51 research outputs found

    Choosing the best among peers

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    AbstractA group of n peers, e.g., computer scientists, has to choose the best, i.e., the most competent among them. Each member of the group may vote for one other member, or abstain. Self-voting is not allowed. A voting graph is a directed graph in which an arc (u,v) means that u votes for v. While opinions may be subjective, resulting in various voting graphs, it is natural to assume that more competent peers are also, in general, more competent in evaluating competence of others. We capture this by proposing a voting system in which each member is assigned a positive integer value satisfying the following strict support monotonicity property: the value of x is larger than the value of y if and only if the sum of values of members voting for x is larger than the sum of values of members voting for y. Then we choose the member with the highest value, or if there are several such members, another election mechanism, e.g., using randomness, chooses one of them.We show that for every voting graph there is a value function satisfying the strict support monotonicity property and that such a function can be computed in linear time. However, it turns out that this method of choosing the best among peers is vulnerable to vote manipulation: even one voter of very low value may change his/her vote so as to get the highest value. This is due to the possibility of loops (directed cycles) in the voting graph. Hence we slightly modify voting graphs by erasing all arcs that belong to some cycle. This modification results in a pruned voting graph which is always a rooted forest. We show that for all pruned voting graphs there are value functions giving a guarantee against manipulation. More precisely, we show a value function guaranteeing that no coalition of k members all of whose values are lower than those of (1−1/(k+1))n other members can manipulate their votes so that one of them gets the largest value. In particular, no single member from the lower half of the group is able to manipulate his/her vote to become elected. We also show that no better guarantee can be given for any value function satisfying the strict support monotonicity property

    Time and Space Optimal Exact Majority Population Protocols

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    In this paper we study population protocols governed by the {\em random scheduler}, which uniformly at random selects pairwise interactions between nn agents. The main result of this paper is the first time and space optimal {\em exact majority population protocol} which also works with high probability. The new protocol operates in the optimal {\em parallel time} O(logn),O(\log n), which is equivalent to O(nlogn)O(n\log n) sequential {\em pairwise interactions}, where each agent utilises the optimal number of O(logn)O(\log n) states. The time optimality of the new majority protocol is possible thanks to the novel concept of fixed-resolution phase clocks introduced and analysed in this paper. The new phase clock allows to count approximately constant parallel time in population protocols

    Towards the 5/6-Density Conjecture of Pinwheel Scheduling

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    Pinwheel Scheduling aims to find a perpetual schedule for unit-length tasks on a single machine subject to given maximal time spans (a.k.a. frequencies) between any two consecutive executions of the same task. The density of a Pinwheel Scheduling instance is the sum of the inverses of these task frequencies; the 5/6-Conjecture (Chan and Chin, 1993) states that any Pinwheel Scheduling instance with density at most 5/6 is schedulable. We formalize the notion of Pareto surfaces for Pinwheel Scheduling and exploit novel structural insights to engineer an efficient algorithm for computing them. This allows us to (1) confirm the 5/6-Conjecture for all Pinwheel Scheduling instances with at most 12 tasks and (2) to prove that a given list of only 23 schedules solves all schedulable Pinwheel Scheduling instances with at most 5 tasks

    Locally Constrained Homomorphisms on Graphs of Bounded Treewidth and Bounded Degree

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    A homomorphism from a graph G to a graph H is locally bijective, surjective, or injective if its restriction to the neighborhood of every vertex of G is bijective, surjective, or injective, respectively. We prove that the problems of testing whether a given graph G allows a homomorphism to a given graph H that is locally bijective, surjective, or injective, respectively, are NP-complete, even when G has pathwidth at most 5, 4 or 2, respectively, or when both G and H have maximum degree 3. We complement these hardness results by showing that the three problems are polynomial-time solvable if G has bounded treewidth and in addition G or H has bounded maximum degree

    Pushing the Online Boolean Matrix-vector Multiplication conjecture off-line and identifying its easy cases

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    Henzinger et al. posed the so-called Online Boolean Matrix-vector Multiplication (OMv) conjecture and showed that it implies tight hardness results for several basic dynamic or partially dynamic problems [STOC'15]. We first show that the OMv conjecture is implied by a simple off-line conjecture that we call the MvP conjecture. We then show that if the definition of the OMv conjecture is generalized to allow individual (i.e., it might be different for different matrices) polynomial-time preprocessing of the input matrix, then we obtain another conjecture (called the OMvP conjecture) that is in fact equivalent to our MvP conjecture. On the other hand, we demonstrate that the OMv conjecture does not hold in restricted cases where the rows of the matrix or the input vectors are clustered, and develop new efficient randomized algorithms for such cases. Finally, we present applications of our algorithms to answering graph queries

    A time and space optimal stable population protocol solving exact majority

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    We study population protocols, a model of distributed computing appropriate for modeling well-mixed chemical reaction networks and other physical systems where agents exchange information in pairwise interactions, but have no control over their schedule of interaction partners. The well-studied *majority* problem is that of determining in an initial population of nn agents, each with one of two opinions AA or BB, whether there are more AA, more BB, or a tie. A *stable* protocol solves this problem with probability 1 by eventually entering a configuration in which all agents agree on a correct consensus decision of A\mathsf{A}, B\mathsf{B}, or T\mathsf{T}, from which the consensus cannot change. We describe a protocol that solves this problem using O(logn)O(\log n) states (loglogn+O(1)\log \log n + O(1) bits of memory) and optimal expected time O(logn)O(\log n). The number of states O(logn)O(\log n) is known to be optimal for the class of polylogarithmic time stable protocols that are "output dominant" and "monotone". These are two natural constraints satisfied by our protocol, making it simultaneously time- and state-optimal for that class. We introduce a key technique called a "fixed resolution clock" to achieve partial synchronization. Our protocol is *nonuniform*: the transition function has the value logn\left \lceil {\log n} \right \rceil encoded in it. We show that the protocol can be modified to be uniform, while increasing the state complexity to Θ(lognloglogn)\Theta(\log n \log \log n)

    Perpetual maintenance of machines with different urgency requirements

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    A garden GG is populated by n1n\ge 1 bamboos b1,b2,...,bnb_1, b_2, ..., b_n with the respective daily growth rates h1h2hnh_1 \ge h_2 \ge \dots \ge h_n. It is assumed that the initial heights of bamboos are zero. The robotic gardener maintaining the garden regularly attends bamboos and trims them to height zero according to some schedule. The Bamboo Garden Trimming Problem (BGT) is to design a perpetual schedule of cuts to maintain the elevation of the bamboo garden as low as possible. The bamboo garden is a metaphor for a collection of machines which have to be serviced, with different frequencies, by a robot which can service only one machine at a time. The objective is to design a perpetual schedule of servicing which minimizes the maximum (weighted) waiting time for servicing. We consider two variants of BGT. In discrete BGT the robot trims only one bamboo at the end of each day. In continuous BGT the bamboos can be cut at any time, however, the robot needs time to move from one bamboo to the next. For discrete BGT, we show a simple 44-approximation algorithm and, by exploiting relationship between BGT and the classical Pinwheel scheduling problem, we derive a 22-approximation algorithm for the general case and a tighter approximation when the growth rates are balanced. A by-product of this last approximation algorithm is that it settles one of the conjectures about the Pinwheel problem. For continuous BGT, we propose approximation algorithms which achieve approximation ratios O(log(h1/hn))O(\log (h_1/h_n)) and O(logn)O(\log n)

    Efficiently Correcting Matrix Products

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    We study the problem of efficiently correcting an erroneous product of two n×nn\times n matrices over a ring. Among other things, we provide a randomized algorithm for correcting a matrix product with at most kk erroneous entries running in O~(n2+kn)\tilde{O}(n^2+kn) time and a deterministic O~(kn2)\tilde{O}(kn^2)-time algorithm for this problem (where the notation O~\tilde{O} suppresses polylogarithmic terms in nn and kk).Comment: Fixed invalid reference to figure in v