4,900 research outputs found

    Isogeometric analysis of fluid-saturated porous media including flow in the cracks

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    An isogeometric model is developed for the analysis of fluid transport in pre-existing faults or cracks that are embedded in a fluid-saturated deformable porous medium. Flow of the interstitial fluid in the porous medium and fluid transport in the discontinuities are accounted for and are coupled. The modelling of a fluid-saturated porous medium in general requires the interpolation of the displacements of the solid to be one order higher than that of the pressure of the interstitial fluid. Using order elevation and Bézier projection, a consistent procedure has been developed to accomplish this in an isogeometric framework. Particular attention has also been given to the spatial integration along the isogeometric interface element in order to suppress traction oscillations that can arise for certain integration rules when a relatively high dummy stiffness is used in a poromechanical model. © 2016 The Authors. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    On the convergence of quadrature formulas connected with multipoint Padé-type approximants

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    29 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: 41A55, 41A21.MR#: MR1408352 (97e:41066)Zbl#: Zbl 0856.41027^aLet I(F)=11F(x)ω(x)dxI(F)= \int^1_{- 1} F(x)\omega(x) dx, where ω\omega is a complex valued integrable function. We consider quadrature formulas for I(F)I(F) which are exact with respect to rational functions with prescribed poles contained in \overline{\bbfC}\backslash [- 1, 1]. Their rate of convergence is studied.The research by the first three authors (P.G.-V., M.J.P., R.O.) was partially supported by the HCM project ROLLS, under Contract CHRX-CT93-0416. Research by the fourth author (G.L.L.) was carried out while on a visit at Universidad de La Laguna. This visit was made possible by a travel grant from CDE-IMU.Publicad

    Comparison between Suitable Priors for Additive Bayesian Networks

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    Additive Bayesian networks are types of graphical models that extend the usual Bayesian generalized linear model to multiple dependent variables through the factorisation of the joint probability distribution of the underlying variables. When fitting an ABN model, the choice of the prior of the parameters is of crucial importance. If an inadequate prior - like a too weakly informative one - is used, data separation and data sparsity lead to issues in the model selection process. In this work a simulation study between two weakly and a strongly informative priors is presented. As weakly informative prior we use a zero mean Gaussian prior with a large variance, currently implemented in the R-package abn. The second prior belongs to the Student's t-distribution, specifically designed for logistic regressions and, finally, the strongly informative prior is again Gaussian with mean equal to true parameter value and a small variance. We compare the impact of these priors on the accuracy of the learned additive Bayesian network in function of different parameters. We create a simulation study to illustrate Lindley's paradox based on the prior choice. We then conclude by highlighting the good performance of the informative Student's t-prior and the limited impact of the Lindley's paradox. Finally, suggestions for further developments are provided.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Ocean acidification increases copper toxicity differentially in two key marine invertebrates with distinct acid-base responses.

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    Published onlineJournal ArticleOcean acidification (OA) is expected to indirectly impact biota living in contaminated coastal environments by altering the bioavailability and potentially toxicity of many pH-sensitive metals. Here, we show that OA (pH 7.71; pCO2 1480 μatm) significantly increases the toxicity responses to a global coastal contaminant (copper ~0.1 μM) in two keystone benthic species; mussels (Mytilus edulis) and purple sea urchins (Paracentrotus lividus). Mussels showed an extracellular acidosis in response to OA and copper individually which was enhanced during combined exposure. In contrast, urchins maintained extracellular fluid pH under OA by accumulating bicarbonate but exhibited a slight alkalosis in response to copper either alone or with OA. Importantly, copper-induced damage to DNA and lipids was significantly greater under OA compared to control conditions (pH 8.14; pCO2 470 μatm) for both species. However, this increase in DNA-damage was four times lower in urchins than mussels, suggesting that internal acid-base regulation in urchins may substantially moderate the magnitude of this OA-induced copper toxicity effect. Thus, changes in metal toxicity under OA may not purely be driven by metal speciation in seawater and may be far more diverse than either single-stressor or single-species studies indicate. This has important implications for future environmental management strategies.CL was supported by a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) UK Fellowship: NE/G014728/1. CL, RE and RW were supported by a UK-OARP NERC consortium grant NE/H017496/1. SN was supported by a Cefas-Exeter funded studentship. Thanks to Jan Shears, Darren Rowe and John Dowdle for their excellent technical support. The determination of total copper in the seawater media was undertaken by Dr. A. Fisher of the Analytical Research Facility, SoGEES, Plymouth University under ISO 9001:2008 certification. The authors would like to thank John Spicer for his insightful comments on the manuscript

    V<sub>H</sub> replacement in rearranged immunoglobulin genes

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    Examples suggesting that all or part of the V&lt;sub&gt;H&lt;/sub&gt; segment of a rearranged V&lt;sub&gt;H&lt;/sub&gt;DJ&lt;sub&gt;H&lt;/sub&gt; may be replaced by all or part of another V&lt;sub&gt;H&lt;/sub&gt; have been appearing since the 1980s. Evidence has been presented of two rather different types of replacement. One of these has gained acceptance and has now been clearly demonstrated to occur. The other, proposed more recently, has not yet gained general acceptance because the same effect can be produced by polymerase chain reaction artefact. We review both types of replacement including a critical examination of evidence for the latter. The first type involves RAG proteins and recombination signal sequences (RSS) and occurs in immature B cells. The second was also thought to be brought about by RAG proteins and RSS. However, it has been reported in hypermutating cells which are not thought to express RAG proteins but in which activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) has recently been shown to initiate homologous recombination. Re-examination of the published sequences reveals AID target sites in V&lt;sub&gt;H&lt;/sub&gt;-V&lt;sub&gt;H&lt;/sub&gt; junction regions and examples that resemble gene conversion

    Analysis of coupled heat and moisture transfer in masonry structures

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    Evaluation of effective or macroscopic coefficients of thermal conductivity under coupled heat and moisture transfer is presented. The paper first gives a detailed summary on the solution of a simple steady state heat conduction problem with an emphasis on various types of boundary conditions applied to the representative volume element -- a periodic unit cell. Since the results essentially suggest no superiority of any type of boundary conditions, the paper proceeds with the coupled nonlinear heat and moisture problem subjecting the selected representative volume element to the prescribed macroscopically uniform heat flux. This allows for a direct use of the academic or commercially available codes. Here, the presented results are derived with the help of the SIFEL (SIimple Finite Elements) system.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Psychological type and prayer preferences: a study among Anglican clergy in the United Kingdom

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    This study applies the framework of Jungian psychological type theory to define eight aspects of prayer preference, namely: introverted prayer, extraverted prayer, sensing prayer, intuitive prayer, feeling prayer, thinking prayer, judging prayer, and perceiving prayer. On the basis of data provided by 1,476 newly ordained Anglican clergy from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, eight 7-item scales were developed to access these aspects of prayer preferences. Significant correlations were found between each prayer preference and the relevant aspect of psychological type accessed by the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. These data support the theory that psychological type influences the way in which people pray

    Paw Morphology in the Domestic Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) and Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus).

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    Mammals have adapted to different habitats, food types and modes of locomotion, which are reflected in a diverse range of paw morphologies. While the behaviour of rats and guinea pigs is well-defined, especially in terms of their locomotor and foraging behaviours, the anatomy of their foot pads has not yet been explored and compared. This study investigated adaptations in paw morphology in the domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) and the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus). We predicted that rat paws would display adaptations associated with paw dexterity for handling prey items and climbing; whereas guinea pig paws would support mechanical pressure absorption for a herbivorous, sedentary and terrestrial lifestyle. Using histology techniques and scanning electron microscope, we show that rat paws have many small, deformable pads that are relatively spaced out to enable movement. The pads are clustered towards the anterior of the foot, which coincides with where the most force occurs during locomotion, as rats walk on their toes and towards the front of their paw. Guinea pigs had fewer and larger pads and the posterior pad of the forepaw was textured and contained cartilage, which may act to reduce friction and compression during standing and locomotion. We suggest that differences in paw morphology in rat and guinea pig are associated with loading during locomotion as well as paw mobility. Examining paw morphology and movement abilities in more species will give further insights in to the evolution of locomotor adaptations and paw dexterity in rodents. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved