132 research outputs found

    Психічні розлади при втраті та горюванні. Актуальність для сьогодення України

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    These graphic materials are a poster presentation for the III Congress with international participation "PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE OF THE XXI CENTURY: REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES". Which took place on November 4-6, 2022 in Kyiv on the Mediamed portal.Дані графічні матеріали є стендовою доповіддю до IІI конгресу з міжнародною участю «ПСИХОСОМАТИЧНА МЕДИЦИНА XXI СТОЛІТТЯ: РЕАЛІЇ ТА ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ». Яка відбувалася 4-6 листопада 2022 року на порталі Mediamed

    Партиципаторна модель інвестиційного розвитку інфраструктури регіону (Participatory model for the region infrastructure investment development)

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    У статті досліджено теоретико-методологічні засади партиципаторного бюджетування із визначенням принципів, інструментів та механізму застосування. Запропоновано партиципаторну модель інвестиційного роз- витку інфраструктури регіону, яка містить засади диверсифікації ресурсів, прав та обов’язків місцевої влади й територіальних громад, врахування громадського зацікавлення та суспільного значення, що сприятиме визначенню пріоритетних регіональних проектів, зменшенню диспропорції в регіональному й інвестиційному розвитку та збереженню просторової різноманітності в економічному просторі регіону. (This article deals with theoretical and methodological basics of the participative budgeting incorporating the definition of the principles, tools and mechanisms of its application. The author proposes the participatory model for the regional infrastructure investment development. This model contains the foundations of the resources diversification, the rights and the responsibilities of the local authorities and territorial communities; it takes public interest and public importance into account. The author concludes that this model will contribute to the identification the regional priority projects and reduce the disproportions in regional investment development as well it will contribute to preservation of the spatial diversity in the economic space of the region.

    Recyclable Photocatalysts for Oil Sands Process-Affected Water Treatment

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    One of the largest environmental challenges faced by Canada is the cleanup and reclamation of land and water impacted by mining operations in the Athabasca oil sands. The persistence of toxicity associated with the soluble naphthenic organic compounds (NOCs) of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) implies that a treatment solution may be necessary to enable safe return of this water to the environment, and the industry is currently exploring passive (i.e., no energy or chemical input) remediation solutions. Among the methods investigated for OSPW treatment, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been shown to be particularly effective for degrading NOCs and reducing OSPW toxicity. However, AOPs are chemically and energy intensive, and are generally considered impractically expensive to meet the scale of treatment required. Solar photocatalysis is a powerful AOP with the potential for passive treatment, however the separation and recycling of nanoparticle photocatalysts remains a key barrier to implementation. This thesis focuses on evaluating photocatalytic treatment of NOCs in OSPW, and the development of composite materials to facilitate separation and recycling of nanoparticle photocatalysts. Solar photocatalysis over TiO2 was found to degrade OSPW naphthenic acids (NAs) through superoxide-dependent oxidative mineralization. The important water and process parameters affecting the rate of photocatalytic treatment were elucidated, and an empirical model was proposed to predict OSPW treatment kinetics in different tailings ponds. Magnetic flocculation was developed as a new paradigm for magnetic nanoparticle capture, and demonstrated to efficiently recycle colloidally dispersed TiO2 nanoparticles in a closed-loop process. Floating photocatalysts were also synthesized to adapt the photocatalytic process towards a passive deployment paradigm, by immobilizing TiO2 nanoparticles onto buoyant glass microspheres. Floating photocatalysts were demonstrated to preferentially treat OSPW base- and neutral-extractable organics and priority toxic naphthenic organic classes of concern. Firstly, photocatalysis with TiO2 was evaluated for the first time in raw OSPW under natural sunlight. One day of photocatalytic treatment under natural sunlight eradicated acid-extractable organics (AEO) from raw OSPW, and acute toxicity of the OSPW toward Vibrio fischeri was eliminated. Nearly complete mineralization of organic carbon was achieved within 1-7 day equivalents of sunlight exposure, and degradation was shown to proceed through a superoxide-mediated oxidation pathway. High resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) analysis of oxidized intermediate compounds indicated preferential degradation of the heavier and more cyclic NAs (higher number of double bond equivalents), which are the most environmentally persistent fractions. The photocatalyst was shown to be recyclable for multiple uses, and thus solar photocatalysis was concluded to be a promising “green” AOP for OSPW treatment. Further studies focused on factors affecting the kinetics of photocatalytic AEO degradation in OSPW. The rate of photocatalytic treatment varied significantly in two different OSPW sources, which could not be accounted for by differences in AEO composition, as studied by HRMS. The effects of inorganic water constituents were investigated using factorial and response surface experiments, which revealed that hydroxyl (HO•) radical scavenging by iron (Fe3+) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) inhibited the NA degradation rate. The effects of NA concentration and temperature on the treatment kinetics were also evaluated in terms of Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Arrhenius models; pH and temperature were identified as weak factors, while dissolved oxygen (DO) was critical to the photo-oxidation reaction. Accounting for all of these variables, a general empirical kinetic expression was proposed, enabling prediction of photocatalytic treatment performance in diverse sources of OSPW. Considering the challenge of TiO2 nanoparticle separation from colloidal dispersions, magnetic flocculation was developed as a new approach to nanoparticle recovery. Flocculant polymers were coated onto magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4@SiO2) to prepare reusable magnetic flocculants (MFs). When added to colloidal nanoparticle dispersions, MFs aggregate with the suspended nanoparticles to form magnetically responsive flocs, which upon separation can be reversibly deflocculated for nanoparticle release, and reuse in a closed loop process. High separation efficiency was attained in a variety of nanoparticle suspensions, including Au, Ag, Pd, Pt, and TiO2, stabilized by different coatings and surface charge. The MFs were shown to be recyclable for photocatalytic treatment of naphthenic acids in oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) and selenium in flue gas desulfurization wastewater (FGDW). Magnetic flocculation thus represents a general platform and alternative paradigm for nanoparticle separation, with potential applications in water treatment and remediation of nanoparticle pollution. As an alternative passive catalyst recycling strategy, floating photocatalysts (FPCs) were prepared by immobilizing TiO2 on glass microbubbles, such that the composite particles float at the air-water interface for passive solar photocatalysis. The FPCs were demonstrated to outperform P25 TiO2 nanoparticles in degrading AEO in raw OSPW under natural sunlight and gentle mixing conditions. The FPCs were also found to be recyclable for multiple uses through simple flotation and skimming. Thus the concept of a potentially passive or semi-passive AOP for OSPW treatment was demonstrated for the first time. Finally, OSPW treatment using FPCs was evaluated under a petroleomics paradigm: chemical changes across acid-, base- and neutral-extractable organic fractions were tracked throughout the treatment with both positive and negative ion mode HRMS. Transformation of OS+ and NO+ classes of concern in the earliest stages of the treatment, along with preferential degradation of high carbon-numbered O2- acids, suggest that photocatalysis may detoxify OSPW with higher efficiency than previously thought, given that the majority of the toxicity of OSPW is currently understood to derive from a subset of such toxic classes, comprising only a minority of the total NOCs. Overall, this thesis advances the understanding of the photocatalytic treatment of OSPW, as well as separation processes for nanoparticle photocatalysts. Combining a sunlight-driven, chemical-oxidant-free catalytic oxidation process with a low-energy, membrane-free catalyst separation and recovery technique may represent a promising strategy to adapt advanced oxidation process (AOP) technology for the passive treatment of OSPW, or other remote mining-impacted waters

    Психосоматичні аспекти виникнення посттравматичного стресового розладу у пацієнтів із цукровим діабетом 2 типу

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    These graphic materials are a poster presentation for the III Congress with international participation "PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE OF THE XXI CENTURY: REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES". Which took place on November 4-6, 2022 in Kyiv on the Mediamed portal.Дані графічні матеріали є стендовою доповіддю до IІI конгресу з міжнародною участю «ПСИХОСОМАТИЧНА МЕДИЦИНА XXI СТОЛІТТЯ: РЕАЛІЇ ТА ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ». Яка відбувалася 4-6 листопада 2022 року на порталі Mediamed

    Simulative model for evaluation of investment processes in the regions of Ukraine

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    To analyze and evaluate the investment processes in the regions of Ukraine, it is suggested to use a simulative model that, unlike existing ones, allows to take into account the influence of macroeconomic factors and to predict the future development of the economic system of the regions taking into account their investment potential. The examination of the assessed simulative models of the investment processes in the regions of Ukraine for adequacy is carried out using the determination coefficient and Fisher’s criterion, by which the influence of the most significant economic variables of social and economic development of the regions on the investments formation is determined. Research of the investments impact on the dynamics of economic systems indicators of the regions has shown that 86% of the constructed models are adequate. The presence of statistically significant estimates of model parameters confirms the effectiveness of the proposed approach for conducting research on the analysis and forecasting of the patterns of significant indicators formation of investment activity at the regional level, as well as their impact on indicators of social and economic development

    Petroleomic analysis of the treatment of naphthenic organics in oil sands process-affected water with buoyant photocatalysts

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2018.05.011 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/The persistence of toxicity associated with the soluble naphthenic organic compounds (NOCs) of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) implies that a treatment solution may be necessary to enable safe return of this water to the environment. Due to recent advances in high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), the majority of the toxicity of OSPW is currently understood to derive from a subset of toxic classes, comprising only a minority of the total NOCs. Herein, oxidative treatment of OSPW with buoyant photocatalysts was evaluated under a petroleomics paradigm: chemical changes across acid-, base- and neutral-extractable organic fractions were tracked throughout the treatment with both positive and negative ion mode electrospray ionization (ESI) Orbitrap MS. Elimination of detected OS+ and NO+ classes of concern in the earliest stages of the treatment, along with preferential degradation of high carbon-numbered O2− acids, suggest that photocatalysis may detoxify OSPW with higher efficiency than previously thought. Application of petroleomic level analysis offers unprecedented insights into the treatment of petroleum impacted water, allowing reaction trends to be followed across multiple fractions and thousands of compounds simultaneously.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaNSERC Vanier Canada Graduate ScholarshipOntario Graduate Scholarshi

    Targeted nanoparticle binding & detection in petroleum hydrocarbon impacted porous media

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.10.046 © 2019. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Targeted nanoparticle binding has become a core feature of experimental pharmaceutical product design which enables more efficient payload delivery and enhances medical imaging by accumulating nanoparticles in specific tissues. Environmental remediation and geophysical monitoring encounter similar challenges which may be addressed in part by the adoption of targeted nanoparticle binding strategies. This study illustrates that engineered nanoparticles can bind to crude oil-impacted silica sand, a selective adsorption driven by active targeting based on an amphiphilic polymer coating. This coating strategy resulted in 2 mg/kg attachment to clean silica sand compared to 8 mg/kg attachment to oil-impacted silica sand. It was also shown that modifying the surface coating influenced the binding behaviour of the engineered nanoparticles – more hydrophobic polymers resulted in increased binding. Successful targeting of Pluronic-coated iron oxide nanoparticles to a crude oil and silica sand mixture was demonstrated through a combined quantitative Orbital Emission Spectroscopy mass analysis supported by Vibrating Scanning Magnetometer magnetometry, and a qualitative X-ray micro-computed tomography (CT) visualization approach. These non-destructive characterization techniques facilitated efficient analysis of nanoparticles in porous medium samples with minimal sample preparation, and in the case of X-Ray CT, illustrated how targeted nanoparticle binding may be used to produce 3-D images of contaminated porous media. This work demonstrated successful implementation of nanoparticle targeted binding toward viscous LNAPL such as crude oil in the presence of a porous medium, a step which opens the door to successful application of targeted delivery technology in environmental remediation and monitoring.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Supplemental data, code, and models from <b><i>A Light Touch: Solar Photocatalysis Detoxifies Oil Sands Process-Affected Waters Prior to Significant Treatment of Naphthenic Acids</i></b>

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    Raw data, code (Python scripts), and models (for Kow and Kmw partition coefficient prediction; physiologically based models, PBMs).</p