159 research outputs found

    The molecular basis of JAZ-MYC coupling, a protein-protein interface essential for plant response to stressors

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    The jasmonic acid (JA) signaling pathway is one of the primary mechanisms that allow plants to respond to a variety of biotic and abiotic stressors. Within this pathway, the JAZ repressor proteins and the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor MYC3 play a critical role. JA is a volatile organic compound with an essential role in plant immunity. The increase in the concentration of JA leads to the decoupling of the JAZ repressor proteins and the bHLH transcription factor MYC3 causing the induction of genes of interest. The primary goal of this study was to identify the molecular basis of JAZ-MYC coupling. For this purpose, we modeled and validated 12 JAZ-MYC3 3D in silico structures and developed a molecular dynamics/machine learning pipeline to obtain two outcomes. First, we calculated the average free binding energy of JAZ-MYC3 complexes, which was predicted to be -10.94 +/-2.67 kJ/mol. Second, we predicted which ones should be the interface residues that make the predominant contribution to the free energy of binding (molecular hotspots). The predicted protein hotspots matched a conserved linear motif SL••FL•••R, which may have a crucial role during MYC3 recognition of JAZ proteins. As a proof of concept, we tested, both in silico and in vitro, the importance of this motif on PEAPOD (PPD) proteins, which also belong to the TIFY protein family, like the JAZ proteins, but cannot bind to MYC3. By mutating these proteins to match the SL••FL•••R motif, we could force PPDs to bind the MYC3 transcription factor. Taken together, modeling protein-protein interactions and using machine learning will help to find essential motifs and molecular mechanisms in the JA pathway

    An evaluation of physical and mechanical scarification methods on seed germination of Vachellia macracantha (Humb. and Bonpl. ex Willd.) Seigler and Ebinger

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    The dry Andean forests are ecosystems with a high diversity of flora and fauna and are at high risk of extinction due to the pressure of human activity. V. macracantha is a native species of the dry Andean forest, which has potential for reforestation and also provides benefits in agroforestry systems, due to its nitrogen fixation capacity, the supply of organic matter, the production of shade and wind protection. The multiplication of this species is limited due to the low percentage of seed germination, which present dormancy. The aim of this research was to determine the most effective scarification method for seeds germination of V. macracantha. Two types of methods were tested, the immersion in strong acids (chemical scarification), and the seed bark through filing, cutting and soaking into hot water (physical scarification). A completely randomized block design with 3 replicates was used. For the chemical methods, sulfuric, nitric, and phosphoric acid (50% v/v) were used at different exposure times: 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 minutes, respectively. Three variables were measured as follows: percentage of germination, the number of leaves and the plant height. The chemical methods did not present any significant difference in the percentage of germination. The physical method of seed filing, had achieved the highest percentage of germination with 46%, compared to control treatment, which had achieved 6%. No treatment performed significant differences in the parameters of number of leaves and plant height.Los bosques secos andinos son ecosistemas con alta diversidad de flora y fauna y tienen alto riesgo de extinción debido a la presión de la actividad humana. V. macracantha es una especie nativa del bosque seco andino que tiene potencial para la reforestación y también brinda beneficios en sistemas agroforestales, debido a su capacidad de fijación de nitrógeno, el suministro de materia orgánica, la producción de sombra y protección del viento. La propagación de esta especie es limitada debido al bajo porcentaje de germinación de las semillas, las cuales presentan dormancia. El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar el método de escarificación más eficaz para la germinación de las semillas de V. macracantha. Dos tipos de métodos fueron probados, la inmersión en ácidos fuertes (escarificación química), y la remoción de la corteza de la semilla a través del limado, corte y remojo en agua caliente (escarificación física). Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar con 3 repeticiones. Para los métodos químicos, se usó ácido sulfúrico, nítrico, y fosfórico (50% v/v) a diferentes tiempos de exposición: 5, 10, 15, 20 y 25 minutos, respectivamente. Se midieron tres variables como sigue: porcentaje de germinación, la cantidad de hojas y la altura de la planta. Los métodos químicos no presentaron ninguna diferencia significativa en el porcentaje de germinación. El método físico de limado de la semilla tuvo el porcentaje más alto de germinación con un 46%, en comparación al control que tuvo el 6%. Ningún tratamiento tuvo diferencias significativas en los parámetros de cantidad de hojas y la altura de la planta

    Dynamics of Microbial Communities during the Removal of Copper and Zinc in a Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactor with a Limestone Pre-Column System

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    Biological treatment using sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) is a promising approach to remediate acid rock drainage (ARD). Our purpose was to assess the performance of a sequential system consisting of a limestone bed filter followed by a sulfate-reducing bioreactor treating synthetic ARD for 375 days and to evaluate changes in microbial composition. The treatment system was effective in increasing the pH of the ARD from 2.7 to 7.5 and removed total Cu(II) and Zn(II) concentrations by up to 99.8% and 99.9%, respectively. The presence of sulfate in ARD promoted sulfidogenesis and changed the diversity and structure of the microbial communities. Methansarcina spp. was the most abundant amplicon sequence variant (ASV); however, methane production was not detected. Biodiversity indexes decreased over time with the bioreactor operation, whereas SRB abundance remained stable. Desulfobacteraceae, Desulfocurvus, Desulfobulbaceae and Desulfovibrio became more abundant, while Desulfuromonadales, Desulfotomaculum and Desulfobacca decreased. Geobacter and Syntrophobacter were enriched with bioreactor operation time. At the beginning, ASVs with relative abundance <2% represented 65% of the microbial community and 21% at the end of the study period. Thus, the results show that the microbial community gradually lost diversity while the treatment system was highly efficient in remediating ARD

    Comparative Methods for Quantification of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in Environmental and Engineered Sludge Samples

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    This study aimed to compare microscopic counting, culture, and quantitative or real-time PCR (qPCR) to quantify sulfate-reducing bacteria in environmental and engineered sludge samples. Four sets of primers that amplified the dsrA and apsA gene encoding the two key enzymes of the sulfate-reduction pathway were initially tested. qPCR standard curves were constructed using genomic DNA from an SRB suspension and dilutions of an enriched sulfate-reducing sludge. According to specificity and reproducibility, the DSR1F/RH3-dsr-R primer set ensured a good quantification based on dsrA gene amplification; however, it exhibited inconsistencies at low and high levels of SRB concentrations in environmental and sulfate-reducing sludge samples. Ultimately, we conducted a qPCR method normalized to dsrA gene copies, using a synthetic double-stranded DNA fragment as a calibrator. This method fulfilled all validation criteria and proved to be specific, accurate, and precise. The enumeration of metabolically active SRB populations through culture methods differed from dsrA gene copies but showed a plausible positive correlation. Conversely, microscopic counting had limitations due to distinguishing densely clustered organisms, impacting precision. Hence, this study proves that a qPCR-based method optimized with dsrA gene copies as a calibrator is a sensitive molecular tool for the absolute enumeration of SRB populations in engineered and environmental sludge samples

    Frequency of gastronintestinal parasite of dogs in public parks in two neighboring municipalities of state of Mexico

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    Artículo científicoLa contaminación de suelos por parásitos gastrointestinales representa un problema mundial y un riesgo a la salud. Objetivo. Determinar la presencia de parásitos en heces de perros en los parques públicos del área. Materiales y métodos. Se recolectaron muestras de heces en 27 parques públicos de Metepec y Toluca Estado de México, mismos que se procesaron con 3 técnicas parasitológicas; 81.4% de los parques públicos resultaron positivos a parásitos gastrointestinales, con una frecuencia global de muestras del 16.5%. El porcentaje de parasitosis con potencial zoonótico fue de 81.3%; Toxocara spp, Ancylostoma spp y Giardia spp fueron las especies zoonóticas identificadas. Conclusiones. Los resultados indican que los parques de la zona conurbada de Toluca representan un problema de salud pública importante al ser una fuente de parásitos gastrointestinales zoonóticos de perro

    Plan de capacitacion de servicio al cliente para americas business process services

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    La dirección del talento humano tiene como base fundamental, aprovechar de forma eficiente al recurso humano con el que cuenta la organización para su propio crecimiento, debe preocuparse por su bienestar, desarrollo profesional y velar porque las personas se sientan valoradas y cómodas en general con el ambiente laboral acorde a las políticas y procedimientos establecidos. La gerencia del talento humano es quien tiene a cargo todo el proceso contractual adecuado y que llega a ser ajustado a las insuficiencias de la organización, define la política y planeación del talento, realiza el análisis y diseño de cargos, el reclutamiento, la selección, establece las fases contractuales, los reglamentos, el sistema de seguridad social, compensación, bienestar, evaluación de desempeño, etapas de inducción, métodos de socialización de personal, procesos de entrenamiento, entre otros basándose en las etapas del proceso administrativo: que consiste en la Planeación o diseño, la Organización, Dirigir o ejecutar los mismo y como final Controlar lo ya implementado. Una vez establecido el proceso y puesto en marcha, cuando un colaborador inicia sus funciones ya está inmerso en el clima laboral, éste es un indicador para identificar que tan satisfechas y motivadas se encuentran las personas. Un buen clima laboral tiene un gran significado en los colaboradores porque evita la rotación de personal , conflictos internos que pueden afectar a la compañía, es por ello que desde el departamento de Gestión Humano, a través de las encuestas pueden conocer la percepción de los colaboradores , su estado anímico, como son las relaciones interpersonales , cual es el nivel de participación en los equipos , el estado de sus implementos y herramientas de trabajo y en general cuál es su sentir dentro de la organización, el objetivo de las encuestas es tomar correctivos luego de un arduo análisis y conocer que es lo que motiva a las personas, que sueños tienen, que aspiraciones tienen y con ello la compañía podrá encontrar a forma de apoyar a los colaboradores y saber de primera mano quienes podrían asumir nuevos desafíos. Con el fin de que las personas tengan mayor crecimiento , en las organizaciones hoy día cuentan con programas para evaluar el desempeño los cuales pueden alinearse con un método de compensación y beneficios que deben darse a conocer a toda la organización , esto se hace con el fin de motivar el alto rendimiento lo que genera beneficios en el bienestar de los colaboradores, en el clima laboral y en el éxito empresarial al manejar una problemática que es indispensable al integrar los objetivos de la compañía con los de los colaboradores.The management of human talent has as a fundamental basis, to efficiently take advantage of the human resources available to the organization for its own growth, it must be concerned about their welfare, and professional development and ensure that people feel valued and comfortable in general with the work environment according to the established policies and procedures. The human talent management is in charge of all the app.ropriate contractual process that adjusts to the needs of the organization, defines the talent policy and planning, performs the analysis and design of positions, recruitment, and selection, and establishes the contractual phases, regulations, social security system, compensation, welfare, performance evaluation, induction stages, personnel socialization methods, training processes, among others, based on the stages of the administrative process: Plan, Organize, Direct, and Control. Once the process has been established and implemented, when an employee starts working, is already immersed in the work environment, which indicates how satisfied and motivated people are. A good work environment has great significance for the collaborators because it avoids staff turnover, and internal conflicts that can affect the company, that is why the area of human talent, through surveys can know the perception of employees, their mood, how are the interpersonal relationships, what is the level of participation in the teams, The objective of the surveys is to take corrective actions after an arduous analysis and to know what motivates people, what dreams they have, what aspirations they have, and with this the company can find a way to supp.ort employees and know first-hand who could take on new challenges. In order for people to have greater growth, organizations today have programs to evaluate performance which can be aligned with a method of compensation and benefits that should be made known to the entire organization, this is done in order to motivate high performance which generates benefits in the welfare of employees, in the work environment and business success to manage a problem that is essential to integrate the objectives of the company with those of employees

    Blood component requirements in liver transplantation: effect of 2 thromboelastometry-guided strategies for bolus fibrinogen infusion, the TROMBOFIB randomized trial

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    Background: A low plasma fibrinogen level influences blood component transfusion. Thromboelastometry provides clinical guidance for fibrinogen replacement in liver transplantation (LT). Objectives: We hypothesized that infusions of fibrinogen concentrate to reach an A10FIBTEM value of 11 mm during LT could reduce red blood cell (RBC) and other component and fluid requirements in comparison to standard care. Methods: This randomized, blinded, multicenter trial in 3 hospitals enrolled 189 LTscheduled patients allocated to an intervention target (A10FIBTEM, 11 mm) or a standard target (A10FIBTEM, 8 mm); 176 patients underwent LT with fibrinogen replacement. Data were analyzed by intention-to-treat (intervention group, 91; control group, 85). Blood was extracted, and fibrinogen kits were prepared to bring each patient's fibrinogen level to the assigned target at the start of LT, after portal vein clamping, and after graft reperfusion. The main outcome was the proportion of patients requiring RBC transfusion during LT or within 24 hours. Results: The proportion of patients requiring RBCs did not differ between the groups: intervention, 74.7% (95% CI, 65.5%-83.3%); control, 72.9% (95% CI, 62.2%-82.0%); absolute difference, 1.8% (95% CI, −11.1% to 14.78%) (P = .922). Thrombotic events occurred in 4% of the patients in both groups; reoperation and retransplantation rates and mortality did not differ. Nearly 70% of the patients in both groups required fibrinogen concentrate to reach the target. Using an 11-mm A10FIBTEM target increased the maximum clot firmness without affecting safety. However, this change provided no clinical benefits. Conclusion: The similar low plasma fibrinogen concentrations could explain the lack of significant between-group outcomes

    Evaluación de marcadores microsatélites (SSRs) heterólogos en Rubus niveus para estudios de diversidad genética en las Islas Galápagos

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    Rubus niveus is a species that originated in Asia. This plant has spread over several continents due to its anthropogenic uses and biological characteristics. It presents high adaptability which has allowed it to establish in new environments and invade them, as is the case of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Since it arrived in the archipelago, R. niveus has displaced native plants. Existing control methods have so far been ineffective. Understanding this plant’s genetic diversity using molecular markers could explain its invasive success and aid in developing efficient control strategies. Therefore, in this study, we carried out a preliminary analysis of the transferability of heterologous microsatellite markers for the study of genetic diversity of R. niveus in the Galapagos Islands. For this purpose, we collected and analyzed 68 samples from different locations within Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Isabel, and Floreana islands and 10 samples from Continental Ecuador. We chose 15 microsatellite markers for this study, all of which amplified successfully, demonstrating transferability from one species to another. However, all 15 loci were monomorphic in every amplified sample from the Galapagos Islands and Continental Ecuador, therefore, we were unable to determine the genetic diversity of R. niveus in our samples. Our research with microsatellite markers and similar studies with species in the Rubus genus found monomorphic loci. Therefore, we suggest that a better strategy would be to sequence R. niveus’ genome and explore other molecular markers such as Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms to determine genetic diversity levels of this species.Rubus niveus o mora es una especie originaria de Asia. Esta planta se ha dispersado por varios continentes por sus usos antropogénicos y sus características biológicas. La alta adaptabilidad que presenta le ha permitido establecerse en nuevos ambientes y volverse invasora, como es el caso de las Islas Galápagos, Ecuador. Desde su llegada a estas islas, la mora ha ido desplazando plantas nativas, y hasta el momento ninguno de los métodos de control utilizados ha resultado efectivo. Estudiar la diversidad genética de esta planta usando marcadores moleculares podría servir para explicar el éxito de su invasión y para desarrollar medidas de control efectivas. Por lo expuesto, en el presente estudio se evaluó la viabilidad de marcadores microsatélites heterólogos para el análisis de la diversidad genética de esta especie en las Islas Galápagos. Para ello se colectaron y analizaron 68 muestras de diferentes localidades de las islas Santa Cruz, San Cristóbal, Isabela y Floreana, y 10 muestras del Ecuador continental. Se escogieron 15 marcadores microsatélites y todos amplificaron exitosamente, demostrando transferibilidad de una especie a otra. Los 15 loci resultaron monomórficos para las muestras amplificadas de las Islas Galápagos y Ecuador continental. Estos resultados no permitieron determinar la diversidad genética de la mora en las muestras estudiadas. Nuestro estudio con microsatélites y otros similares en especies del género Rubus, encontraron loci monomórficos. Por lo tanto, sugerimos llevar a cabo el secuenciamiento del genoma de la mora y así utilizar otros marcadores moleculares como los polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido para dilucidar el nivel de diversidad de esta especie. &nbsp

    Memorias del 3er. coloquio de estudios sobre juegos de rol

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    Aquí se recopilan las ponencias recibidas para ser publicadas en el 4o. Coloquio de estudios sobre juegos de rol (2018), realizado en el Tec de Monterrey campus Santa Fe el 26 y 27 de abril de 2018. Únicamente se publican las ponencias cuyos autores dieron permiso explícito para ello y que facilitaron copia de su trabajo. Los resúmenes de las ponencias pasaron por un proceso de revisión doble ciego para ser admitidas en el coloquio.https://digitalcommons.njit.edu/stemresources/1020/thumbnail.jp