72 research outputs found

    The Development of COLESTVIAModel as An Effort of Internanalization of Character Values in Social Studies

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: This research is based on a condition of Social Studies instruction in Junior High schools in Surakarta that is still far from the expectation. It focuses on the cognitive aspect and lack of affective aspects. Therefore, it is important to develop an instruction throughCOLESTVIA Model by combining STAD type, Tournament and VIA as an effort in internalization of character values in Social Studies instruction. The development of character values is concerned with cognitive development and the result of social interaction. It is believed that by integrating the character values, it can strengthen the character and personality for the Junior High school students in Surakarta. Method:The Developmentof COLESTVIA Model is done through development research by three main steps, namely Preliminary Study, Development, and Model Pilot. The data was collected through Observational Technique, Interview, Questionaire and Doccumentation. The Data Analysis for the Preliminary Study uses qualitative, while the Model Pilot was by means of experiment using quantitative Approach as to answer the research questions, namely : (1) How is the performance of the Social Studies instruction of the grade VIII of Junior High School students in Surakarta, (2) How is the development of COLESTVIA Model that can integrate the character values, and (3) How is the effectiveness of The DevelopmentCOLESTVIA Model as an attempt of the internalization of the character values in Social Studies instruction in grade VIII Junior High school.T- test was used to know the difference between the model of COLESTVIA instruction and conventional model. Findings: The result of the research shows after performing the try out in SMP 19 through Classroom Action Research (CAR); the larger scaled-trial in SMP 2 and private Junior High School A, (experiment), SMP 3 and private Junior High School B (control), and the effectiveness of trial in SMP 19, SMP 24 and private Junior High School C (experiment) and SMP 10, SMP 25 and private Junior High School D (contol), proved that thatCOLESTVIA instruction is able to improve the competency and the SMP students’ character values in various groups of schools. The conclusion of the research is that the model of COLESTVIA instruction fulfill the principles and proves significantly the increase of the SMP students’ character values in Surakarta compared with the various conventional models of instruction


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    This exploratory study aims to: 1) determine objectives, materials, methods, media and evaluation of teaching high school history, 2) identify the factors supporting and inhibiting high school history lessons, 3) exploit the understanding of high school history teachers to models learning history, and 4) create a model for teaching History-Based Character Education. Research subjects high school history teachers Solo Raya. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, document analysis, questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion. The method of data analysis using an interactive model of qualitative analysis. The results showed: 1) the purpose of teaching history inculcate the spirit of nationalism, love of nation and homeland; materials in accordance with the Content Standards; methods varied lectures, power point media, film and Liquid Crystal Display, while the evaluation is still a lot to cognitive aspects, 2) factors history of the learning support innovative learning models, factors inhibiting book BSE minimal, and the discriminatory subjects, 3) the majority of high school teachers have understood the learning models, and 4) completion of a model Critical, Creative, Chain and character (KKBB). Keywords: teaching of history, the history teacher, high school and character education. Penelitian eksploratif ini bertujuan: 1) mengetahui tujuan, materi, metode, media, dan evaluasi pembelajaran Sejarah SMA; 2) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat pembelajaran Sejarah SMA; 3) mengeksploitasi pemahaman guru-guru Sejarah SMA terhadap model-model pembelajaran Sejarah, dan 4) menyusun model Pembelajaran Sejarah Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter. Subjek penelitian guru-guru Sejarah SMA Solo Raya. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, analisis dokumen, angket dan Focus Group Discussion. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) tujuan pembelajaran Sejarah menanamkan semangat kebangsaan, cinta bangsa dan tanah air; materi sesuai dengan Standar Isi; metode ceramah bervariasi, media power point, film dan Liquid Crystal Display, sedangkan evaluasinya masih banyak ke aspek kognitif; 2) Faktor pendukung pembelajaran Sejarah adalah adanya model-model pembelajaran inovatif, faktor penghambatnya buku BSE yang minim, dan adanya diskriminatif mata pelajaran; 3) sebagian besar guru-guru SMA telah memahami model-model pembelajaran, dan 4) tersusunnya model Kritis, Kreatif, Berantai dan berkarakter (KKBB). Kata kunci: pembelajaran Sejarah, guru Sejarah, Sekolah Menengah Atas dan pendidikan karakter

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran IPS Terpadu (Suatu Studi Evaluatif di SMP Kota Surakarta)

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of integrated learning model at the junior high school social studies Surakarta, identify limiting factors, and know the efforts made by social studies teachers in enhancing professionalism. This study is an evaluation study using qualitative research methods deskrptif. Form of research tends to use a single case study research subjects are social studies teachers at SMP / MTs Surakarta. Techniques and tools of data collection used were interviews, observation, and archival records and documents. The results showed that the first, in its implementation, teaching social studies at the SMP / MTs there are many differences; there is a learning IPS implement a fully integrated, semi integrated, and not integrated. Secondly, the barriers faced by, among others, (a) lack of understanding / mastery of the material outside the field (b) lack of knowledge and understanding of learning models Integrated IPS (c) the difficulty in applying the concept of Integrated IPS learning, and (d) the attitude skeptical of their own social studies teachers. Third, efforts made in improving the social studies teacher professional competence, among others: (a) ask the other social studies teachers, (b) reading the reference books on social studies, (c) the training, socialization, workshop, seminar, workshop, and (d) sharing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi model pembelajaran IPS Terpadu di SMP Kota Surakarta, mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penghambat, dan mengetahui upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh guru IPS dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme. Penelitian ini merupakan studi evaluasi dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskrptif kualitatif. Bentuk penelitiannya cenderung menggunakan studi kasus tunggal Subyek penelitian adalah guru-guru IPS di SMP/MTs Kota Surakarta. Teknik dan alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan mencatat arsip serta dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, dalam implementasinya, pembelajaran IPS di SMP/MTs masih terdapat banyak perbedaan; ada yang melaksanakan pembelajaran IPS terpadu secara penuh, setengah terpadu, dan tidak terpadu. Kedua, hambatan yang dihadapi antara lain, (a) kurang pemahaman/penguasaan terhadap materi di luar bidangnya (b) kurangnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman model-model pembelajaran IPS Terpadu; (c) kesulitan dalam menerapkan konsep pembelajaran IPS Terpadu; dan (d) sikap skeptis dari guru IPS sendiri. Ketiga, upaya yang dilakukan guru IPS dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesionalnya, antara lain : (a) bertanya kepada guru IPS yang lain ; (b) membaca buku-buku referensi tentang IPS ; (c) mengikuti pelatihan, sosialisasi, workshop, seminar, semiloka, dan (d) sharing


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    Republic of Korea, known as South Korea is a country in East Asian which is located in south of Korea Peninsula. Republic of Korea borders on North Korea in north. Both united until 1948. It borders on Japan Ocean in the east, East Cina Ocean in the south, and Yellow Ocean in the west. In August 22 th 1910, Japan occupied Korea based on Aneksasi Agreement. The crisis of the World War II porced Japan looked for the help from founding father of Korea. So that, Japan could occupy the Korea territory more Korea asked Japan to allow it to prepare the independence. The preparation was well done. So, in August 15 th 1945 Korea was independent. The liberalism and communism divided Korea in 38 0 of north latitude. The interferences of both countries divided Korea. In 1950 until 1953, Korea War broken the relationship. Based on the background about the research problems of the study are identified as follows: (1) How p olitics carrier a President Kim Dae Jung ?; (2) How the background of reunification Korea in 1998 ?; (3) How President Kim Dae Jung’s policy to reunificated Korea in 1998-2003 ? The aims of the research are to identify: (1) Politics carrier a President Kim Dae Jung; (2) The background of reunification Korea in 1998; (3) President Kim Dae Jung’s policy to reunificated Korea in 1998-2003. Key words: reunification, South Korea, Sunshine Polic


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    The aims of this study is to describe: (1) background of susuk wangan traditional ceremony appearance, (2) the procession of susuk wangan traditional ceremony, (3) wisdom value that implied in traditional ceremony of susuk wangan. Based on the results of research can be concluded: (1) village society wisdom Setren in watch over environment passes traditional ceremony of susuk wangan is Setren society mechanism in watch over forest and spring source with attach forest with myth trusted Setren society. Traditional ceremony of susuk wangan as a grateful for God who have given water that overlow and fertile soil (2) traditional ceremony of susuk wangan contains symbolic meaning in ceremony equipment and symbolic behavior of ceremony executans (3) traditional ceremony of susuk wangan keeps various moral value that delivered nonverbal as human with the God. This ceremony contains social solidarity value and environment presevation that respected by the supporter society (4) as social solidarity and appear environment by didn’t cut down the forest illegally, clean spring source, clean the water land wangan with flow trugh Setren village. Keywords: local wisdom, traditional ceremony, susuk wangan, social solidarity, environment preservation

    Implementasi Kompetensi Inti Kurikulum 2013 dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah (Studi Kasus di SMA Mta Surakarta)

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    The objectives of research were: 1) to find out the historical teachers\u27 understanding in SMA MTA Surakarta about the main competency of 2013 Curriculum, 2) to find out the implementation plan of main competency of the 2013 curriculum in historical learning in SMA MTA Surakarta, 3) to find out the application of main competency of 2013 curriculum in historical learning in SMA MTA Surakarta, and 4) to find out the evaluation the history teachers took in SMA MTA Surakarta in the implementation of main competency of 2013 curriculum.This study was a descriptive qualitative research. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, and data analysis. To validate the data, the author employed data and method triangulations. Technique of analyzing data used by the author was an interactive model of analysis. The research procedure employed included pre research, field research, data analysis, and report writing stages.The results of research were as follows: 1) History teacher in SMA MTA Surakarta understood the main competency as the foundation on which a teacher realized the objective to be achieved in learning and the objective wanted by curriculum. 2) The plan the teachers made in historical learning implementation with the main competency of 2013 curriculum corresponding to the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) of 2013 curriculum. 3) The historical learning implementation based on the main competency of 2013 curriculum in SMA MTA Surakarta had run well, because in historical learning process, the teachers always generated spiritual, social attitude competencies, knowledge competency, and skill competency of students. The student had also been able to demonstrate well every main competency. 4) During historical learning process, evaluation on any competency had also been carried out well by the teacher.The conclusion of research was that the application of main competency of 2013 curriculum through scientific approach with 5M (observing, questioning, collecting information, associating, and communicating) stages and student-centered approach could improve the competency of students comprehensively in historical learning in SMA MTA Surakarta

    The Sultanate of Palembang Based on Digital Storytelling As a Learning Media of Local History in Palembang

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    This study aimed to create a thrilling and interactive learning experience for students using digital media (including audio, videos, photographs, and animations) while analyzing the history of Palembang Sultanate. College students must be invited to participate in ancient adventures and experience the ecosystem of the Palembang Sultanate. This learning media may be designed with the aid of students and by using the currently available digital era. Story content can be developed using thrilling narratives, creative visuals, and animations that bring ancient events to life. Moreover, student interplay with the content can be endorsed via questions, sports, and demanding situations that are incorporated into the tale. The current study examines the learning media by testing it on a set of college students in Palembang and measures its effectiveness in raising interest, understanding, and appreciation of the history of the Palembang Sultanate. The results of the assessment could be used to enhance and optimize the knowledge of media so that it is extra effective and per the needs of college students. It is hoped that using virtual storytelling-based knowledge of media can grow students’ interest in gaining knowledge of neighborhood records, support their sense of cultural identification, and broaden their knowledge of the journey of the Palembang Sultanate. This study media can also be a beneficial reference supply for instructors in teaching neighborhood records in Palembang. Keywords: Palembang Sultanate, digital storytelling, learning media, local history, Palemban

    The Strategy of Enhancing Student’s Leadership Behavior through History Learning Based on Serat Mudhatanya Value

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    The aim of this research is to examine the implementation and effectivity of history learning concept based on value of Serat Mudhatanya for enhancing student’s leadership behavior. This research is conducted on XI-3 Social Science of SMA Negeri 1 Baureno as the experimental class and XI-3 Social Science of SMA Negeri 1 Sumberrejo as the control class. This research uses the combination of qualitative and quantitative method. The results of this research are: 1) history concept based on value of Serat Mudhatanya is developed by combining Group Investigation concept, Value Clarification Technique and Scientific approach, and leadership values of Serat Mudhatanya, 2) the implementation of history learning based on value of Serat Mudhatanya enhancing character building of student effectively in the form of leadership behavior and student’s result of their studies

    The Among System in the Senior High School History Learning

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    This study describes the theoretical and practical aspect of the Among - system in the modern historical learning. As a preliminary research, this article formulates a conceptual framework of the Among- system in the contemporary learning, especially modern history learning. This research used library research method that conducted in Dewantara Kirti Griya Library Yogyakarta. Data analysis was done by the descriptive method of collecting data, compiling or classifying, and interpreting

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran IPS Terpadu (Suatu Studi Evaluatif di Smp Kota Surakarta)

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    The objective of this study is: 1) to obtain information in relation to the implementation of instructional model of integrated social science at Junior Secondary School in Surakarta City; 2) to identify the inhibiting factors; and 3) to know some efforts performed by Social Science teachers to enhance their professionalism. This study is an evaluation study using qualitative-descriptive research method. This research tends to use a single case study. The subject of this research is Social Science teachers of SMP/MTs (Junior Secondary School/Islamic Junior Secondary School) in Surakarta City. The data was collected through interviews, observation, and archival records and documents. The findings showed that: 1) there were still many differences in the implementation of Social Science instruction at SMP/MTs. There were teachers who delivered Social Science in integrated way, semi integrated and partially; 2) there were many obstacles faced by the teachers, among others: (a) lack of understanding/mastery of the material outside their competency, (b) lack of knowledge and understanding of instructional models of Integrated Social Science, (c) difficulties to apply the instructional concepts of Integrated Social Science, and (d) a skeptical attitude of Social Science teachers; 3) some efforts performed by Social Science teachers to improve their professionalism, among others: (a) asking other Social Science teachers, (b) reading Social Science-related reference books, (c) attending training, socializaion, seminar, workshop, and (d) sharing experiences. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui implementasi model pembelajaran IPS Terpadu di SMP Kota Surakarta; 2) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penghambat, dan 3) mengetahui upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh guru IPS dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme.Penelitian ini merupakan studi evaluasi dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Bentuk penelitian cenderung menggunakan studi kasus tunggal. Subyek penelitian, yaitu guru-guru IPS di SMP/MTs Kota Surakarta.Teknik dan alat pengumpul data yang digunakan, yaitu: wawancara, observasi, dan mencatat arsip serta dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) dalam implementasinya pembelajaran IPS di SMP/MTs masih terdapat banyak perbedaan. Ada yang melaksanakan pembelajaran IPS terpadu secara penuh, setengah terpadu, dan tidak terpadu; 2) hambatan yang dihadapi, antara lain: (a) kurang pemahaman/penguasaan terhadap materi di luar bidangnya; (b) kurangnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman model model pembelajaran IPS Terpadu; (c) kesulitan dalam menerapkan konsep pembelajaran IPS Terpadu;dan (d) sikap skeptis dari guru IPS itu sendiri; 3) upaya yang dilakukan guru IPS dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesionalnya, antara lain: (a) bertanya kepada guru IPS yang lain; (b) membaca bukubuku referensi tentang IPS; (c) mengikuti pelatihan, sosialisasi, workshop, seminar, semiloka; dan (d) berbagai (sharing) pengalaman
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