185 research outputs found

    Transformational leadership: A quasi-experimental study

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to report a field-based quasi-experimental study designed to examine the effectiveness of a transformational leadership intervention in remediating poor performance. The intervention was conducted on elements of the organization that senior management perceived as being low performing. Design/methodology/approach - A quasi-experimental pre-test post-design was employed to evaluate the effectiveness of the transformational leadership intervention. Pre-test data were collected four months prior to the intervention starting and the post-test data were collected eight months after the intervention had started. Follower perceptions of their leader's behavior and group cohesion, together with training outcome data were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. Findings - Results revealed that from pre-test to post-test changes in perceptions of leadership, group cohesion, and training outcome indicated that the intervention had beneficial effects. These beneficial effects were evidenced in one of two ways: desirable behaviors increased in the experimental group from pre-test to post-test while they remained the same or were decreased in the control group; or desirable behaviors remained the same in the experimental group while they decreased in the control group. Originality/value - The current study is the first to utilize a quasi-experimental organization wide design to examine the efficacy of a transformational leadership intervention. Furthermore, the current study provides evidence that transformational leadership can buffer negative environmental effects

    The Role of Athlete Narcissism in Moderating the Relationship Between Coaches’ Transformational Leader Behaviors and Athlete Motivation

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    Leadership research that examines follower characteristics as a potential moderator of leadership effectiveness is lacking. Within Bass’s (1985) transformational lead­ership framework, we examined follower narcissism as a moderator of the coach behavior–coach effectiveness relationship. Youth athletes (male = 103, female = 106) from the Singapore Sports Academy (mean age = 14.28, SD = 1.40 years) completed the Differentiated Transformational Leadership Inventory (Callow, Smith, Hardy, Arthur, & Hardy, 2009), the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (Raskin & Terry, 1988), and indices of follower effort. Multilevel analyses revealed that athlete narcissism moderated the relationship between fostering acceptance of group goals and athlete effort and between high performance expectations and athlete effort. All the other transformational leader behaviors demonstrated main effects on follower effort, except for inspirational motivatio

    "The Tough Get Tougher": Mental Skills Training With Elite Military Recruits

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    Mental toughness has been shown to have relevance in a wide range of performance-related fields where distractions, anxiety, and fear are common challenges; however, there remains a dearth of research in the military where the construct has obvious utility. A quasi-experimental trial with treatment (n = 83) and control (n = 90) conditions examined the impact of a psychological skills intervention on observer-rated mental toughness and performance in an elite military context. The results revealed significant differences in the treatment group between pre- and postintervention in the use of psychological skills and observer-rated mental toughness. Furthermore, during the selection course, significant differences were evidenced between the treatment and control groups in the use of relaxation and imagery and individual performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved

    Leadership in Sport Organizations

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    First paragraph: The ability to lead, inspire and motivate people is an important human characteristic. Indeed, it has been suggested that leadership is vital for effective organizational and societal functioning (Antonakis, Cianciolo, & Sternberg, 2004), with great or poor organizational, military, or sport performances frequently credited to great leadership or lack thereof. Therefore, it is not surprising that leadership has become one of the most studied topics within the social sciences (Antonakis et al., 2004). Leadership has been studied from a number of different perspectives (e.g., trait, behavioural, contingency, relational, skeptic, information-processing based approaches) which has resulted in a large number of different theories and models of leadership. Indeed, as long ago as 1971, Fiedler (1971) stated that, “there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are theories of leadership - and there almost as many theories of leadership as there are psychologists working in the field” (p. 1)

    Factors Influencing Physical Risk Taking in Rock Climbing

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    This study was designed to investigate factors influencing physical risk taking in the sport of rock climbing. Specifically, the relationships between physical risk taking, sensation seeking, spheres of control, and desirability of control were examined. One hundred five rock climbers from the United States completed a series of surveys measuring each of the above-mentioned psychological variables. As predicted, physical risk taking demonstrated significant positive relationships to both total sensation seeking and thrill/adventure seeking (TAS). The expected relationships between physical risk taking, personal control and desirability of control were not supported. As hypothesized, no substantive patterns were revealed between physical risk taking and interpersonal control or sociopolitical control. Finally, comparisons between high and low physical risk taking rock climbers revealed significant group differences for total sensation seeking, TAS, and disinhibition. The identification of predictors of physical risk taking is a key step toward identifying individuals likely to engage in high physical risk behavior, and under what circumstances they are likely to do so

    Interactive Effects of Different Visual Imagery Perspectives and Narcissism on Motor Performance

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    Two studies examined the interactive effects of different visual imagery perspectives and narcissism on motor performance. In both studies participants completed the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-40: Raskin & Hall, 1979) and were assigned to either an internal visual imagery or external visual imagery group. Participants then performed a motor task (dart throwing in Study 1 and golf putting in Study 2) under conditions of practice, low self-enhancement, and high self-enhancement. Following completion of the respective tasks, participants were categorized into high and low narcissistic groups based on their NPI-40 scores. In both studies, high narcissists using external visual imagery significantly improved performance from the low to the high self-enhancement condition, whereas high narcissists using internal visual imagery did not. Low narcissists remained relatively constant in performance across self-enhancement conditions, regardless of perspective. The results highlight the importance of considering personality characteristics when examining the effects of visual imagery perspectives on performance

    The Role of Optimism and Psychosocial Factors in Athletes Recovery from ACL Injury: A Longitudinal Study

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    Despite a growing interest into the role of psychosocial factors during the recovery period following sports injuries, there remains a paucity of longitudinal studies examining the indirect relationships between psychosocial factors, psychological responses, and recovery outcomes. The purpose of this study was to construct and test a conceptual model which examined the indirect relationships between psychosocial factors, rehabilitation adherence, and perceived knee function up to 12 months post anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery. A prospective, longitudinal, and repeated measures design was employed, wherein 81 injured athletes (Mage 26.89, SD = 7.52) completed measures of psychosocial factors, rehabilitation adherence, and perceived knee function on seven occasions (pre-surgery to 1 year post-surgery). Bayesian structural equation modeling evaluated the hypothesized indirect relationships proposed within the conceptual model. The main findings from this study was empirical support for a time-ordered, conceptual model which demonstrated that pre-surgery optimism had a significant overall indirect effect on perceived knee function at 12 months post-surgery (sum of indirect; αβ = .08, post. SD = .05, CI [.01, .04]), as well as a specific indirect effect through secondary appraisal at 1 month post-surgery, efficacy at 2 months post-surgery, and rehabilitation adherence at 6 months post-surgery (αβ = .03, post. SD = .03, CI [.00, .10]). Collectively, this study provides support for a number of previously hypothesized, but not empirically examined, indirect relationships between psychosocial factors and recovery outcomes. In doing so, we provide a conceptual model which has the potential to help guide individualised treatment recommendations, as well as identify individuals at risk of compromised recovery outcomes following ACL surgery

    The Structural Validity of the IKDC and its Relationship with Quality of Life Following ACL Reconstruction

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to (1) examine the structural validity of the International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Form (IKDC) in light of previously reported dimensionality issues, and (2) examine the relationships between the IKDC and patients’ knee-related quality of life 2-9 years after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Methods: A prospective research design was employed, wherein 319 patients (mean age = 29.07, SD = 9.03) completed the IKDC before surgery, 191 patients (mean age = 29.71, SD = 9.36) completed the IKDC at 6 months post-surgery, and 132 patients (mean age = 34.34, SD = 7.89) completed the IKDC and the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Quality of Life Survey (ACL-QOL) at 2-9 years post-surgery. Results: Bayesian structural equation modeling analysis confirmed the two-factor structure (symptom & knee articulation and activity level) represented the most accurate conceptualisation of perceived knee function across the three time points. Moreover, findings revealed that of the two IKDC subscales preoperatively, ‘activity level’ was most strongly associated with long-term quality of life at 2-9 years following surgery, whereas 2-9 years postoperatively, ‘symptoms and knee articulation’ was most strongly associated with long-term quality of life. Conclusions: The IKDC provides clinicians with a convenient total score to assess patients’ perceived knee function, but its unidimensional factor structure is a poor representation of its items and fails to detect discrepancies in patients’ post-operative quality of life, such as the relative importance of perceived knee activity level before reconstructive surgery

    Realising the Olympic dream: vision, support and challenge

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    The sporting arena is replete with examples and anecdotes of great inspirational coaches that have led teams to success, often in the face of adversity and against seemingly better opponents. The role of the coach in developing and motivating athletes has also been the focus of much research in sport psychology (e.g., Challaduria 1990; Smith & Smoll, 2007). Despite the ease with which one readily accepts that coaches can be inspirational, the sport coaching literature is somewhat devoid of research on inspirational coaches and the effects of such coaches on athletic success. The purpose of the current paper is to theoretically delineate the inspirational effects of coaches in sport. Given the relative paucity of inspiration-related research in sport we draw upon contemporary theories of leadership from organisational and military psychology (e.g., transformational and charismatic leadership theories). We propose a sport-specific model of leadership that centres around the vision, support, and challenge meta-cognitive model developed by Arthur and Hardy in military contexts. The model posits that �great� coaches inspire their athletes by: (a) creating an inspirational vision of the future; (b) providing the necessary support to achieve the vision; and (c) providing the challenge to achieve the vision. The underlying proposition is that the vision provides meaning and direction for followers� effort. That is, the vision serves as the beacon around which all the sweat, pain and sacrifice involved in achieving success at the highest level in sport is directed. At the heart of this model is the notion that athletes can achieve their dreams provided they are inspired to do so; this is because all other things being equal the person who is motivated to practice longer and train harder will ultimately be the best. The current paper will delineate the coach�s role in inspiring the athlete to train harder and longer

    Nuclear Localization of Cyclin B1 Controls Mitotic Entry After DNA Damage

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    Mitosis in human cells is initiated by the protein kinase Cdc2-cyclin B1, which is activated at the end of G2 by dephosphorylation of two inhibitory residues, Thr14 and Tyr15. The G2 arrest that occurs after DNA damage is due in part to stabilization of phosphorylation at these sites. We explored the possibility that entry into mitosis is also regulated by the subcellular location of Cdc2-cyclin B1, which is suddenly imported into the nucleus at the end of G2. We measured the timing of mitosis in HeLa cells expressing a constitutively nuclear cyclin B1 mutant. Parallel studies were performed with cells expressing Cdc2AF, a Cdc2 mutant that cannot be phosphorylated at inhibitory sites. Whereas nuclear cyclin B1 and Cdc2AF each had little effect under normal growth conditions, together they induced a striking premature mitotic phenotype. Nuclear targeting of cyclin B1 was particularly effective in cells arrested in G2 by DNA damage, where it greatly reduced the damage-induced G2 arrest. Expression of nuclear cyclin B1 and Cdc2AF also resulted in significant defects in the exit from mitosis. Thus, nuclear targeting of cyclin B1 and dephosphorylation of Cdc2 both contribute to the control of mitotic entry and exit in human cells
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