114 research outputs found

    Did evolution create a flexible ligand-binding cavity in the urokinase receptor through deletion of a plesiotypic disulfide bond?

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    The urokinase receptor (uPAR) is a founding member of a small protein family with multiple Ly6/uPAR (LU) domains. The motif defining these LU domains contains five plesiotypic disulfide bonds stabilizing its prototypical three-fingered fold having three protruding loops. Notwithstanding the detailed knowledge on structure-function relationships in uPAR, one puzzling enigma remains unexplored. Why does the first LU domain in uPAR (DI) lack one of its consensus disulfide bonds, when the absence of this particular disulfide bond impairs the correct folding of other single LU domain-containing proteins? Here, using a variety of contemporary biophysical methods, we found that reintroducing the two missing half-cystines in uPAR DI caused the spontaneous formation of the corresponding consensus 7–8 LU domain disulfide bond. Importantly, constraints due to this cross-link impaired (i) the binding of uPAR to its primary ligand urokinase and (ii) the flexible interdomain assembly of the three LU domains in uPAR. We conclude that the evolutionary deletion of this particular disulfide bond in uPAR DI may have enabled the assembly of a high-affinity urokinase-binding cavity involving all three LU domains in uPAR. Of note, an analogous neofunctionalization occurred in snake venom α-neurotoxins upon loss of another pair of the plesiotypic LU domain half-cystines. In summary, elimination of the 7–8 consensus disulfide bond in the first LU domain of uPAR did have significant functional and structural consequences

    Indigenous Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea in Oxic Subseafloor Oceanic Crust

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    Oceanic ridge flank systems represent one of the largest and leastexplored microbial habitats on Earth. Fundamental ecological questions regarding community activity, recruitment, and succession in this environment remain unanswered. Here, we investigated ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in the sedimentburied basalts on the oxic and young ridge flank at North Pond, a sediment-filled pond on the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and compared them with those in the overlying sediments and bottom seawater. Nitrification in the North Pond basement is thermodynamically favorable and is supported by a reactiontransport model simulating the dynamics of nitrate in the crustal fluids. Nitrification rate is estimated to account for 6% to 7% of oxygen consumption, which is similar to the ratios found in marine oxic sediments, suggesting that aerobic mineralization of organic matter is the major ammonium source for crustal nitrifiers. Using the archaeal 16S rRNA and amoA genes as phylogenetic markers, we show that AOA, composed solely of Nitrosopumilaceae, are the major archaeal dwellers at North Pond. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the crustal AOA communities are distinct from those in the bottom seawater and the upper oxic sediments but are similar to those in the basal part of the overlying sediment column, suggesting either similar environmental selection or the dispersal of microbes across the sediment-basement interface. Additionally, quantitative abundance data suggest enrichment of the dominant Nitrosopumilaceae clade (Eta clade) in the basement compared to the seawater. This study explored AOA and their activity in the upper oceanic crust, and our results have ecological implications for the biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen in the crustal subsurface

    Fine-Scale Community Structure Analysis of ANME in Nyegga Sediments with High and Low Methane Flux

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    To obtain knowledge on how regional variations in methane seepage rates influence the stratification, abundance, and diversity of anaerobic methanotrophs (ANME), we analyzed the vertical microbial stratification in a gravity core from a methane micro-seeping area at Nyegga by using 454-pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene tagged amplicons and quantitative PCR. These data were compared with previously obtained data from the more active G11 pockmark, characterized by higher methane flux. A down core stratification and high relative abundance of ANME were observed in both cores, with transition from an ANME-2a/b dominated community in low-sulfide and low methane horizons to ANME-1 dominance in horizons near the sulfate-methane transition zone. The stratification was over a wider spatial region and at greater depth in the core with lower methane flux, and the total 16S rRNA copy numbers were two orders of magnitude lower than in the sediments at G11 pockmark. A fine-scale view into the ANME communities at each location was achieved through operational taxonomical units (OTU) clustering of ANME-affiliated sequences. The majority of ANME-1 sequences from both sampling sites clustered within one OTU, while ANME-2a/b sequences were represented in unique OTUs. We suggest that free-living ANME-1 is the most abundant taxon in Nyegga cold seeps, and also the main consumer of methane. The observation of specific ANME-2a/b OTUs at each location could reflect that organisms within this clade are adapted to different geochemical settings, perhaps due to differences in methane affinity. Given that the ANME-2a/b population could be sustained in less active seepage areas, this subgroup could be potential seed populations in newly developed methane-enriched environments

    The Microbiome and Occurrence of Methanotrophy in Carnivorous Sponges

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    As shown by recent studies, filter-feeding sponges are known to host a wide variety of microorganisms. However, the microbial community of the non-filtering carnivorous sponges (Porifera, Cladorhizidae) has been the subject of less scrutiny. Here, we present the results from a comparative study of the methanotrophic carnivorous sponge Cladorhiza methanophila from a mud volcano-rich area at the Barbados Accretionary Prism, and five carnivorous species from the Jan Mayen Vent Field (JMVF) at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge. Results from 16S rRNA microbiome data indicate the presence of a diverse assemblage of associated microorganisms in carnivorous sponges mainly from the Gamma- and Alphaproteobacteria, Flavobacteriaceae, and Thaumarchaeota. While the abundance of particular groups varied throughout the dataset, we found interesting similarities to previous microbiome results from non-carnivorous deep sea sponges, suggesting that the carnivorous sponges share characteristics of a previously hypothesized putative deep-sea sponge microbial community. Chemolithoautotrophic symbiosis was confirmed for C. methanophila through a microbial community with a high abundance of Methylococcales and very light isotopic δ13C and δ15N ratios (-60 to -66‰/3.5 to 5.2‰) compared to the other cladorhizid species (-22 to -24‰/8.5 to 10.5‰). We provide evidence for the presence of putative sulfur-oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria in the arctic cladorhizids; however, δ13C and δ15N signatures did not provide evidence for significant chemoautotrophic symbiosis in this case, and the slightly higher abundance of cladorhizids at the JMVF site compared to the nearby deep sea likely stem from an increased abundance of prey rather than a more direct vent association. The phylogenetic position of C. methanophila in relation to other carnivorous sponges was established using a three-gene phylogenetic analysis, and it was found to be closely related to other non-methanotrophic Cladorhiza species with a similar morphology included in the dataset, suggesting a recent origin for methanotrophy in this species. C. methanophila remains the only known carnivorous sponge with a strong, chemolithoautotrophic symbiont association, and methanotrophic symbiosis does not seem to be a widespread property within the Cladorhizidae.publishedVersio

    Ammonia-oxidizing archaea have similar power requirements in diverse marine oxic sediments

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    Energy/power availability is regarded as one of the ultimate controlling factors of microbial abundance in the deep biosphere, where fewer cells are found in habitats of lower energy availability. A critical assumption driving the proportional relationship between total cell abundance and power availability is that the cell-specific power requirement keeps constant or varies over smaller ranges than other variables, which has yet to be validated. Here we present a quantitative framework to determine the cell-specific power requirement of the omnipresent ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in eight sediment cores with 3–4 orders of magnitude variations of organic matter flux and oxygen penetration depth. Our results show that despite the six orders of magnitude variations in the rates and power supply of nitrification and AOA abundances across these eight cores, the cell-specific power requirement of AOA from different cores and depths overlaps within the narrow range of 10−19–10−17 W cell−1, where the lower end may represent the basal power requirement of microorganisms persisting in subseafloor sediments. In individual cores, AOA also exhibit similar cell-specific power requirements, regardless of the AOA population size or sediment depth/age. Such quantitative insights establish a relationship between the power supply and the total abundance of AOA, and therefore lay a foundation for a first-order estimate of the standing stock of AOA in global marine oxic sediments.publishedVersio


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    Anmeldelser af:Erik Fischer, Michael Bøgh Rasmussen, Ernst Jonas Bencard: Melchior Lorck. Bd. 1-4. Forlaget Vandkunsten, 2009.Ulrik Langen: Den afmægtige – en biografi om Christian 7. Jyllands-Postens Forlag, 2008. 542 s., ill.Palle Thilo: Orlogsbriggen Lougen, 18 kanoner, 1791-1802.Forlaget Falcon, 2009. 169 s., ill.Kjeld Hansen: Det tabte land. Den store fortælling om magten over det danske landskab. Gads Forlag, 2008. 847 s., ill.Anette Faye Jacobsen: Husbondret. Rettighedskulturer i Danmark 1750-1920. Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2008. 574 s.Poul Ulrich Jensen: Byens plan. Vejles fysiske udvikling 1786-2007. Vejles Historie bd. 5. Vejle Kommune, 2007. 250 s., ill.Gerda Bonderup, Jørgen Mikkelsen og Lisbeth Skjernov (red.): „af yderste Vigtighed for det hele Borgersamfunds Tryghed“. Medicinalberetninger og deres anvendelsesmuligheder i historisk forskning. Kildeskriftselskabet, 2005. 491 s

    The low binding affinity of D-serine at the ionotropic glutamate receptor GluD2 can be attributed to the hinge region

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    Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) are responsible for most of the fast excitatory communication between neurons in our brain. The GluD2 receptor is a puzzling member of the iGluR family: It is involved in synaptic plasticity, plays a role in human diseases, e.g. ataxia, binds glycine and D-serine with low affinity, yet no ligand has been discovered so far that can activate its ion channel. In this study, we show that the hinge region connecting the two subdomains of the GluD2 ligand-binding domain is responsible for the low affinity of D-serine, by analysing GluD2 mutants with electrophysiology, isothermal titration calorimetry and molecular dynamics calculations. The hinge region is highly variable among iGluRs and fine-tunes gating activity, suggesting that in GluD2 this region has evolved to only respond to micromolar concentrations of D-serine

    Mapping Microbial Abundance and Prevalence to Changing Oxygen Concentration in Deep-Sea Sediments Using Machine Learning and Differential Abundance

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    Oxygen constitutes one of the strongest factors explaining microbial taxonomic variability in deep-sea sediments. However, deep-sea microbiome studies often lack the spatial resolution to study the oxygen gradient and transition zone beyond the oxic-anoxic dichotomy, thus leaving important questions regarding the microbial response to changing conditions unanswered. Here, we use machine learning and differential abundance analysis on 184 samples from 11 sediment cores retrieved along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge to study how changing oxygen concentrations (1) are predicted by the relative abundance of higher taxa and (2) influence the distribution of individual Operational Taxonomic Units. We find that some of the most abundant classes of microorganisms can be used to classify samples according to oxygen concentration. At the level of Operational Taxonomic Units, however, representatives of common classes are not differentially abundant from high-oxic to low-oxic conditions. This weakened response to changing oxygen concentration suggests that the abundance and prevalence of highly abundant OTUs may be better explained by other variables than oxygen. Our results suggest that a relatively homogeneous microbiome is recruited to the benthos, and that the microbiome then becomes more heterogeneous as oxygen drops below 25 μM. Our analytical approach takes into account the oft-ignored compositional nature of relative abundance data, and provides a framework for extracting biologically meaningful associations from datasets spanning multiple sedimentary cores.publishedVersio

    Structure and metabolic potential of the prokaryotic communities from the hydrothermal system of Paleochori Bay, Milos, Greece

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    IntroductionShallow hydrothermal systems share many characteristics with their deep-sea counterparts, but their accessibility facilitates their study. One of the most studied shallow hydrothermal vent fields lies at Paleochori Bay off the coast of Milos in the Aegean Sea (Greece). It has been studied through extensive mapping and its physical and chemical processes have been characterized over the past decades. However, a thorough description of the microbial communities inhabiting the bay is still missing.MethodsWe present the first in-depth characterization of the prokaryotic communities of Paleochori Bay by sampling eight different seafloor types that are distributed along the entire gradient of hydrothermal influence. We used deep sequencing of the 16S rRNA marker gene and complemented the analysis with qPCR quantification of the 16S rRNA gene and several functional genes to gain insights into the metabolic potential of the communities.ResultsWe found that the microbiome of the bay is strongly influenced by the hydrothermal venting, with a succession of various groups dominating the sediments from the coldest to the warmest zones. Prokaryotic diversity and abundance decrease with increasing temperature, and thermophilic archaea overtake the community.DiscussionRelevant geochemical cycles of the Bay are discussed. This study expands our limited understanding of subsurface microbial communities in acidic shallow-sea hydrothermal systems and the contribution of their microbial activity to biogeochemical cycling