646 research outputs found

    Evidence for Altered Basal Ganglia-Brainstem Connections in Cervical Dystonia

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    Background: There has been increasing interest in the interaction of the basal ganglia with the cerebellum and the brainstem in motor control and movement disorders. In addition, it has been suggested that these subcortical connections with the basal ganglia may help to coordinate a network of regions involved in mediating posture and stabilization. While studies in animal models support a role for this circuitry in the pathophysiology of the movement disorder dystonia, thus far, there is only indirect evidence for this in humans with dystonia. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the current study we investigated probabilistic diffusion tractography in DYT1-negative patients with cervical dystonia and matched healthy control subjects, with the goal of showing that patients exhibit altered microstructure in the connectivity between the pallidum and brainstem. The brainstem regions investigated included nuclei that are known to exhibit strong connections with the cerebellum. We observed large clusters of tractography differences in patients relative to healthy controls, between the pallidum and the brainstem. Tractography was decreased in the left hemisphere and increased in the right hemisphere in patients, suggesting a potential basis for the left/right white matter asymmetry we previously observed in focal dystonia patients. Conclusions/Significance: These findings support the hypothesis that connections between the basal ganglia and brainstem play a role in the pathophysiology of dystonia

    Evaluation of commercial systems VITEK 2 and API 20NE for identification of Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteria from clinical samples

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    Las especies del complejo Burkholderia cepacia (CBC) son capaces de causar infecciones crónicas del tracto respiratorio en pacientes con fibrosis quística y en otros individuos inmunocomprometidos. La mayoría de estas especies exhiben alta resistencia a la terapia antibiótica, lo que genera la necesidad de una detección rápida y precisa para poder implementar estrategias de control adecuadas. En este trabajo se utilizó la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) para amplificar el gen recA (PCR-recA), con el fin de identificar microorganismos pertenecientes al CBC. Con este método molecular como referencia, se evaluó la sensibilidad (S) y la especificidad (E) de dos sistemas de identificación comerciales automatizados, VITEK 2 y API 20NE (bioMérieux®), así como también el valor de las pruebas bioquímicas manuales más representativas para la identificación de estos microorganismos. El método VITEK 2 presentó una S del 71,1 % y una E del 100 %; para el método API 20NE, estos valores fueron 69,7 % y 90,2 %, respectivamente. En cuanto a las pruebas fenotípicas manuales, los resultados obtenidos fueron más heterogéneos, lo que posiblemente se deba a que estas bacterias podrían sufrir presión selectiva para sobrevivir en pacientes crónicos y perder factores fenotípicos característicos. La técnica de PCR-recA resultó de fácil implementación, por lo que cabe considerar a esta técnica de identificación como una opción viable, aun en laboratorios de diagnóstico clínico de mediana complejidad.Species belonging to the Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC) are capable of causing chronic respiratory tract infections in patients suffering from cystic fibrosis as wel as in immunocompromised individuals. Most of these species are highly resistant to antibiotic therapy, generating the need for their rapid and accurate detection for the proper treatment and clinical management of these patients. In this wok, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique based on the amplification of the recA gene (PCR-recA) was applied for an accurate identification of bacteria belonging to the BCC. Sensitivity (S) and specificity (E) of two biochemically-based commercial automated systems, API 20NE and VITEK 2 (bioMerieux ® ), and of the most representative biochemical manual tests for the identification of the Burkholderia cepacia complex were herein evaluated. The commercial systems VITEK 2 and API 20NE showed the following sensitivity and specificity vaues for identification to the species level, S: 71.1 %, E: 100 %, S: 69.7 %, E: 90.2 %, respectively. More complex results were observed for phenotypic manual tests, since BCC bacteria can undergo selective pressure to survive in chronic patients causing the loss of their typical phenotypic characteristics. The PCR-recA technique was easy to implement even in medium - complexity clinical diagnostic laboratories.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriale

    Personalization for unobtrusive service interaction

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    Increasingly, mobile devices play a key role in the communication between users and the services embedded in their environment. With ever greater number of services added to our surroundings, there is a need to personalize services according to the user needs and environmental context avoiding service behavior from becoming overwhelming. In order to prevent this information overload, we present a method for the development of mobile services that can be personalized in terms of obtrusiveness (the degree in which each service intrudes the user's mind) according to the user needs and preferences. That is, services can be developed to provide their functionality at different obtrusiveness levels depending on the user by minimizing the duplication of efforts. On the one hand, we provide mechanisms for describing the obtrusiveness degree required for a service. On the other hand, we make use of Feature Modeling techniques in order to define the obtrusiveness level adaptation in a declarative manner. An experiment was conducted in order to put in practice the proposal and evaluate the user acceptance for the personalization capabilities provided by our approach. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011.This work has been developed with the support of MICINN under the project EVERYWARE TIN2010-18011 and co-financed with ERDF, in the grants program FPU.Gil Pascual, M.; Giner Blasco, P.; Pelechano Ferragud, V. (2012). Personalization for unobtrusive service interaction. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 16(5):543-561. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-011-0414-0S543561165Abrams M, Phanouriou C, Batongbacal AL, Williams SM, Shuster JE (1999) Uiml: an appliance-independent xml user interface language. In: WWW ’99. Elsevier, North-Holland, pp 1695–1708Ballagas R, Borchers J, Rohs M, Sheridan JG (2006) The smart phone: a ubiquitous input device. 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New Riders Press, USACalvary G, Coutaz J, Thevenin D, Limbourg Q, Bouillon L, Vanderdonckt J (2003) A unifying reference framework for multi-target user interfaces. Interact Comput 15(3):289–308Cetina C, Giner P, Fons J, Pelechano V (2009) Autonomic computing through reuse of variability models at runtime: the case of smart homes. Computer 42(10):37–43Chatfield C, Carmichael D, Hexel R, Kay J, Kummerfeld B (2005) Personalisation in intelligent environments: managing the information flow. In: OZCHI ’05. Computer-human interaction special interest group of Australia, pp 1–10Clerckx T, Winters F, Coninx K (2005) Tool support for designing context-sensitive user interfaces using a model-based approach. In: TAMODIA ’05: Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Task models and diagrams. ACM Press, New York, pp 11–18Czarnecki K, Helsen S, Eisenecker U (2004) Staged configuration using feature models. 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    Four antenatal care visits by four months of pregnancy and four vital tests for pregnant mothers: impact of a community-facility health systems strengthening intervention in Migori County, Kenya.

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    BackgroundEarly attendance at antenatal care (ANC), coupled with good-quality care, is essential for improving maternal and child health outcomes. However, achieving these outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa remains a challenge. This study examines the effects of a community-facility health system strengthening model (known as 4byFour) on early ANC attendance, testing for four conditions by four months of pregnancy, and four ANC clinic visits in Migori county, western Kenya.MethodsWe conducted a mixed methods quasi-experimental study with a before-after interventional design to assess the impact of the 4byFour model on ANC attendance. Data were collected between August 2019 and December 2020 from two ANC hospitals. Using quantitative data obtained from facility ANC registers, we analysed 707 baseline and 894 endline unique ANC numbers (attendances) based on negative binomial regression. Logistic regression models were used to determine the impact of patient factors on outcomes with Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and likelihood ratio testing used to compare models. Regular facility stock checks were undertaken at the study sites to assess the availability of ANC profile tests. Analysis of the quantitative data was conducted in R v4.1.1 software. Additionally, qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 37 purposively sampled participants, including pregnant mothers, community health volunteers, facility staff, and senior county health officials to explore outcomes of the intervention. The interview data were audio-recorded, transcribed, and coded; and thematic analysis was conducted in NVivo.ResultsThere was a significant 26% increase in overall ANC uptake in both facilities following the intervention. Early ANC attendance improved for all age groups, including adolescents, from 22% (baseline) to 33% (endline, p = 0.002). Logistic regression models predicting early booking were a better fit to data when patient factors were included (age, parity, and distance to clinic, p = 0.004 on likelihood ratio testing), suggesting that patient factors were associated with early booking.The proportion of women receiving all four tests by four months increased to 3% (27/894), with haemoglobin and malaria testing rates rising to 8% and 4%, respectively. Despite statistical significance (p ConclusionThe 4byFour model of community-facility health system strengthening has the potential to improve early uptake of ANC and testing in pregnancy. Sustained improvement in ANC attendance requires concerted efforts to improve care quality, consistent availability of ANC commodities, understand motivating factors, and addressing barriers to ANC. Research involving randomised control trials is needed to strengthen the evidence on the model's effectiveness and inform potential scale up

    A critical realist evaluation of a music therapy intervention in palliative care

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    BACKGROUND: Music therapy is increasingly used as an adjunct therapy to support symptom management in palliative care. However, studies to date have paid little attention to the processes that lead to changes in patient outcomes. To fill this gap, we examined the processes and experiences involved in the introduction of music therapy as an adjunct complementary therapy to palliative care in a hospice setting in the United Kingdom (UK). METHODS: Using a realistic evaluation approach, we conducted a qualitative study using a variety of approaches. These consisted of open text answers from patients (n = 16) on how music therapy helped meet their needs within one hospice in Northern Ireland, UK. We also conducted three focus groups with a range of palliative care practitioners (seven physicians, seven nursing staff, two social workers and three allied health professionals) to help understand their perspectives on music therapy's impact on their work setting, and what influences its successful implementation. This was supplemented with an interview with the music therapist delivering the intervention. RESULTS: Music therapy contains multiple mechanisms that can provide physical, psychological, emotional, expressive, existential and social support. There is also evidence that the hospice context, animated by a holistic approach to healthcare, is an important facilitator of the effects of music therapy. Examination of patients' responses helped identify specific benefits for different types of patients. CONCLUSIONS: There is a synergy between the therapeutic aims of music therapy and those of palliative care, which appealed to a significant proportion of participants, who perceived it as effective

    Antibodies against endogenous retroviruses promote lung cancer immunotherapy

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    B cells are frequently found in the margins of solid tumours as organized follicles in ectopic lymphoid organs called tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS)1,2^{1,2}. Although TLS have been found to correlate with improved patient survival and response to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB), the underlying mechanisms of this association remain elusive1,2^{1,2}. Here we investigate lung-resident B cell responses in patients from the TRACERx 421 (Tracking Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Evolution Through Therapy) and other lung cancer cohorts, and in a recently established immunogenic mouse model for lung adenocarcinoma3^{3}. We find that both human and mouse lung adenocarcinomas elicit local germinal centre responses and tumour-binding antibodies, and further identify endogenous retrovirus (ERV) envelope glycoproteins as a dominant anti-tumour antibody target. ERV-targeting B cell responses are amplified by ICB in both humans and mice, and by targeted inhibition of KRAS(G12C) in the mouse model. ERV-reactive antibodies exert anti-tumour activity that extends survival in the mouse model, and ERV expression predicts the outcome of ICB in human lung adenocarcinoma. Finally, we find that effective immunotherapy in the mouse model requires CXCL13-dependent TLS formation. Conversely, therapeutic CXCL13 treatment potentiates anti-tumour immunity and synergizes with ICB. Our findings provide a possible mechanistic basis for the association of TLS with immunotherapy response

    Genomic attributes of airway commensal bacteria and mucosa

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    Microbial communities at the airway mucosal barrier are conserved and highly ordered, in likelihood reflecting co-evolution with human host factors. Freed of selection to digest nutrients, the airway microbiome underpins cognate management of mucosal immunity and pathogen resistance. We show here the initial results of systematic culture and whole-genome sequencing of the thoracic airway bacteria, identifying 52 novel species amongst 126 organisms that constitute 75% of commensals typically present in heathy individuals. Clinically relevant genes encode antimicrobial synthesis, adhesion and biofilm formation, immune modulation, iron utilisation, nitrous oxide (NO) metabolism and sphingolipid signalling. Using whole-genome content we identify dysbiotic features that may influence asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We match isolate gene content to transcripts and metabolites expressed late in airway epithelial differentiation, identifying pathways to sustain host interactions with microbiota. Our results provide a systematic basis for decrypting interactions between commensals, pathogens, and mucosa in lung diseases of global significance

    Autonomous vehicle interactions in the urban street environment: A research agenda

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    © ICE Publishing 2018. All rights reserved. The Venturer project is trialling an autonomous vehicle (AV) in the context of use on urban roads. This paper summarises a literature review undertaken to assist in developing a research agenda for the trialling. The first contribution of the paper is a framework of four use scenarios for AVs as follows: (1) fully segregated AV network, (2) motorway or expressway network, (3) typical urban network, (4) shared space. The paper then focuses on a review of the social interactions in the street environment and discusses issues concerning human behaviour in relation to autonomy. The second contribution of the paper is a set of research questions for AV trialling in relation to other road users, including, pedestrians and cyclists, which have emerged from the literature review.

    Quantum Computing for High-Energy Physics: State of the Art and Challenges. Summary of the QC4HEP Working Group

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    Quantum computers offer an intriguing path for a paradigmatic change of computing in the natural sciences and beyond, with the potential for achieving a so-called quantum advantage, namely a significant (in some cases exponential) speed-up of numerical simulations. The rapid development of hardware devices with various realizations of qubits enables the execution of small scale but representative applications on quantum computers. In particular, the high-energy physics community plays a pivotal role in accessing the power of quantum computing, since the field is a driving source for challenging computational problems. This concerns, on the theoretical side, the exploration of models which are very hard or even impossible to address with classical techniques and, on the experimental side, the enormous data challenge of newly emerging experiments, such as the upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider. In this roadmap paper, led by CERN, DESY and IBM, we provide the status of high-energy physics quantum computations and give examples for theoretical and experimental target benchmark applications, which can be addressed in the near future. Having the IBM 100 x 100 challenge in mind, where possible, we also provide resource estimates for the examples given using error mitigated quantum computing

    The 2023 terahertz science and technology roadmap

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    Terahertz (THz) radiation encompasses a wide spectral range within the electromagnetic spectrum that extends from microwaves to the far infrared (100 GHz-∼30 THz). Within its frequency boundaries exist a broad variety of scientific disciplines that have presented, and continue to present, technical challenges to researchers. During the past 50 years, for instance, the demands of the scientific community have substantially evolved and with a need for advanced instrumentation to support radio astronomy, Earth observation, weather forecasting, security imaging, telecommunications, non-destructive device testing and much more. Furthermore, applications have required an emergence of technology from the laboratory environment to production-scale supply and in-the-field deployments ranging from harsh ground-based locations to deep space. In addressing these requirements, the research and development community has advanced related technology and bridged the transition between electronics and photonics that high frequency operation demands. The multidisciplinary nature of THz work was our stimulus for creating the 2017 THz Science and Technology Roadmap (Dhillon et al 2017 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 043001). As one might envisage, though, there remains much to explore both scientifically and technically and the field has continued to develop and expand rapidly. It is timely, therefore, to revise our previous roadmap and in this 2023 version we both provide an update on key developments in established technical areas that have important scientific and public benefit, and highlight new and emerging areas that show particular promise. The developments that we describe thus span from fundamental scientific research, such as THz astronomy and the emergent area of THz quantum optics, to highly applied and commercially and societally impactful subjects that include 6G THz communications, medical imaging, and climate monitoring and prediction. Our Roadmap vision draws upon the expertise and perspective of multiple international specialists that together provide an overview of past developments and the likely challenges facing the field of THz science and technology in future decades. The document is written in a form that is accessible to policy makers who wish to gain an overview of the current state of the THz art, and for the non-specialist and curious who wish to understand available technology and challenges. A such, our experts deliver a ‘snapshot’ introduction to the current status of the field and provide suggestions for exciting future technical development directions. Ultimately, we intend the Roadmap to portray the advantages and benefits of the THz domain and to stimulate further exploration of the field in support of scientific research and commercial realisation