200 research outputs found

    Asociaciones de foraminíferos en la bahía de Ubatuba, sureste de la costa brasileña

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    Live benthic foraminifera assemblages were studied in 40 surface sediment samples collected in the Ubatuba Bay (northern coast of São Paulo State) in order to investigate the relationship between the geological, physicochemical parameters and the ecological data. The area has significant contributions of terrestrial inputs from four rivers that flow into the bay. Biological data were analyzed with multivariate techniques of cluster analysis and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was carried out for abiotic factors. The Suborder Rotaliina was dominant in the whole studied area. The result of the cluster analysis allowed us to recognize three groups of stations corresponding to three foraminifera assemblages and different environment conditions. The PCA revealed approximately the same three groups obtained with the cluster analysis. A slight increase in diversity in the outer bay was measured. The inner environment is dominated by A. tepida, evidencing local instabilities. Infaunal species are distributed in the middle region associated with mud and a high content of organic matter, while the most external region has similar percentages of epifaunal and infaunal, which indicates the higher energy condition in this portion of the bay. We also quantified the abnormal specimens that were mainly present in the inner bay, especially represented by A. tepida specimens.Fueron estudiadas las asociaciones de foraminíferos bentónicos vivos en 40 muestras de sedimento superficial colectadas en la Bahía de Ubatuba (costa noreste de São Paulo) con la intención de investigar la relación entre los parámetros geológicos, físico-químicos y los datos ecológicos. El área posee una importante contribución de origen terrestre a través de cuatro ríos que desembocan en la bahía. Los datos biológicos fueron analizados con técnicas multivariadas de análisis de agrupamiento y un Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP) fue aplicado a los datos abióticos. El Suborden Rotaliina fue dominante en el área de estudio. El resultado del análisis de agrupamiento permitió reconocer tres grupos de estaciones que corresponden a tres asociaciones de foraminíferos representando las diferentes condiciones del ambiente. El ACP reveló aproximadamente los mismos tres grupos obtenidos con el análisis de agrupamiento. Fue medido un leve incremento de la diversidad hacia el exterior de la bahía. El ambiente más interno es dominado por A. tepida evidenciando la inestabilidad local. La porción media de la ensenada estuvo dominada por especies infaunales asociadas a las altas concentraciones de fango y materia orgánica, mientras que la región más externa presenta porcentajes similares de epifauna e infauna, indicando las condiciones de mayor energía prevalecientes en este sector. También fueron cuantificados los especimenes anormales los cuales estuvieron principalmente presentes en la parte más interna de la bahía representados especialmente por la especie A. tepida.

    Comunicação interna e empowerment organizacional: um estudo de caso numa indústria química

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel, no Curso de Administração de Empresas com Linha de Formação Específica em Administração de Empresas da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.Este estudo visou conhecer a contribuição da comunicação interna e o empowerment organizacional em uma indústria química localizada no município de Criciúma – SC. Os temas abordados na literatura foram quanto aos conceitos de comunicação e empoderamento organizacional. Seus impactos no espaço organizacional abordando temas relacionados às ferramentas de comunicação, à gênero, profissões e sentido das informações. A importância da comunicação na empresa e suas dimensões. A metodologia utilizada quanto aos fins de investigações foi à pesquisa descritiva e quanto aos meios de investigação foi à pesquisa bibliográfica e levantamento de dados. Quanto ao instrumento de coleta foi utilizado um questionário aplicado com todos os funcionários da empresa em estudo, onde a pesquisa foi elaborada conforme a estatística descritiva para análise de dados e teve caráter quantitativo. Concluiu-se que o processo de comunicação da empresa acontece de uma forma participativa, pois os empregado conhecem os assuntos e informações de seu ambiente interno e a delegação de responsabilidades é centralizado, porém é possível que o empoderamento seja praticado de forma mais consciente e traga resultados positivos às empresas

    Trastuzumabe e lapatinibe no coriocarcinoma : um estudo in vitro

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    A Família dos Receptores de Fator de Crescimento Epidérmico (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-EGFR) exerce um papel-chave na iniciação e manutenção de diversos tumores sólidos. Isso tem levado ao desenvolvimento e implementação de terapias para o câncer. Drogas inibidor-específicas destes receptores, em especial do HER2, já estão consagradas no tratamento do câncer de mama e de pulmão. A Neoplasia Trofoblástica Gestacional, embora rara em alguns países, tem incidência de até 1:200 gravidezes em algumas regiões. É uma doença da gravidez, portanto acomete mulheres jovens, em idade fértil. A quimioterapia atinge níveis de cura em torno de 90 a 95%, portanto 5-10% das pacientes morrem por complicações da doença ou do próprio tratamento. Alguns trabalhos já têm mostrado a positividade dos EGFR na Neoplasia Trofoblástica Gestacional. Com vistas a desenvolver rotas alternativas e de resgate para pacientes com doença resistente e/ou recorrente, avaliaremos HER2 quanto a sua expressão protéica, vias de sinalização, em linhagens de coriocarcinoma JEG3 e BeWo. Investigaremos o efeito das drogas-alvo Trastuzumabe e Lapatinibe no que diz respeito ao crescimento celular, e indução à apoptose.The epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR family has a key role in the induction and maintenance of several solid tumors. This has led to the development and implementation of anticancer therapies. Drugs that specifically inhibit these receptors, especially human epidermal growth factor receptor HER2, has already been well established in the treatment of breast and lung cancer. Although being rare in some countries, Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia has an incidence of up to 1:200 pregnancies in some regions. It is a gestational disease, thus affecting young women of child-bearing age. Chemotherapy can cure nearly 90 to 95% of patients, which means that 5-10% of patients die from complications resulting from the disease or the treatment. Some studies have demonstrated EGFR-positive results in Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia. In order to develop alternative rescue therapies for patients with resistant and/or recurrent disease, we evaluated HER2 protein expression and signaling pathways in choriocarcinoma cell lines. We investigated the effect of the target drugs Trastuzumab and Lapatinib in terms of cell growth, and apoptosis induction

    Characterization of artisanal honey produced on the Northwest of Portugal by melissopalynological and physico-chemical data

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    Honey has always been regarded as a food which is advantageous for one’s health and as a product which has healing qualities. For this reason, is necessary to protect consumers from the fraudulent mislabeling of inferior honeys. The purpose of this study was to investigate some properties of artisanal honey samples (n = 45) collected from the Northwest of Portugal by using different honey analysis tests such as moisture, ash, pH, free acidity, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), apparent sucrose, reducing sugars and diastase activity. 77.8% of the total exceeded the quality parameters and should be labeled as ‘‘virgin” (humidity 618% and HMF 6 25 mg/kg). The present study found a linear correlation (y = 0.551x 0.089; R = 0.995) between the electrical conductivity of honeys and their ash content. All of the samples showed an Erica sp. pollen percentageP15%, and 42% of the total were monofloral Erica sp. In respect to coliforms and Salmonella’s presence, all the honey’s samples shown to be negative. The existence of sulphite-reducing Clostridia was low, and well below the established limit by MERCOSUR. Yeasts, moulds and aerobic mesophiles were detected in low amounts

    Alienação parental

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    O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo apresentar a alienação parental. Começando pelo conceito da síndrome de alienação parental, demonstrando como é possível fazer a identificação e quais são os estágios e as consequências dessa síndrome. Também como é uma violação do direito fundamental da criança ou adolescente à convivência familiar. Expõe uma análise da tramitação do Projeto de Lei nº 4.053/2008, apresentado pelo deputado Régis de Oliveira na Câmara dos Deputados. Expõe também uma análise, artigo por artigo, da Lei nº 12.318, de 26 de agosto de 2010 que dispõe sobre a alienação parental e altera o artigo 136 da Lei nº 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990. Mostra-se que não foi encontrado nenhum dado empírico sobre o assunto, tanto antes quanto depois da aprovação da Lei

    Towards Knowledge Uncertainty Estimation for Open Set Recognition

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    POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033479Uncertainty is ubiquitous and happens in every single prediction of Machine Learning models. The ability to estimate and quantify the uncertainty of individual predictions is arguably relevant, all the more in safety-critical applications. Real-world recognition poses multiple challenges since a model's knowledge about physical phenomenon is not complete, and observations are incomplete by definition. However, Machine Learning algorithms often assume that train and test data distributions are the same and that all testing classes are present during training. A more realistic scenario is the Open Set Recognition, where unknown classes can be submitted to an algorithm during testing. In this paper, we propose a Knowledge Uncertainty Estimation (KUE) method to quantify knowledge uncertainty and reject out-of-distribution inputs. Additionally, we quantify and distinguish aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty with the classical information-theoretical measures of entropy by means of ensemble techniques. We performed experiments on four datasets with different data modalities and compared our results with distance-based classifiers, SVM-based approaches and ensemble techniques using entropy measures. Overall, the effectiveness of KUE in distinguishing in- and out-distribution inputs obtained better results in most cases and was at least comparable in others. Furthermore, a classification with rejection option based on a proposed combination strategy between different measures of uncertainty is an application of uncertainty with proven results.publishersversionpublishe

    Pollen spectrum and physico-chemical attributes of heather (Erica sp.) honeys of north Portugal

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    Honey legislation has been addressed to establish the minimum marketing level of the product and the need for consumer protection through correct denominations. Research oriented toward assessment of floral origin and physicochemical properties may increase the commercial value of these products. The characteristics of 23 unifloral honeys of Erica sp., from Portugal, were studied. Pollen features and some physicochemical parameters (moisture, ash, pH, free acidity, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural content, apparent sucrose, reducing sugars and diastase activity) were determined. RESULTS: All honey samples can be classified as monofloral Erica sp., they gave a mean value of 56% of Erica pollen type. The families Fabaceae and Rosaceae provided the greatest number of pollen types with 8 and 4 pollen types each respectively. The second most important pollen type is Eucalyptus, present in 69.6% of the samples. All honey samples met the international physicochemical quality standards. The present study found a linear correlation (R = 0.996) between the ash content of honeys and their specific conductivity. CONCLUSION: All honey samples can be classified as monofloral Erica sp. Unifloral honeys are increasingly requested and appreciated, despite their higher prices. The samples were found to meet allmajor international honey specifications

    Palynological and physicochemical data characterisation of honeys produced in the Entre-Douro e Minho region of Portugal

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    Honey legislation has been addressed to establish the minimum marketing level of the product and the need for consumer protection through correct denominations. Research oriented toward assessment of floral origin and physicochemical properties may increase the commercial value of these products. The characteristics of thirty-one honeys produced in the Entre-Douro e Minho region in Portugal were studied. Pollen features and some physicochemical parameters (moisture, ash, pH, free acidity, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural contain, apparent sucrose, reducing sugars and diastase activity) were determined. The samples were found to meet international honey specifications. The present study found a linear regression between the ash content of honeys and their specific conductivity. Five samples are listed as Eucalyptus honey, one sample as Citrus honey, and twenty-five samples as multifloral honeys. Of the total, 87.1% exceeded the quality parameters and should be labelled as ‘virgin’ honey

    Características Clínicas da Alopecia Frontal Fibrosante no Brasil: Série de 59 Pacientes

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    Introduction: Clinical characteristics of frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) have been studied since its description in 1994 in Europe, North America and Australia, and the present study is the largest on FFA features in Latin America. Methods: This study, through questionnaire and medical records, describes characteristics of a Brazilian population of 59 patients with FFA, concerning clinical forms, individual features and use of cosmetic products. Results: Mean patients’ age was 58.4 years (range 35-84y). Duration of disease varied from six months to 20y (median 5y). Most women were postmenopausal (83.1%) and non-smokers (83.1%). Five percent had at least one associated autoimmune disease, most commonly hypothyroidism (13.6%). Six of 40 patients (15%) had lichen planus pigmentosus and ten had facial papules (25%). Eyebrow alopecia occurred in 50 (84.7%), and body hair loss in 47 (79.7%). Facial papules were more prevalent in premenopausal women. Conclusion: Studying FFA epide- miology may help understanding the pathophysiology of this epidemic disease and this study highlights similarities and differences to previously published studies in FFA, such as greater frequency in postmenopausal women, association with hypothyroidism and facial irritation with cosmetic products.Introdução: A alopecia frontal fibrosante (AFF) foi inicialmente descrita em 1994 na Austrália, Europa e América do Norte, e este é o maior estudo sobre as características da AFF na América Latina. Métodos: Através de questionários e revisão dos processos clínicos, descrevemos as características de 59 pacientes com AFF, quanto à forma clínica, características indivi- duais e uso de produtos cosméticos. Resultados: A idade média dos pacientes foi de 58,4 anos (35-84 anos). A duração da doença variou de seis meses a 20 anos (mediana 5 anos). A maioria das mulheres encontrava-se na menopausa e (83,1%) e era não fumadora (83,1%). Cinco por cento tinham pelo menos uma doença autoimune associada, principalmente hipotireoidis- mo (13,6%). Seis pacientes (15%) apresentavam líquen plano pigmentoso e dez pápulas faciais (25%). Alopecia dos supracílios ocorreu em 50 (84,7%) e no corpo em 47 (79,7%). Pápulas faciais foram mais prevalentes em mulheres na pré-menopausa. Conclusão: Estudar a epidemiologia da AFF pode ajudar a entender a fisiopatologia dessa doença epidémica e este artigo traz algumas semelhanças e diferenças com estudos publicados anteriormente sobre a AFF, como maior frequência em mulheres na pós-menopausa, associação com hipotireoidismo e irritação facial com o uso de produtos cosméticos