial, which used MT in the treatment of hemiparetic patients. The scores of studies ranged from 4 to 7 by the PEDro scale, with an average grade of 6.2. Discussion: Some studies have shown that MT is beneficial to increase the accuracy, range, and speed of movement and other studies have indicated that there is a greater recovery and motor function in patients treated with MT. One study analyzed hemiparetic patients with acute stroke and with complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPSt1), concluding that MT improves motor and sensory function. Conclusion: MT is beneficial for motor recovery, sensorymotor function, and decreased pain. Individuals affected by stroke require physical therapy and the amount of therapy can influence the motor learning and neural plasticity. We know the importance of intensive stimulation to increase the adaptive capacity of the central nervous system in response to experiences, and adaptations to repeated stimuli under various conditions. Thus, it is necessary to carry out new clinical protocols with different frequencies to show future results with reality in rehabilitation centers

    Intraventricular, periventricular hemorrhage and mechanisms associated to the lesion in preterm newborns

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    The main purpose of this review was to analyze the incidence of periventricular, intraventricular hemorrhage (PIVH) and associated mechanisms such as periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) and post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus in preterm newborns. The data were obtained at the Division of Rehabilitation Medicine (DMR- HCFMUSP), Umarizal Rehabilitation Center, from January 2004 to July 2005 and compared to the specialized literature. Each patient was thoroughly analyzed and the following variables were correlated: age at the triage, diagnosis, gestational age at birth, birth weight, etiology and gender. The results were significant for some variables: 46% (13) were aged 1 to 2 years at the triage; 14% (4) had a diagnosis of PIVH and 46% (13) of PVL; 32% (9) had gestational age of 24 to 26 weeks at birth; 36% (10) had birth weight of 2,000 to 3,000g; 30% (8) presented an etiology of sepsis and 75% (21) of the patients were males. Considering the data obtained, a multidisciplinary intervention is important to improve survival of these at-risk or impaired newborns through preventive actions, by providing adequate stimulation, averting further damage and allowing maximum development of the child’s potential.Este trabalho aborda em seu contexto, a incidência da hemorragia periventricular e intraventricular (HPIV) e mecanismos associados como leucomalácia periventricular (LPV) e hidrocefalia pós-hemorrágica (HPH) em recém-nascidos pré-termos. Os dados da pesquisa foram obtidos no Centro de Reabilitação Umarizal, no período de janeiro de 2004 a julho de 2005 e comparados com a bibliografia de vários autores que descreveram esta incidência. Cada paciente foi analisado, sendo correlacionadas as seguintes variáveis: idade quando realizada a triagem, diagnóstico, idade gestacional, peso ao nascimento, etiologia e sexo. Após o estudo, os resultados foram significativos em algumas variáveis: por ocasião da triagem 46% (13) com idade entre 1 e 2 anos; diagnóstico- HPIV 14% (4); LPV- 46% (13); idade gestacional de 24 a 26 semanas 32% (9); peso ao nascimento entre 2000 a 3000g 36% (10); etiologia 30% (8) com sépse; 75% (21) dos prontuários analisados eram de crianças do sexo masculino. Considerando os dados coletados, é imprescindível que haja a atuação multidisciplinar através de ações preventivas proporcionando uma maior sobrevida ao recém-nascido considerado de risco ou portador de deficiência, com a estimulação adequada prevenindo ou impedindo danos mais graves, possibilitando a criança desenvolver o máximo do seu potencial

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos del Cesar y la Guajira

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    El siguiente trabajo tiene como propósito o resultado de la compactación del conocimiento obtenido en el desarrollo del diplomado en Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, por lo cual estuvo acompañado de distintas actividades para la formación del psicólogo, donde se evalúa el previo conocimiento de forma reflexiva para la edificación del distinto contexto del conflicto armado, se analizaron varios hechos en la vida real con eventos psicosociales, desde el criterio profesional aportando de una manera específica y coherente para los relatos en los escenarios de víctimas. Para el inicio de esta actividad encontramos varias tareas a desarrollar, comenzando con la primera tarea que se realiza de manera individual donde cada participante tiene la oportunidad de escoger un relató diferente para la realización del abordaje del contexto seleccionado. Luego de esto se ejecutan las siguientes tareas que son colaborativa, se hace elección del caso de Carlos Arturo Bravo, que, a través de su historia real, nos da la oportunidad de conocer el acontecimiento doloroso que tuvo que enfrentar junto con su familia, después del caso se desarrollan las preguntas orientadoras que son de forma reflexivas para un acercamiento al caso. Otro caso que se relaciona con él trabajó es de Peñas Coloradas, se responde unos ítems y se desarrollan unas estrategias, buscando la calidad de vida de la comunidad y superación a la experiencia vivida por el conflicto armado. Por último, pueden observar el Informe analítico y reflexivo de la foto voz, acompañado sus conclusiones y link de la página Wix.The following work has as a purpose or result of the compaction of the knowledge obtained in the development of the diploma in Psychosocial Accompaniment in Violence Scenes, for which it was accompanied by different activities for the training of the psychologist, where the previous knowledge is evaluated in a reflexive way For the construction of the different context of the armed conflict, several facts in real life with psychosocial events were analyzed, from the professional criterion, contributing in a specific and coherent way to the stories in the victims' scenarios. For the beginning of this activity, we find several tasks to develop, starting with the first task that is carried out individually where each participant has the opportunity to choose a different story to carry out the approach to the selected context. After this, the following collaborative tasks are executed, the case of Carlos Arturo Bravo is chosen, which through his real story, gives us the opportunity to know the painful event that he had to face together with his family, after the case, guiding questions are developed that are reflective for an approach to the case. Another case that is related to his work is from Peñas Coloradas, answering some items and developing strategies, seeking the quality of life of the community and overcoming the experience of the armed conflict. Finally, you can see the analytical and reflective report of the photo voice, accompanied by its conclusions and link to the Wix page

    Current evidence for a modulation of low back pain by human genetic variants

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    The manifestation of chronic back pain depends on structural, psychosocial, occupational and genetic influences. Heritability estimates for back pain range from 30% to 45%. Genetic influences are caused by genes affecting intervertebral disc degeneration or the immune response and genes involved in pain perception, signalling and psychological processing. This inter-individual variability which is partly due to genetic differences would require an individualized pain management to prevent the transition from acute to chronic back pain or improve the outcome. The genetic profile may help to define patients at high risk for chronic pain. We summarize genetic factors that (i) impact on intervertebral disc stability, namely Collagen IX, COL9A3, COL11A1, COL11A2, COL1A1, aggrecan (AGAN), cartilage intermediate layer protein, vitamin D receptor, metalloproteinsase-3 (MMP3), MMP9, and thrombospondin-2, (ii) modify inflammation, namely interleukin-1 (IL-1) locus genes and IL-6 and (iii) and pain signalling namely guanine triphosphate (GTP) cyclohydrolase 1, catechol-O-methyltransferase, μ opioid receptor (OPMR1), melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), transient receptor potential channel A1 and fatty acid amide hydrolase and analgesic drug metabolism (cytochrome P450 [CYP]2D6, CYP2C9)

    Radix entomolaris: relato de caso clínico: Radix entomolaris: clinical case report

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    O sucesso do tratamento endodôntico depende de várias etapas, dentre elas, uma correta limpeza e modelagem do sistema de canais radiculares, onde o domínio da variabilidade anatômica representa um dos grandes desafios do endodontista. O Radix Entomolaris (RE) é uma alteração rara no número de raízes dos molares inferiores com localização disto-lingual. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso clínico de tratamento endodôntico de um terceiro molar inferior direito (48) com periodontite apical crônica portador de RE. Após a confirmação da variação anatômica atráves de radiografia periapical e tomografia computadorizada cone beam, o referido dente foi explorado com lima K-file #10 (Maillefer®), instrumentado com movimento reciprocante R25 (Reciproc®) utilizando como solução química auxiliar hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5% e obturado pela técnica de condensação lateral. É imprescindível o conhecimento morfológico do sistema de canais radiculares bem como suas variações, assim como, seguir todas as etapas do tratamento endodôntico de forma correta, desde a cirurgia de acesso para facilitar a visualização de um canal extra, bem como sua limpeza e modelagem para uma obturação satisfatória. Almejar o sucesso endodôntico, na presença do RE, requer conhecimento sobre sua anatomia, incidência, uma prévia avaliação clínica, bem como superar possíveis dificuldades encontradas durante o tratamento

    Facetas diretas ou indiretas qual técnica escolher / Direct or indirect facets which technique to choose

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    As facetas diretas e indiretas atualmente são técnicas consideradas importantes na reabilitação estética oral, com o intuito de melhorar o alinhamento e o padrão de beleza dos dentes, com a finalidade de devolver o sorriso do paciente. Ambas as técnicas restauradoras tem como principais características garantir a longevidade da restauração, restabelecer a forma e função sendo elas facetas diretas ou indiretas com a finalidade exclusiva de copiar as características do dente, como cor, translucidez e textura. Sobre essa perspectiva, a pesquisa teve como objetivo geral identificar na literatura, qual a técnica direta e indireta, analisando as indicações e contraindicações para identificar qual a melhor técnica a ser utilizada

    Manifestações orais associadas a distúrbios alimentares: Oral manifestations associated with eating disorders

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    Os transtornos alimentares possuem etiologia multifatorial, estando associados a fatores psicossociais. Dentre os principais transtornos alimentares destacam-se a Bulimia Nervosa (BN) e a Anorexia Nervosa (AN), a carência nutricional e a prática de regurgitação provocada, comum nos dois distúrbios, resultam em diversas alterações que acometem a cavidade bucal. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo geral, compreender quais são as principais manifestações orais que afetam os pacientes portadores de transtornos alimentares
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