133 research outputs found

    Borderline personality disorder: patterns of self-harm, reported childhood trauma and clinical outcome.

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    SUMMARY: Consecutive admissions of 214 women with borderline personality disorder were investigated for patterns of specific forms of self-harm and reported developmental experiences. Systematic examination of clinical notes found that 75% had previously reported a history of childhood sexual abuse. These women were more likely to self-harm, and in specific ways that may reflect their past experiences. Despite this, treatment within a dialectical behaviour therapy-informed therapeutic community leads to relatively greater clinical gains than for those without a reported sexual abuse trauma history. Notably, greater behavioural and self-reported distress and dissociation were not found to predict poor clinical outcome

    The Effect of Soaking, Washing and Frying on the Concentration of Formaldehyde in Sange Belah Salty Fish

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    Formaldehyde in food has developed as public issue in the last two years. Several foods, such as salty fish, wet noodles and tofu were laboratorically proven using formaldehyde as preservative. A study on the effect of soaking and frying towards the concentration of formaldehyde in salty fish has been carried out. Sange belah was chosen as the model. The fish was soaked in formaldehyde solution (250 ppm in concentration) for 12 hours then it was washed, fried, and distilled in closed system. Distillate was reacted with Nash Reagent. The yellow color formed was measured spectrophotometrically at Ī» 415 nm. Result showed that there was a decreasing of formaldehyde concentration in the sample (Ī” 63.27% after washing and Ī” 83.03% after frying)

    Analisis Kinerja Biaya Dan Waktu Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Akses Dryport Cikarang (Myc) Dengan Menggunakan Metode Earned Value

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    Guna menunjang aktivitas perdagangan dari Cikarang Dry Port, maka Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU) membangun jaringan jalan untuk menuju dry port. Dalam pembangunan tersebut diantaranya terdapat pembangunan Jalan Akses Dryport Cikarang (MYC) yang dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 29 Juli 2015 sampai dengan 19 Desember 2016. Proyek ini dikerjakan oleh kontraktor PT. Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero), dengan nilai kontrak sebesar RP. 108.659.521.000. Pada awal pelaksanaannya, proyek ini menunjukan progres yang cukup tinggi. Misalnya pada minggu ke 10 pembangunan, proyek telah mencapai 11,135% , sedangkan rencana progres pada minggu tersebut sebesar 5,045%. Setiap proyek, bagaimanapun kondisi pelaksanaannya diperlukan tindakan pengendalian dari segi biaya maupun waktu. Dalam melakukan pengendalian tersebut perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu kinerja proyek yang telah berlangsung. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui kinerja proyek adalah dengan metode Nilai Hasil (Earned Value). Metode Earned Value ini dilakukan dengan cara mengkombinasikan biaya, jadwal dan prestasi pekerjaan. Pada masa peninjauan yaitu pada minggu ke-10 didapatkan nilai SPI sebesar 2,207 yang berarti proyek mengalami percepatan dan CPI sebesar 5,66 yang berarti biaya yang dikeluarkan lebih sedikit dari biaya yang dianggarankan. Pada minggu ke-17 didapatkan nilai SPI sebesar 1,593 yang berarti iv proyek mengalami percepatan dan nilai CPI sebesar 1,101 yang berarti biaya aktual yang dikeluarkan lebih sedikit dari biaya yang dianggarkan. Pada akhir minggu peninjauan didapatkan estimasi perkiraan biaya penyelesaian proyek yaitu sebesar Rp. 95.621.140.332 dengan menganggap kecenderungan kinerja proyek sama seperti pada akhir peninjauan. Perkiraan waktu penyelesaian proyek yaitu selama 328 hari (lebih cepat 195 hari dari rencana). Maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kinerja dari proyek ini baik. Kinerja yang baik ini tentunya dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal. Untuk mengetahui hal tersebut maka digunakan cara analisa SWOT dalam mengetahui variabel - variabel apa saja yang mempengaruhinya. Dari analisa didapatkan variabel strengths yaitu peralatan dan material yang memadai, sumber daya manusia yang baik, maping group dan pengambilan pekerjaan berbobot tinggi. Variabel oppurtunities yaitu menekan waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan. Variabel weakness yaitu pengaturan lalu lintas pada proyek dan lokasi proyek. Variabel terakhir adalah threats yaitu curah hujan dan perizinan. ========================================================== To support the trading activities of Cikarang Dry Port , the Ministry of Public Works ( PU ) building a network of roads to the dry port . In the development of which there are development Dryport Access Road Cikarang ( MYC ), which is held from July 29, 2015 until December 19 , 2016. The project was undertaken by a contractor PT . Pembangunan Perumahan ( Persero ) , with a contract value of RP . 108 659 521 000 . At the beginning of its implementation, this project shows the progress that is high enough . For example in the 10th week of development , the project has reached 11.135 % , while the progress of the plan for the week amounted to 5.045 % . Each project, however its implementation conditions necessary control measures in terms of cost and time. In conducting the control need to know first performance of projects that have been underway. One way to determine the performance of the project is the method Value Yield (Earned Value). Earned Value method combines the cost, schedule and work performance. During the review period at week 10 values obtained for 2.207 SPI and CPI amounted to 5.66 which means that the project was accelerated and the actual cost incurred is less than the cost of the budget. At week 17 SPI values obtained for 1.593 which means the project is accelerating and the value of CPI amounted to 1,101, which means the actual cost incurred is less than the budgeted costs. At the end of the week the review found the vi estimated project completion cost estimate assumes the tendency of project performance as at the end of the review is Rp. 95,621,140,332 and the estimated completion time for the project is 328 days (195 days sooner than planned). It can be concluded that the performance of the project is good. The good performance is certainly influenced by several things . To know that, then we use a SWOT analysis to know the variables that influence it . From the analysis we know that the strengths are adequate equipment and materials , good human resources , mapping group and value engginering. Variable oppurtunities which suppress the job execution time . Variable weakness namely traffic control on the project and the project location . The last variable is the threats are rainfall and licensing

    The Antibiogram: Key Considerations for Its Development and Utilization

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    The antibiogram is an essential resource for institutions to track changes in antimicrobial resistance and to guide empirical antimicrobial therapy. In this Viewpoint, data and examples from literature are presented that suggest institutions have not completely adopted the standardized approach in developing antibiograms, as variations in the development methodologies of antibiograms exist despite consensus guidelines (M39) published by CLSI. We emphasize developing antibiograms in line with the M39 recommendations will help ensure that they are accurate, reliable and valid, and highlight that understanding the limitations of antibiogram data is critical to ensuring appropriate interpretation and application to clinical decision-making. We also stress the importance of easy accessibility and education on antibiogram use, to allow for prescribers to select the most optimal empirical treatment regimens and propose the creation of an abbreviated antibiogram for frontline users. Multidisciplinary antimicrobial stewardship programmes are vital to accomplishing these goals

    Aktivitas Antiproliferasi Ekstrak, Fraksi Etil Asetat Dan Isolat Rimpang Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara T47d

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    Peran Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) sebagai anti kanker diungkapkan pada penelitian yang dilakukan pada sel kanker payudara T47D dengan menggunakan metode Sulforhodamine B (SRB). Pengamatan dilakukan berdasarkan uji aktivitas antiproliferasi ekstrak metanol, fraksi etil asetat dan Isolat temulawak (CXA). Isolate CXA - berupa cairan minyak, diidentifikasi dengan metode spektrofotometri ultra violet, infra merah, dan massa. Spektrum ultra violet CXA menunjukkan panjang gelombang maksimum pada 213.0 nm dan spektrum inframerah menunjukan adanya gugus ā€“CH aromatik, ā€“CH alifatik, ā€“CH geminal dan C=C. Sedang spektrum massa memberikan m/z 202 [M+], 202, 187, 171, 159, 145, 132, 119, 105, 91, 69, 55, 41 dengan puncak dasar (base peak) 119. Hasil pengujian toksisitas terhadap sel kanker T47D menunjukkan bahwa IC50 ekstrak metanol, etil asetat, dan isolat (CXA) masing-masing adalah 19,15 Ī¼g/mL, 17,07 Ī¼g/mL, dan 19,22 Ī¼g/mL


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    Peran Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) sebagai anti kanker diungkapkan pada penelitianĀ yang dilakukan pada sel kanker payudara T47D dengan menggunakan metode Sulforhodamine BĀ (SRB). Pengamatan dilakukan berdasarkan uji aktivitas antiproliferasi ekstrak metanol, fraksi etilĀ asetat dan Isolat temulawak (CXA). Isolate CXA - berupa cairan minyak, diidentifikasi denganĀ metode spektrofotometri ultra violet, infra merah, dan massa. Spektrum ultra violet CXAĀ menunjukkan panjang gelombang maksimum pada 213.0 nm dan spektrum inframerah menunjukanĀ adanya gugus ā€“CH aromatik, ā€“CH alifatik, ā€“CH geminal dan C=C. Sedang spektrum massaĀ memberikan m/z 202 [M+], 202, 187, 171, 159, 145, 132, 119, 105, 91, 69, 55, 41 dengan puncakĀ dasar (base peak) 119. Hasil pengujian toksisitas terhadap sel kanker T47D menunjukkan bahwa IC50Ā ekstrak metanol, etil asetat, dan isolat (CXA) masing-masing adalah 19,15 Ī¼g/mL, 17,07 Ī¼g/mL, danĀ 19,22 Ī¼g/mL.Kata kunci: antiproliferasi, sel kanker payudara T47D, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, metode SRB

    Comparison of person-centred and cumulative risk approaches in explaining the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and behavioural and emotional problems

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    Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) commonly co-occur, and researchers often estimate their impact using a cumulative risk approach. The person-centred approach offers another approach to operationalise the co-occurrence of ACEs. This study aims to estimate latent classes of ACEs in a sample of UK children, examine their relationship with emotional and behavioural problems, and compare the explanatory value of the latent classes to cumulative risk scores. Data were collected among a general population sample of British 10-year-old children extracted from the UK Household Longitudinal Study (N = 601). Seven items characterised ACEs, comprising parent-report physical discipline, emotional abuse, supervisory neglect, maternal psychological distress, and child-report parental educational disinterest, bullying victimisation, and adverse neighbourhood. Outcome measures were derived from the self-report Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire including total difficulties, emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer problems, and prosocial behaviour. Latent class analysis resulted in a 3-class solution: low ACEs, household challenges, community challenges. Compared to the other classes, the community challenges class scored substantially worse on total difficulties, emotional symptoms, and peer subscales. The cumulative risk score was associated with all outcomes except prosocial behaviour. Cumulative risk models accounted for a larger proportion of variance compared with the latent class models, except for peer problems which the person-centred model explained better. This study confirms that ACEs are associated with impairment in child functioning, and that both person-centred and cumulative risk approaches can capture this relationship well. Specifically, the person-centred approach demonstrated how co-occurring risks factors in the community challenges class produced particularly poor internalising outcomes

    Capability, opportunity, and motivation to enact hygienic practices in the early stages of the COVIDā€19 outbreak in the United Kingdom

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    Objectives The COVIDā€19 pandemic is one of the greatest global health threats facing humanity in recent memory. This study aimed to explore influences on hygienic practices, a set of key transmission behaviours, in relation to the Capability, Opportunity, Motivationā€Behaviour (COMā€B) model of behaviour change (Michie et al., 2011). Design Data from the first wave of a longitudinal survey study were used, launched in the early stages of the UK COVIDā€19 pandemic. Methods Participants were 2025 adults aged 18 and older, representative of the UK population, recruited by a survey company from a panel of research participants. Participants selfā€reported motivation, capability, and opportunity to enact hygienic practices during the COVIDā€19 outbreak. Results Using regression models, we found that all three COMā€B components significantly predicted good hygienic practices, with motivation having the greatest influence on behaviour. Breaking this down further, the subscales psychological capability, social opportunity, and reflective motivation positively influenced behaviour. Reflective motivation was largely driving behaviour, with those highest in reflective motivation scoring 51% more on the measure of hygienic practices compared with those with the lowest scores. Conclusions Our findings have clear implications for the design of behaviour change interventions to promote hygienic practices. Interventions should focus on increasing and maintaining motivation to act and include elements that promote and maintain social support and knowledge of COVIDā€19 transmission. Groups in particular need of targeting for interventions to increase hygienic practices are males and those living in cities and suburbs

    Anxiety, depression, traumatic stress and COVID-19-related anxiety in the UK general population during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented global crisis, necessitating drastic changes to living conditions, social life, personal freedom and economic activity. No study has yet examined the presence of psychiatric symptoms in the UK population under similar conditions. AIMS: We investigated the prevalence of COVID-19-related anxiety, generalised anxiety, depression and trauma symptoms in the UK population during an early phase of the pandemic, and estimated associations with variables likely to influence these symptoms. METHOD: Between 23 and 28 March 2020, a quota sample of 2025 UK adults aged 18 years and older, stratified by age, gender and household income, was recruited by online survey company Qualtrics. Participants completed standardised measures of depression, generalised anxiety and trauma symptoms relating to the pandemic. Bivariate and multivariate associations were calculated for demographic and health-related variables. RESULTS: Higher levels of anxiety, depression and trauma symptoms were reported compared with previous population studies, but not dramatically so. Anxiety or depression and trauma symptoms were predicted by young age, presence of children in the home, and high estimates of personal risk. Anxiety and depression were also predicted by low income, loss of income and pre-existing health conditions in self and others. Specific anxiety about COVID-19 was greater in older participants. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed a modest increase in the prevalence of mental health problems in the early stages of the pandemic, and these problems were predicted by several specific COVID-related variables. Further similar surveys, particularly of those with children at home, are required as the pandemic progresses

    Anxiety, depression, traumatic stress, and COVID-19 related anxiety in the UK general population during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented global crisis necessitating drastic changes to living conditions, social life, personal freedom and economic activity. No study has yet examined the presence of psychiatric symptoms in the UK population in similar conditions. Aims We investigated the prevalence of COVID-19 related anxiety, generalised anxiety, depression and trauma symptoms in a representative sample of the UK population during an early phase of the pandemic, and estimated associations with variables likely to influence these symptoms. Method Between March 23rd and March 28th 2020, a quota sample of 2025 UK adults 18 years and older, stratified by age, sex and household income, was recruited by online survey company Qualtrics. Participants completed measures of depression (PHQ9), generalised anxiety (GAD7), and trauma symptoms relating to the pandemic (ITQ). Bivariate and multivariate associations were calculated for age, gender, rural vs urban environment, presence of children in the household, income, loss of income, pre-existing health conditions in self and someone close, infection in self and someone close, and perceived risk of infection over the next month. Results Higher levels of anxiety, depression and trauma symptoms were reported compared to previous population studies, but not dramatically so. Meeting the criteria for either anxiety or depression, and trauma symptoms was predicted by young age, presence of children in the home, and high estimates of personal risk. Anxiety and depression symptoms were also predicted by low income, loss of income, and pre-existing health conditions in self and other. Specific anxiety about COVID-19 was greater in older participants. Conclusions The UK population, especially older citizens, were largely resilient in the early stages of the pandemic. However, several specific COVID-related variables are associated with psychological distress: particularly having children at home, loss of income because of the pandemic, as well as having a pre-existing health condition, exposure to the virus and high estimates of personal risk. Further similar surveys, particularly of those with children at home, are required as the pandemic progresses
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