19 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Belajar Album Stiker Masuk dan Berkembangnya Pengaruh Hindu Budha di Indonesia Sebagai Bahan Ajar Pendukung Mata Kuliah Sejarah Nasional Indonesia I Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah dan Sosiologi IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

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    Teaching challenges today require that teachers be able to present interesting learning media innovations. Likewise, in history learning, it is necessary to use innovative media so that students have an interest and interest in historical material. The Indonesian National History course I am a course that allows the use of teaching materials in the form of sticker album media. Broadly speaking, media can be humans, materials, or events that cause students to be able to acquire knowledge, skills or attitudes. The media complements other media in the form of textbooks as well as a learning environment in the form of a campus environment and its infrastructure and facilities. After analyzing the results of interviews and observations, the presence of learning media in the form of sticker albums is quite effective in facilitating lecture activities in general and facilitating the assessment of student assignments in particular. More than that, its presence can make history learning activities not monotonous in the sense that learning activities are centred on lecturers who use the lecture method while students listen passively.Keywords: Learning Media, Sticker Album, History Subjec


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    ABSTRACTTeaching and learning activities should not only be carried out conventionally, such aslecturers lecturing and students listening. Learning history must have variations in itsimplementation, the use of media can be one way so that teaching and learning activitiesare not monotonous. Because history is the study of the past and historical narrativesdemand to be explained chronologically. Thus, a quartet card containing pictures ofevents and historical figures that are conceptualized in accordance with historicalproclamation, is expected to be able to facilitate the delivery of contemporary historicalmaterial as well as learning activities to be active. The purpose of this study was todetermine the effectiveness of the use of learning media quartet cards events andhistorical figures. This type of research is an experimental method, with one grouppretest posttest design research design. From the results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnovtest using SPSS 14 it was found that the research subjects were normally distributed andbased on the results of the Paired Samples Test t-test it was found that the sig value was0,000> 0.05. While the t -10.921 and for ttable at a significant level α = 5% (0.05) withdegrees of freedom (df) n-1 or 45-1 = 44. 2-sided testing (significance = 0.025) resultsare obtained for ttable at 2, 01537 with a significant level of 0.025. Obtained the resultsof -test <-table (-10,921 <-2,01537) then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it canbe concluded that the use of Learning Media Quartet Cards Events and HistoricalFigures Contemporary History Materials can improve the learning outcomes of studentsmajoring in history and sociology IKIP Budi Utomo Malang.Keywords: Quartet Card Media, Contemporary History, Learning Outcome


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    This journal entitled Implementation of Electronic Absence Policy (BNI E-Attendance Innovation) Affects Employee Performance in the Jakarta Division of Collection Management at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia 1946 (Persero) Tbk, West Jakarta ”. The population in this study are employees who work at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia 1946 (persero) Tbk, West Jakarta, which measured 222 people, from which the researcher used 69 people as samples to be tested. The research method used in this research is the associative method, the data technique used is literature study and field study through observation and questionnaires. Furthermore, it is tested by quantitative analysis using a proportional stratified random sampling technique, and data processing using the SPSS (Product and Solution Service) program. Keyword: Implementation, E-Attendance, the performanc

    Sejarah Manusia Purba di Antara Kontroversi, Penolakan, dan Penerimaan

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    Sejarah asal-usul manusia yang dijelaskan dengan teori evolusi tidak dapat diterima oleh semua kalangan. Tidak sedikit ilmuwan yang menolak penjelasan jika manusia berawal dari kera atau seketurunan dengan kera. Bahkan mereka yang tidak sependapat dengan gagasan evolusi menilai jika penjelasan tentang sejarah asal-usul manusia melalui skema evolusi, dengan menyebutkan Meganthropus adalah nenek moyang manusia telah menghilangkan Tuhan sebagai pencipta atau setidaknya telah mereduksi peranan Tuhan. Karena kitab suci Al Quran menyebutkan jika manusia pertama adalah Adam. Namun, di sisi lain narasi sejarah tentang manusia purba dianggap merupakan fakta dan dianggap tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran agama serta kitab suci. Bagi kelompok ini, sejarah tentang bagaimana kemunculan manusia pertama kali di muka bumi tidak cukup hanya dijelaskan sebagai hasil ciptaan Tuhan semata. Usaha ilmiah untuk dapat menjawab bagaimana sejarah asal-usul manusia perlu dilakukan. Kitab suci tidak membatasi orang untuk melakukan penelaahan, jika terdapat pertentangan hal itu dianggap wajar. Sifat ilmu pengetahuan terbuka untuk dikoreksi, sanggahan dari suatu pendapat atau teori akan menyempurnakan ilmu pengetahuan. Sejarah manusia purba menjadi bagian dari sekian materi sejarah yang terus diperdebatkan, ia telah menjadi sebuah bahasan kontroversial

    Dampak Sistem Zonasi Bagi Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memaparkan fakta di sekolah terkait dampak yang ditimbulkan dari pelaksanaan sistem zonasi terutama pelaksanaan di tahun 2019. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan Studi kasus. Pengambilan sampel peneliti menggunakan teknik purpossive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan deep interview kepada 20 objek penelitian terpilih. Hasil temuan penelitian ini meliputi dampak positif dan negatif dari implementasi sistem zonasi 2019, yang pertama dampak positif yang dirasakan oleh Sekolah dan Guru sebanyak 21 % saja, dan sisanya 79 % merasakan dampak negatif. Sedangakan dampak positif yang dirasakan masyarakat hanya mencapai 36% dan lebih banyak merasakan dampak negatif sebesar 64%. Dari temuan tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa kebijakan sistem zonasi harus dievaluasi agar kedepannya dapat mengurangi dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan

    Kepercayaan Diri dalam Penyampaian Pendapat pada Mahasiswa Awal Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Abstract. The purpose of this research is epressed and know konfidence in communicating opinions in students early Muhammadiyah University Surakarta. Data collection method to research this using interviews. Informants in this research involving 3 men and 2 women with characteristics: student the start of the semester one and two at the University Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The results of the study showed that confidence in communicating opinions in students the first half the beginning were there are 3 informants who believe themselves when asked to pass on the opinion in show with the behavior informants that seeks to be indifferent over his opinion, informants trying to ventured to have an opinion then informants see and ask his friends on the that has been mentioned. And are 2 an informant who is not confident when asked to pass on the opinion in show with behavior informants who less sure of the ability yourself so that informants experienced fear, shame, confused, and really nervous when will pass an opinion in front of common, less free convey the idea the trying to smallest possible to communicxate in forum. An informant who have convidence high informants trying to be demonstrated to be indifferent when giving his opinion in front of common. Nevertheless, informants trying to overcome these things with prepares matter in hand and try to opening up for get input positive from others. For example, informants receive the inputs from his friend when informants have doubts in to the delivery of opinion, in addition informants trying to ventured asked friend who active and was confident it in to the delivery of opinion

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial dengan Stres Akademik pada Mahasiswa di Masa New Normal

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    Students are the future of a country, students are required to be able to achieve in order to benefit the homeland and the nation. However, students need to adapt to situations that are constantly changing, especially in the new normal era which creates pressure in academics. Social support from the student environment is needed to be able to help reduce the academic stress of the students themselves. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between social support and academic stress. This study uses a quantitative approach with correlational methods. The sample criteria are students from the Faculty of Psychology at Universities in Central Java. The number of samples used was 152 subjects which were part of the population obtained. The research instrument uses a social support scale and an academic stress scale. Data analysis technique in this research used pearson analysis. Based on the results of the research hypothesis test, it was found that the Pearson correlation was -0.533 and a significance of 0.000. so that there is a significant negative relationship between social support and student academic stress. The greater the social support, the lower the academic stress and vice versa. Effective contribution of 28.4%. Social support with high categorization, while academic stress has moderate categorization


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    Abstrak: Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk melatihkan kemampuan bagi guru fisika dan mahasiswa calon pendidik pelajaran IPA/fisika untuk dapat menjadi pelatih di bidang kompetisi sains nasional bidang IPA-fisika. Metode pelaksanaan Training on Trainer ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahapan, yaitu (1) Pre-test untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal dari peserta, (2) Mentoring terkait dengan pelatihan dan penguatan pemahaman materi fisika Kompetisi Sains Nasional, dan (3) Post-test untuk mengetahui kemampuan peserta setelah diberikan pelatihan . Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan selama dua hari di SMPN 1 Cisurupan Kabupaten Garut. Berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan post-test terdapat peningkatan pada kemampuan guru fisika dan mahasiswa calon pendidik pelajaran IPA/fisika dalam mengerjakan soal KSN setelah mengikuti training on trainer yang dilaksanakan.Abstract: The objective of this program is to train physics teachers and pre-services physics teacher to be trainers in national science competitions (KSN) in the field of science-physics (IPA-Fisika). This program's method is carried out in three stages: (1) pre-test to determine participants' initial abilities, (2) mentoring related to training and strengthening understanding of the physics material for the National Science Competition, and (3) post-test to determine participants' abilities after training. This training was held for two days at SMPN 1 Cisurupan, Garut Regency. Based on the results of the test, there was an increase in the ability of physics teachers and and pre-services physics teacher in working on KSN Problems after participating in the training on trainer.

    Pemetaan Berita Online tentang Imunisasi Measles Rubella Tahun 2018 di Indonesia

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    Abstract The mass media plays a significant role in delivering health-related information to the wider society, so that it can be involved in health programs, including the Measles Rubella (MR) Immunization Campaign. The purpose of this program is to reduce the incidence of measles and rubella which has increased in the last five years in Indonesia. MR immunization coverage target must reach at least 95% in order to form group immunity to break the chain of transmission. However, as of the end of September 2018, the coverage of granting MR immunization nationally only reach 52,71%. This was published by online media throughout different regions in Indonesia with negative, neutral, or positive tendencies. Problems occur when exposure to the media with a negative perspective on vaccine impacts immunization coverage. Based on this, the research aims to map the trend of reporting on MR Immunization based on regions in Indonesia. The method used is content analysis. The object of this study is 410 online news about MR Immunization that was published during the second phase of MR Immunization Campaign, from August 1st until September 30th 2018 in Indonesia. The results of this research show that news coverage is dominated by national news, which is more representative of positive messages. Meanwhile, a province with the most news sources is Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), which negative tendencies. NAD has the majority of moslem communities who are very sensitive on the sharia law issue. Therefore, unclear certification of vaccine halal became a strong argument to refuse and postpone the MR immunization, and based on the research protocol, this categorized as negative news. Therefore, the health promoters can develop health communication strategies to work more effectively with the media, especially in the regions, in informing health policies and programs, so that news that is published does not upset the public. Abstrak Media massa berperan dalam menyampaikan informasi kesehatan kepada masyarakat luas sehingga dapat dilibatkan dalam program kesehatan, termasuk Kampanye Imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR). Tujuan program ini adalah untuk menurunkan kejadian penyakit campak dan rubela yang meningkat dalam lima tahun terakhir di Indonesia. Target cakupan Imunisasi MR harus mencapai minimal 95% agar terbentuk kekebalan kelompok untuk memutuskan mata rantai penularan. Namun, sampai dengan akhir September 2018, cakupan pemberian Imunisasi MR secara nasional baru mencapai 52,71%. Hal ini dipublikasikan oleh media online dengan kecenderungan negatif, netral, atau positif yang diberitakan dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Permasalahan terjadi ketika paparan media dengan perspektif negatif pada vaksin berdampak pada cakupan imunisasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan kecenderungan pemberitaan tentang Imunisasi MR berdasarkan wilayah di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis isi. Objek penelitian ini adalah 410 berita online tentang imunisasi MR yang dipublikasikan selama Kampanye Imunisasi MR fase II, 1 Agustus sampai dengan 30 September 2018 di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa pemberitaan lebih didominasi berita berskala nasional, yang lebih menggambarkan pesan yang bersifat positif. Sementara itu, wilayah provinsi yang menjadi sumber berita terbanyak adalah Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) dengan pemberitaan berkecenderungan negatif. NAD memiliki mayoritas masyarakat muslim yang peka terhadap permasalahan syariah. Oleh karena itu, ketidakjelasan sertifikasi halal vaksin menjadi alasan untuk penolakan dan penundaan program Imunisasi MR, yang dalam protokol penelitian ini dikategorikan berita negatif. Dengan demikian, promotor kesehatan dapat menyusun strategi komunikasi kesehatan agar bekerja lebih efektif dengan media, terutama di daerah, dalam menginformasikan kebijakan dan program kesehatan sehingga berita yang dipublikasikan tidak membuat resah masyarakat

    Implementation of The Freedom Learning Program for Prospective Primary School Teachers at Universitas Negeri Semarang: Opportunities and Challenges

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    AbstrakKebijakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) merupakan bentuk pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi yang mandiri dan fleksibel. Namun dalam pelaksanaan program tersebut terdapat beberapa tantangan dan peluang yang dihadapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tantangan dan peluang yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan program MBKM di Dinas Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar khususnya pada program pertukaran pelajar. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian studi kasus. Sumber data penelitian adalah dosen dan mahasiswa pada perguruan tinggi mitra sebagai mata kuliah yang melakukan pertukaran mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipatif, dokumentasi, dan catatan anekdot. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif (kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa mengalami tantangan terkait faktor sosial budaya. Penggunaan bahasa daerah pada saat perkuliahan membuat mahasiswa membutuhkan waktu untuk menyesuaikan diri. Mengenai peluang, perbedaan budaya akademik yang mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran (penugasan mata kuliah, metode pengajaran, dan penggunaan teknologi) memberikan peluang bagi setiap universitas untuk dapat mengadaptasi budaya akademik yang berdampak positif. Sehingga diperlukan lebih banyak petunjuk teknis dalam pelaksanaan program pertukaran pelajar MBKM. AbstractThe Freedom Learning - Freedom Campus (MBKM) Policy is a form of learning in higher education that is autonomous and flexible. However, in implementing the program several challenges and opportunities were encountered. This study aims to describe the challenges and opportunities faced in the implementation of MBKM program in the Primary School Education Department, especially in the student exchange program. The research approach used is qualitative research with a case study research design. Sources of research data are lecturers and students at partner universities as subjects who carry out student exchanges. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, participatory observation, documentation, and anecdotal notes. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis (data condensation, data display, and verification). The results showed that most of the students experienced challenges related to socio-cultural factors. The use of regional languages during lectures makes students need time to adjust. Regarding opportunities, differences in an academic culture that affect the learning process (course assignments, teaching methods, and use of technology) provide opportunities for each university to be able to adapt an academic culture that has a positive impact. So, more technical guidelines are needed in the implementation of the MBKM student exchange program.