7,333 research outputs found

    Preliminary Investigation of Cyclic De-Icing of an Airfoil Using an External Electric Heater

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    An investigation was conducted in the NACA Lewis icing research tunnel to determine the characteristics and requirements of cyclic deicing of a 65,2-216 airfoil by use of an external electric heater. The present investigation was limited to an airspeed of 175 miles per hour. Data are presented to show the effects of variations in heat-on and heat-off periods, ambient air temperature, liquid-water content, angle of attack, and. heating distribution on the requirements for cyclic deicing. The external heat flow at various icing and heating conditions is also presented. A continuously heated parting strip at the airfoil leading edge was found necessary for quick, complete, and consistent ice removal. The cyclic power requirements were found to be primarily a function of the datum temperature and heat-on time, with the other operating and meteorological variables having a second-order effect. Short heat-on periods and high power densities resulted in the most efficient ice removal, the minimum energy input, and the minimum runback ice formations. The optimum chordwise heating distribution pattern was found to consist of a uniform distribution of cycled power density in the impingement region. Downstream of the impingement region the power density decreased to the limits of heating which, for the conditions investigated, extended from 5.7 percent chord on the upper surface of the airfoil to 8.9 percent chord on the lower surface. Ice removal did not take place at a heater surface temperature of 32 F; surface temperatures of approximately 50 to 100 F were required to effect removal. Better de-icing performance and greater energy savings would be possible with a heater having a higher thermal efficiency

    Selecting Windows

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    Covers double-hung, horizontal sliding, casement, awning, jalousie, top-hinged, and fixed windows. Includes patio doors and skylights

    Conditions for superiority of integration rules of the second kind

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    Circular avoiding sequences with prescribed sum

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    AbstractFor given positive integers x, n, and s an x-avoiding circular sequence (of positive integers) of length n and sum s has no set of consecutive terms summing to x, even if wraparound is allowed. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of such a sequence is obtained. An effective method to construct avoiding sequences is given. For the cases of most interest the number of avoiding sequences is found

    Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics versus turbulence – I. Which is the dominant process in protostellar disc formation?

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    Funding: European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013 grant agreement no. 339248); University of St Andrews (JW). National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through grant NN17AK90G and from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grants no 1517488 and PHY-1748958 (BTL).Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is the dominant process. We investigate the effect of magnetic fields (ideal and non-ideal) and turbulence (sub- and transsonic) on the formation of circumstellar discs that form nearly simultaneously with the formation of the protostar. This is done by modelling the gravitational collapse of a 1 M☉ gas cloud that is threaded with a magnetic field and imposed with both rotational and turbulent velocities. We investigate magnetic fields that are parallel/antiparallel and perpendicular to the rotation axis, two rotation rates, and four Mach numbers. Disc formation occurs preferentially in the models that include non-ideal MHD where the magnetic field is antiparallel or perpendicular to the rotation axis. This is independent of the initial rotation rate and level of turbulence, suggesting that subsonic turbulence plays a minimal role in influencing the formation of discs. Aside from first core outflows that are influenced by the initial level of turbulence, non-ideal MHD processes are more important than turbulent processes during the formation of discs around low-mass stars.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Role of Mentors/Advisors in the Doctoral Training of African American Students at Predominately White Universities: Implications for Doctoral Training

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship and the importance of connecting the African American doctoral students and their advisors in the mentor roles. More specifically, this study brings to the forefront the importance as well as the impact of mentors/advisors and their roles in facilitating academic success for African American doctoral students. Many African American doctoral students are typically misunderstood and misdirected in the types of support that they may need to succeed in graduate school (Gallien & Peterson, 2005). Mentors/advisors and the roles that they have are essential to the success of African American doctoral students. The support structures surrounding the mentor/advisor relationship in this research are essential to how it relates to the needs of the African American doctoral student on a predominately White campus. Given the findings, recommendations are provided for future research and for administrators at predominately White Institutions

    Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics versus turbulence II : which is the dominant process in stellar core formation?

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    Funding: JW acknowledges support from the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013 grant agreement no. 339248), and from the University of St Andrews. BTL acknowledges the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through grant NN17AK90G and from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grants no. 1517488 and PHY-1748958.Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is the dominant process. We investigate the effect of magnetic fields (ideal and non-ideal) and turbulence (sub- and transsonic) on the formation of protostars by following the gravitational collapse of 1 M☉ gas clouds through the first hydrostatic core to stellar densities. The clouds are imposed with both rotational and turbulent velocities, and are threaded with a magnetic field that is parallel/antiparallel or perpendicular to the rotation axis; we investigate two rotation rates and four Mach numbers. The initial radius and mass of the stellar core are only weakly dependent on the initial parameters. In the models that include ideal MHD, the magnetic field strength implanted in the protostar at birth is much higher than observed, independent of the initial level of turbulence; only non-ideal MHD can reduce this strength to near or below the observed levels. This suggests that not only is ideal MHD an incomplete picture of star formation, but that the magnetic fields in low mass stars are implanted later in life by a dynamo process. Non-ideal MHD suppresses magnetically launched stellar core outflows, but turbulence permits thermally launched outflows to form a few years after stellar core formation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A comparison of wetland characteristics between Agricultural Conservation Easement Program and public lands wetlands in West Virginia, USA

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    In West Virginia, USA, there are 24 conservation easement program wetlands enrolled in the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). These wetlands are located on private agricultural land and are passively managed. Due to their location within fragmented agricultural areas, wetlands enrolled in ACEP in West Virginia have the potential to add wetland ecosystem services in areas that are lacking these features. We evaluated ACEP wetlands compared to reference wetlands on public land in West Virginia by using surrounding land cover, vegetative cover, and wetland features and stressors such as the presence or absence of erosion, upland inclusion, algal mats, and evidence of impacts from the surrounding landscape as surrogate measurements of wetland function on 13 ACEP wetlands and 10 reference wetlands. ACEP wetlands had higher percentages of tree coverage and a higher proportion of agricultural land in the areas immediately surrounding the wetland. Reference wetlands had higher percent coverage of emergent vegetation and had a higher proportion of forest in the immediate landscape. Our findings suggest that ACEP wetlands provide valuable early successional and forested wetland cover in a state that is largely forested. Because of this, it is important to maintain and even expand ACEP in West Virginia to continue providing a valuable source of early successional wetland habitat

    Influence of the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program wetland practices on winter occupancy of Passerellidae sparrows and avian species richness

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    Wetlands enrolled in the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) are established as a means of restoring wetland ecosystems and wildlife habitat on private, agricultural land. In West Virginia, USA, ACEP wetlands have never been evaluated to determine how they function as wildlife habitat in comparison to other available wetland habitat in the state. We measured the wintering occupancy of Passerellidae species and apparent avian species richness on ACEP wetlands and a set of reference wetlands located on public land in West Virginia to evaluate if ACEP wetlands are being used similarly by avian species to other available wetland habitat in the state. Apparent avian species richness and the occupancy probability of four Passerellidae species—song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis), swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana), and white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis)—did not differ between ACEP and reference sites. In addition to other vegetative and habitat associations for each species, dark-eyed junco occupancy was negatively correlated with wetland size while swamp sparrow occupancy and apparent avian species richness were positively associated with wetland size. These results indicate that ACEP wetlands are providing winter avian habitat as well as another source of wetland habitat in the state. Maintaining and expanding ACEP wetlands in West Virginia would continue to provide wetland systems in areas that are otherwise lacking these habitats
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