284 research outputs found

    Genetic Canine Agression

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    Canine aggression can pose a serious concern for public and animal welfare. Most of what we know about aggression comes from bite statistics, expert opinions and breed-specific aggressiveness. These sources can often be misleading due to biases toward large or powerful breeds. In this review, I will examine a study that suggest a small number of genes control aggression

    Union membership and the erosion of the Ghent system: Lessons from Finland

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    Union density declined in Finland by more than 10 percentage points in less than ten years. This paper analyses the reasons behind the decline, using micro data from the 1990s. According to our results, the changes in the composition of the labour force and the changes in the labour market explain about a quarter of this decline. The main reason for the decline appears to be the erosion of the Ghent system, due to the emergence of an independent UI fund that provides unemployment insurance without requiring union membership. Interestingly, we find evidence that the decline in the union density can be attributed to declining inclination of the cohorts born after the early 1960s to become union members.Ghent system, union membership, trade unions

    Síndromes provocades per errors metabòlics

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    Es descriuen les característiques de l'alumnat afectat per la fenilcetonúria y la síndrome de Lesch-NyHam

    Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism in Patients with Epilepsy

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    Serotonin (5-HT) je neurotransmiter s ulogom u brojnim fiziološkim funkcijama, te u etiopatogenezi različitih neuropsihijatrijskih poremećaja. Razna istraživanja otkrila su sposobnost serotonina da utječe na nastanak i tijek epileptičkih napadaja. Serotoninski prijenosnik (5-HTT), transmembranski je protein odgovoran za uklanjanje serotonina iz sinaptičke pukotine, a smatra se glavnim regulatorom 5-HT neurotransmisije. Promotor i drugi intron gena za 5-HTT sadrže funkcionalne polimorfizme koji utječu na efikasnost genske ekspresije. Ovim radom ispitivana je njihova povezanost s epilepsijom temporalnog režnja (TLE). Istraživanjem je obuhvaćena 101 osoba oboljela od TLE-a i 155 zdravih osoba. Usporedbom frekvencija alela i genotipova promotorskog (5-HTTLPR) i intronskog (VNTR-2) polimorfizma gena za 5-HTT, nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike između promatranih skupina. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju da istraživani polimorfizmi nemaju veliku ulogu u etiopatogenezi TLE-a u hrvatskoj populaciji, no zbog relativno malog broja ispitanika ne može se isključiti njihov mali utjecaj na etiopatogenezu ove kompleksne bolesti.Serotonin is a neurotransmiter with a role in many physiological functions and in the etiopathogenesis of different neuropsychiatric disorders. Various studies have revealed the ability of serotonin to affect the generation and the course of epileptic seizures. Serotonin transporter (5-HTT), a transmembrane protein responsible for the removal of 5-HT from the synaptic cleft, is considered to be the main regulator of the 5-HT transmission. The promoter and the second intron of the 5-HTT gene contain functional polymorphisms that affect efficiency of the gene expression. The present work has investigated their association with the temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). The study included 101 patients suffering from TLE and 155 healthy individuals. Comparison of allelic and genotypic frequencies of promoter (5-HTTLPR) and intron 2 (VNTR-2) polymorphisms, demonstrated no statistically significant difference between the investigated groups. These results indicate that investigated polymorphisms do not play a major role in the etiopathogenesis of TLE in Croatian population, however due to relatively small sample size, their minor effects on the etiopathogenesis of this complex disorder could not be excluded

    The Cowl - v.82 -n.13 - Jan 18, 2018

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 82, Number 13 - January 18, 2018. 24 pages

    Por una teoría "propia" de la pena

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