1,581 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of marketing costs on operating profit at NuggetSagala Rasa Kuningan Regency. The method used is descriptive verification method. Theresearch population is marketing cost data and operating profit data from 2015 to 2019,the samples are marketing cost data and Nugget Sagala Rasa operating profit data for thelast five years (2015 – 2019) which were taken using purposive sampling technique. Theresults of the simple linear regression test obtained the equation = 147,188,543,325 +4,324 X; This means that every increase in the amount of marketing costs incurred so farhas resulted in an increase in the amount of operating profit. From the results of thecorrelation test, the value of r = 0.960 means that the amount of marketing costs has avery strong relationship with the amount of operating profit. The results of thedetermination test show that the total operating profit which is influenced by the totalmarketing costs is 92.20%, while the remaining 7.80% is influenced by other factors notexamined. Based on the results of hypothesis testing using the t test, the tcount value is5.957 and ttable at a = 0.05 and dk = 3 is 2.353 so that tcount > ttable; means Ho isrejected or Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that marketing costs have a positive andsignificant effect on operating profit at Nugget Sagala Rasa, Kuningan Regenc

    Numerical simulation of helical-vortex effects in Rayleigh-Bénard convection

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    International audienceA numerical approach is substantiated for searching for the large-scale alpha-like instability in thermoconvective turbulence. The main idea of the search strategy is the application of a forcing function which can have a physical interpretation. The forcing simulates the influence of small-scale helical turbulence generated in a rotating fluid with internal heat sources and is applied to naturally induced fully developed convective flows. The strategy is tested using the Rayleigh-Bénard convection in an extended horizontal layer of incompressible fluid heated from below. The most important finding is an enlargement of the typical horizontal scale of the forming helical convective structures accompanied by a cells merging, an essential increase in the kinetic energy of flows and intensification of heat transfer. The results of modeling allow explaining how the helical feedback can work providing the non-zero mean helicity generation and the mutual intensification of horizontal and vertical circulation, and demonstrate how the energy of the additional helical source can be effectively converted into the energy of intensive large-scale vortex flow

    Variasi Mutu Fisiologis Benih dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Sengon dari Beberapa Provenan Asal Papua

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    Exploration of sengon across Papua was resulted in collection of seeds from various provenances. This research aims to determine physiological seed quality and seed growth of Falcataria moluccana from various provenances in Papua. It consisted of two experiments. The first experiment used 8 provenances with 20 replications. In each replication 1 gram of seed was used. The rate, percentage and value of germination were observed. The second experiment used 8 provenances with 5 replications. Each replication consists of 20 seedlings. Seedling height and diameter were observed. Results demonstrated that provenance origin significantly affected seed physiological quality of F. moluccana. Germination percentage was well performed by provenance from Meagama (Wamena) with germination rate at 87.14% well performed by provenance from Wadapi Menawi (Serui) by 17.35%/etmal and germination value was well performed by Elagaima at 3.69, consecutively. It also significantly affected seedling growth after 3 months at the nursery. Provenance showing the best growth in height and diameter was Meagama (Wamena) at 29.29 cm and 2.61cm, respectively

    Heterochronic development of lateral plates in the three-spined stickleback induced by thyroid hormone level alterations

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    The three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus is an important model for studying microevolution and parallel adaptation to freshwater environments. Marine and freshwater forms differ markedly in their phenotype, especially in the number of lateral plates, which are serially repeated elements of the exoskeleton. In fishes, thyroid hormones are involved in adaptation to salinity, as well as the developmental regulation of serially repeated elements. To study how thyroid hormones influence lateral plate development, we manipulated levels of triiodothyronine and thiourea during early ontogeny in a marine and freshwater population with complete and low plate phenotypes, respectively. The development of lateral plates along the body and keel was heterochronic among experimental groups. Fish with a low dosage of exogenous triiodothyronine and those treated with thiourea exhibited retarded development of bony plates compared to both control fish and those treated with higher a triiodothyronine dosage. Several triiodothyronine-treated individuals of the marine form expressed the partial lateral plate phenotype. Some individuals with delayed development of lateral plates manifested 1-2 extra bony plates located above the main row of lateral plates.Peer reviewe


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    Masih banyak keluhan pasien yang disampaikan yaitu, pasien mengeluhkan tentang ketepatan waktu dalam pemeriksaan rutin, perawat sering mengacuhkan pasien yang datang, juga keluhan yang disampaikan adalah faktor fasilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran mutu pelayanan kesehatan. Metode penelitian ini adalah observasional deskriptif yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran mutu pelayanan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Karel Sadsuitubun Langgur. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien yang menggunakan rawat inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Karel Sadsuitubun Langgur. Dan penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari ??? Februari Tahun 2013, dengan jumlah sampel 80 responden. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey dengan menggunakan kuesioner, untuk mengetahui gambaran mutu pelayanan kesehatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Karel Sadsuitubun Langgur menyatakan cukup baik terhadap ketepatan waktu (98.7%), informasi (85.0%), dan hubungan antar manusia (95.0%). Berbeda halnya dengan kenyamanan (65.0%), dimana sebagian besar responden menyatakan kurang nyaman. Secara keseluruhan persepsi responden terhadap mutu pelayanan pada RSUD Karel Sadsuitubun Langgur Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara 51.3% menyatakan cukup baik, dan 48.7% menyatakan kurang baik. Saran yang diberikan adalah hendaknya beberapa petugas yang kurang tanggap terhadap segala macam kebutuhan pasien, sekiranya lebih bersedia untuk meluangkan waktunya mendengarkan keluhan maupun keinginan pasien. Hendaknya pihak Rumah Sakit Karel Sadsuitubun Langgur lebih memperhatikan ketersediaan Air yang kurang pada hampir setiap ruang perawatan. Hendaknya petugas dapat memperbaiki dan menjaga kebersihan sarana dan prasarana rumah sakit, karena semua ini sangat berdampak terhadap mutu pelayanan kesehatan

    Pseudo-likelihood methods for community detection in large sparse networks

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    Many algorithms have been proposed for fitting network models with communities, but most of them do not scale well to large networks, and often fail on sparse networks. Here we propose a new fast pseudo-likelihood method for fitting the stochastic block model for networks, as well as a variant that allows for an arbitrary degree distribution by conditioning on degrees. We show that the algorithms perform well under a range of settings, including on very sparse networks, and illustrate on the example of a network of political blogs. We also propose spectral clustering with perturbations, a method of independent interest, which works well on sparse networks where regular spectral clustering fails, and use it to provide an initial value for pseudo-likelihood. We prove that pseudo-likelihood provides consistent estimates of the communities under a mild condition on the starting value, for the case of a block model with two communities.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOS1138 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org